blob: ad172aae2609564b794610d92373796df7df250a [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- StdlibUnittest.swift.gyb -----------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
from gyb_stdlib_unittest_support import TRACE, stackTrace, trace
import SwiftPrivate
import SwiftPrivatePthreadExtras
import SwiftPrivateLibcExtras
#if os(OSX) || os(iOS) || os(watchOS) || os(tvOS)
import Darwin
#elseif os(Linux) || os(FreeBSD) || os(PS4) || os(Android) || os(Cygwin) || os(Haiku)
import Glibc
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
import ObjectiveC
extension String {
/// Returns the lines in `self`.
public var _lines : [String] {
return _split(separator: "\n")
/// Splits `self` at occurrences of `separator`.
public func _split(separator: Unicode.Scalar) -> [String] {
let scalarSlices = unicodeScalars.split { $0 == separator }
return { String(String.UnicodeScalarView($0)) }
public struct SourceLoc {
public let file: String
public let line: UInt
public let comment: String?
public init(_ file: String, _ line: UInt, comment: String? = nil) {
self.file = file
self.line = line
self.comment = comment
public func withCurrentLoc(
_ file: String = #file, line: UInt = #line
) -> SourceLocStack {
return SourceLocStack(self).with(SourceLoc(file, line))
public struct SourceLocStack {
let locs: [SourceLoc]
public init() {
locs = []
public init(_ loc: SourceLoc) {
locs = [loc]
init(_locs: [SourceLoc]) {
locs = _locs
var isEmpty: Bool {
return locs.isEmpty
public func with(_ loc: SourceLoc) -> SourceLocStack {
var locs = self.locs
return SourceLocStack(_locs: locs)
public func pushIf(
_ showFrame: Bool, file: String, line: UInt
) -> SourceLocStack {
return showFrame ? self.with(SourceLoc(file, line)) : self
public func withCurrentLoc(
file: String = #file, line: UInt = #line
) -> SourceLocStack {
return with(SourceLoc(file, line))
public func print() {
let top = locs.first!
Swift.print("check failed at \(top.file), line \(top.line)")
_printStackTrace(SourceLocStack(_locs: Array(locs.dropFirst())))
func _printStackTrace(_ stackTrace: SourceLocStack?) {
guard let s = stackTrace, !s.locs.isEmpty else { return }
for (i, loc) in s.locs.reversed().enumerated() {
let comment = (loc.comment != nil) ? " ; \(loc.comment!)" : ""
print(" #\(i): \(loc.file):\(loc.line)\(comment)")
// FIXME: these variables should be atomic, since multiple threads can call
// `expect*()` functions.
var _anyExpectFailed = false
var _seenExpectCrash = false
/// Run `body` and expect a failure to happen.
/// The check passes iff `body` triggers one or more failures.
public func expectFailure(${TRACE}, invoking body: () -> Void) {
let startAnyExpectFailed = _anyExpectFailed
_anyExpectFailed = false
let endAnyExpectFailed = _anyExpectFailed
_anyExpectFailed = false
endAnyExpectFailed, "running `body` should produce an expected failure",
stackTrace: ${stackTrace}
_anyExpectFailed = _anyExpectFailed || startAnyExpectFailed
public func identity(_ element: OpaqueValue<Int>) -> OpaqueValue<Int> {
return element
public func identityEq(_ element: MinimalEquatableValue) -> MinimalEquatableValue {
return element
public func identityComp(_ element: MinimalComparableValue)
-> MinimalComparableValue {
return element
public func expectEqual<T : Equatable>(_ expected: T, _ actual: T, ${TRACE}) {
expectEqualTest(expected, actual, ${trace}, showFrame: false) {$0 == $1}
public func expectEqual<T : Equatable, U : Equatable>(
_ expected: (T, U), _ actual: (T, U), ${TRACE}) {
expectEqualTest(expected.0, actual.0, ${trace}, showFrame: false) {$0 == $1}
expectEqualTest(expected.1, actual.1, ${trace}, showFrame: false) {$0 == $1}
public func expectEqual<T : Equatable, U : Equatable, V : Equatable>(
_ expected: (T, U, V), _ actual: (T, U, V), ${TRACE}) {
expectEqualTest(expected.0, actual.0, ${trace}, showFrame: false) {$0 == $1}
expectEqualTest(expected.1, actual.1, ${trace}, showFrame: false) {$0 == $1}
expectEqualTest(expected.2, actual.2, ${trace}, showFrame: false) {$0 == $1}
public func expectEqual<T : Equatable, U : Equatable, V : Equatable, W : Equatable>(
_ expected: (T, U, V, W), _ actual: (T, U, V, W), ${TRACE}) {
expectEqualTest(expected.0, actual.0, ${trace}, showFrame: false) {$0 == $1}
expectEqualTest(expected.1, actual.1, ${trace}, showFrame: false) {$0 == $1}
expectEqualTest(expected.2, actual.2, ${trace}, showFrame: false) {$0 == $1}
expectEqualTest(expected.3, actual.3, ${trace}, showFrame: false) {$0 == $1}
% for (Lhs, Rhs) in [
% ('String', 'Substring'),
% ('Substring', 'String'),
% ('String', 'String'), # this one is to break ambiguity
% ]:
public func expectEqual(_ expected: ${Lhs}, _ actual: ${Rhs}, ${TRACE}) {
if !(expected == actual) {
"expected: \(String(reflecting: expected)) (of type \(String(reflecting: type(of: expected))))\n"
+ "actual: \(String(reflecting: actual)) (of type \(String(reflecting: type(of: actual))))",
trace: ${trace}
% end
public func expectEqualReference(_ expected: AnyObject?, _ actual: AnyObject?, ${TRACE}) {
expectEqualTest(expected, actual, ${trace}, showFrame: false) {$0 === $1}
public func expectationFailure(
_ reason: String,
trace message: String,
stackTrace: SourceLocStack) {
_anyExpectFailed = true
print(reason, terminator: reason == "" ? "" : "\n")
print(message, terminator: message == "" ? "" : "\n")
// Renamed to avoid collision with expectEqual(_, _, TRACE).
