blob: 2d4fec98e5af39b2e4c9ccc12ff10523ac84ceed [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -enable-experimental-conditional-conformances -primary-file %s -emit-ir -enable-resilience -enable-source-import -I %S/../Inputs | %FileCheck %s
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -enable-experimental-conditional-conformances %s -emit-ir -num-threads 8 -enable-resilience -enable-source-import -I %S/../Inputs | %FileCheck %s
import resilient_struct
public protocol Runcible {
func runce()
// CHECK-LABEL: @"\01l_protocol_conformances" = private constant [
// CHECK: %swift.protocol_conformance {
// -- protocol descriptor
// CHECK-SAME: [[RUNCIBLE:@_T028protocol_conformance_records8RuncibleMp]]
// -- type metadata
// CHECK-SAME: @_T028protocol_conformance_records15NativeValueTypeVMf
// -- witness table
// CHECK-SAME: @_T028protocol_conformance_records15NativeValueTypeVAA8RuncibleAAWP
// -- flags 0x01: unique direct metadata
// CHECK-SAME: i32 1
public struct NativeValueType: Runcible {
public func runce() {}
// -- TODO class refs should be indirected through their ref variable
// CHECK-SAME: %swift.protocol_conformance {
// -- protocol descriptor
// -- class object (TODO should be class ref variable)
// CHECK-SAME: @_T028protocol_conformance_records15NativeClassTypeCMf
// -- witness table
// CHECK-SAME: @_T028protocol_conformance_records15NativeClassTypeCAA8RuncibleAAWP
// -- flags 0x01: unique direct metadata (TODO should be 0x03 indirect class)
// CHECK-SAME: i32 1
public class NativeClassType: Runcible {
public func runce() {}
// CHECK: %swift.protocol_conformance {
// -- protocol descriptor
// -- nominal type descriptor
// CHECK-SAME: @_T028protocol_conformance_records17NativeGenericTypeVMn
// -- witness table
// CHECK-SAME: @_T028protocol_conformance_records17NativeGenericTypeVyxGAA8RuncibleAAWP
// -- flags 0x04: unique nominal type descriptor
// CHECK-SAME: i32 4
public struct NativeGenericType<T>: Runcible {
public func runce() {}
// CHECK-SAME: %swift.protocol_conformance {
// -- protocol descriptor
// -- type metadata
// CHECK-SAME: @got._T0SiN
// -- witness table
// CHECK-SAME: @_T0Si28protocol_conformance_records8RuncibleAAWP
// -- flags 0x01: unique direct metadata
// CHECK-SAME: i32 1
extension Int: Runcible {
public func runce() {}
// For a resilient struct, reference the NominalTypeDescriptor
// CHECK-SAME: %swift.protocol_conformance {
// -- protocol descriptor
// -- nominal type descriptor
// CHECK-SAME: @got._T016resilient_struct4SizeVN
// -- witness table
// CHECK-SAME: @_T016resilient_struct4SizeV28protocol_conformance_records8RuncibleADWP
// -- flags 0x04: unique direct metadata
// CHECK-SAME: i32 1
extension Size: Runcible {
public func runce() {}
// TODO: conformances that need lazy initialization
public protocol Spoon { }
// Conditional conformances
// CHECK: %swift.protocol_conformance {
// -- protocol descriptor
// CHECK-SAME: [[SPOON:@_T028protocol_conformance_records5SpoonMp]]
// -- nominal type descriptor
// CHECK-SAME: @_T028protocol_conformance_records17NativeGenericTypeVMn
// -- witness table accessor
// CHECK-SAME: @_T028protocol_conformance_records17NativeGenericTypeVyxGAA5SpoonA2aERzlWa
// -- flags 0x04: unique nominal type descriptor + conditional accessor
// CHECK-SAME: i32 36
extension NativeGenericType : Spoon where T: Spoon {
public func runce() {}