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//===--- GenMeta.h - Swift IR generation for metadata -----------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file provides the private interface to the metadata emission code.
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include <utility>
namespace llvm {
template <class T> class ArrayRef;
class Constant;
class Function;
class GlobalVariable;
class Value;
namespace swift {
class AbstractFunctionDecl;
class FuncDecl;
enum class ResilienceExpansion : unsigned;
struct SILDeclRef;
class SILType;
class VarDecl;
enum class SpecialProtocol : uint8_t;
namespace irgen {
class Callee;
class ConstantReference;
class Explosion;
class FieldTypeInfo;
class FunctionPointer;
class GenericTypeRequirements;
class IRGenFunction;
class IRGenModule;
class Size;
class StructLayout;
enum class SymbolReferenceKind : unsigned char;
struct ClassLayout;
/// Is the given class known to have Swift-compatible metadata?
bool hasKnownSwiftMetadata(IRGenModule &IGM, ClassDecl *theClass);
inline bool isKnownNotTaggedPointer(IRGenModule &IGM, ClassDecl *theClass) {
// For now, assume any class type defined in Clang might be tagged.
return hasKnownSwiftMetadata(IGM, theClass);
/// Is the given class-like type known to have Swift-compatible
/// metadata?
bool hasKnownSwiftMetadata(IRGenModule &IGM, CanType theType);
/// Emit the body of a lazy cache access function.
void emitLazyCacheAccessFunction(IRGenModule &IGM,
llvm::Function *accessor,
llvm::GlobalVariable *cacheVariable,
const llvm::function_ref<llvm::Value *(IRGenFunction &IGF)> &getValue);
/// Emit a declaration reference to a metatype object.
void emitMetatypeRef(IRGenFunction &IGF, CanMetatypeType type,
Explosion &explosion);
/// Emit a reference to a compile-time constant piece of type metadata, or
/// return a null pointer if the type's metadata cannot be represented by a
/// constant.
ConstantReference tryEmitConstantTypeMetadataRef(IRGenModule &IGM,
CanType type,
SymbolReferenceKind refKind);
/// Get the type as it exists in Swift's runtime type system, removing any
/// erased generic parameters.
CanType getRuntimeReifiedType(IRGenModule &IGM, CanType type);
/// Emit a reference to a compile-time constant piece of heap metadata, or
/// return a null pointer if the type's heap metadata cannot be represented
/// by a constant.
llvm::Constant *tryEmitConstantHeapMetadataRef(IRGenModule &IGM,
CanType type,
bool allowUninitialized);
enum class MetadataValueType { ObjCClass, TypeMetadata };
/// Emit a reference to the heap metadata for a class.
/// \returns a value of type ObjCClassPtrTy or TypeMetadataPtrTy,
/// depending on desiredType
llvm::Value *emitClassHeapMetadataRef(IRGenFunction &IGF, CanType type,
MetadataValueType desiredType,
bool allowUninitialized = false);
/// Emit a reference to the (initialized) ObjC heap metadata for a class.
/// \returns a value of type ObjCClassPtrTy
llvm::Value *emitObjCHeapMetadataRef(IRGenFunction &IGF, ClassDecl *theClass,
bool allowUninitialized = false);
/// Given a class metadata reference, produce the appropriate heap
/// metadata reference for it.
llvm::Value *emitClassHeapMetadataRefForMetatype(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *metatype,
CanType type);
/// Emit the metadata associated with the given class declaration.
void emitClassMetadata(IRGenModule &IGM, ClassDecl *theClass,
const StructLayout &layout,
const ClassLayout &fieldLayout);
/// Emit the constant initializer of the type metadata candidate for
/// the given foreign class declaration.
llvm::Constant *emitForeignTypeMetadataInitializer(IRGenModule &IGM,
CanType type,
Size &addressPointOffset);
/// Emit the metadata associated with the given struct declaration.
void emitStructMetadata(IRGenModule &IGM, StructDecl *theStruct);
/// Emit the metadata associated with the given enum declaration.
void emitEnumMetadata(IRGenModule &IGM, EnumDecl *theEnum);
/// Get what will be the index into the generic type argument array at the end
/// of a nominal type's metadata.
int32_t getIndexOfGenericArgument(IRGenModule &IGM,
NominalTypeDecl *decl,
ArchetypeType *archetype);
/// Given a reference to nominal type metadata of the given type,
/// derive a reference to the parent type metadata. There must be a
/// parent type.
llvm::Value *emitParentMetadataRef(IRGenFunction &IGF,
NominalTypeDecl *theDecl,
llvm::Value *metadata);
/// Given a reference to nominal type metadata of the given type,
/// derive a reference to the type metadata stored in the nth
/// requirement slot. The type must have generic arguments.
llvm::Value *emitArgumentMetadataRef(IRGenFunction &IGF,
NominalTypeDecl *theDecl,
const GenericTypeRequirements &reqts,
unsigned reqtIndex,
llvm::Value *metadata);
/// Given a reference to nominal type metadata of the given type,
/// derive a reference to a protocol witness table stored in the nth
/// requirement slot. The type must have generic arguments.