// See <rdar://26058520> Generic type constraints incorrectly applied to
// functions with the same name
public func expectEqualTest<T>(
_ expected: T, _ actual: T, ${TRACE}, sameValue equal: (T, T) -> Bool
) {
if !equal(expected, actual) {
"expected: \(String(reflecting: expected)) (of type \(String(reflecting: type(of: expected))))\n"
+ "actual: \(String(reflecting: actual)) (of type \(String(reflecting: type(of: actual))))",
trace: ${trace}
public func expectNotEqual<T : Equatable>(_ expected: T, _ actual: T, ${TRACE}) {
if expected == actual {
"unexpected value: \"\(actual)\" (of type \(String(reflecting: type(of: actual))))",
trace: ${trace}
// Cannot write a sane set of overloads using generics because of:
// <rdar://problem/17015923> Array -> NSArray implicit conversion insanity
public func expectOptionalEqual<T : Equatable>(
_ expected: T, _ actual: T?, ${TRACE}
) {
expectOptionalEqual(expected, actual, ${trace}, showFrame: false) {$0 == $1}
public func expectOptionalEqual<T>(
_ expected: T, _ actual: T?, ${TRACE}, sameValue equal: (T, T) -> Bool
) {
if (actual == nil) || !equal(expected, actual!) {
"expected: \"\(expected)\" (of type \(String(reflecting: type(of: expected))))\n"
+ "actual: \"\(actual.debugDescription)\" (of type \(String(reflecting: type(of: actual))))",
trace: ${trace})
public func expectEqual<T : Equatable>(_ expected: T?, _ actual: T?, ${TRACE}) {
if expected != actual {
"expected: \"\(expected.debugDescription)\" (of type \(String(reflecting: type(of: expected))))\n"
+ "actual: \"\(actual.debugDescription)\" (of type \(String(reflecting: type(of: actual))))",
trace: ${trace})
public func expectNotEqual<T : Equatable>(
_ expected: T?, _ actual: T?, ${TRACE}
) {
if expected == actual {
"unexpected value: \"\(actual.debugDescription)\" (of type \(String(reflecting: type(of: actual))))",
trace: ${trace})
// Array<T> is not Equatable if T is. Provide additional overloads.
// Same for Dictionary.
%for (Generic, EquatableType) in [
% ('<T : Equatable>', 'ContiguousArray<T>'),
% ('<T : Equatable>', 'ArraySlice<T>'),
% ('<T : Equatable>', 'Array<T>'),
% ('<T, U : Equatable>', 'Dictionary<T, U>')]:
public func expectEqual${Generic}(
_ expected: ${EquatableType}, _ actual: ${EquatableType}, ${TRACE}
) {
expectEqualTest(expected, actual, ${trace}, showFrame: false) { $0 == $1 }
public func expectOptionalEqual${Generic}(
_ expected: ${EquatableType}, _ actual: ${EquatableType}?, ${TRACE}) {
if (actual == nil) || expected != actual! {
"expected: \"\(expected)\" (of type \(String(reflecting: type(of: expected))))"
+ "actual: \"\(actual.debugDescription)\" (of type \(String(reflecting: type(of: actual))))",
trace: ${trace})
public func expectEqual(
_ expected: Any.Type, _ actual: Any.Type, ${TRACE}
) {
expectEqualTest(expected, actual, ${trace}, showFrame: false) { $0 == $1 }
public func expectLT<T : Comparable>(_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, ${TRACE}) {
if !(lhs < rhs) {
expectationFailure("\(lhs) < \(rhs)", trace: ${trace})
public func expectLE<T : Comparable>(_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, ${TRACE}) {
if !(lhs <= rhs) {
expectationFailure("\(lhs) <= \(rhs)", trace: ${trace})
public func expectGT<T : Comparable>(_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, ${TRACE}) {
if !(lhs > rhs) {
expectationFailure("\(lhs) > \(rhs)", trace: ${trace})
public func expectGE<T : Comparable>(_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, ${TRACE}) {
if !(lhs >= rhs) {
expectationFailure("\(lhs) >= \(rhs)", trace: ${trace})
% for OtherRange in ['Range', 'CountableRange', 'ClosedRange', 'CountableClosedRange']:
extension Range
% if 'Countable' in OtherRange:
Bound : _Strideable, Bound.Stride : SignedInteger
% end
internal func _contains(_ other: ${OtherRange}<Bound>) -> Bool {
if other.lowerBound < lowerBound { return false }
% if 'Closed' in OtherRange:
if upperBound <= other.upperBound { return false }
% else:
if upperBound < other.upperBound { return false }
% end
return true
% end
% for Range in ['Range', 'CountableRange', 'ClosedRange', 'CountableClosedRange']:
public func expectTrapping<Bound>(
_ point: Bound, in range: ${Range}<Bound>, ${TRACE}
) {
if !range.contains(point) {
expectationFailure("\(point) in \(range)", trace: ${trace})
public func expectTrapping<Bound>(
_ subRange: ${Range}<Bound>, in range: Range<Bound>, ${TRACE}
) {
if !range._contains(subRange) {
expectationFailure("\(subRange) in \(range)", trace: ${trace})
% end
extension ClosedRange {
internal func _contains(_ other: ClosedRange<Bound>) -> Bool {
if other.lowerBound < lowerBound { return false }
if upperBound < other.upperBound { return false }
return true
public func expectTrapping<Bound>(
_ subRange: ClosedRange<Bound>, in range: ClosedRange<Bound>, ${TRACE}
) {
if !range._contains(subRange) {
expectationFailure("\(subRange) in \(range)", trace: ${trace})
public func expectType<T>(_: T.Type, _ x: inout T) {}
public func expectEqualType<T>(_: T.Type, _: T.Type) {}
public func expectSequenceType<X : Sequence>(_ x: X) -> X
X.SubSequence : Sequence,
X.SubSequence.Iterator.Element == X.Iterator.Element,
X.SubSequence.SubSequence == X.SubSequence {
return x
% for Mutable in ['', 'Mutable']:
public func expect${Mutable}CollectionType<X : ${Mutable}Collection>(
_ x: X.Type
) where
// FIXME(ABI)#2 (Associated Types with where clauses): there should be no constraints in
// the 'where' clause, all of these should be required by the protocol.
% if Mutable == '':
X.SubSequence : Collection,
% end
// X.SubSequence.Indices == X.Indices, // FIXME(ABI)#3 (Recursive Protocol Constraints): can't have this constraint now.
X.Indices : Collection {}
% end
/// A slice is a `Collection` that when sliced returns an instance of
/// itself.
public func expectSliceType<X : Collection>(
_ sliceType: X.Type
) where X.SubSequence == X {}
/// A mutable slice is a `MutableCollection` that when sliced returns an
/// instance of itself.
public func expectMutableSliceType<X : MutableCollection>(
_ mutableSliceType: X.Type
) where X.SubSequence == X {}
/// Check that all associated types of a `Sequence` are what we expect them
/// to be.
public func expectSequenceAssociatedTypes<X : Sequence>(
sequenceType: X.Type,
iteratorType: X.Iterator.Type,
subSequenceType: X.SubSequence.Type
) where
// FIXME(ABI)#4 (Associated Types with where clauses): there should be no constraints in
// the 'where' clause, all of these should be required by the protocol.
X.SubSequence : Sequence,
X.SubSequence.Iterator.Element == X.Iterator.Element,
// X.SubSequence.Indices == X.Indices, // FIXME(ABI)#5 (Recursive Protocol Constraints): can't have this constraint now.
X.SubSequence.SubSequence == X.SubSequence {}
/// Check that all associated types of a `Collection` are what we expect them
/// to be.
public func expectCollectionAssociatedTypes<X : Collection>(
collectionType: X.Type,
iteratorType: X.Iterator.Type,
subSequenceType: X.SubSequence.Type,
indexType: X.Index.Type,
indexDistanceType: X.IndexDistance.Type,
indicesType: X.Indices.Type
) where
// FIXME(ABI)#6 (Associated Types with where clauses): there should be no constraints in
// the 'where' clause, all of these should be required by the protocol.
X.SubSequence : Collection,
// X.SubSequence.Indices == X.Indices, // FIXME(ABI)#7 (Recursive Protocol Constraints): can't have this constraint now.
X.Indices : Collection {}
/// Check that all associated types of a `BidirectionalCollection` are what we
/// expect them to be.
public func expectBidirectionalCollectionAssociatedTypes<X : BidirectionalCollection>(
collectionType: X.Type,
iteratorType: X.Iterator.Type,
subSequenceType: X.SubSequence.Type,
indexType: X.Index.Type,
indexDistanceType: X.IndexDistance.Type,
indicesType: X.Indices.Type
) where
// FIXME(ABI)#8 (Associated Types with where clauses): there should be no constraints in
// the 'where' clause, all of these should be required by the protocol.
