blob: 7821f7e4e62729b3f9cb64e30154b36e200f2730 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- StaticArray.swift ------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// We use this test to benchmark the compile time and analyze the code
// generation of struct initializers.
import TestsUtils
public let StaticArrayTest = BenchmarkInfo(
name: "StaticArray",
runFunction: run_StaticArray,
tags: [.validation, .api, .Array])
protocol StaticArrayProtocol {
associatedtype ElemTy
init(_ defaultValue : ElemTy)
func get(_ idx : Int) -> ElemTy
mutating func set(_ idx : Int,_ val : ElemTy)
func count() -> Int
struct A0<ElemTy> : StaticArrayProtocol {
init(_ defaultValue : ElemTy) { x = defaultValue }
var x : ElemTy
func get(_ idx : Int) -> ElemTy { if idx == 0 { return x } else { fatalError("oob"); } }
mutating func set(_ idx : Int,_ val : ElemTy) { if idx == 0 { x = val }}
func count() -> Int { return 1}
struct A2X<T : StaticArrayProtocol> : StaticArrayProtocol {
init(_ defaultValue : T.ElemTy) { lower = T(defaultValue); upper = T(defaultValue) }
var lower : T
var upper : T
func get(_ idx: Int) -> T.ElemTy { let size = lower.count(); if idx < size { return lower.get(idx) } else { return upper.get(idx - size) }}
mutating func set(_ idx: Int,_ val : T.ElemTy) {let size = lower.count(); if idx < size { return lower.set(idx, val) } else { return upper.set(idx - size, val) }}
func count() -> Int { return upper.count() + lower.count() }
struct StaticArray<
T : StaticArrayProtocol
> : StaticArrayProtocol, RandomAccessCollection, MutableCollection {
typealias Indices = CountableRange<Int>
init(_ defaultValue : T.ElemTy) { values = T(defaultValue) }
var values : T
func get(_ idx: Int) -> T.ElemTy { return values.get(idx) }
mutating func set(_ idx: Int,_ val : T.ElemTy) { return values.set(idx, val) }
func count() -> Int { return values.count() }
typealias Index = Int
typealias IndexDistance = Int
let startIndex: Int = 0
var endIndex: Int { return count()}
subscript(idx: Int) -> T.ElemTy {
get {
return get(idx)
set(val) {
set(idx, val)
typealias Iterator = IndexingIterator<StaticArray>
subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> StaticArray<T> {
get { fatalError() }
set { fatalError() }
typealias SA2Int = StaticArray<A0<Int>>
typealias SA4Int = StaticArray<A2X<A0<Int>>>
typealias SA8Int = StaticArray<A2X<A2X<A0<Int>>>>
typealias SA16Int = StaticArray<A2X<A2X<A2X<A0<Int>>>>>
typealias SA32Int = StaticArray<A2X<A2X<A2X<A2X<A0<Int>>>>>>
typealias SA64Int = StaticArray<A2X<A2X<A2X<A2X<A2X<A0<Int>>>>>>>
typealias SA128Int = StaticArray<A2X<A2X<A2X<A2X<A2X<A2X<A0<Int>>>>>>>>
// Make sure the optimizer does not optimize the compute away.
public func sink(_ value: Int) { if False() { print(value) }}
public func run_StaticArray(_ N: Int) {
for _ in 1...N {
var staticArray = SA128Int(0)
for i in 0..<staticArray.count() { staticArray[i] = i ^ 123 }