blob: 91046450548daf7e134185f3e3e1ce49c6a0f5cd [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-sil -primary-file %s -o /dev/null -verify
func ifFalse() -> Int {
if false { // expected-note {{always evaluates to false}}
return 0 // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
} else {
return 1
func ifTrue() -> Int {
_ = 0
if true { // expected-note {{always evaluates to true}}
return 1
return 0 // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
// Work-around <rdar://problem/17687851> by ensuring there is
// something that appears to be user code in unreachable blocks.
func userCode() {}
func whileTrue() {
var x = 0
while true { // expected-note {{always evaluates to true}}
x += 1
userCode() // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
func whileTrueSilent() {
while true {
} // no warning!
func whileTrueReachable(_ v: Int) -> () {
var x = 0
while true {
if v == 0 {
x += 1
x -= 1
func whileTrueTwoPredecessorsEliminated() -> () {
var x = 0
while (true) { // expected-note {{always evaluates to true}}
if false {
x += 1
userCode() // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
func unreachableBranch() -> Int {
if false { // expected-note {{always evaluates to false}}
// FIXME: It'd be nice if the warning were on 'if true' instead of the
// body.
if true {
return 0 // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
} else {
return 1
// We should not report unreachable user code inside inlined transparent function.
func ifTrueTransparent(_ b: Bool) -> Int {
_ = 0
if b {
return 1
return 0
func testIfTrueTransparent() {
_ = ifTrueTransparent(true) // no-warning
_ = ifTrueTransparent(false) // no-warning
// We should not report unreachable user code inside generic instantiations.
// TODO: This test should start failing after we add support for generic
// specialization in SIL. To fix it, add generic instantiation detection
// within the DeadCodeElimination pass to address the corresponding FIXME note.
protocol HavingGetCond {
func getCond() -> Bool
struct ReturnsTrue : HavingGetCond {
func getCond() -> Bool { return true }
struct ReturnsOpaque : HavingGetCond {
var b: Bool
func getCond() -> Bool { return b }
func ifTrueGeneric<T : HavingGetCond>(_ x: T) -> Int {
if x.getCond() {
return 1
return 0
func testIfTrueGeneric(_ b1: ReturnsOpaque, b2: ReturnsTrue) {
_ = ifTrueGeneric(b1) // no-warning
_ = ifTrueGeneric(b2) // no-warning
// Test switch_enum folding/diagnostic.
enum X {
case One
case Two
case Three
func testSwitchEnum(_ xi: Int) -> Int {
var x = xi
let cond: X = .Two
switch cond { // expected-warning {{switch condition evaluates to a constant}}
case .One:
userCode() // expected-note {{will never be executed}}
case .Two:
x -= 1
case .Three:
x -= 1
switch cond { // no warning
x += 1
switch cond { // expected-warning{{switch condition evaluates to a constant}}
case .Two:
x += 1
userCode() // expected-note{{will never be executed}}
switch cond { // expected-warning{{switch condition evaluates to a constant}}
case .One:
userCode() // expected-note{{will never be executed}}
x -= 1
return x
@_silgen_name("exit") func exit() -> Never
func reachableThroughNonFoldedPredecessor(fn: @autoclosure () -> Bool = false) {
if !_fastPath(fn()) {
var _: Int = 0 // no warning
func intConstantTest() -> Int{
let y: Int = 1
if y == 1 { // expected-note {{condition always evaluates to true}}
return y
return 1 // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
func intConstantTest2() -> Int{
let y:Int = 1
let x:Int = y
if x != 1 { // expected-note {{condition always evaluates to false}}
return y // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
return 3
func test_single_statement_closure(_ fn:() -> ()) {}
test_single_statement_closure() {
exit() // no-warning
class C { }
class Super {
var s = C()
deinit { // no-warning
class D : Super {
var c = C()
deinit { // no-warning
// <rdar://problem/20097963> incorrect DI diagnostic in unreachable code
enum r20097963Test {
case A
case B
class r20097963MyClass {
func testStr(_ t: r20097963Test) -> String {
let str: String
switch t {
case .A:
str = "A"
case .B:
str = "B"
default: // expected-warning {{default will never be executed}}
str = "unknown" // Should not be rejected.
return str
func die() -> Never { die() }
func testGuard(_ a : Int) {
guard case 4 = a else { } // expected-error {{'guard' body must not fall through, consider using a 'return' or 'throw'}}
guard case 4 = a else { return } // ok
guard case 4 = a else { die() } // ok
guard case 4 = a else { fatalError("baaad") } // ok
for _ in 0...100 {
guard case 4 = a else { continue } // ok
func testFailingCast(_ s:String) -> Int {
// There should be no notes or warnings about a call to a noreturn function, because we do not expose
// how casts are lowered.
return s as! Int // expected-warning {{cast from 'String' to unrelated type 'Int' always fails}}
enum MyError : Error { case A }
func raise() throws -> Never { throw MyError.A }
func test_raise_1() throws -> Int {
try raise()
func test_raise_2() throws -> Int {
try raise() // expected-note {{a call to a never-returning function}}
try raise() // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
// If a guaranteed self call requires cleanup, don't warn about
// release instructions
struct Algol {
var x: [UInt8]
func fail() throws -> Never { throw MyError.A }
mutating func blah() throws -> Int {
try fail() // no-warning
class Lisp {
func fail() throws -> Never { throw MyError.A }
func transform<Scheme : Lisp>(_ s: Scheme) throws {
try // no-warning
func deferNoReturn() throws {
defer {
_ = Lisp() // no-warning
func deferTryNoReturn() throws {
defer {
_ = Lisp() // no-warning
try raise()
func noReturnInDefer() {
defer {
_ = Lisp()
die() // expected-note {{a call to a never-returning function}}
die() // expected-warning {{will never be executed}}
while true {
// no warning!
// SR-1010 - rdar://25278336 - Spurious "will never be executed" warnings when building standard library
struct SR1010<T> {
var a : T
extension SR1010 {
@available(*, unavailable, message: "use the 'enumerated()' method on the sequence")
init(_ base: Int) {
fatalError("unavailable function can't be called")
// More spurious 'will never be executed' warnings
struct FailingStruct {
init?(x: ()) {
class FailingClass {
init?(x: ()) {
convenience init?(y: ()) {