blob: 59dc623f387b97d1a5f3661b235ce6b32da24e6c [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// Instances of conforming types can be encoded, and appropriately
/// passed, as elements of a C `va_list`.
/// This protocol is useful in presenting C "varargs" APIs natively in
/// Swift. It only works for APIs that have a `va_list` variant, so
/// for example, it isn't much use if all you have is:
/// ~~~ c
/// int c_api(int n, ...)
/// ~~~
/// Given a version like this, though,
/// ~~~ c
/// int c_api(int, va_list arguments)
/// ~~~
/// you can write:
/// func swiftAPI(_ x: Int, arguments: CVarArg...) -> Int {
/// return withVaList(arguments) { c_api(x, $0) }
/// }
public protocol CVarArg {
// Note: the protocol is public, but its requirement is stdlib-private.
// That's because there are APIs operating on CVarArg instances, but
// defining conformances to CVarArg outside of the standard library is
// not supported.
/// Transform `self` into a series of machine words that can be
/// appropriately interpreted by C varargs.
var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] { get }
/// Floating point types need to be passed differently on x86_64
/// systems. CoreGraphics uses this to make CGFloat work properly.
public // SPI(CoreGraphics)
protocol _CVarArgPassedAsDouble : CVarArg {}
/// Some types require alignment greater than Int on some architectures.
public // SPI(CoreGraphics)
protocol _CVarArgAligned : CVarArg {
/// Returns the required alignment in bytes of
/// the value returned by `_cVarArgEncoding`.
var _cVarArgAlignment: Int { get }
#if arch(x86_64)
let _x86_64CountGPRegisters = 6
// Note to future visitors concerning the following SSE register count.
// AMD64-ABI section 3.5.7 says -- as recently as v0.99.7, Nov 2014 -- to make
// room in the va_list register-save area for 16 SSE registers (XMM0..15). This
// may seem surprising, because the calling convention of that ABI only uses the
// first 8 SSE registers for argument-passing; why save the other 8?
// According to a comment in X86_64ABIInfo::EmitVAArg, in clang's TargetInfo,
// the AMD64-ABI spec is itself in error on this point ("NOTE: 304 is a typo").
// This comment (and calculation) in clang has been there since varargs support
// was added in 2009, in rev be9eb093; so if you're about to change this value
// from 8 to 16 based on reading the spec, probably the bug you're looking for
// is elsewhere.
let _x86_64CountSSERegisters = 8
let _x86_64SSERegisterWords = 2
let _x86_64RegisterSaveWords = _x86_64CountGPRegisters + _x86_64CountSSERegisters * _x86_64SSERegisterWords
/// Invokes the given closure with a C `va_list` argument derived from the
/// given array of arguments.
/// The pointer passed as an argument to `body` is valid only during the
/// execution of `withVaList(_:_:)`. Do not store or return the pointer for
/// later use.
/// - Parameters:
/// - args: An array of arguments to convert to a C `va_list` pointer.
/// - body: A closure with a `CVaListPointer` parameter that references the
/// arguments passed as `args`. If `body` has a return value, that value
/// is also used as the return value for the `withVaList(_:)` function.
/// The pointer argument is valid only for the duration of the function's
/// execution.
/// - Returns: The return value, if any, of the `body` closure parameter.
public func withVaList<R>(_ args: [CVarArg],
_ body: (CVaListPointer) -> R) -> R {
let builder = _VaListBuilder()
for a in args {
return _withVaList(builder, body)
/// Invoke `body` with a C `va_list` argument derived from `builder`.
internal func _withVaList<R>(
_ builder: _VaListBuilder,
_ body: (CVaListPointer) -> R
) -> R {
let result = body(builder.va_list())
return result
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
// Excluded due to use of dynamic casting and Builtin.autorelease, neither
// of which correctly work without the ObjC Runtime right now.
// See rdar://problem/18801510
/// Returns a `CVaListPointer` that is backed by autoreleased storage, built
/// from the given array of arguments.
/// You should prefer `withVaList(_:_:)` instead of this function. In some
/// uses, such as in a `class` initializer, you may find that the language
/// rules do not allow you to use `withVaList(_:_:)` as intended.
/// - Parameter args: An array of arguments to convert to a C `va_list`
/// pointer.
/// - Returns: A pointer that can be used with C functions that take a
/// `va_list` argument.
public func getVaList(_ args: [CVarArg]) -> CVaListPointer {
let builder = _VaListBuilder()
for a in args {
// FIXME: Use some Swift equivalent of NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER if we get one.
return builder.va_list()
public func _encodeBitsAsWords<T>(_ x: T) -> [Int] {
let result = [Int](
repeating: 0,
count: (MemoryLayout<T>.size + MemoryLayout<Int>.size - 1) / MemoryLayout<Int>.size)
_sanityCheck(result.count > 0)
var tmp = x
// FIXME: use UnsafeMutablePointer.assign(from:) instead of memcpy.
