blob: 1b7544e97d9067d390b3942c82fad2cdd6df586b [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Demangler.cpp - String to Node-Tree Demangling -------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements new Swift de-mangler.
#include "swift/Demangling/Demangler.h"
#include "swift/Demangling/ManglingUtils.h"
#include "swift/Demangling/ManglingMacros.h"
#include "swift/Demangling/Punycode.h"
#include "swift/Strings.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace Mangle;
using swift::Demangle::FunctionSigSpecializationParamKind;
// Private utility functions //
namespace {
static bool isDeclName(Node::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Node::Kind::Identifier:
case Node::Kind::LocalDeclName:
case Node::Kind::PrivateDeclName:
case Node::Kind::PrefixOperator:
case Node::Kind::PostfixOperator:
case Node::Kind::InfixOperator:
return true;
return false;
static bool isContext(Node::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
#define NODE(ID)
#define CONTEXT_NODE(ID) \
case Node::Kind::ID:
#include "swift/Demangling/DemangleNodes.def"
return true;
return false;
static bool isAnyGeneric(Node::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Node::Kind::Structure:
case Node::Kind::Class:
case Node::Kind::Enum:
case Node::Kind::Protocol:
case Node::Kind::TypeAlias:
return true;
return false;
static bool isEntity(Node::Kind kind) {
// Also accepts some kind which are not entities.
if (kind == Node::Kind::Type)
return true;
return isContext(kind);
static bool isRequirement(Node::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Node::Kind::DependentGenericSameTypeRequirement:
case Node::Kind::DependentGenericLayoutRequirement:
case Node::Kind::DependentGenericConformanceRequirement:
return true;
return false;
static bool isFunctionAttr(Node::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case Node::Kind::FunctionSignatureSpecialization:
case Node::Kind::GenericSpecialization:
case Node::Kind::GenericSpecializationNotReAbstracted:
case Node::Kind::GenericPartialSpecialization:
case Node::Kind::GenericPartialSpecializationNotReAbstracted:
case Node::Kind::ObjCAttribute:
case Node::Kind::NonObjCAttribute:
case Node::Kind::DynamicAttribute:
case Node::Kind::DirectMethodReferenceAttribute:
case Node::Kind::VTableAttribute:
case Node::Kind::PartialApplyForwarder:
case Node::Kind::PartialApplyObjCForwarder:
case Node::Kind::OutlinedVariable:
case Node::Kind::OutlinedBridgedMethod:
case Node::Kind::MergedFunction:
return true;
return false;
} // anonymous namespace
// Public utility functions //
int swift::Demangle::getManglingPrefixLength(llvm::StringRef mangledName) {
if (mangledName.empty()) return 0;
// Check for the swift-4 prefix
if (mangledName.size() >= 3 && mangledName[0] == '_' &&
mangledName[1] == 'T' && mangledName[2] == '0')
return 3;
// Check for the swift > 4 prefix
unsigned Offset = (mangledName[0] == '_' ? 1 : 0);
if (mangledName.size() >= Offset + 1 &&
mangledName[Offset] == '$' && mangledName[Offset + 1] == 'S')
return Offset + 2;
return 0;
bool swift::Demangle::isSwiftSymbol(llvm::StringRef mangledName) {
if (isOldFunctionTypeMangling(mangledName))
return true;
return getManglingPrefixLength(mangledName) != 0;
bool swift::Demangle::isSwiftSymbol(const char *mangledName) {
StringRef mangledNameRef(mangledName, 4);
return isSwiftSymbol(mangledNameRef);
bool swift::Demangle::isOldFunctionTypeMangling(llvm::StringRef mangledName) {
return mangledName.size() >= 2 && mangledName[0] == '_' &&
mangledName[1] == 'T';
llvm::StringRef swift::Demangle::dropSwiftManglingPrefix(StringRef mangledName){
return mangledName.drop_front(getManglingPrefixLength(mangledName));
namespace swift {
namespace Demangle {
// Node member functions //
void Node::addChild(NodePointer Child, NodeFactory &Factory) {
assert(Child && "adding null child!");
if (NumChildren >= ReservedChildren)
Factory.Reallocate(Children, ReservedChildren, 1);
assert(NumChildren < ReservedChildren);
Children[NumChildren++] = Child;
void Node::removeChildAt(unsigned Pos, swift::Demangle::NodeFactory &factory) {
assert(Pos < NumChildren && "invalid child position!");
size_t Index = 0;
auto *NewChildren = factory.Allocate<NodePointer>(NumChildren - 1);
for (unsigned i = 0, n = NumChildren; i != n; ++i) {
auto Child = Children[i];
if (i != Pos) {
NewChildren[Index] = Child;
} else {
Children = NewChildren;
void Node::reverseChildren(size_t StartingAt) {
assert(StartingAt <= NumChildren);
std::reverse(Children + StartingAt, Children + NumChildren);
// NodeFactory member functions //
void NodeFactory::freeSlabs(Slab *slab) {
while (slab) {
Slab *prev = slab->Previous;
std::cerr << " free slab = " << slab << "\n";
slab = prev;
void NodeFactory::clear() {
if (CurrentSlab) {
// Recycle the last allocated slab.
// Note that the size of the last slab is at least as big as all previous
// slabs combined. Therefore it's not worth the effort of reusing all slabs.
// The slab size also stays the same. So at some point the demangling
// process converges to a single large slab across repeated demangle-clear
// cycles.
CurrentSlab->Previous = nullptr;
CurPtr = (char *)(CurrentSlab + 1);
assert(End == CurPtr + SlabSize);
NodePointer NodeFactory::createNode(Node::Kind K) {
return new (Allocate<Node>()) Node(K);
NodePointer NodeFactory::createNode(Node::Kind K, Node::IndexType Index) {
return new (Allocate<Node>()) Node(K, Index);
NodePointer NodeFactory::createNodeWithAllocatedText(Node::Kind K,
llvm::StringRef Text) {
return new (Allocate<Node>()) Node(K, Text);
NodePointer NodeFactory::createNode(Node::Kind K, const CharVector &Text) {
return createNodeWithAllocatedText(K, Text.str());
NodePointer NodeFactory::createNode(Node::Kind K, const char *Text) {
return new (Allocate<Node>()) Node(K, llvm::StringRef(Text));
// CharVector member functions //
void CharVector::append(StringRef Rhs, NodeFactory &Factory) {
if (NumElems + Rhs.size() > Capacity)
Factory.Reallocate(Elems, Capacity, /*Growth*/ Rhs.size());
memcpy(Elems + NumElems,, Rhs.size());
NumElems += Rhs.size();
assert(NumElems <= Capacity);
void CharVector::append(int Number, NodeFactory &Factory) {
const int MaxIntPrintSize = 8;
if (NumElems + MaxIntPrintSize > Capacity)
Factory.Reallocate(Elems, Capacity, /*Growth*/ MaxIntPrintSize);
int Length = snprintf(Elems + NumElems, MaxIntPrintSize, "%d", Number);
assert(Length > 0 && Length < MaxIntPrintSize);
NumElems += Length;
// Demangler member functions //
void Demangler::clear() {;;;
void Demangler::init(StringRef MangledName) {
NodeStack.init(*this, 16);
Substitutions.init(*this, 16);
PendingSubstitutions.init(*this, 4);
NumWords = 0;
Text = MangledName;
Pos = 0;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleSymbol(StringRef MangledName) {
// Demangle old-style class and protocol names, which are still used in the
// ObjC metadata.
if (nextIf("_Tt"))
return demangleObjCTypeName();
unsigned PrefixLength = getManglingPrefixLength(MangledName);
if (PrefixLength == 0)
return nullptr;
IsOldFunctionTypeMangling = isOldFunctionTypeMangling(MangledName);
Pos += PrefixLength;
// If any other prefixes are accepted, please update Mangler::verify.
