blob: 1f6bedfdb8d402a4ad4b5d57132846825ed26791 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-silgen -I %S/../IDE/Inputs/custom-modules %s 2>&1 | %FileCheck --check-prefix=SIL %s
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import ImportAsMember.A
import ImportAsMember.Class
public func returnGlobalVar() -> Double {
return Struct1.globalVar
// SIL-LABEL: sil {{.*}}returnGlobalVar{{.*}} () -> Double {
// SIL: %0 = global_addr @IAMStruct1GlobalVar : $*Double
// SIL: [[READ:%.*]] = begin_access [read] [dynamic] %0 : $*Double
// SIL: [[VAL:%.*]] = load [trivial] [[READ]] : $*Double
// SIL: return [[VAL]] : $Double
// SIL-NEXT: }
// SIL-LABEL: sil {{.*}}anchor{{.*}} () -> () {
func anchor() {}
// SIL-LABEL: sil {{.*}}useClass{{.*}}
// SIL: bb0([[D:%[0-9]+]] : $Double, [[OPTS:%[0-9]+]] : $SomeClass.Options):
public func useClass(d: Double, opts: SomeClass.Options) {
// SIL: [[CTOR:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @MakeIAMSomeClass : $@convention(c) (Double) -> @autoreleased SomeClass
// SIL: [[OBJ:%[0-9]+]] = apply [[CTOR]]([[D]])
let o = SomeClass(value: d)
// SIL: [[APPLY_FN:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @IAMSomeClassApplyOptions : $@convention(c) (SomeClass, SomeClass.Options) -> ()
// SIL: [[BORROWED_OBJ:%.*]] = begin_borrow [[OBJ]]
// SIL: apply [[APPLY_FN]]([[BORROWED_OBJ]], [[OPTS]])
// SIL: end_borrow [[BORROWED_OBJ]] from [[OBJ]]
// SIL: destroy_value [[OBJ]]
extension SomeClass {
// SIL-LABEL: sil hidden @_T0So9SomeClassC16import_as_memberEABSd6double_tcfc
// SIL: bb0([[DOUBLE:%[0-9]+]] : $Double
// SIL-NOT: value_metatype
// SIL: [[FNREF:%[0-9]+]] = function_ref @MakeIAMSomeClass
// SIL: apply [[FNREF]]([[DOUBLE]])
convenience init(double: Double) {
self.init(value: double)
public func useSpecialInit() -> Struct1 {
// FIXME: the below triggers an assert, due to number or params mismatch
// return Struct1(specialLabel:())
public func useGlobal() -> Double {
return Struct1.globalVar