X.SubSequence : BidirectionalCollection,
// X.SubSequence.Indices == X.Indices, // FIXME(ABI)#9 (Recursive Protocol Constraints): can't have this constraint now.
X.Indices : BidirectionalCollection {}
/// Check that all associated types of a `RandomAccessCollection` are what we
/// expect them to be.
public func expectRandomAccessCollectionAssociatedTypes<X : RandomAccessCollection>(
collectionType: X.Type,
iteratorType: X.Iterator.Type,
subSequenceType: X.SubSequence.Type,
indexType: X.Index.Type,
indexDistanceType: X.IndexDistance.Type,
indicesType: X.Indices.Type
) where
// FIXME(ABI)#10 (Associated Types with where clauses): there should be no constraints in
// the 'where' clause, all of these should be required by the protocol.
X.SubSequence : RandomAccessCollection,
// X.SubSequence.Indices == X.Indices, // FIXME(ABI)#11 (Recursive Protocol Constraints): can't have this constraint now.
X.Indices : RandomAccessCollection {}
public struct AssertionResult : CustomStringConvertible {
init(isPass: Bool) {
self._isPass = isPass
public func withDescription(_ description: String) -> AssertionResult {
var result = self
result.description += description
return result
let _isPass: Bool
public var description: String = ""
public func assertionSuccess() -> AssertionResult {
return AssertionResult(isPass: true)
public func assertionFailure() -> AssertionResult {
return AssertionResult(isPass: false)
public func expectUnreachable(${TRACE}) {
expectationFailure("this code should not be executed", trace: ${trace})
public func expectUnreachableCatch(_ error: Error, ${TRACE}) {
"error should not be thrown: \"\(error)\"", trace: ${trace})
public func expectTrue(_ actual: AssertionResult, ${TRACE}) {
if !actual._isPass {
"expected: passed assertion\n\(actual.description)", trace: ${trace})
public func expectFalse(_ actual: AssertionResult, ${TRACE}) {
if actual._isPass {
"expected: failed assertion\n\(actual.description)", trace: ${trace})
public func expectTrue(_ actual: Bool, ${TRACE}) {
if !actual {
expectationFailure("expected: true", trace: ${trace})
public func expectFalse(_ actual: Bool, ${TRACE}) {
if actual {
expectationFailure("expected: false", trace: ${trace})
public func expectThrows<ErrorType: Error & Equatable>(
_ expectedError: ErrorType? = nil, _ test: () throws -> Void, ${TRACE}) {
do {
try test()
} catch let error as ErrorType {
if let expectedError = expectedError {
expectEqual(expectedError, error)
} catch {
expectationFailure("unexpected error thrown: \"\(error)\"", trace: ${trace})
public func expectDoesNotThrow(_ test: () throws -> Void, ${TRACE}) {
do {
try test()
} catch {
expectationFailure("unexpected error thrown: \"\(error)\"", trace: ${trace})
public func expectNil<T>(_ value: T?, ${TRACE}) {
if value != nil {
"expected optional to be nil\nactual: \"\(value!)\"", trace: ${trace})
public func expectNotNil<T>(_ value: T?, ${TRACE}) -> T? {
if value == nil {
expectationFailure("expected optional to be non-nil", trace: ${trace})
return value
public func expectCrashLater() {
var stderr = _Stderr()
print("\(_stdlibUnittestStreamPrefix);expectCrash", to: &stderr)
_seenExpectCrash = true
func _defaultTestSuiteFailedCallback() {
var _testSuiteFailedCallback: () -> Void = _defaultTestSuiteFailedCallback
public func _setTestSuiteFailedCallback(_ callback: @escaping () -> Void) {
_testSuiteFailedCallback = callback
func _defaultTrappingExpectationFailedCallback() {
var _trappingExpectationFailedCallback: () -> Void
= _defaultTrappingExpectationFailedCallback
public func _setTrappingExpectationFailedCallback(callback: @escaping () -> Void) {
_trappingExpectationFailedCallback = callback
extension ProcessTerminationStatus {
var isSwiftTrap: Bool {
switch self {
case .signal(let signal):
return CInt(signal) == SIGILL || CInt(signal) == SIGTRAP
// This default case is needed for standard library builds where
// resilience is enabled.
// FIXME: Add the .exit case when there is a way to suppress when not.
