blob: 1f3bf1f5f489d3a1dfe01f907559b158257cb794 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
func f0(_ i: Int, _ d: Double) {} // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
func f0(_ d: Double, _ i: Int) {} // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
f0(1, 2) // expected-error{{ambiguous use of 'f0'}}
func f1(_ i: Int16) {} // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
func f1(_ i: Int32) {} // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
f1(0) // expected-error{{ambiguous use of 'f1'}}
infix operator +++
func +++(i: Int, d: Double) {} // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
func +++(d: Double, i: Int) {} // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
1 +++ 2 // expected-error{{ambiguous use of operator '+++'}}
class C {
init(_ action: (Int) -> ()) {} // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
init(_ action: (Int, Int) -> ()) {} // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
func g(_ x: Int) -> () {} // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
func g(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) -> () {} // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
C(g) // expected-error{{ambiguous use of 'g'}}
func h<T>(_ x: T) -> () {}
C(h) // expected-error{{ambiguous use of 'init'}}
func rdar29691909_callee(_ o: AnyObject?) -> Any? { return o } // expected-note {{found this candidate}}
func rdar29691909_callee(_ o: AnyObject) -> Any { return o } // expected-note {{found this candidate}}
func rdar29691909(o: AnyObject) -> Any? {
return rdar29691909_callee(o) // expected-error{{ambiguous use of 'rdar29691909_callee'}}
func rdar29907555(_ value: Any!) -> String {
return "\(value)" // no error
struct SR3715 {
var overloaded: Int!
func overloaded(_ x: Int) {}
func overloaded(_ x: Float) {}
func take(_ a: [Any]) {}
func test() {
take([overloaded]) // no error
// rdar://35116378 - Here the ambiguity is in the pre-check pass; make sure
// we emit a diagnostic instead of crashing.
struct Movie {}
class MoviesViewController {
typealias itemType = Movie // expected-note {{'itemType' declared here}}
let itemType = [Movie].self // expected-note {{'itemType' declared here}}
var items: [Movie] = [Movie]()
func loadData() {
_ = itemType // expected-error {{ambiguous use of 'itemType'}}