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//===-------------------- Syntax.swift - Syntax Protocol ------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import Foundation
/// A Syntax node represents a tree of nodes with tokens at the leaves.
/// Each node has accessors for its known children, and allows efficient
/// iteration over the children through its `children` property.
public class Syntax: CustomStringConvertible {
/// The type of sequence containing the indices of present children.
internal typealias PresentChildIndicesSequence =
/// The root of the tree this node is currently in.
internal let _root: SyntaxData
/// The data backing this node.
/// - note: This is unowned, because the reference to the root data keeps it
/// alive. This means there is an implicit relationship -- the data
/// property must be a descendent of the root. This relationship must
/// be preserved in all circumstances where Syntax nodes are created.
internal unowned var data: SyntaxData
func validate() {
// This is for subclasses to override to perform structural validation.
/// Creates a Syntax node from the provided root and data.
internal init(root: SyntaxData, data: SyntaxData) {
self._root = root = data
/// Access the raw syntax assuming the node is a Syntax.
var raw: RawSyntax {
return data.raw
/// An iterator over children of this node.
public var children: SyntaxChildren {
return SyntaxChildren(node: self)
/// Whether or not this node it marked as `present`.
public var isPresent: Bool {
return raw.presence == .present
/// Whether or not this node it marked as `missing`.
public var isMissing: Bool {
return raw.presence == .missing
/// Whether or not this node represents an Expression.
public var isExpr: Bool {
return raw.kind.isExpr
/// Whether or not this node represents a Declaration.
public var isDecl: Bool {
return raw.kind.isDecl
/// Whether or not this node represents a Statement.
public var isStmt: Bool {
return raw.kind.isStmt
/// Whether or not this node represents a Type.
public var isType: Bool {
return raw.kind.isType
/// Whether or not this node represents a Pattern.
public var isPattern: Bool {
return raw.kind.isPattern
/// The parent of this syntax node, or `nil` if this node is the root.
public var parent: Syntax? {
guard let parentData = data.parent else { return nil }
return Syntax.make(root: _root, data: parentData)
/// The index of this node in the parent's children.
public var indexInParent: Int {
return data.indexInParent
/// The root of the tree in which this node resides.
public var root: Syntax {
return Syntax.make(root: _root, data: _root)
/// The sequence of indices that correspond to child nodes that are not
/// missing.
/// This property is an implementation detail of `SyntaxChildren`.
internal var presentChildIndices: PresentChildIndicesSequence {
return raw.layout.indices.lazy.filter { self.raw.layout[$0].isPresent }
/// Gets the child at the provided index in this node's children.
/// - Parameter index: The index of the child node you're looking for.
/// - Returns: A Syntax node for the provided child, or `nil` if there
/// is not a child at that index in the node.
public func child(at index: Int) -> Syntax? {
guard raw.layout.indices.contains(index) else { return nil }
if raw.layout[index].isMissing { return nil }
return Syntax.make(root: _root, data: data.cachedChild(at: index))
/// A source-accurate description of this node.
public var description: String {
var s = ""
self.write(to: &s)
return s
extension Syntax: TextOutputStreamable {
/// Prints the raw value of this node to the provided stream.
/// - Parameter stream: The stream to which to print the raw tree.
public func write<Target>(to target: inout Target)
where Target: TextOutputStream {
data.raw.write(to: &target)
extension Syntax: Hashable {
/// Determines if two nodes are equal to each other.
public static func ==(lhs: Syntax, rhs: Syntax) -> Bool {
return lhs.hashValue == rhs.hashValue
/// Use reference value as the hashValue for this Syntax
public var hashValue: Int {
return ObjectIdentifier(data).hashValue
/// MARK: - Nodes
/// A Syntax node representing a single token.
public class TokenSyntax: Syntax {
/// The text of the token as written in the source code.
public var text: String {
return tokenKind.text
public func withKind(_ tokenKind: TokenKind) -> TokenSyntax {
guard case let .token(_, leadingTrivia, trailingTrivia, presence) = raw else {
fatalError("TokenSyntax must have token as its raw")
let (root, newData) = data.replacingSelf(.token(tokenKind, leadingTrivia,
trailingTrivia, presence))
return TokenSyntax(root: root, data: newData)
/// Returns a new TokenSyntax with its leading trivia replaced
/// by the provided trivia.
public func withLeadingTrivia(_ leadingTrivia: Trivia) -> TokenSyntax {
guard case let .token(kind, _, trailingTrivia, presence) = raw else {
fatalError("TokenSyntax must have token as its raw")
let (root, newData) = data.replacingSelf(.token(kind, leadingTrivia,
trailingTrivia, presence))
return TokenSyntax(root: root, data: newData)
/// Returns a new TokenSyntax with its trailing trivia replaced
/// by the provided trivia.
public func withTrailingTrivia(_ trailingTrivia: Trivia) -> TokenSyntax {
guard case let .token(kind, leadingTrivia, _, presence) = raw else {
fatalError("TokenSyntax must have token as its raw")
let (root, newData) = data.replacingSelf(.token(kind, leadingTrivia,
trailingTrivia, presence))
return TokenSyntax(root: root, data: newData)
/// Returns a new TokenSyntax with its leading trivia removed.
public func withoutLeadingTrivia() -> TokenSyntax {
return withLeadingTrivia([])
/// Returns a new TokenSyntax with its trailing trivia removed.
public func withoutTrailingTrivia() -> TokenSyntax {
return withTrailingTrivia([])
/// Returns a new TokenSyntax with all trivia removed.
public func withoutTrivia() -> TokenSyntax {
return withoutLeadingTrivia().withoutTrailingTrivia()
/// The leading trivia (spaces, newlines, etc.) associated with this token.
public var leadingTrivia: Trivia {
guard case .token(_, let leadingTrivia, _, _) = raw else {
fatalError("TokenSyntax must have token as its raw")
return leadingTrivia
/// The trailing trivia (spaces, newlines, etc.) associated with this token.
public var trailingTrivia: Trivia {
guard case .token(_, _, let trailingTrivia, _) = raw else {
fatalError("TokenSyntax must have token as its raw")
return trailingTrivia
/// The kind of token this node represents.
public var tokenKind: TokenKind {
guard case .token(let kind, _, _, _) = raw else {
fatalError("TokenSyntax must have token as its raw")
return kind