// case .exit(_): return false
return false
func _stdlib_getline() -> String? {
var result: [UInt8] = []
while true {
let c = getchar()
if c == EOF {
if result.isEmpty {
return nil
return String._fromWellFormedCodeUnitSequence(UTF8.self, input: result)
if c == CInt(Unicode.Scalar("\n").value) {
return String._fromWellFormedCodeUnitSequence(UTF8.self, input: result)
func _printDebuggingAdvice(_ fullTestName: String) {
print("To debug, run:")
var invocation = [CommandLine.arguments[0]]
let interpreter = getenv("SWIFT_INTERPRETER")
if interpreter != nil {
if let interpreterCmd = String(validatingUTF8: interpreter!) {
invocation.insert(interpreterCmd, at: 0)
print("$ \(invocation.joined(separator: " ")) " +
"--stdlib-unittest-in-process --stdlib-unittest-filter \"\(fullTestName)\"")
var _allTestSuites: [TestSuite] = []
var _testSuiteNameToIndex: [String : Int] = [:]
let _stdlibUnittestStreamPrefix = "__STDLIB_UNITTEST__"
let _crashedPrefix = "CRASHED:"
func _stdlib_installTrapInterceptor()
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
@objc protocol _StdlibUnittestNSException {
@objc optional var name: AnyObject { get }
// Avoid serializing references to objc_setUncaughtExceptionHandler in SIL.
@inline(never) @_semantics("stdlib_binary_only")
func _childProcess() {
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
objc_setUncaughtExceptionHandler {
let exception = ($0 as Optional)! as AnyObject
var stderr = _Stderr()
let maybeNSException =
unsafeBitCast(exception, to: _StdlibUnittestNSException.self)
if let name = {
print("*** [StdlibUnittest] Terminating due to uncaught exception " +
"\(name): \(exception)",
to: &stderr)
} else {
print("*** [StdlibUnittest] Terminating due to uncaught exception: " +
to: &stderr)
while let line = _stdlib_getline() {
let parts = line._split(separator: ";")
if parts[0] == _stdlibUnittestStreamPrefix {
precondition(parts[1] == "shutdown")
let testSuiteName = parts[0]
let testName = parts[1]
var testParameter: Int?
if parts.count > 2 {
testParameter = Int(parts[2])!
} else {
testParameter = nil
let testSuite = _allTestSuites[_testSuiteNameToIndex[testSuiteName]!]
_anyExpectFailed = false
testSuite._runTest(name: testName, parameter: testParameter)
var stderr = _Stderr()
print("\(_stdlibUnittestStreamPrefix);end", to: &stderr)
if !testSuite._testByName(testName).canReuseChildProcessAfterTest {
struct _ParentProcess {
internal var _pid: pid_t?
internal var _childStdin: _FDOutputStream = _FDOutputStream(fd: -1)
internal var _childStdout: _FDInputStream = _FDInputStream(fd: -1)
internal var _childStderr: _FDInputStream = _FDInputStream(fd: -1)
internal var _runTestsInProcess: Bool
internal var _filter: String?
internal var _args: [String]
init(runTestsInProcess: Bool, args: [String], filter: String?) {
self._runTestsInProcess = runTestsInProcess
self._filter = filter
self._args = args
mutating func _spawnChild() {
let params = ["--stdlib-unittest-run-child"] + _args
let (pid, childStdinFD, childStdoutFD, childStderrFD) = spawnChild(params)
_pid = pid
_childStdin = _FDOutputStream(fd: childStdinFD)
_childStdout = _FDInputStream(fd: childStdoutFD)
_childStderr = _FDInputStream(fd: childStderrFD)
mutating func _waitForChild() -> ProcessTerminationStatus {
let status = posixWaitpid(_pid!)
_pid = nil
_childStdin = _FDOutputStream(fd: -1)
_childStdout = _FDInputStream(fd: -1)
_childStderr = _FDInputStream(fd: -1)
return status
internal mutating func _readFromChild(
onStdoutLine: (String) -> (done: Bool, Void),
onStderrLine: (String) -> (done: Bool, Void)
) {
var readfds = _stdlib_fd_set()
var writefds = _stdlib_fd_set()
var errorfds = _stdlib_fd_set()
var done = false
while !((_childStdout.isEOF && _childStderr.isEOF) || done) {
if !_childStdout.isEOF {
if !_childStderr.isEOF {
var ret: CInt
repeat {
ret = _stdlib_select(&readfds, &writefds, &errorfds, nil)
} while ret == -1 && errno == EINTR
if ret <= 0 {
fatalError("select() returned an error")
if readfds.isset(_childStdout.fd) || errorfds.isset(_childStdout.fd) {
while let line = _childStdout.getline() {
(done: done, ()) = onStdoutLine(line)
if readfds.isset(_childStderr.fd) || errorfds.isset(_childStderr.fd) {
while let line = _childStderr.getline() {
(done: done, ()) = onStderrLine(line)
/// Returns the values of the corresponding variables in the child process.
internal mutating func _runTestInChild(
_ testSuite: TestSuite,
_ testName: String,
parameter: Int?