if (!parseAndPushNodes())
return nullptr;
NodePointer topLevel = createNode(Node::Kind::Global);
NodePointer Parent = topLevel;
while (NodePointer FuncAttr = popNode(isFunctionAttr)) {
Parent->addChild(FuncAttr, *this);
if (FuncAttr->getKind() == Node::Kind::PartialApplyForwarder ||
FuncAttr->getKind() == Node::Kind::PartialApplyObjCForwarder)
Parent = FuncAttr;
for (Node *Nd : NodeStack) {
switch (Nd->getKind()) {
case Node::Kind::Type:
Parent->addChild(Nd->getFirstChild(), *this);
Parent->addChild(Nd, *this);
if (topLevel->getNumChildren() == 0)
return nullptr;
return topLevel;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleType(StringRef MangledName) {
if (NodePointer Result = popNode())
return Result;
return createNode(Node::Kind::Suffix, Text);
bool Demangler::parseAndPushNodes() {
int Idx = 0;
while (Pos < Text.size()) {
NodePointer Node = demangleOperator();
if (!Node)
return false;
return true;
NodePointer Demangler::addChild(NodePointer Parent, NodePointer Child) {
if (!Parent || !Child)
return nullptr;
Parent->addChild(Child, *this);
return Parent;
NodePointer Demangler::createWithChild(Node::Kind kind,
NodePointer Child) {
if (!Child)
return nullptr;
NodePointer Nd = createNode(kind);
Nd->addChild(Child, *this);
return Nd;
NodePointer Demangler::createType(NodePointer Child) {
return createWithChild(Node::Kind::Type, Child);
NodePointer Demangler::Demangler::createWithChildren(Node::Kind kind,
NodePointer Child1, NodePointer Child2) {
if (!Child1 || !Child2)
return nullptr;
NodePointer Nd = createNode(kind);
Nd->addChild(Child1, *this);
Nd->addChild(Child2, *this);
return Nd;
NodePointer Demangler::createWithChildren(Node::Kind kind,
NodePointer Child1,
NodePointer Child2,
NodePointer Child3) {
if (!Child1 || !Child2 || !Child3)
return nullptr;
NodePointer Nd = createNode(kind);
Nd->addChild(Child1, *this);
Nd->addChild(Child2, *this);
Nd->addChild(Child3, *this);
return Nd;
NodePointer Demangler::createWithChildren(Node::Kind kind, NodePointer Child1,
NodePointer Child2,
NodePointer Child3,
NodePointer Child4) {
if (!Child1 || !Child2 || !Child3 || !Child4)
return nullptr;
NodePointer Nd = createNode(kind);
Nd->addChild(Child1, *this);
Nd->addChild(Child2, *this);
Nd->addChild(Child3, *this);
Nd->addChild(Child4, *this);
return Nd;
NodePointer Demangler::changeKind(NodePointer Node, Node::Kind NewKind) {
if (!Node)
return nullptr;
NodePointer NewNode = nullptr;
if (Node->hasText()) {
NewNode = createNodeWithAllocatedText(NewKind, Node->getText());
} else if (Node->hasIndex()) {
NewNode = createNode(NewKind, Node->getIndex());
} else {
NewNode = createNode(NewKind);
for (NodePointer Child : *Node) {
NewNode->addChild(Child, *this);
return NewNode;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleTypeMangling() {
auto Type = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
auto LabelList = popFunctionParamLabels(Type);
auto TypeMangling = createNode(Node::Kind::TypeMangling);
addChild(TypeMangling, LabelList);
TypeMangling = addChild(TypeMangling, Type);
return TypeMangling;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleOperator() {
switch (char c = nextChar()) {
case 'A': return demangleMultiSubstitutions();
case 'B': return demangleBuiltinType();
case 'C': return demangleAnyGenericType(Node::Kind::Class);
case 'D': return demangleTypeMangling();
case 'E': return demangleExtensionContext();
case 'F': return demanglePlainFunction();
case 'G': return demangleBoundGenericType();
case 'I': return demangleImplFunctionType();
case 'K': return createNode(Node::Kind::ThrowsAnnotation);
case 'L': return demangleLocalIdentifier();
case 'M': return demangleMetatype();
case 'N': return createWithChild(Node::Kind::TypeMetadata,
case 'O': return demangleAnyGenericType(Node::Kind::Enum);
case 'P': return demangleAnyGenericType(Node::Kind::Protocol);
case 'Q': return demangleArchetype();
case 'R': return demangleGenericRequirement();
case 'S': return demangleStandardSubstitution();
case 'T': return demangleThunkOrSpecialization();
case 'V': return demangleAnyGenericType(Node::Kind::Structure);
case 'W': return demangleWitness();
case 'X': return demangleSpecialType();
case 'Z': return createWithChild(Node::Kind::Static, popNode(isEntity));
case 'a': return demangleAnyGenericType(Node::Kind::TypeAlias);
case 'c': return popFunctionType(Node::Kind::FunctionType);
case 'd': return createNode(Node::Kind::VariadicMarker);
case 'f': return demangleFunctionEntity();
case 'h': return createType(createWithChild(Node::Kind::Shared,
case 'i': return demangleSubscript();
case 'l': return demangleGenericSignature(/*hasParamCounts*/ false);
case 'm': return createType(createWithChild(Node::Kind::Metatype,
case 'o': return demangleOperatorIdentifier();
case 'p': return demangleProtocolListType();
case 'q': return createType(demangleGenericParamIndex());
case 'r': return demangleGenericSignature(/*hasParamCounts*/ true);
case 's': return createNode(Node::Kind::Module, STDLIB_NAME);
case 't': return popTuple();
case 'u': return demangleGenericType();
case 'v': return demangleVariable();
case 'w': return demangleValueWitness();
case 'x': return createType(getDependentGenericParamType(0, 0));
case 'y': return createNode(Node::Kind::EmptyList);
case 'z': return createType(createWithChild(Node::Kind::InOut,
case '_': return createNode(Node::Kind::FirstElementMarker);
case '.':
// IRGen still uses '.<n>' to disambiguate partial apply thunks and
// outlined copy functions. We treat such a suffix as "unmangled suffix".
return createNode(Node::Kind::Suffix, consumeAll());
return demangleIdentifier();
int Demangler::demangleNatural() {
if (!isDigit(peekChar()))
return -1000;
int num = 0;
while (true) {
char c = peekChar();
if (!isDigit(c))
return num;
int newNum = (10 * num) + (c - '0');
if (newNum < num)
return -1000;
num = newNum;
int Demangler::demangleIndex() {
if (nextIf('_'))
return 0;
int num = demangleNatural();
if (num >= 0 && nextIf('_'))
return num + 1;
return -1000;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleIndexAsNode() {
int Idx = demangleIndex();
if (Idx >= 0)
return createNode(Node::Kind::Number, Idx);
return nullptr;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleMultiSubstitutions() {
int RepeatCount = -1;
while (true) {
char c = nextChar();
if (c == 0) {
// End of text.
return nullptr;
if (isLowerLetter(c)) {
// It's a substitution with an index < 26.
NodePointer Nd = pushMultiSubstitutions(RepeatCount, c - 'a');
if (!Nd)
return nullptr;
RepeatCount = -1;
// A lowercase letter indicates that there are more substitutions to
// follow.
if (isUpperLetter(c)) {
// The last substitution.
return pushMultiSubstitutions(RepeatCount, c - 'A');
if (c == '_') {
// The previously demangled number is actually not a repeat count but
// the large (> 26) index of a substitution. Because it's an index we
// have to add 27 and not 26.
unsigned Idx = RepeatCount + 27;
if (Idx >= Substitutions.size())
return nullptr;
return Substitutions[Idx];
// Not a letter? Then it can only be a natural number which might be the
// repeat count or a large (> 26) substitution index.
