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//===--- RelativePointer.h - Relative Pointer Support -----------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Some data structures emitted by the Swift compiler use relative indirect
// addresses in order to minimize startup cost for a process. By referring to
// the offset of the global offset table entry for a symbol, instead of directly
// referring to the symbol, compiler-emitted data structures avoid requiring
// unnecessary relocation at dynamic linking time. This header contains types
// to help dereference these relative addresses.
// Theory of references to objects
// -------------------------------
// A reference can be absolute or relative:
// - An absolute reference is a pointer to the object.
// - A relative reference is a (signed) offset from the address of the
// reference to the address of its direct referent.
// A relative reference can be direct, indirect, or symbolic.
// In a direct reference, the direct referent is simply the target object.
// Generally, a statically-emitted relative reference can only be direct
// if it can be resolved to a constant offset by the linker, because loaders
// do not support forming relative references. This means that either the
// reference and object must lie within the same linkage unit or the
// difference must be computed at runtime by code.
// In a symbolic reference, the direct referent is a string holding the symbol
// name of the object. A relative reference can only be symbolic if the
// object actually has a symbol at runtime, which may require exporting
// many internal symbols that would otherwise be strippable.
// In an indirect reference, the direct referent is a variable holding an
// absolute reference to the object. An indirect relative reference may
// refer to an arbitrary symbol, be it anonymous within the linkage unit
// or completely external to it, but it requires the introduction of an
// intermediate absolute reference that requires load-time initialization.
// However, this initialization can be shared among all indirect references
// within the linkage unit, and the linker will generally place all such
// references adjacent to one another to improve load-time locality.
// A reference can be made a dynamic union of more than one of these options.
// This allows the compiler/linker to use a direct reference when possible
// and a less-efficient option where required. However, it also requires
// the cases to be dynamically distinguished. This can be done by setting
// a low bit of the offset, as long as the difference between the direct
// referent's address and the reference is a multiple of 2. This works well
// for "indirectable" references because most objects are known to be
// well-aligned, and the cases that aren't (chiefly functions and strings)
// rarely need the flexibility of this kind of reference. It does not
// work quite as well for "possibly symbolic" references because C strings
// are not naturally aligned, and making them aligned generally requires
// moving them out of the linker's ordinary string section; however, it's
// still workable.
// Finally, a relative reference can be near or far. A near reference
// is potentially smaller, but it requires the direct referent to lie
// within a certain distance of the reference, even if dynamically
// initialized.
// In Swift, we always prefer to use a near direct relative reference
// when it is possible to do so: that is, when the relationship is always
// between two global objects emitted in the same linkage unit, and there
// is no compatibility constraint requiring the use of an absolute reference.
// When more flexibility is required, there are several options:
// 1. Use an absolute reference. Size penalty on 64-bit. Requires
// load-time work.
// 2. Use a far direct relative reference. Size penalty on 64-bit.
// Requires load-time work when object is outside linkage unit.
// Generally not directly supported by loaders.
// 3. Use an always-indirect relative reference. Size penalty of one
// pointer (shared). Requires load-time work even when object is
// within linkage unit.
// 4. Use a near indirectable relative reference. Size penalty of one
// pointer (shared) when reference exceeds range. Runtime / code-size
// penalty on access. Requires load-time work (shared) only when
// object is outside linkage unit.
// 5. Use a far indirectable relative reference. Size penalty on 64-bit.
// Size penalty of one pointer (shared) when reference exceeds range
// and is initialized statically. Runtime / code-size penalty on access.
// Requires load-time work (shared) only when object is outside linkage
// unit.
// 6. Use a near or far symbolic relative reference. No load-time work.
// Severe runtime penalty on access. Requires custom logic to statically
// optimize. Requires emission of symbol for target even if private
// to linkage unit.
// 7. Use a near or far direct-or-symbolic relative reference. No
// load-time work. Severe runtime penalty on access if object is
// outside of linkage unit. Requires custom logic to statically optimize.
// In general, it's our preference in Swift to use option #4 when there
// is no possibility of initializing the reference dynamically and option #5
// when there is. This is because it is infeasible to actually share the
// memory for the intermediate absolute reference when it must be allocated
// dynamically.
// Symbolic references are an interesting idea that we have not yet made
// use of. They may be acceptable in reflective metadata cases where it
// is desirable to heavily bias towards never using the metadata. However,
// they're only profitable if there wasn't any other indirect reference
// to the target, and it is likely that their optimal use requires a more
// intelligent toolchain from top to bottom.
// Note that the cost of load-time work also includes a binary-size penalty
// to store the loader metadata necessary to perform that work. Therefore
// it is better to avoid it even when there are dynamic optimizations in
// place to skip the work itself.