) -> (anyExpectFailed: Bool, seenExpectCrash: Bool,
status: ProcessTerminationStatus?,
crashStdout: [Substring], crashStderr: [Substring]) {
if _pid == nil {
print("\(;\(testName)", terminator: "", to: &_childStdin)
if let parameter = parameter {
print(";", terminator: "", to: &_childStdin)
print(parameter, terminator: "", to: &_childStdin)
print("", to: &_childStdin)
let currentTest = testSuite._testByName(testName)
if let stdinText = currentTest.stdinText {
print(stdinText, terminator: "", to: &_childStdin)
if currentTest.stdinEndsWithEOF {
var stdoutSeenCrashDelimiter = false
var stderrSeenCrashDelimiter = false
var stdoutEnd = false
var stderrEnd = false
var capturedCrashStdout: [Substring] = []
var capturedCrashStderr: [Substring] = []
var anyExpectFailedInChild = false
func processLine(_ line: String, isStdout: Bool) -> (done: Bool, Void) {
var line = line[...]
if let index = findSubstring(line, _stdlibUnittestStreamPrefix) {
let controlMessage =
line[index..<line.endIndex].split(separator: ";")
switch controlMessage[1] {
case "expectCrash":
if isStdout {
stdoutSeenCrashDelimiter = true
anyExpectFailedInChild = controlMessage[2] == "true"
} else {
stderrSeenCrashDelimiter = true
case "end":
if isStdout {
stdoutEnd = true
anyExpectFailedInChild = controlMessage[2] == "true"
} else {
stderrEnd = true
fatalError("unexpected message")
line = line[line.startIndex..<index]
if line.isEmpty {
return (done: stdoutEnd && stderrEnd, ())
if isStdout {
if stdoutSeenCrashDelimiter {
} else {
if stderrSeenCrashDelimiter {
if findSubstring(line, _crashedPrefix) != nil {
line = "OK: saw expected \"\(line.lowercased())\""[...]
if isStdout {
print("stdout>>> \(line)")
} else {
print("stderr>>> \(line)")
return (done: stdoutEnd && stderrEnd, ())
onStdoutLine: { processLine($0, isStdout: true) },
onStderrLine: { processLine($0, isStdout: false) })
// Check if the child has sent us "end" markers for the current test.
if stdoutEnd && stderrEnd {
var status: ProcessTerminationStatus?
if !testSuite._testByName(testName).canReuseChildProcessAfterTest {
status = _waitForChild()
switch status! {
case .exit(0):
status = nil
return (
stdoutSeenCrashDelimiter || stderrSeenCrashDelimiter, status,
capturedCrashStdout, capturedCrashStderr)
// We reached EOF on stdout and stderr and we did not see "end" markers, so
// it looks like child crashed (of course it could have closed the file
// descriptors, but we assume it did not, since it prevent further
// communication with the parent).
let status = _waitForChild()
return (
stdoutSeenCrashDelimiter || stderrSeenCrashDelimiter, status,
capturedCrashStdout, capturedCrashStderr)
internal mutating func _shutdownChild() -> (failed: Bool, Void) {
if _pid == nil {
// The child process is not running. Report that it didn't fail during
// shutdown.
return (failed: false, ())
print("\(_stdlibUnittestStreamPrefix);shutdown", to: &_childStdin)
var childCrashed = false
func processLine(_ line: String, isStdout: Bool) -> (done: Bool, Void) {
if isStdout {
print("stdout>>> \(line)")
} else {
if findSubstring(line, _crashedPrefix) != nil {
childCrashed = true
print("stderr>>> \(line)")
return (done: false, ())
onStdoutLine: { processLine($0, isStdout: true) },
onStderrLine: { processLine($0, isStdout: false) })
let status = _waitForChild()
switch status {
case .exit(0):
return (failed: childCrashed, ())
print("Abnormal child process termination: \(status).")
return (failed: true, ())
internal enum _TestStatus {
case skip([TestRunPredicate])
case pass
case fail
case uxPass
case xFail
internal mutating func runOneTest(
fullTestName: String,
testSuite: TestSuite,
test t: TestSuite._Test,
testParameter: Int?
) -> _TestStatus {
let activeSkips = t.getActiveSkipPredicates()
if !activeSkips.isEmpty {
return .skip(activeSkips)
let activeXFails = t.getActiveXFailPredicates()
let expectXFail = !activeXFails.isEmpty
let activeXFailsText = expectXFail ? " (XFAIL: \(activeXFails))" : ""
print("[ RUN ] \(fullTestName)\(activeXFailsText)")
var expectCrash = false
var childTerminationStatus: ProcessTerminationStatus?
var crashStdout: [Substring] = []
var crashStderr: [Substring] = []
if _runTestsInProcess {
if t.stdinText != nil {
print("The test \(fullTestName) requires stdin input and can't be run in-process, marking as failed")
_anyExpectFailed = true
} else {
_anyExpectFailed = false
testSuite._runTest(name:, parameter: testParameter)
} else {
(_anyExpectFailed, expectCrash, childTerminationStatus, crashStdout,
crashStderr) =
_runTestInChild(testSuite,, parameter: testParameter)
// Determine if the test passed, not taking XFAILs into account.