RepeatCount = demangleNatural();
if (RepeatCount < 0)
return nullptr;
NodePointer Demangler::pushMultiSubstitutions(int RepeatCount,
size_t SubstIdx) {
if (SubstIdx >= Substitutions.size())
return nullptr;
if (RepeatCount > SubstitutionMerging::MaxRepeatCount)
return nullptr;
NodePointer Nd = Substitutions[SubstIdx];
while (RepeatCount-- > 1) {
return Nd;
NodePointer Demangler::createSwiftType(Node::Kind typeKind, const char *name) {
return createType(createWithChildren(typeKind,
createNode(Node::Kind::Module, STDLIB_NAME),
createNode(Node::Kind::Identifier, name)));
NodePointer Demangler::demangleStandardSubstitution() {
switch (char c = nextChar()) {
case 'o':
return createNode(Node::Kind::Module, MANGLING_MODULE_OBJC);
case 'C':
return createNode(Node::Kind::Module, MANGLING_MODULE_CLANG_IMPORTER);
case 'g': {
NodePointer OptionalTy =
createSwiftType(Node::Kind::Enum, "Optional"),
createWithChild(Node::Kind::TypeList, popNode(Node::Kind::Type))));
return OptionalTy;
default: {
int RepeatCount = demangleNatural();
if (RepeatCount > SubstitutionMerging::MaxRepeatCount)
return nullptr;
if (NodePointer Nd = createStandardSubstitution(nextChar())) {
while (RepeatCount-- > 1) {
return Nd;
return nullptr;
NodePointer Demangler::createStandardSubstitution(char Subst) {
if (Subst == #MANGLING[0]) { \
return createSwiftType(Node::Kind::KIND, #TYPENAME); \
#include "swift/Demangling/StandardTypesMangling.def"
return nullptr;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleIdentifier() {
bool hasWordSubsts = false;
bool isPunycoded = false;
char c = peekChar();
if (!isDigit(c))
return nullptr;
if (c == '0') {
if (peekChar() == '0') {
isPunycoded = true;
} else {
hasWordSubsts = true;
CharVector Identifier;
do {
while (hasWordSubsts && isLetter(peekChar())) {
char c = nextChar();
int WordIdx = 0;
if (isLowerLetter(c)) {
WordIdx = c - 'a';
} else {
WordIdx = c - 'A';
hasWordSubsts = false;
if (WordIdx >= NumWords)
return nullptr;
assert(WordIdx < MaxNumWords);
StringRef Slice = Words[WordIdx];
Identifier.append(Slice, *this);
if (nextIf('0'))
int numChars = demangleNatural();
if (numChars <= 0)
return nullptr;
if (isPunycoded)
if (Pos + numChars > Text.size())
return nullptr;
StringRef Slice = StringRef( + Pos, numChars);
if (isPunycoded) {
std::string PunycodedString;
if (!Punycode::decodePunycodeUTF8(Slice, PunycodedString))
return nullptr;
Identifier.append(StringRef(PunycodedString), *this);
} else {
Identifier.append(Slice, *this);
int wordStartPos = -1;
for (int Idx = 0, End = (int)Slice.size(); Idx <= End; ++Idx) {
char c = (Idx < End ? Slice[Idx] : 0);
if (wordStartPos >= 0 && isWordEnd(c, Slice[Idx - 1])) {
if (Idx - wordStartPos >= 2 && NumWords < MaxNumWords) {
StringRef word(Slice.begin() + wordStartPos, Idx - wordStartPos);
Words[NumWords++] = word;
wordStartPos = -1;
if (wordStartPos < 0 && isWordStart(c)) {
wordStartPos = Idx;
Pos += numChars;
} while (hasWordSubsts);
if (Identifier.empty())
return nullptr;
NodePointer Ident = createNode(Node::Kind::Identifier, Identifier);
return Ident;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleOperatorIdentifier() {
NodePointer Ident = popNode(Node::Kind::Identifier);
if (!Ident)
return nullptr;
static const char op_char_table[] = "& @/= > <*!|+?%-~ ^ .";
CharVector OpStr;
for (signed char c : Ident->getText()) {
if (c < 0) {
// Pass through Unicode characters.
OpStr.push_back(c, *this);
if (!isLowerLetter(c))
return nullptr;
char o = op_char_table[c - 'a'];
if (o == ' ')
return nullptr;
OpStr.push_back(o, *this);
switch (nextChar()) {
case 'i': return createNode(Node::Kind::InfixOperator, OpStr);
case 'p': return createNode(Node::Kind::PrefixOperator, OpStr);
case 'P': return createNode(Node::Kind::PostfixOperator, OpStr);
default: return nullptr;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleLocalIdentifier() {
if (nextIf('L')) {
NodePointer discriminator = popNode(Node::Kind::Identifier);
NodePointer name = popNode(isDeclName);
return createWithChildren(Node::Kind::PrivateDeclName, discriminator, name);
if (nextIf('l')) {
NodePointer discriminator = popNode(Node::Kind::Identifier);
return createWithChild(Node::Kind::PrivateDeclName, discriminator);
NodePointer discriminator = demangleIndexAsNode();
NodePointer name = popNode(isDeclName);
return createWithChildren(Node::Kind::LocalDeclName, discriminator, name);
NodePointer Demangler::popModule() {
if (NodePointer Ident = popNode(Node::Kind::Identifier))
return changeKind(Ident, Node::Kind::Module);
return popNode(Node::Kind::Module);
NodePointer Demangler::popContext() {
if (NodePointer Mod = popModule())
return Mod;
if (NodePointer Ty = popNode(Node::Kind::Type)) {
if (Ty->getNumChildren() != 1)
return nullptr;
NodePointer Child = Ty->getFirstChild();
if (!isContext(Child->getKind()))
return nullptr;
return Child;
return popNode(isContext);
NodePointer Demangler::popTypeAndGetChild() {
NodePointer Ty = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
if (!Ty || Ty->getNumChildren() != 1)
return nullptr;
return Ty->getFirstChild();
NodePointer Demangler::popTypeAndGetAnyGeneric() {
NodePointer Child = popTypeAndGetChild();
if (Child && isAnyGeneric(Child->getKind()))
return Child;
return nullptr;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleBuiltinType() {
NodePointer Ty = nullptr;
switch (nextChar()) {
case 'b':
Ty = createNode(Node::Kind::BuiltinTypeName,
case 'B':
Ty = createNode(Node::Kind::BuiltinTypeName,
case 'f': {
int size = demangleIndex() - 1;
if (size <= 0)
return nullptr;
CharVector name;
name.append("Builtin.Float", *this);
name.append(size, *this);
Ty = createNode(Node::Kind::BuiltinTypeName, name);
case 'i': {
int size = demangleIndex() - 1;
if (size <= 0)
return nullptr;
CharVector name;
name.append("Builtin.Int", *this);
name.append(size, *this);
Ty = createNode(Node::Kind::BuiltinTypeName, name);
case 'v': {
int elts = demangleIndex() - 1;
if (elts <= 0)
return nullptr;
NodePointer EltType = popTypeAndGetChild();
if (!EltType || EltType->getKind() != Node::Kind::BuiltinTypeName ||
return nullptr;
CharVector name;
name.append("Builtin.Vec", *this);
name.append(elts, *this);
name.push_back('x', *this);
name.append(EltType->getText().substr(sizeof("Builtin.") - 1), *this);
Ty = createNode(Node::Kind::BuiltinTypeName, name);
case 'O':
Ty = createNode(Node::Kind::BuiltinTypeName,
case 'o':
Ty = createNode(Node::Kind::BuiltinTypeName,
case 'p':
Ty = createNode(Node::Kind::BuiltinTypeName,
case 't':
Ty = createNode(Node::Kind::BuiltinTypeName, "Builtin.SILToken");
case 'w':
Ty = createNode(Node::Kind::BuiltinTypeName,
return nullptr;
return createType(Ty);
NodePointer Demangler::demangleAnyGenericType(Node::Kind kind) {
NodePointer Name = popNode(isDeclName);
NodePointer Ctx = popContext();
NodePointer NTy = createType(createWithChildren(kind, Ctx, Name));
return NTy;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleExtensionContext() {
NodePointer GenSig = popNode(Node::Kind::DependentGenericSignature);
NodePointer Module = popModule();
NodePointer Type = popTypeAndGetAnyGeneric();
NodePointer Ext = createWithChildren(Node::Kind::Extension, Module, Type);
if (GenSig)
Ext = addChild(Ext, GenSig);
return Ext;
NodePointer Demangler::demanglePlainFunction() {
NodePointer GenSig = popNode(Node::Kind::DependentGenericSignature);
NodePointer Type = popFunctionType(Node::Kind::FunctionType);
NodePointer LabelList = popFunctionParamLabels(Type);
if (GenSig) {
Type = createType(createWithChildren(Node::Kind::DependentGenericType,
GenSig, Type));
auto Name = popNode(isDeclName);
auto Ctx = popContext();
if (LabelList)
return createWithChildren(Node::Kind::Function, Ctx, Name, LabelList, Type);
return createWithChildren(Node::Kind::Function, Ctx, Name, Type);
NodePointer Demangler::popFunctionType(Node::Kind kind) {
NodePointer FuncType = createNode(kind);
addChild(FuncType, popNode(Node::Kind::ThrowsAnnotation));
FuncType = addChild(FuncType, popFunctionParams(Node::Kind::ArgumentTuple));
FuncType = addChild(FuncType, popFunctionParams(Node::Kind::ReturnType));
return createType(FuncType);
NodePointer Demangler::popFunctionParams(Node::Kind kind) {
NodePointer ParamsType = nullptr;
if (popNode(Node::Kind::EmptyList)) {
ParamsType = createType(createNode(Node::Kind::Tuple));
} else {
ParamsType = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
NodePointer Node = nullptr;
// Store the number of parameters in the argument tuple
// node to make it easier to reach it, see `popFunctionParamLabels`.
