blob: 3088fb51c942f014cf7eba5687769e1172ca4e5a [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -swift-version 4
protocol Fooable {
associatedtype Foo
var foo: Foo { get }
protocol Barrable {
associatedtype Bar: Fooable
var bar: Bar { get }
struct X {}
struct Y: Fooable {
typealias Foo = X
var foo: X { return X() }
struct Z: Barrable {
typealias Bar = Y
var bar: Y { return Y() }
protocol TestSameTypeRequirement {
func foo<F1: Fooable>(_ f: F1) where F1.Foo == X
struct SatisfySameTypeRequirement : TestSameTypeRequirement {
func foo<F2: Fooable>(_ f: F2) where F2.Foo == X {}
protocol TestSameTypeAssocTypeRequirement {
associatedtype Assoc
func foo<F1: Fooable>(_ f: F1) where F1.Foo == Assoc
struct SatisfySameTypeAssocTypeRequirement : TestSameTypeAssocTypeRequirement {
typealias Assoc = X
func foo<F2: Fooable>(_ f: F2) where F2.Foo == X {}
struct SatisfySameTypeAssocTypeRequirementDependent<T>
: TestSameTypeAssocTypeRequirement
typealias Assoc = T
func foo<F3: Fooable>(_ f: F3) where F3.Foo == T {}
// Pulled in from old standard library to keep the following test
// (LazySequenceOf) valid.
public struct GeneratorOf<T> : IteratorProtocol, Sequence {
/// Construct an instance whose `next()` method calls `nextElement`.
public init(_ nextElement: @escaping () -> T?) {
self._next = nextElement
/// Construct an instance whose `next()` method pulls its results
/// from `base`.
public init<I : IteratorProtocol>(_ base: I) where I.Element == T {
var base = base
self._next = { }
/// Advance to the next element and return it, or `nil` if no next
/// element exists.
/// Precondition: `next()` has not been applied to a copy of `self`
/// since the copy was made, and no preceding call to ``
/// has returned `nil`.
public mutating func next() -> T? {
return _next()
/// `GeneratorOf<T>` is also a `Sequence`, so it `generate`\ s
/// a copy of itself
public func makeIterator() -> GeneratorOf {
return self
let _next: () -> T?
// rdar://problem/19009056
public struct LazySequenceOf<S : Sequence, A> : Sequence where S.Iterator.Element == A {
public func makeIterator() -> GeneratorOf<A> {
return GeneratorOf<A>({ return nil })
public subscript(i : A) -> A { return i }
public func iterate<A>(_ f : @escaping (A) -> A) -> (_ x : A) -> LazySequenceOf<Iterate<A>, A>? {
return { x in nil }
public final class Iterate<A> : Sequence {
typealias IteratorProtocol = IterateGenerator<A>
public func makeIterator() -> IterateGenerator<A> {
return IterateGenerator<A>()
public final class IterateGenerator<A> : IteratorProtocol {
public func next() -> A? {
return nil
// rdar://problem/18475138
public protocol Observable : class {
associatedtype Output
func addObserver(_ obj : @escaping (Output) -> Void)
public protocol Bindable : class {
associatedtype Input
func foo()
class SideEffect<In> : Bindable {
typealias Input = In
func foo() { }
struct Composed<Left: Bindable, Right: Observable> where Left.Input == Right.Output {}
infix operator <- : AssignmentPrecedence
func <- <
>(lhs: @escaping (Right.Output) -> Void, rhs: Right) -> Composed<SideEffect<Right>, Right>?