_memcpy(dest: UnsafeMutablePointer(result._baseAddressIfContiguous!),
src: UnsafeMutablePointer(Builtin.addressof(&tmp)),
size: UInt(MemoryLayout<T>.size))
return result
// CVarArg conformances for the integer types. Everything smaller
// than an Int32 must be promoted to Int32 or CUnsignedInt before
// encoding.
// Signed types
extension Int : CVarArg {
/// Transform `self` into a series of machine words that can be
/// appropriately interpreted by C varargs.
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
return _encodeBitsAsWords(self)
extension Bool : CVarArg {
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
return _encodeBitsAsWords(Int32(self ? 1:0))
extension Int64 : CVarArg, _CVarArgAligned {
/// Transform `self` into a series of machine words that can be
/// appropriately interpreted by C varargs.
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
return _encodeBitsAsWords(self)
/// Returns the required alignment in bytes of
/// the value returned by `_cVarArgEncoding`.
public var _cVarArgAlignment: Int {
// FIXME: alignof differs from the ABI alignment on some architectures
return MemoryLayout.alignment(ofValue: self)
extension Int32 : CVarArg {
/// Transform `self` into a series of machine words that can be
/// appropriately interpreted by C varargs.
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
return _encodeBitsAsWords(self)
extension Int16 : CVarArg {
/// Transform `self` into a series of machine words that can be
/// appropriately interpreted by C varargs.
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
return _encodeBitsAsWords(Int32(self))
extension Int8 : CVarArg {
/// Transform `self` into a series of machine words that can be
/// appropriately interpreted by C varargs.
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
return _encodeBitsAsWords(Int32(self))
// Unsigned types
extension UInt : CVarArg {
/// Transform `self` into a series of machine words that can be
/// appropriately interpreted by C varargs.
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
return _encodeBitsAsWords(self)
extension UInt64 : CVarArg, _CVarArgAligned {
/// Transform `self` into a series of machine words that can be
/// appropriately interpreted by C varargs.
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
return _encodeBitsAsWords(self)
/// Returns the required alignment in bytes of
/// the value returned by `_cVarArgEncoding`.
public var _cVarArgAlignment: Int {
// FIXME: alignof differs from the ABI alignment on some architectures
return MemoryLayout.alignment(ofValue: self)
extension UInt32 : CVarArg {
/// Transform `self` into a series of machine words that can be
/// appropriately interpreted by C varargs.
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
return _encodeBitsAsWords(self)
extension UInt16 : CVarArg {
/// Transform `self` into a series of machine words that can be
/// appropriately interpreted by C varargs.
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
return _encodeBitsAsWords(CUnsignedInt(self))
extension UInt8 : CVarArg {
/// Transform `self` into a series of machine words that can be
/// appropriately interpreted by C varargs.
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
return _encodeBitsAsWords(CUnsignedInt(self))
extension OpaquePointer : CVarArg {
/// Transform `self` into a series of machine words that can be
/// appropriately interpreted by C varargs.
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
return _encodeBitsAsWords(self)
extension UnsafePointer : CVarArg {
/// Transform `self` into a series of machine words that can be
/// appropriately interpreted by C varargs.
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
return _encodeBitsAsWords(self)
extension UnsafeMutablePointer : CVarArg {
/// Transform `self` into a series of machine words that can be
/// appropriately interpreted by C varargs.
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
return _encodeBitsAsWords(self)
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
extension AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer : CVarArg {
/// Transform `self` into a series of machine words that can be
/// appropriately interpreted by C varargs.
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
return _encodeBitsAsWords(self)
extension Float : _CVarArgPassedAsDouble, _CVarArgAligned {
/// Transform `self` into a series of machine words that can be
/// appropriately interpreted by C varargs.
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
return _encodeBitsAsWords(Double(self))
/// Returns the required alignment in bytes of
/// the value returned by `_cVarArgEncoding`.
public var _cVarArgAlignment: Int {
// FIXME: alignof differs from the ABI alignment on some architectures
return MemoryLayout.alignment(ofValue: Double(self))
extension Double : _CVarArgPassedAsDouble, _CVarArgAligned {
/// Transform `self` into a series of machine words that can be
/// appropriately interpreted by C varargs.