if (ParamsType && kind == Node::Kind::ArgumentTuple) {
auto Params = ParamsType->getFirstChild();
Node::IndexType NumParams =
Params->getKind() == Node::Kind::Tuple ? Params->getNumChildren() : 1;
Node = createNode(kind, NumParams);
} else {
Node = createNode(kind);
return addChild(Node, ParamsType);
NodePointer Demangler::popFunctionParamLabels(NodePointer Type) {
if (!IsOldFunctionTypeMangling && popNode(Node::Kind::EmptyList))
return createNode(Node::Kind::LabelList);
if (!Type || Type->getKind() != Node::Kind::Type)
return nullptr;
auto FuncType = Type->getFirstChild();
if (FuncType->getKind() == Node::Kind::DependentGenericType)
FuncType = FuncType->getChild(1)->getFirstChild();
if (FuncType->getKind() != Node::Kind::FunctionType)
return nullptr;
auto ParameterType = FuncType->getFirstChild();
if (ParameterType->getKind() == Node::Kind::ThrowsAnnotation)
ParameterType = FuncType->getChild(1);
assert(ParameterType->getKind() == Node::Kind::ArgumentTuple);
if (ParameterType->getIndex() == 0)
return nullptr;
auto getChildIf =
[](NodePointer Node,
Node::Kind filterBy) -> std::pair<NodePointer, unsigned> {
for (unsigned i = 0, n = Node->getNumChildren(); i != n; ++i) {
auto Child = Node->getChild(i);
if (Child->getKind() == filterBy)
return {Child, i};
return {nullptr, 0};
auto getLabel = [&](NodePointer Params, unsigned Idx) -> NodePointer {
// Old-style function type mangling has labels as part of the argument.
if (IsOldFunctionTypeMangling) {
auto Param = Params->getChild(Idx);
auto Label = getChildIf(Param, Node::Kind::TupleElementName);
if (Label.first) {
Param->removeChildAt(Label.second, *this);
return createNodeWithAllocatedText(Node::Kind::Identifier,
return createNode(Node::Kind::FirstElementMarker);
return popNode();
auto LabelList = createNode(Node::Kind::LabelList);
auto Tuple = ParameterType->getFirstChild()->getFirstChild();
if (IsOldFunctionTypeMangling &&
(!Tuple || Tuple->getKind() != Node::Kind::Tuple))
return LabelList;
bool hasLabels = false;
for (unsigned i = 0, n = ParameterType->getIndex(); i != n; ++i) {
auto Label = getLabel(Tuple, i);
if (!Label)
return nullptr;
if (Label->getKind() != Node::Kind::Identifier &&
Label->getKind() != Node::Kind::FirstElementMarker)
return nullptr;
LabelList->addChild(Label, *this);
hasLabels |= Label->getKind() != Node::Kind::FirstElementMarker;
// Old style label mangling can produce label list without
// actual labels, we need to support that case specifically.
if (!hasLabels)
return createNode(Node::Kind::LabelList);
if (!IsOldFunctionTypeMangling)
return LabelList;
NodePointer Demangler::popTuple() {
NodePointer Root = createNode(Node::Kind::Tuple);
if (!popNode(Node::Kind::EmptyList)) {
bool firstElem = false;
do {
firstElem = (popNode(Node::Kind::FirstElementMarker) != nullptr);
NodePointer TupleElmt = createNode(Node::Kind::TupleElement);
addChild(TupleElmt, popNode(Node::Kind::VariadicMarker));
if (NodePointer Ident = popNode(Node::Kind::Identifier)) {
Node::Kind::TupleElementName, Ident->getText()),
NodePointer Ty = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
if (!Ty)
return nullptr;
TupleElmt->addChild(Ty, *this);
Root->addChild(TupleElmt, *this);
} while (!firstElem);
return createType(Root);
NodePointer Demangler::popTypeList() {
NodePointer Root = createNode(Node::Kind::TypeList);
if (!popNode(Node::Kind::EmptyList)) {
bool firstElem = false;
do {
firstElem = (popNode(Node::Kind::FirstElementMarker) != nullptr);
NodePointer Ty = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
if (!Ty)
return nullptr;
Root->addChild(Ty, *this);
} while (!firstElem);
return Root;
NodePointer Demangler::popProtocol() {
NodePointer Name = popNode(isDeclName);
NodePointer Ctx = popContext();
NodePointer Proto = createWithChildren(Node::Kind::Protocol, Ctx, Name);
return createType(Proto);
NodePointer Demangler::demangleBoundGenericType() {
Vector<NodePointer> TypeListList(*this, 4);
for (;;) {
NodePointer TList = createNode(Node::Kind::TypeList);
TypeListList.push_back(TList, *this);
while (NodePointer Ty = popNode(Node::Kind::Type)) {
TList->addChild(Ty, *this);
if (popNode(Node::Kind::EmptyList))
if (!popNode(Node::Kind::FirstElementMarker))
return nullptr;
NodePointer Nominal = popTypeAndGetAnyGeneric();
NodePointer NTy = createType(demangleBoundGenericArgs(Nominal, TypeListList, 0));
return NTy;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleBoundGenericArgs(NodePointer Nominal,
const Vector<NodePointer> &TypeLists,
size_t TypeListIdx) {
if (!Nominal || Nominal->getNumChildren() < 2)
return nullptr;
if (TypeListIdx >= TypeLists.size())
return nullptr;
NodePointer args = TypeLists[TypeListIdx++];
// Generic arguments for the outermost type come first.
NodePointer Context = Nominal->getFirstChild();
if (TypeListIdx < TypeLists.size()) {
NodePointer BoundParent = nullptr;
if (Context->getKind() == Node::Kind::Extension) {
BoundParent = demangleBoundGenericArgs(Context->getChild(1), TypeLists,
BoundParent = createWithChildren(Node::Kind::Extension,
if (Context->getNumChildren() == 3) {
// Add the generic signature of the extension context.
addChild(BoundParent, Context->getChild(2));
} else {
BoundParent = demangleBoundGenericArgs(Context, TypeLists, TypeListIdx);
// Rebuild this type with the new parent type, which may have
// had its generic arguments applied.
Nominal = createWithChildren(Nominal->getKind(), BoundParent,
if (!Nominal)
return nullptr;
// If there were no arguments at this level there is nothing left
// to do.
if (args->getNumChildren() == 0)
return Nominal;
Node::Kind kind;
switch (Nominal->getKind()) {
case Node::Kind::Class:
kind = Node::Kind::BoundGenericClass;
case Node::Kind::Structure:
kind = Node::Kind::BoundGenericStructure;
case Node::Kind::Enum:
kind = Node::Kind::BoundGenericEnum;
return nullptr;
return createWithChildren(kind, createType(Nominal), args);
NodePointer Demangler::demangleImplParamConvention() {
const char *attr = nullptr;
switch (nextChar()) {
case 'i': attr = "@in"; break;
case 'c':
attr = "@in_constant";
case 'l': attr = "@inout"; break;
case 'b': attr = "@inout_aliasable"; break;
case 'n': attr = "@in_guaranteed"; break;
case 'x': attr = "@owned"; break;
case 'g': attr = "@guaranteed"; break;
case 'e': attr = "@deallocating"; break;
case 'y': attr = "@unowned"; break;
return nullptr;
return createWithChild(Node::Kind::ImplParameter,
createNode(Node::Kind::ImplConvention, attr));
NodePointer Demangler::demangleImplResultConvention(Node::Kind ConvKind) {
const char *attr = nullptr;
switch (nextChar()) {
case 'r': attr = "@out"; break;
case 'o': attr = "@owned"; break;
case 'd': attr = "@unowned"; break;
case 'u': attr = "@unowned_inner_pointer"; break;
case 'a': attr = "@autoreleased"; break;
return nullptr;
return createWithChild(ConvKind,
createNode(Node::Kind::ImplConvention, attr));
NodePointer Demangler::demangleImplFunctionType() {
NodePointer type = createNode(Node::Kind::ImplFunctionType);
NodePointer GenSig = popNode(Node::Kind::DependentGenericSignature);
if (GenSig && nextIf('P'))
GenSig = changeKind(GenSig, Node::Kind::DependentPseudogenericSignature);
if (nextIf('e'))
type->addChild(createNode(Node::Kind::ImplEscaping), *this);
const char *CAttr = nullptr;
switch (nextChar()) {
case 'y': CAttr = "@callee_unowned"; break;
case 'g': CAttr = "@callee_guaranteed"; break;
case 'x': CAttr = "@callee_owned"; break;
case 't': CAttr = "@convention(thin)"; break;