#include <cstdint>
namespace swift {
namespace detail {
/// Apply a relative offset to a base pointer. The offset is applied to the base
/// pointer using sign-extended, wrapping arithmetic.
template<typename BasePtrTy, typename Offset>
static inline uintptr_t applyRelativeOffset(BasePtrTy *basePtr, Offset offset) {
static_assert(std::is_integral<Offset>::value &&
"offset type should be signed integer");
auto base = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(basePtr);
// We want to do wrapping arithmetic, but with a sign-extended
// offset. To do this in C, we need to do signed promotion to get
// the sign extension, but we need to perform arithmetic on unsigned values,
// since signed overflow is undefined behavior.
auto extendOffset = (uintptr_t)(intptr_t)offset;
return base + extendOffset;
/// Measure the relative offset between two pointers. This measures
/// (referent - base) using wrapping arithmetic. The result is truncated if
/// Offset is smaller than a pointer, with an assertion that the
/// pre-truncation result is a sign extension of the truncated result.
template<typename Offset, typename A, typename B>
static inline Offset measureRelativeOffset(A *referent, B *base) {
static_assert(std::is_integral<Offset>::value &&
"offset type should be signed integer");
auto distance = (uintptr_t)referent - (uintptr_t)base;
// Truncate as unsigned, then wrap around to signed.
auto truncatedDistance =
(Offset)(typename std::make_unsigned<Offset>::type)distance;
// Assert that the truncation didn't discard any non-sign-extended bits.
assert((intptr_t)truncatedDistance == (intptr_t)distance
&& "pointers are too far apart to fit in offset type");
return truncatedDistance;
} // namespace detail
/// A relative reference to an object stored in memory. The reference may be
/// direct or indirect, and uses the low bit of the (assumed at least
/// 2-byte-aligned) pointer to differentiate.
template<typename ValueTy, bool Nullable = false, typename Offset = int32_t>
class RelativeIndirectablePointer {
static_assert(std::is_integral<Offset>::value &&
"offset type should be signed integer");
/// The relative offset of the pointer's memory from the `this` pointer.
/// If the low bit is clear, this is a direct reference; otherwise, it is
/// an indirect reference.
Offset RelativeOffsetPlusIndirect;
/// RelativePointers should appear in statically-generated metadata. They
/// shouldn't be constructed or copied.
RelativeIndirectablePointer() = delete;
RelativeIndirectablePointer(RelativeIndirectablePointer &&) = delete;
RelativeIndirectablePointer(const RelativeIndirectablePointer &) = delete;
RelativeIndirectablePointer &operator=(RelativeIndirectablePointer &&)
= delete;
RelativeIndirectablePointer &operator=(const RelativeIndirectablePointer &)
= delete;
/// Allow construction and reassignment from an absolute pointer.
/// These always produce a direct relative offset.
RelativeIndirectablePointer(ValueTy *absolute)
: RelativeOffsetPlusIndirect(
Nullable && absolute == nullptr
? 0
: detail::measureRelativeOffset<Offset>(absolute, this)) {
if (!Nullable)
assert(absolute != nullptr &&
"constructing non-nullable relative pointer from null");
RelativeIndirectablePointer &operator=(ValueTy *absolute) & {
if (!Nullable)
assert(absolute != nullptr &&
"constructing non-nullable relative pointer from null");
RelativeOffsetPlusIndirect = Nullable && absolute == nullptr
? 0
: detail::measureRelativeOffset<Offset>(absolute, this);
return *this;
const ValueTy *get() const & {
static_assert(alignof(ValueTy) >= 2 && alignof(Offset) >= 2,
"alignment of value and offset must be at least 2 to "
"make room for indirectable flag");
// Check for null.
if (Nullable && RelativeOffsetPlusIndirect == 0)
return nullptr;
Offset offsetPlusIndirect = RelativeOffsetPlusIndirect;
uintptr_t address = detail::applyRelativeOffset(this,
offsetPlusIndirect & ~1);
// If the low bit is set, then this is an indirect address. Otherwise,
// it's direct.
if (offsetPlusIndirect & 1) {
return *reinterpret_cast<const ValueTy * const *>(address);
} else {
return reinterpret_cast<const ValueTy *>(address);
/// A zero relative offset encodes a null reference.
bool isNull() const & {
return RelativeOffsetPlusIndirect == 0;
operator const ValueTy* () const & {
return get();
const ValueTy *operator->() const & {
return get();
/// A relative reference to a function, intended to reference private metadata
/// functions for the current executable or dynamic library image from
/// position-independent constant data.
template<typename T, bool Nullable, typename Offset>
class RelativeDirectPointerImpl {
/// The relative offset of the function's entry point from *this.
Offset RelativeOffset;
/// RelativePointers should appear in statically-generated metadata. They
/// shouldn't be constructed or copied.
RelativeDirectPointerImpl() = delete;
/// RelativePointers should appear in statically-generated metadata. They
/// shouldn't be constructed or copied.