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
return _encodeBitsAsWords(self)
/// Returns the required alignment in bytes of
/// the value returned by `_cVarArgEncoding`.
public var _cVarArgAlignment: Int {
// FIXME: alignof differs from the ABI alignment on some architectures
return MemoryLayout.alignment(ofValue: self)
#if arch(x86_64)
/// An object that can manage the lifetime of storage backing a
/// `CVaListPointer`.
final internal class _VaListBuilder {
struct Header {
var gp_offset = CUnsignedInt(0)
var fp_offset = CUnsignedInt(_x86_64CountGPRegisters * MemoryLayout<Int>.stride)
var overflow_arg_area: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>?
var reg_save_area: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>?
init() {
// prepare the register save area
storage = ContiguousArray(repeating: 0, count: _x86_64RegisterSaveWords)
func append(_ arg: CVarArg) {
var encoded = arg._cVarArgEncoding
if arg is _CVarArgPassedAsDouble
&& sseRegistersUsed < _x86_64CountSSERegisters {
var startIndex = _x86_64CountGPRegisters
+ (sseRegistersUsed * _x86_64SSERegisterWords)
for w in encoded {
storage[startIndex] = w
startIndex += 1
sseRegistersUsed += 1
else if encoded.count == 1
&& !(arg is _CVarArgPassedAsDouble)
&& gpRegistersUsed < _x86_64CountGPRegisters {
storage[gpRegistersUsed] = encoded[0]
gpRegistersUsed += 1
else {
for w in encoded {
func va_list() -> CVaListPointer {
header.reg_save_area = storage._baseAddress
= storage._baseAddress + _x86_64RegisterSaveWords
return CVaListPointer(
_fromUnsafeMutablePointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer(
var gpRegistersUsed = 0
var sseRegistersUsed = 0
final // Property must be final since it is used by Builtin.addressof.
var header = Header()
var storage: ContiguousArray<Int>
/// An object that can manage the lifetime of storage backing a
/// `CVaListPointer`.
final internal class _VaListBuilder {
func append(_ arg: CVarArg) {
// Write alignment padding if necessary.
// This is needed on architectures where the ABI alignment of some
// supported vararg type is greater than the alignment of Int, such
// as non-iOS ARM. Note that we can't use alignof because it
// differs from ABI alignment on some architectures.
#if arch(arm) && !os(iOS)
if let arg = arg as? _CVarArgAligned {
let alignmentInWords = arg._cVarArgAlignment / MemoryLayout<Int>.size
let misalignmentInWords = count % alignmentInWords
if misalignmentInWords != 0 {
let paddingInWords = alignmentInWords - misalignmentInWords
appendWords([Int](repeating: -1, count: paddingInWords))
// Write the argument's value itself.
func va_list() -> CVaListPointer {
// Use Builtin.addressof to emphasize that we are deliberately escaping this
// pointer and assuming it is safe to do so.
let emptyAddr = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>(
return CVaListPointer(_fromUnsafeMutablePointer: storage ?? emptyAddr)
// Manage storage that is accessed as Words
// but possibly more aligned than that.
// FIXME: this should be packaged into a better storage type
func appendWords(_ words: [Int]) {
let newCount = count + words.count
if newCount > allocated {
let oldAllocated = allocated
let oldStorage = storage
let oldCount = count
allocated = max(newCount, allocated * 2)
let newStorage = allocStorage(wordCount: allocated)
storage = newStorage
// count is updated below
if let allocatedOldStorage = oldStorage {
newStorage.moveInitialize(from: allocatedOldStorage, count: oldCount)
deallocStorage(wordCount: oldAllocated, storage: allocatedOldStorage)
let allocatedStorage = storage!
for word in words {
allocatedStorage[count] = word
count += 1
func rawSizeAndAlignment(_ wordCount: Int) -> (Builtin.Word, Builtin.Word) {
return ((wordCount * MemoryLayout<Int>.stride)._builtinWordValue,
func allocStorage(wordCount: Int) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Int> {
let (rawSize, rawAlignment) = rawSizeAndAlignment(wordCount)
let rawStorage = Builtin.allocRaw(rawSize, rawAlignment)
return UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>(rawStorage)
func deallocStorage(
wordCount: Int,
storage: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>
) {
let (rawSize, rawAlignment) = rawSizeAndAlignment(wordCount)
Builtin.deallocRaw(storage._rawValue, rawSize, rawAlignment)
deinit {
if let allocatedStorage = storage {
deallocStorage(wordCount: allocated, storage: allocatedStorage)
// FIXME: alignof differs from the ABI alignment on some architectures
let requiredAlignmentInBytes = MemoryLayout<Double>.alignment
var count = 0
var allocated = 0
var storage: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>?
static var alignedStorageForEmptyVaLists: Double = 0