default: return nullptr;
type->addChild(createNode(Node::Kind::ImplConvention, CAttr), *this);
const char *FAttr = nullptr;
switch (nextChar()) {
case 'B': FAttr = "@convention(block)"; break;
case 'C': FAttr = "@convention(c)"; break;
case 'M': FAttr = "@convention(method)"; break;
case 'O': FAttr = "@convention(objc_method)"; break;
case 'K': FAttr = "@convention(closure)"; break;
case 'W': FAttr = "@convention(witness_method)"; break;
if (FAttr)
type->addChild(createNode(Node::Kind::ImplFunctionAttribute, FAttr), *this);
addChild(type, GenSig);
int NumTypesToAdd = 0;
while (NodePointer Param = demangleImplParamConvention()) {
type = addChild(type, Param);
while (NodePointer Result = demangleImplResultConvention(
Node::Kind::ImplResult)) {
type = addChild(type, Result);
if (nextIf('z')) {
NodePointer ErrorResult = demangleImplResultConvention(
if (!ErrorResult)
return nullptr;
type = addChild(type, ErrorResult);
if (!nextIf('_'))
return nullptr;
for (int Idx = 0; Idx < NumTypesToAdd; ++Idx) {
NodePointer ConvTy = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
if (!ConvTy)
return nullptr;
type->getChild(type->getNumChildren() - Idx - 1)->addChild(ConvTy, *this);
return createType(type);
NodePointer Demangler::demangleMetatype() {
switch (nextChar()) {
case 'f':
return createWithPoppedType(Node::Kind::FullTypeMetadata);
case 'P':
return createWithPoppedType(Node::Kind::GenericTypeMetadataPattern);
case 'a':
return createWithPoppedType(Node::Kind::TypeMetadataAccessFunction);
case 'L':
return createWithPoppedType(Node::Kind::TypeMetadataLazyCache);
case 'm':
return createWithPoppedType(Node::Kind::Metaclass);
case 'n':
return createWithPoppedType(Node::Kind::NominalTypeDescriptor);
case 'o':
return createWithPoppedType(Node::Kind::ClassMetadataBaseOffset);
case 'p':
return createWithChild(Node::Kind::ProtocolDescriptor, popProtocol());
case 'B':
return createWithChild(Node::Kind::ReflectionMetadataBuiltinDescriptor,
case 'F':
return createWithChild(Node::Kind::ReflectionMetadataFieldDescriptor,
case 'A':
return createWithChild(Node::Kind::ReflectionMetadataAssocTypeDescriptor,
case 'C': {
NodePointer Ty = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
if (!Ty || !isAnyGeneric(Ty->getChild(0)->getKind()))
return nullptr;
return createWithChild(Node::Kind::ReflectionMetadataSuperclassDescriptor,
return nullptr;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleArchetype() {
switch (nextChar()) {
case 'a': {
NodePointer Ident = popNode(Node::Kind::Identifier);
NodePointer ArcheTy = popTypeAndGetChild();
NodePointer AssocTy = createType(
createWithChildren(Node::Kind::AssociatedTypeRef, ArcheTy, Ident));
return AssocTy;
case 'q': {
NodePointer Idx = demangleIndexAsNode();
NodePointer Ctx = popContext();
NodePointer DeclCtx = createWithChild(Node::Kind::DeclContext, Ctx);
return createType(createWithChildren(Node::Kind::QualifiedArchetype,
Idx, DeclCtx));
case 'y': {
NodePointer T = demangleAssociatedTypeSimple(demangleGenericParamIndex());
return T;
case 'z': {
NodePointer T = demangleAssociatedTypeSimple(getDependentGenericParamType(0, 0));
return T;
case 'Y': {
NodePointer T = demangleAssociatedTypeCompound(demangleGenericParamIndex());
return T;
case 'Z': {
NodePointer T = demangleAssociatedTypeCompound(getDependentGenericParamType(0, 0));
return T;
return nullptr;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleAssociatedTypeSimple(
NodePointer GenericParamIdx) {
NodePointer GPI = createType(GenericParamIdx);
NodePointer ATName = popAssocTypeName();
return createType(createWithChildren(Node::Kind::DependentMemberType,
GPI, ATName));
NodePointer Demangler::demangleAssociatedTypeCompound(
NodePointer GenericParamIdx) {
Vector<NodePointer> AssocTyNames(*this, 4);
bool firstElem = false;
do {
firstElem = (popNode(Node::Kind::FirstElementMarker) != nullptr);
NodePointer AssocTyName = popAssocTypeName();
if (!AssocTyName)
return nullptr;
AssocTyNames.push_back(AssocTyName, *this);
} while (!firstElem);
NodePointer Base = GenericParamIdx;
while (NodePointer AssocTy = AssocTyNames.pop_back_val()) {
NodePointer depTy = createNode(Node::Kind::DependentMemberType);
depTy = addChild(depTy, createType(Base));
Base = addChild(depTy, AssocTy);
return createType(Base);
NodePointer Demangler::popAssocTypeName() {
NodePointer Proto = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
if (Proto && Proto->getFirstChild()->getKind() != Node::Kind::Protocol)
return nullptr;
NodePointer Id = popNode(Node::Kind::Identifier);
NodePointer AssocTy = changeKind(Id, Node::Kind::DependentAssociatedTypeRef);
addChild(AssocTy, Proto);
return AssocTy;
NodePointer Demangler::getDependentGenericParamType(int depth, int index) {
if (depth < 0 || index < 0)
return nullptr;
CharVector name;
int idxChar = index;
do {
name.push_back((char)('A' + (idxChar % 26)), *this);
idxChar /= 26;
} while (idxChar);
if (depth != 0)
name.append(depth, *this);
auto paramTy = createNode(Node::Kind::DependentGenericParamType, name);
paramTy->addChild(createNode(Node::Kind::Index, depth), *this);
paramTy->addChild(createNode(Node::Kind::Index, index), *this);
return paramTy;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleGenericParamIndex() {
if (nextIf('d')) {
int depth = demangleIndex() + 1;
int index = demangleIndex();
return getDependentGenericParamType(depth, index);
if (nextIf('z')) {
return getDependentGenericParamType(0, 0);
return getDependentGenericParamType(0, demangleIndex() + 1);
NodePointer Demangler::popProtocolConformance() {
NodePointer GenSig = popNode(Node::Kind::DependentGenericSignature);
NodePointer Module = popModule();
NodePointer Proto = popProtocol();
NodePointer Type = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
NodePointer Ident = nullptr;
if (!Type) {
// Property behavior conformance
Ident = popNode(Node::Kind::Identifier);
Type = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
if (GenSig) {
Type = createType(createWithChildren(Node::Kind::DependentGenericType,
GenSig, Type));
NodePointer Conf = createWithChildren(Node::Kind::ProtocolConformance,
Type, Proto, Module);
addChild(Conf, Ident);
return Conf;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleThunkOrSpecialization() {
switch (char c = nextChar()) {
case 'c': return createWithChild(Node::Kind::CurryThunk, popNode(isEntity));
case 'j': return createWithChild(Node::Kind::DispatchThunk, popNode(isEntity));
case 'o': return createNode(Node::Kind::ObjCAttribute);
case 'O': return createNode(Node::Kind::NonObjCAttribute);
case 'D': return createNode(Node::Kind::DynamicAttribute);
case 'd': return createNode(Node::Kind::DirectMethodReferenceAttribute);
case 'a': return createNode(Node::Kind::PartialApplyObjCForwarder);
case 'A': return createNode(Node::Kind::PartialApplyForwarder);
case 'm': return createNode(Node::Kind::MergedFunction);
case 'C': {
NodePointer type = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
return createWithChild(Node::Kind::CoroutineContinuationPrototype, type);
case 'V': {
NodePointer Base = popNode(isEntity);
NodePointer Derived = popNode(isEntity);
return createWithChildren(Node::Kind::VTableThunk, Derived, Base);
case 'W': {
NodePointer Entity = popNode(isEntity);
NodePointer Conf = popProtocolConformance();
return createWithChildren(Node::Kind::ProtocolWitness, Conf, Entity);
case 'R':
case 'r': {
NodePointer Thunk = createNode(c == 'R' ?