llvm::Value *emitArgumentWitnessTableRef(IRGenFunction &IGF,
NominalTypeDecl *theDecl,
const GenericTypeRequirements &reqts,
unsigned reqtIndex,
llvm::Value *metadata);
/// Given a reference to class type metadata of the given type,
/// decide the offset to the given field. This assumes that the
/// offset is stored in the metadata, i.e. its offset is potentially
/// dependent on generic arguments. The result is a ptrdiff_t.
llvm::Value *emitClassFieldOffset(IRGenFunction &IGF,
ClassDecl *theClass,
VarDecl *field,
llvm::Value *metadata);
/// Given a metatype value, read its instance type.
llvm::Value *emitMetatypeInstanceType(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *metatypeMetadata);
/// Load the fragile instance size and alignment mask from a reference to
/// class type metadata of the given type.
std::pair<llvm::Value *, llvm::Value *>
emitClassFragileInstanceSizeAndAlignMask(IRGenFunction &IGF,
ClassDecl *theClass,
llvm::Value *metadata);
/// Load the instance size and alignment mask from a reference to
/// class type metadata of the given type.
std::pair<llvm::Value *, llvm::Value *>
emitClassResilientInstanceSizeAndAlignMask(IRGenFunction &IGF,
ClassDecl *theClass,
llvm::Value *metadata);
/// Given an opaque class instance pointer, produce the type
/// metadata reference as a %type*.
llvm::Value *emitDynamicTypeOfOpaqueHeapObject(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *object);
/// Given a heap-object instance, with some heap-object type,
/// produce a reference to its type metadata.
llvm::Value *emitDynamicTypeOfHeapObject(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *object,
SILType objectType,
bool suppressCast = false);
/// Given a non-tagged object pointer, load a pointer to its class object.
llvm::Value *emitLoadOfObjCHeapMetadataRef(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *object);
/// Given a heap-object instance, with some heap-object type, produce a
/// reference to its heap metadata by dynamically asking the runtime for it.
llvm::Value *emitHeapMetadataRefForUnknownHeapObject(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *object);
/// Given a heap-object instance, with some heap-object type,
/// produce a reference to its heap metadata.
llvm::Value *emitHeapMetadataRefForHeapObject(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *object,
CanType objectType,
bool suppressCast = false);
/// Given a heap-object instance, with some heap-object type,
/// produce a reference to its heap metadata.
llvm::Value *emitHeapMetadataRefForHeapObject(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *object,
SILType objectType,
bool suppressCast = false);
/// Given an instance pointer (or, for a static method, a class
/// pointer), emit the callee for the given method.
FunctionPointer emitVirtualMethodValue(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *base,
SILType baseType,
SILDeclRef method,
CanSILFunctionType methodType,
bool useSuperVTable);
/// \brief Load a reference to the protocol descriptor for the given protocol.
/// For Swift protocols, this is a constant reference to the protocol
/// descriptor symbol.
/// For ObjC protocols, descriptors are uniqued at runtime by the ObjC
/// runtime. We need to load the unique reference from a global variable fixed up at
/// startup.
llvm::Value *emitProtocolDescriptorRef(IRGenFunction &IGF,
ProtocolDecl *protocol);
llvm::Value *emitObjCMetadataRefForMetadata(IRGenFunction &IGF,
llvm::Value *classPtr);
/// Emit the field type accessor for a nominal type's metadata. This function
/// lazily generates the metadata for the types of all of the nominal type's
/// fields for reflection purposes.
void emitFieldTypeAccessor(IRGenModule &IGM,
NominalTypeDecl *type,
llvm::Function *fn,
ArrayRef<FieldTypeInfo> fieldTypes);
/// \brief Initialize the field offset vector within the given class or struct
/// metadata.
void emitInitializeFieldOffsetVector(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILType T,
llvm::Value *metadata,
bool isVWTMutable);
/// Adjustment indices for the address points of various metadata.
/// Size is in words.
namespace MetadataAdjustmentIndex {
enum : unsigned {
// Class metadata has two words of head-allocated data: the destructor
// and the value witness table.
Class = 2,
// Struct and enum metadata have one word of head-allocated data:
// the value witness table.
ValueType = 1,
// Other metadata objects have no head allocation.
None = 0,
enum class MetadataAccessStrategy {
/// There is a unique public accessor function for the given type metadata.
/// There is a unique hidden accessor function for the given type metadata.
/// There is a unique private accessor function for the given type metadata.
/// There is no unique accessor function for the given type metadata, but
/// one should be made automatically.
/// Is it basically trivial to access the given metadata? If so, we don't
/// need a cache variable in its accessor.
bool isTypeMetadataAccessTrivial(IRGenModule &IGM, CanType type);
/// Determine how the given type metadata should be accessed.
MetadataAccessStrategy getTypeMetadataAccessStrategy(CanType type);
/// Return the address of a function that will return type metadata
/// for the given non-dependent type.
llvm::Function *getOrCreateTypeMetadataAccessFunction(IRGenModule &IGM,
CanType type);
/// Get the runtime identifier for a special protocol, if any.
SpecialProtocol getSpecialProtocolID(ProtocolDecl *P);
/// Use the argument as the 'self' type metadata.
void getArgAsLocalSelfTypeMetadata(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *arg,
CanType abstractType);
} // end namespace irgen
} // end namespace swift