var testPassed = false
switch (childTerminationStatus, expectCrash) {
case (.none, false):
testPassed = !_anyExpectFailed
case (.none, true):
testPassed = false
print("expecting a crash, but the test did not crash")
case (.some(_), false):
testPassed = false
print("the test crashed unexpectedly")
case (.some(_), true):
testPassed = !_anyExpectFailed
if testPassed && t.crashOutputMatches.count > 0 {
// If we still think that the test passed, check if the crash
// output matches our expectations.
let crashOutput = crashStdout + crashStderr
for expectedSubstring in t.crashOutputMatches {
var found = false
if crashOutput.isEmpty && expectedSubstring.isEmpty {
found = true
for s in crashOutput {
if findSubstring(s, expectedSubstring) != nil {
found = true
if !found {
print("did not find expected string after crash: \(expectedSubstring.debugDescription)")
testPassed = false
// Apply XFAILs.
switch (testPassed, expectXFail) {
case (true, false):
return .pass
case (true, true):
return .uxPass
case (false, false):
return .fail
case (false, true):
return .xFail
mutating func run() {
if let filter = _filter {
print("StdlibUnittest: using filter: \(filter)")
for testSuite in _allTestSuites {
var uxpassedTests: [String] = []
var failedTests: [String] = []
var skippedTests: [String] = []
for t in testSuite._tests {
for testParameter in t.parameterValues {
var testName =
if let testParameter = testParameter {
testName += "/"
testName += String(testParameter)
let fullTestName = "\(\(testName)"
if let filter = _filter,
findSubstring(fullTestName, filter) == nil {
switch runOneTest(
fullTestName: fullTestName,
testSuite: testSuite,
test: t,
testParameter: testParameter
) {
case .skip(let activeSkips):
print("[ SKIP ] \(fullTestName) (skip: \(activeSkips))")
case .pass:
print("[ OK ] \(fullTestName)")
case .uxPass:
print("[ UXPASS ] \(fullTestName)")
case .fail:
print("[ FAIL ] \(fullTestName)")
case .xFail:
print("[ XFAIL ] \(fullTestName)")
if !uxpassedTests.isEmpty || !failedTests.isEmpty {
print("\( Some tests failed, aborting")
print("UXPASS: \(uxpassedTests)")
print("FAIL: \(failedTests)")
print("SKIP: \(skippedTests)")
if !uxpassedTests.isEmpty {
if !failedTests.isEmpty {
} else {
print("\( All tests passed")
let (failed: failedOnShutdown, ()) = _shutdownChild()
if failedOnShutdown {
print("The child process failed during shutdown, aborting.")
// Track repeated calls to runAllTests() and/or runNoTests().
// Complain if a file runs no tests without calling runNoTests().
struct PersistentState {
static var runAllTestsWasCalled: Bool = false
static var runNoTestsWasCalled: Bool = false
static var ranSomething: Bool = false
static var complaintInstalled = false
static func complainIfNothingRuns() {
if !complaintInstalled {
complaintInstalled = true
atexit {
if !PersistentState.ranSomething {
print("Ran no tests and runNoTests() was not called. Aborting. ")
print("Did you forget to call runAllTests()?")
// Call runNoTests() if you want to deliberately run no tests.
public func runNoTests() {
if PersistentState.runAllTestsWasCalled {
print("runNoTests() called after runAllTests(). Aborting.")
if PersistentState.runNoTestsWasCalled {
print("runNoTests() called twice. Aborting.")
PersistentState.runNoTestsWasCalled = true
PersistentState.ranSomething = true
public func runAllTests() {
if PersistentState.runNoTestsWasCalled {
print("runAllTests() called after runNoTests(). Aborting.")
if PersistentState.runAllTestsWasCalled {
print("runAllTests() called twice. Aborting.")
PersistentState.runAllTestsWasCalled = true
PersistentState.ranSomething = true
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
autoreleasepool {
let _isChildProcess: Bool =
if _isChildProcess {
} else {
var runTestsInProcess: Bool = false
var filter: String?
var args = [String]()
var i = 0
i += 1 // Skip the name of the executable.
while i < CommandLine.arguments.count {
let arg = CommandLine.arguments[i]
if arg == "--stdlib-unittest-in-process" {
runTestsInProcess = true
i += 1
if arg == "--stdlib-unittest-filter" {
filter = CommandLine.arguments[i + 1]
i += 2
if arg == "--help" {
let message =
"optional arguments:\n" +
"--stdlib-unittest-in-process\n" +
" run tests in-process without intercepting crashes.\n" +
" Useful for running under a debugger.\n" +
"--stdlib-unittest-filter FILTER-STRING\n" +
" only run tests whose names contain FILTER-STRING as\n" +
" a substring."
// Pass through unparsed arguments to the child process.
i += 1
var parent = _ParentProcess(
runTestsInProcess: runTestsInProcess, args: args, filter: filter)
func startTrackingObjects(_: UnsafePointer<CChar>)
func stopTrackingObjects(_: UnsafePointer<CChar>) -> Int
public final class TestSuite {
public init(_ name: String) { = name
_testNameToIndex[name] == nil,
"test suite with the same name already exists")
_testSuiteNameToIndex[name] = _allTestSuites.count - 1
// This method is prohibited from inlining because inlining the test harness
// into the test is not interesting from the runtime performance perspective.