Node::Kind::ReabstractionThunkHelper :
if (NodePointer GenSig = popNode(Node::Kind::DependentGenericSignature))
addChild(Thunk, GenSig);
NodePointer Ty2 = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
Thunk = addChild(Thunk, popNode(Node::Kind::Type));
return addChild(Thunk, Ty2);
return demangleGenericSpecialization(Node::Kind::GenericSpecialization);
return demangleGenericSpecialization(Node::Kind::
case'p': {
NodePointer Spec = demangleSpecAttributes(Node::Kind::
NodePointer Param = createWithChild(Node::Kind::GenericSpecializationParam,
return addChild(Spec, Param);
case'P': {
NodePointer Spec = demangleSpecAttributes(Node::Kind::
NodePointer Param = createWithChild(Node::Kind::GenericSpecializationParam,
return addChild(Spec, Param);
return demangleFunctionSpecialization();
case 'K':
case 'k': {
auto nodeKind = c == 'K' ? Node::Kind::KeyPathGetterThunkHelper
: Node::Kind::KeyPathSetterThunkHelper;
std::vector<NodePointer> types;
auto node = popNode();
if (!node || node->getKind() != Node::Kind::Type)
return nullptr;
do {
node = popNode();
} while (node && node->getKind() == Node::Kind::Type);
NodePointer result;
if (node) {
if (node->getKind() == Node::Kind::DependentGenericSignature) {
auto decl = popNode();
result = createWithChildren(nodeKind, decl, /*sig*/ node);
} else {
result = createWithChild(nodeKind, /*decl*/ node);
} else {
return nullptr;
for (auto i = types.rbegin(), e = types.rend(); i != e; ++i) {
result->addChild(*i, *this);
return result;
case 'H':
case 'h': {
auto nodeKind = c == 'H' ? Node::Kind::KeyPathEqualsThunkHelper
: Node::Kind::KeyPathHashThunkHelper;
NodePointer genericSig = nullptr;
std::vector<NodePointer> types;
auto node = popNode();
if (node) {
if (node->getKind() == Node::Kind::DependentGenericSignature) {
genericSig = node;
} else if (node->getKind() == Node::Kind::Type) {
} else {
return nullptr;
} else {
return nullptr;
while (auto node = popNode()) {
if (node->getKind() != Node::Kind::Type) {
return nullptr;
NodePointer result = createNode(nodeKind);
for (auto i = types.rbegin(), e = types.rend(); i != e; ++i) {
result->addChild(*i, *this);
if (genericSig)
result->addChild(genericSig, *this);
return result;
case 'v': {
int Idx = demangleIndex();
if (Idx < 0)
return nullptr;
return createNode(Node::Kind::OutlinedVariable, Idx);
case 'e': {
std::string Params = demangleBridgedMethodParams();
if (Params.empty())
return nullptr;
return createNode(Node::Kind::OutlinedBridgedMethod, Params);
return nullptr;
std::string Demangler::demangleBridgedMethodParams() {
if (nextIf('_'))
return std::string();
std::string Str;
auto kind = nextChar();
switch (kind) {
return std::string();
case 'p': case 'a': case 'm':
while (!nextIf('_')) {
auto c = nextChar();
if (!c && c != 'n' && c != 'b')
return std::string();
return Str;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleGenericSpecialization(Node::Kind SpecKind) {
NodePointer Spec = demangleSpecAttributes(SpecKind);
if (!Spec)
return nullptr;
NodePointer TyList = popTypeList();
if (!TyList)
return nullptr;
for (NodePointer Ty : *TyList) {
Spec->addChild(createWithChild(Node::Kind::GenericSpecializationParam, Ty), *this);
return Spec;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleFunctionSpecialization() {
NodePointer Spec = demangleSpecAttributes(
Node::Kind::FunctionSignatureSpecialization, /*demangleUniqueID*/ true);
unsigned ParamIdx = 0;
while (Spec && !nextIf('_')) {
Spec = addChild(Spec, demangleFuncSpecParam(ParamIdx));
if (!nextIf('n'))
Spec = addChild(Spec, demangleFuncSpecParam(Node::IndexType(~0)));
if (!Spec)
return nullptr;
// Add the required parameters in reverse order.
for (size_t Idx = 0, Num = Spec->getNumChildren(); Idx < Num; ++Idx) {
NodePointer Param = Spec->getChild(Num - Idx - 1);
if (Param->getKind() != Node::Kind::FunctionSignatureSpecializationParam)
if (Param->getNumChildren() == 0)
NodePointer KindNd = Param->getFirstChild();
assert(KindNd->getKind() ==
auto ParamKind = (FunctionSigSpecializationParamKind)KindNd->getIndex();
switch (ParamKind) {
case FunctionSigSpecializationParamKind::ConstantPropFunction:
case FunctionSigSpecializationParamKind::ConstantPropGlobal:
case FunctionSigSpecializationParamKind::ConstantPropString:
case FunctionSigSpecializationParamKind::ClosureProp: {
size_t FixedChildren = Param->getNumChildren();
while (NodePointer Ty = popNode(Node::Kind::Type)) {
if (ParamKind != FunctionSigSpecializationParamKind::ClosureProp)
return nullptr;
Param = addChild(Param, Ty);
NodePointer Name = popNode(Node::Kind::Identifier);
if (!Name)
return nullptr;
StringRef Text = Name->getText();
if (ParamKind ==
FunctionSigSpecializationParamKind::ConstantPropString &&
Text.size() > 0 && Text[0] == '_') {
// A '_' escapes a leading digit or '_' of a string constant.
Text = Text.drop_front(1);
addChild(Param, createNodeWithAllocatedText(
Node::Kind::FunctionSignatureSpecializationParamPayload, Text));
return Spec;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleFuncSpecParam(Node::IndexType ParamIdx) {
NodePointer Param = createNode(
Node::Kind::FunctionSignatureSpecializationParam, ParamIdx);
switch (nextChar()) {
case 'n':
return Param;
case 'c':
// Consumes an identifier and multiple type parameters.
// The parameters will be added later.
return addChild(Param, createNode(
case 'p': {
switch (nextChar()) {
case 'f':
// Consumes an identifier parameter, which will be added later.
return addChild(
case 'g':
// Consumes an identifier parameter, which will be added later.
return addChild(
case 'i':
return addFuncSpecParamNumber(Param,
case 'd':
return addFuncSpecParamNumber(Param,
case 's': {
// Consumes an identifier parameter (the string constant),
// which will be added later.
const char *Encoding = nullptr;
switch (nextChar()) {
case 'b': Encoding = "u8"; break;
case 'w': Encoding = "u16"; break;
case 'c': Encoding = "objc"; break;
default: return nullptr;
return addChild(Param, createNode(
return nullptr;
case 'd': {
unsigned Value = unsigned(FunctionSigSpecializationParamKind::Dead);
if (nextIf('G'))
Value |= unsigned(FunctionSigSpecializationParamKind::OwnedToGuaranteed);
if (nextIf('X'))
Value |= unsigned(FunctionSigSpecializationParamKind::SROA);
return addChild(Param, createNode(
Node::Kind::FunctionSignatureSpecializationParamKind, Value));
case 'g': {
unsigned Value = unsigned(FunctionSigSpecializationParamKind::
if (nextIf('X'))
Value |= unsigned(FunctionSigSpecializationParamKind::SROA);
return addChild(Param, createNode(
Node::Kind::FunctionSignatureSpecializationParamKind, Value));
case 'x':
return addChild(Param, createNode(
case 'i':
return addChild(Param, createNode(
case 's':
return addChild(Param, createNode(
return nullptr;
NodePointer Demangler::addFuncSpecParamNumber(NodePointer Param,
FunctionSigSpecializationParamKind Kind) {
Node::Kind::FunctionSignatureSpecializationParamKind, unsigned(Kind)),
CharVector Str;
while (isDigit(peekChar())) {
Str.push_back(nextChar(), *this);
if (Str.empty())
return nullptr;
return addChild(Param, createNode(
Node::Kind::FunctionSignatureSpecializationParamPayload, Str));
NodePointer Demangler::demangleSpecAttributes(Node::Kind SpecKind,
bool demangleUniqueID) {
bool isFragile = nextIf('q');
int PassID = (int)nextChar() - '0';
if (PassID < 0 || PassID > 9)
return nullptr;
int Idx = -1;
if (demangleUniqueID)
Idx = demangleNatural();
NodePointer SpecNd = nullptr;
if (Idx >= 0) {
SpecNd = createNode(SpecKind, Idx);
} else {
SpecNd = createNode(SpecKind);
if (isFragile)
SpecNd->addChild(createNode(Node::Kind::SpecializationPassID, PassID),
return SpecNd;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleWitness() {
switch (nextChar()) {
case 'V':
return createWithChild(Node::Kind::ValueWitnessTable,
case 'v': {
unsigned Directness;
switch (nextChar()) {
case 'd': Directness = unsigned(Directness::Direct); break;
case 'i': Directness = unsigned(Directness::Indirect); break;
default: return nullptr;
