blob: 42f5e318271f7bb69f240c441a186c9866d5159f [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import SwiftShims
/// Convert the given numeric value to a hexadecimal string.
// FIXME(integers): support a more general BinaryInteger protocol
public func asHex<T : FixedWidthInteger>(_ x: T) -> String {
return "0x" + String(x, radix: 16)
/// Convert the given sequence of numeric values to a string representing
/// their hexadecimal values.
// FIXME(integers): support a more general BinaryInteger protocol
public func asHex<S : Sequence>(_ x: S) -> String
S.Iterator.Element : FixedWidthInteger {
return "[ " + { asHex($0) }.joined(separator: ", ") + " ]"
/// Compute the prefix sum of `seq`.
public func scan<
S : Sequence, U
>(_ seq: S, _ initial: U, _ combine: (U, S.Iterator.Element) -> U) -> [U] {
var result: [U] = []
var runningResult = initial
for element in seq {
runningResult = combine(runningResult, element)
return result
public func randomShuffle<T>(_ a: [T]) -> [T] {
var result = a
for i in (1..<a.count).reversed() {
// FIXME: 32 bits are not enough in general case!
let j = Int(rand32(exclusiveUpperBound: UInt32(i + 1)))
if i != j {
result.swapAt(i, j)
return result
public func gather<C : Collection, IndicesSequence : Sequence>(
_ collection: C, _ indices: IndicesSequence
) -> [C.Iterator.Element]
where IndicesSequence.Iterator.Element == C.Index {
return Array( { collection[$0] })
public func scatter<T>(_ a: [T], _ idx: [Int]) -> [T] {
var result = a
for i in 0..<a.count {
result[idx[i]] = a[i]
return result
public func withArrayOfCStrings<R>(
_ args: [String], _ body: ([UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>?]) -> R
) -> R {
let argsCounts = Array( { $0.utf8.count + 1 })
let argsOffsets = [ 0 ] + scan(argsCounts, 0, +)
let argsBufferSize = argsOffsets.last!
var argsBuffer: [UInt8] = []
for arg in args {
argsBuffer.append(contentsOf: arg.utf8)
return argsBuffer.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer {
(argsBuffer) in
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(argsBuffer.baseAddress!).bindMemory(
to: CChar.self, capacity: argsBuffer.count)
var cStrings: [UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>?] = { ptr + $0 }
cStrings[cStrings.count - 1] = nil
return body(cStrings)