RelativeDirectPointerImpl(RelativeDirectPointerImpl &&) = delete;
RelativeDirectPointerImpl(const RelativeDirectPointerImpl &) = delete;
RelativeDirectPointerImpl &operator=(RelativeDirectPointerImpl &&)
= delete;
RelativeDirectPointerImpl &operator=(const RelativeDirectPointerImpl &)
= delete;
using ValueTy = T;
using PointerTy = T*;
// Allow construction and reassignment from an absolute pointer.
RelativeDirectPointerImpl(PointerTy absolute)
: RelativeOffset(Nullable && absolute == nullptr
? 0
: detail::measureRelativeOffset<Offset>(absolute, this))
if (!Nullable)
assert(absolute != nullptr &&
"constructing non-nullable relative pointer from null");
explicit constexpr RelativeDirectPointerImpl(std::nullptr_t)
: RelativeOffset (0) {
static_assert(Nullable, "can't construct non-nullable pointer from null");
RelativeDirectPointerImpl &operator=(PointerTy absolute) & {
if (!Nullable)
assert(absolute != nullptr &&
"constructing non-nullable relative pointer from null");
RelativeOffset = Nullable && absolute == nullptr
? 0
: detail::measureRelativeOffset<Offset>(absolute, this);
return *this;
PointerTy get() const & {
// Check for null.
if (Nullable && RelativeOffset == 0)
return nullptr;
// The value is addressed relative to `this`.
uintptr_t absolute = detail::applyRelativeOffset(this, RelativeOffset);
return reinterpret_cast<PointerTy>(absolute);
/// A zero relative offset encodes a null reference.
bool isNull() const & {
return RelativeOffset == 0;
/// A direct relative reference to an object.
template<typename T, bool Nullable = true, typename Offset = int32_t>
class RelativeDirectPointer :
private RelativeDirectPointerImpl<T, Nullable, Offset>
using super = RelativeDirectPointerImpl<T, Nullable, Offset>;
using super::get;
using super::super;
RelativeDirectPointer &operator=(T *absolute) & {
return *this;
operator typename super::PointerTy() const & {
return this->get();
const typename super::ValueTy *operator->() const & {
return this->get();
using super::isNull;
/// A specialization of RelativeDirectPointer for function pointers,
/// allowing for calls.
template<typename RetTy, typename...ArgTy, bool Nullable, typename Offset>
class RelativeDirectPointer<RetTy (ArgTy...), Nullable, Offset> :
private RelativeDirectPointerImpl<RetTy (ArgTy...), Nullable, Offset>
using super = RelativeDirectPointerImpl<RetTy (ArgTy...), Nullable, Offset>;
using super::get;
using super::super;
RelativeDirectPointer &operator=(RetTy (*absolute)(ArgTy...)) & {
return *this;
operator typename super::PointerTy() const & {
return this->get();
RetTy operator()(ArgTy...arg) {
return this->get()(std::forward<ArgTy>(arg)...);
using super::isNull;
/// A direct relative reference to an aligned object, with an additional
/// tiny integer value crammed into its low bits.
template<typename PointeeTy, typename IntTy, bool Nullable = false,
typename Offset = int32_t>
class RelativeDirectPointerIntPair {
Offset RelativeOffsetPlusInt;
/// RelativePointers should appear in statically-generated metadata. They
/// shouldn't be constructed or copied.
RelativeDirectPointerIntPair() = delete;
RelativeDirectPointerIntPair(RelativeDirectPointerIntPair &&) = delete;
RelativeDirectPointerIntPair(const RelativeDirectPointerIntPair &) = delete;
RelativeDirectPointerIntPair &operator=(RelativeDirectPointerIntPair &&)
= delete;
RelativeDirectPointerIntPair &operator=(const RelativeDirectPointerIntPair&)
= delete;
static Offset getMask() {
static_assert(alignof(PointeeTy) >= alignof(Offset),
"pointee alignment must be at least as strict as offset type");
return alignof(Offset) - 1;
using ValueTy = PointeeTy;
using PointerTy = PointeeTy*;
PointerTy getPointer() const & {
Offset offset = (RelativeOffsetPlusInt & ~getMask());
// Check for null.
if (Nullable && offset == 0)
return nullptr;
// The value is addressed relative to `this`.
uintptr_t absolute = detail::applyRelativeOffset(this, offset);
return reinterpret_cast<PointerTy>(absolute);
IntTy getInt() const & {
return IntTy(RelativeOffsetPlusInt & getMask());
// Type aliases for "far" relative pointers, which need to be able to reach
// across the full address space instead of only across a single small-code-
// model image.
template<typename T, bool Nullable = false>
using FarRelativeIndirectablePointer =
RelativeIndirectablePointer<T, Nullable, intptr_t>;
template<typename T, bool Nullable = false>
using FarRelativeDirectPointer = RelativeDirectPointer<T, Nullable, intptr_t>;
} // end namespace swift