return createWithChildren(Node::Kind::FieldOffset,
createNode(Node::Kind::Directness, Directness),
case 'P':
return createWithChild(Node::Kind::ProtocolWitnessTable,
case 'G':
return createWithChild(Node::Kind::GenericProtocolWitnessTable,
case 'I':
return createWithChild(
case 'l': {
NodePointer Conf = popProtocolConformance();
NodePointer Type = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
return createWithChildren(Node::Kind::LazyProtocolWitnessTableAccessor,
Type, Conf);
case 'L': {
NodePointer Conf = popProtocolConformance();
NodePointer Type = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
return createWithChildren(
Node::Kind::LazyProtocolWitnessTableCacheVariable, Type, Conf);
case 'a':
return createWithChild(Node::Kind::ProtocolWitnessTableAccessor,
case 't': {
NodePointer Name = popNode(isDeclName);
NodePointer Conf = popProtocolConformance();
return createWithChildren(Node::Kind::AssociatedTypeMetadataAccessor,
Conf, Name);
case 'T': {
NodePointer ProtoTy = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
NodePointer AssocTypePath = createNode(Node::Kind::AssocTypePath);
bool firstElem = false;
do {
firstElem = (popNode(Node::Kind::FirstElementMarker) != nullptr);
NodePointer AssocTyName = popNode(isDeclName);
if (!AssocTyName)
return nullptr;
AssocTypePath->addChild(AssocTyName, *this);
} while (!firstElem);
NodePointer Conf = popProtocolConformance();
return createWithChildren(Node::Kind::AssociatedTypeWitnessTableAccessor,
Conf, AssocTypePath, ProtoTy);
case 'y': {
return createWithChild(Node::Kind::OutlinedCopy,
case 'e': {
return createWithChild(Node::Kind::OutlinedConsume,
case 'r': {
return createWithChild(Node::Kind::OutlinedRetain,
case 's': {
return createWithChild(Node::Kind::OutlinedRelease,
case 'b': {
NodePointer IndexChild = demangleIndexAsNode();
return createWithChildren(Node::Kind::OutlinedInitializeWithTake,
popNode(Node::Kind::Type), IndexChild);
case 'c': {
NodePointer IndexChild = demangleIndexAsNode();
return createWithChildren(Node::Kind::OutlinedInitializeWithCopy,
popNode(Node::Kind::Type), IndexChild);
case 'd': {
NodePointer IndexChild = demangleIndexAsNode();
return createWithChildren(Node::Kind::OutlinedAssignWithTake,
popNode(Node::Kind::Type), IndexChild);
case 'f': {
NodePointer IndexChild = demangleIndexAsNode();
return createWithChildren(Node::Kind::OutlinedAssignWithCopy,
popNode(Node::Kind::Type), IndexChild);
case 'h': {
NodePointer IndexChild = demangleIndexAsNode();
return createWithChildren(Node::Kind::OutlinedDestroy,
popNode(Node::Kind::Type), IndexChild);
return nullptr;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleSpecialType() {
switch (auto specialChar = nextChar()) {
case 'f':
return popFunctionType(Node::Kind::ThinFunctionType);
case 'K':
return popFunctionType(Node::Kind::AutoClosureType);
case 'U':
return popFunctionType(Node::Kind::UncurriedFunctionType);
case 'B':
return popFunctionType(Node::Kind::ObjCBlock);
case 'C':
return popFunctionType(Node::Kind::CFunctionPointer);
case 'o':
return createType(createWithChild(Node::Kind::Unowned,
case 'u':
return createType(createWithChild(Node::Kind::Unmanaged,
case 'w':
return createType(createWithChild(Node::Kind::Weak,
case 'b':
return createType(createWithChild(Node::Kind::SILBoxType,
case 'D':
return createType(createWithChild(Node::Kind::DynamicSelf,
case 'M': {
NodePointer MTR = demangleMetatypeRepresentation();
NodePointer Type = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
return createType(createWithChildren(Node::Kind::Metatype, MTR, Type));
case 'm': {
NodePointer MTR = demangleMetatypeRepresentation();
NodePointer Type = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
return createType(createWithChildren(Node::Kind::ExistentialMetatype,
MTR, Type));
case 'p':
return createType(createWithChild(Node::Kind::ExistentialMetatype,
case 'c': {
NodePointer Superclass = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
NodePointer Protocols = demangleProtocolList();
return createType(createWithChildren(Node::Kind::ProtocolListWithClass,
Protocols, Superclass));
case 'l': {
NodePointer Protocols = demangleProtocolList();
return createType(createWithChild(Node::Kind::ProtocolListWithAnyObject,
case 'X':
case 'x': {
// SIL box types.
NodePointer signature = nullptr, genericArgs = nullptr;
if (specialChar == 'X') {
signature = popNode(Node::Kind::DependentGenericSignature);
if (!signature)
return nullptr;
genericArgs = popTypeList();
if (!genericArgs)
return nullptr;
auto fieldTypes = popTypeList();
if (!fieldTypes)
return nullptr;
// Build layout.
auto layout = createNode(Node::Kind::SILBoxLayout);
for (unsigned i = 0, e = fieldTypes->getNumChildren(); i < e; ++i) {
auto fieldType = fieldTypes->getChild(i);
assert(fieldType->getKind() == Node::Kind::Type);
bool isMutable = false;
// 'inout' typelist mangling is used to represent mutable fields.
if (fieldType->getChild(0)->getKind() == Node::Kind::InOut) {
isMutable = true;
fieldType = createType(fieldType->getChild(0)->getChild(0));
auto field = createNode(isMutable
? Node::Kind::SILBoxMutableField
: Node::Kind::SILBoxImmutableField);
field->addChild(fieldType, *this);
layout->addChild(field, *this);
auto boxTy = createNode(Node::Kind::SILBoxTypeWithLayout);
boxTy->addChild(layout, *this);
if (signature) {
boxTy->addChild(signature, *this);
boxTy->addChild(genericArgs, *this);
return createType(boxTy);
case 'e':
return createType(createNode(Node::Kind::ErrorType));
return nullptr;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleMetatypeRepresentation() {
switch (nextChar()) {
case 't':
return createNode(Node::Kind::MetatypeRepresentation, "@thin");
case 'T':
return createNode(Node::Kind::MetatypeRepresentation, "@thick");
case 'o':
return createNode(Node::Kind::MetatypeRepresentation,
return nullptr;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleAccessor(NodePointer ChildNode) {
Node::Kind Kind;
switch (nextChar()) {
case 'm': Kind = Node::Kind::MaterializeForSet; break;
case 's': Kind = Node::Kind::Setter; break;
case 'g': Kind = Node::Kind::Getter; break;
case 'G': Kind = Node::Kind::GlobalGetter; break;
case 'w': Kind = Node::Kind::WillSet; break;
case 'W': Kind = Node::Kind::DidSet; break;
case 'a':
switch (nextChar()) {
case 'O': Kind = Node::Kind::OwningMutableAddressor; break;
case 'o': Kind = Node::Kind::NativeOwningMutableAddressor; break;
case 'P': Kind = Node::Kind::NativePinningMutableAddressor; break;
case 'u': Kind = Node::Kind::UnsafeMutableAddressor; break;
default: return nullptr;
case 'l':
switch (nextChar()) {
case 'O': Kind = Node::Kind::OwningAddressor; break;
case 'o': Kind = Node::Kind::NativeOwningAddressor; break;
case 'p': Kind = Node::Kind::NativePinningAddressor; break;
case 'u': Kind = Node::Kind::UnsafeAddressor; break;
default: return nullptr;
case 'p': // Pseudo-accessor referring to the variable/subscript itself
return ChildNode;
default: return nullptr;
NodePointer Entity = createWithChild(Kind, ChildNode);
return Entity;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleFunctionEntity() {
enum {
} Args;
Node::Kind Kind = Node::Kind::EmptyList;
switch (nextChar()) {
case 'D': Args = None; Kind = Node::Kind::Deallocator; break;
case 'd': Args = None; Kind = Node::Kind::Destructor; break;
case 'E': Args = None; Kind = Node::Kind::IVarDestroyer; break;
case 'e': Args = None; Kind = Node::Kind::IVarInitializer; break;
case 'i': Args = None; Kind = Node::Kind::Initializer; break;
case 'C':
Args = TypeAndMaybePrivateName; Kind = Node::Kind::Allocator; break;
case 'c':
Args = TypeAndMaybePrivateName; Kind = Node::Kind::Constructor; break;
case 'U': Args = TypeAndIndex; Kind = Node::Kind::ExplicitClosure; break;
case 'u': Args = TypeAndIndex; Kind = Node::Kind::ImplicitClosure; break;
case 'A': Args = Index; Kind = Node::Kind::DefaultArgumentInitializer; break;
case 'p': return demangleEntity(Node::Kind::GenericTypeParamDecl);
default: return nullptr;