return nil
// rdar://problem/17855378
struct Pair<T, U> {
typealias Type_ = (T, U)
protocol Seq {
associatedtype Element
func zip<OtherSeq: Seq, ResultSeq: Seq> (_ otherSeq: OtherSeq) -> ResultSeq
where ResultSeq.Element == Pair<Element, OtherSeq.Element>.Type_
// rdar://problem/18435371
extension Dictionary {
func multiSubscript<S : Sequence>(_ seq: S) -> [Value?] where S.Iterator.Element == Key {
var result = [Value?]()
for seqElt in seq {
return result
// rdar://problem/19245317
protocol P {
associatedtype T: P
struct S<A: P> {
init<Q: P>(_ q: Q) where Q.T == A {}
// rdar://problem/19371678
protocol Food { }
class Grass : Food { }
protocol Animal {
associatedtype EdibleFood:Food
func eat(_ f:EdibleFood)
class Cow : Animal {
func eat(_ f: Grass) { }
struct SpecificAnimal<F:Food> : Animal {
typealias EdibleFood=F
let _eat:(_ f:F) -> ()
init<A:Animal>(_ selfie:A) where A.EdibleFood == F {
_eat = {$0) }
func eat(_ f:F) {
// rdar://problem/18803556
struct Something<T> {
var items: [T] = []
extension Something {
init<S : Sequence>(_ s: S) where S.Iterator.Element == T {
for item in s {
// rdar://problem/18120419
func TTGenWrap<T, I : IteratorProtocol>(_ iterator: I) where I.Element == (T,T)
var iterator = iterator
_ =
func IntIntGenWrap<I : IteratorProtocol>(_ iterator: I) where I.Element == (Int,Int)
var iterator = iterator
_ =
func GGWrap<I1 : IteratorProtocol, I2 : IteratorProtocol>(_ i1: I1, _ i2: I2) where I1.Element == I2.Element
var i1 = i1
var i2 = i2
_ =
_ =
func testSameTypeTuple(_ a: Array<(Int,Int)>, s: ArraySlice<(Int,Int)>) {
GGWrap(a.makeIterator(), s.makeIterator())
// rdar://problem/20256475
protocol FooProtocol {
associatedtype Element
func getElement() -> Element
protocol Bar {
associatedtype Foo : FooProtocol
func getFoo() -> Foo
mutating func extend<C : FooProtocol>(_ elements: C)
where C.Element == Foo.Element
// rdar://problem/21620908
protocol P1 { }
protocol P2Base { }
protocol P2 : P2Base {
associatedtype Q : P1
func getQ() -> Q
struct XP1<T : P2Base> : P1 {
func wibble() { }
func sameTypeParameterizedConcrete<C : P2>(_ c: C) where C.Q == XP1<C> {
// rdar://problem/21621421
protocol P3 {
associatedtype AssocP3 : P1
protocol P4 {
associatedtype AssocP4 : P3
struct X1 : P1 { }
struct X3 : P3 {
typealias AssocP3 = X1
func foo<C : P4>(_ c: C) where C.AssocP4 == X3 {}
struct X4 : P4 {
typealias AssocP4 = X3
func testFoo(_ x3: X4) {
// rdar://problem/21625478
struct X6<T> { }
protocol P6 { }
protocol P7 {
associatedtype AssocP7
protocol P8 {
associatedtype AssocP8 : P7
associatedtype AssocOther
func testP8<C : P8>(_ c: C) where C.AssocOther == X6<C.AssocP8.AssocP7> {}
// setGenericSignature() was getting called twice here
struct Ghost<T> {}
protocol Timewarp {
associatedtype Wormhole
struct Teleporter<A, B> where A : Timewarp, A.Wormhole == Ghost<B> {}
struct Beam {}
struct EventHorizon : Timewarp {
typealias Wormhole = Ghost<Beam>
func activate<T>(_ t: T) {}
activate(Teleporter<EventHorizon, Beam>())
// rdar://problem/29288428
class C {}
protocol P9 {
associatedtype A
struct X7<T: P9> where T.A : C { }
extension X7 where T.A == Int { } // expected-error {{'T.A' requires that 'Int' inherit from 'C'}}
struct X8<T: C> { }
extension X8 where T == Int { } // expected-error {{'T' requires that 'Int' inherit from 'C'}}
protocol P10 {
associatedtype A
associatedtype B
associatedtype C
associatedtype D
associatedtype E
protocol P11: P10 where A == B { }
func intracomponent<T: P11>(_: T) // expected-note{{previous same-type constraint 'T.A' == 'T.B' implied here}}
where T.A == T.B { } // expected-warning{{redundant same-type constraint 'T.A' == 'T.B'}}
func intercomponentSameComponents<T: P10>(_: T)
where T.A == T.B, // expected-warning{{redundant same-type constraint 'T.A' == 'T.B'}}
T.B == T.A { } // expected-note{{previous same-type constraint 'T.B' == 'T.A' written here}}
func intercomponentMoreThanSpanningTree<T: P10>(_: T)
where T.A == T.B,
T.B == T.C,
T.D == T.E, // expected-note{{previous same-type constraint 'T.D' == 'T.E' written here}}
T.D == T.B,
T.E == T.B // expected-warning{{redundant same-type constraint 'T.E' == 'T.B'}}
{ }
func trivialRedundancy<T: P10>(_: T) where T.A == T.A { } // expected-warning{{redundant same-type constraint 'T.A' == 'T.A'}}
struct X11<T: P10> where T.A == T.B { }
func intracomponentInferred<T>(_: X11<T>)
where T.A == T.B { }
// Suppress redundant same-type constraint warnings from result types.
struct StructTakingP1<T: P1> { }
func resultTypeSuppress<T: P1>() -> StructTakingP1<T> {
return StructTakingP1()
// Check directly-concrete same-type constraints
typealias NotAnInt = Double
extension X11 where NotAnInt == Int { }
// expected-warning@-1{{neither type in same-type constraint ('NotAnInt' (aka 'Double') or 'Int') refers to a generic parameter or associated type}}
// expected-error@-2{{generic signature requires types 'NotAnInt' (aka 'Double') and 'Int' to be the same}}