NodePointer NameOrIndex = nullptr, ParamType = nullptr, LabelList = nullptr;
switch (Args) {
case None:
case TypeAndMaybePrivateName:
NameOrIndex = popNode(Node::Kind::PrivateDeclName);
ParamType = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
LabelList = popFunctionParamLabels(ParamType);
case TypeAndIndex:
NameOrIndex = demangleIndexAsNode();
ParamType = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
case Index:
NameOrIndex = demangleIndexAsNode();
NodePointer Entity = createWithChild(Kind, popContext());
switch (Args) {
case None:
case Index:
Entity = addChild(Entity, NameOrIndex);
case TypeAndMaybePrivateName:
addChild(Entity, LabelList);
Entity = addChild(Entity, ParamType);
addChild(Entity, NameOrIndex);
case TypeAndIndex:
Entity = addChild(Entity, NameOrIndex);
Entity = addChild(Entity, ParamType);
return Entity;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleEntity(Node::Kind Kind) {
NodePointer Type = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
NodePointer LabelList = popFunctionParamLabels(Type);
NodePointer Name = popNode(isDeclName);
NodePointer Context = popContext();
return LabelList ? createWithChildren(Kind, Context, Name, LabelList, Type)
: createWithChildren(Kind, Context, Name, Type);
NodePointer Demangler::demangleVariable() {
NodePointer Variable = demangleEntity(Node::Kind::Variable);
return demangleAccessor(Variable);
NodePointer Demangler::demangleSubscript() {
NodePointer PrivateName = popNode(Node::Kind::PrivateDeclName);
NodePointer Type = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
NodePointer LabelList = popFunctionParamLabels(Type);
NodePointer Context = popContext();
NodePointer Subscript = createNode(Node::Kind::Subscript);
Subscript = addChild(Subscript, Context);
addChild(Subscript, LabelList);
Subscript = addChild(Subscript, Type);
addChild(Subscript, PrivateName);
return demangleAccessor(Subscript);
NodePointer Demangler::demangleProtocolList() {
NodePointer TypeList = createNode(Node::Kind::TypeList);
NodePointer ProtoList = createWithChild(Node::Kind::ProtocolList, TypeList);
if (!popNode(Node::Kind::EmptyList)) {
bool firstElem = false;
do {
firstElem = (popNode(Node::Kind::FirstElementMarker) != nullptr);
NodePointer Proto = popProtocol();
if (!Proto)
return nullptr;
TypeList->addChild(Proto, *this);
} while (!firstElem);
return ProtoList;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleProtocolListType() {
NodePointer ProtoList = demangleProtocolList();
return createType(ProtoList);
NodePointer Demangler::demangleGenericSignature(bool hasParamCounts) {
NodePointer Sig = createNode(Node::Kind::DependentGenericSignature);
if (hasParamCounts) {
while (!nextIf('l')) {
int count = 0;
if (!nextIf('z'))
count = demangleIndex() + 1;
if (count < 0)
return nullptr;
count), *this);
} else {
Sig->addChild(createNode(Node::Kind::DependentGenericParamCount, 1),
size_t NumCounts = Sig->getNumChildren();
while (NodePointer Req = popNode(isRequirement)) {
Sig->addChild(Req, *this);
return Sig;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleGenericRequirement() {
enum { Generic, Assoc, CompoundAssoc, Substitution } TypeKind;
enum { Protocol, BaseClass, SameType, Layout } ConstraintKind;
switch (nextChar()) {
case 'c': ConstraintKind = BaseClass; TypeKind = Assoc; break;
case 'C': ConstraintKind = BaseClass; TypeKind = CompoundAssoc; break;
case 'b': ConstraintKind = BaseClass; TypeKind = Generic; break;
case 'B': ConstraintKind = BaseClass; TypeKind = Substitution; break;
case 't': ConstraintKind = SameType; TypeKind = Assoc; break;
case 'T': ConstraintKind = SameType; TypeKind = CompoundAssoc; break;
case 's': ConstraintKind = SameType; TypeKind = Generic; break;
case 'S': ConstraintKind = SameType; TypeKind = Substitution; break;
case 'm': ConstraintKind = Layout; TypeKind = Assoc; break;
case 'M': ConstraintKind = Layout; TypeKind = CompoundAssoc; break;
case 'l': ConstraintKind = Layout; TypeKind = Generic; break;
case 'L': ConstraintKind = Layout; TypeKind = Substitution; break;
case 'p': ConstraintKind = Protocol; TypeKind = Assoc; break;
case 'P': ConstraintKind = Protocol; TypeKind = CompoundAssoc; break;
case 'Q': ConstraintKind = Protocol; TypeKind = Substitution; break;
default: ConstraintKind = Protocol; TypeKind = Generic; pushBack(); break;
NodePointer ConstrTy = nullptr;
switch (TypeKind) {
case Generic:
ConstrTy = createType(demangleGenericParamIndex());
case Assoc:
ConstrTy = demangleAssociatedTypeSimple(demangleGenericParamIndex());
case CompoundAssoc:
ConstrTy = demangleAssociatedTypeCompound(demangleGenericParamIndex());
case Substitution:
ConstrTy = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
switch (ConstraintKind) {
case Protocol:
return createWithChildren(
Node::Kind::DependentGenericConformanceRequirement, ConstrTy,
case BaseClass:
return createWithChildren(
Node::Kind::DependentGenericConformanceRequirement, ConstrTy,
case SameType:
return createWithChildren(Node::Kind::DependentGenericSameTypeRequirement,
ConstrTy, popNode(Node::Kind::Type));
case Layout: {
auto c = nextChar();
NodePointer size = nullptr;
NodePointer alignment = nullptr;
const char *name = nullptr;
if (c == 'U') {
name = "U";
} else if (c == 'R') {
name = "R";
} else if (c == 'N') {
name = "N";
} else if (c == 'C') {
name = "C";
} else if (c == 'D') {
name = "D";
} else if (c == 'T') {
name = "T";
} else if (c == 'E') {
size = demangleIndexAsNode();
if (!size)
return nullptr;
alignment = demangleIndexAsNode();
name = "E";
} else if (c == 'e') {
size = demangleIndexAsNode();
if (!size)
return nullptr;
name = "e";
} else if (c == 'M') {
size = demangleIndexAsNode();
if (!size)
return nullptr;
alignment = demangleIndexAsNode();
name = "M";
} else if (c == 'm') {
size = demangleIndexAsNode();
if (!size)
return nullptr;
name = "m";
} else {
// Unknown layout constraint.
return nullptr;
auto NameNode = createNode(Node::Kind::Identifier, name);
auto LayoutRequirement = createWithChildren(
Node::Kind::DependentGenericLayoutRequirement, ConstrTy, NameNode);
if (size)
addChild(LayoutRequirement, size);
if (alignment)
addChild(LayoutRequirement, alignment);
return LayoutRequirement;
return nullptr;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleGenericType() {
NodePointer GenSig = popNode(Node::Kind::DependentGenericSignature);
NodePointer Ty = popNode(Node::Kind::Type);
return createType(createWithChildren(Node::Kind::DependentGenericType,
GenSig, Ty));
static int decodeValueWitnessKind(StringRef CodeStr) {
if (CodeStr == #MANGLING) return (int)ValueWitnessKind::NAME;
#include "swift/Demangling/ValueWitnessMangling.def"
return -1;
NodePointer Demangler::demangleValueWitness() {
char Code[2];
Code[0] = nextChar();
Code[1] = nextChar();
int Kind = decodeValueWitnessKind(StringRef(Code, 2));
if (Kind < 0)
return nullptr;
NodePointer VW = createNode(Node::Kind::ValueWitness, unsigned(Kind));
return addChild(VW, popNode(Node::Kind::Type));
NodePointer Demangler::demangleObjCTypeName() {
NodePointer Ty = createNode(Node::Kind::Type);
NodePointer Global = addChild(createNode(Node::Kind::Global),
addChild(createNode(Node::Kind::TypeMangling), Ty));
NodePointer Nominal = nullptr;
bool isProto = false;
if (nextIf('C')) {
Nominal = createNode(Node::Kind::Class);
addChild(Ty, Nominal);
} else if (nextIf('P')) {
isProto = true;
Nominal = createNode(Node::Kind::Protocol);
addChild(Ty, addChild(createNode(Node::Kind::ProtocolList),
addChild(createNode(Node::Kind::Type), Nominal))));
} else {
return nullptr;
if (nextIf('s')) {
Nominal->addChild(createNode(Node::Kind::Module, "Swift"), *this);
} else {
NodePointer Module = demangleIdentifier();
if (!Module)
return nullptr;
Nominal->addChild(changeKind(Module, Node::Kind::Module), *this);
NodePointer Ident = demangleIdentifier();
if (!Ident)
return nullptr;
Nominal->addChild(Ident, *this);
if (isProto && !nextIf('_'))
return nullptr;
if (Pos < Text.size())
return nullptr;
return Global;
} // namespace Demangle
} // namespace swift