// And it does not really make the test cases more effectively at testing the
// optimizer from a correctness prospective. On the contrary, it sometimes
// severely affects the compile time of the test code.
public func test(
_ name: String,
file: String = #file, line: UInt = #line,
_ testFunction: @escaping () -> Void
) {
_TestBuilder(testSuite: self, name: name, loc: SourceLoc(file, line))
// This method is prohibited from inlining because inlining the test harness
// into the test is not interesting from the runtime performance perspective.
// And it does not really make the test cases more effectively at testing the
// optimizer from a correctness prospective. On the contrary, it sometimes
// severely affects the compile time of the test code.
public func test(
_ name: String, file: String = #file, line: UInt = #line
) -> _TestBuilder {
return _TestBuilder(testSuite: self, name: name, loc: SourceLoc(file, line))
public func setUp(_ code: @escaping () -> Void) {
_precondition(_testSetUpCode == nil, "set-up code already set")
_testSetUpCode = code
public func tearDown(_ code: @escaping () -> Void) {
_precondition(_testTearDownCode == nil, "tear-down code already set")
_testTearDownCode = code
func _runTest(name testName: String, parameter: Int?) {
PersistentState.ranSomething = true
for r in _allResettables {
LifetimeTracked.instances = 0
if let f = _testSetUpCode {
let test = _testByName(testName)
switch test.code {
case .single(let code):
parameter == nil,
"can't pass parameters to non-parameterized tests")
case .parameterized(code: let code, _):
_ = stopTrackingObjects(name)
if let f = _testTearDownCode {
0, LifetimeTracked.instances, "Found leaked LifetimeTracked instances.",
file: test.testLoc.file, line: test.testLoc.line)
func _testByName(_ testName: String) -> _Test {
return _tests[_testNameToIndex[testName]!]
internal enum _TestCode {
case single(code: () -> Void)
case parameterized(code: (Int) -> Void, count: Int)
internal struct _Test {
let name: String
let testLoc: SourceLoc
let xfail: [TestRunPredicate]
let skip: [TestRunPredicate]
let stdinText: String?
let stdinEndsWithEOF: Bool
let crashOutputMatches: [String]
let code: _TestCode
/// Whether the test harness should stop reusing the child process after
/// running this test.
var canReuseChildProcessAfterTest: Bool {
return stdinText == nil
func getActiveXFailPredicates() -> [TestRunPredicate] {
return xfail.filter { $0.evaluate() }
func getActiveSkipPredicates() -> [TestRunPredicate] {
return skip.filter { $0.evaluate() }
var parameterValues: [Int?] {
switch code {
case .single:
return [nil]
case .parameterized(code: _, count: let count):
return Array(0..<count)
public struct _TestBuilder {
let _testSuite: TestSuite
var _name: String
var _data: _Data = _Data()
internal final class _Data {
var _xfail: [TestRunPredicate] = []
var _skip: [TestRunPredicate] = []
var _stdinText: String?
var _stdinEndsWithEOF: Bool = false
var _crashOutputMatches: [String] = []
var _testLoc: SourceLoc?
init(testSuite: TestSuite, name: String, loc: SourceLoc) {
_testSuite = testSuite
_name = name
_data._testLoc = loc
public func xfail(_ predicate: TestRunPredicate) -> _TestBuilder {
return self
public func skip(_ predicate: TestRunPredicate) -> _TestBuilder {
return self
public func stdin(_ stdinText: String, eof: Bool = false) -> _TestBuilder {
_data._stdinText = stdinText
_data._stdinEndsWithEOF = eof
return self
public func crashOutputMatches(_ string: String) -> _TestBuilder {
return self
internal func _build(_ testCode: _TestCode) {
name: _name, testLoc: _data._testLoc!, xfail: _data._xfail,
skip: _data._skip,
stdinText: _data._stdinText,
stdinEndsWithEOF: _data._stdinEndsWithEOF,
crashOutputMatches: _data._crashOutputMatches,
code: testCode))
_testSuite._testNameToIndex[_name] = _testSuite._tests.count - 1
public func code(_ testFunction: @escaping () -> Void) {
_build(.single(code: testFunction))
public func forEach<Data>(
in parameterSets: [Data],
testFunction: @escaping (Data) -> Void
) {
code: { (i: Int) in testFunction(parameterSets[i]) },
count: parameterSets.count))
var name: String
var _tests: [_Test] = []
/// Code that is run before every test.
var _testSetUpCode: (() -> Void)?
/// Code that is run after every test.
var _testTearDownCode: (() -> Void)?
/// Maps test name to index in `_tests`.
var _testNameToIndex: [String : Int] = [:]
#if os(OSX) || os(iOS) || os(watchOS) || os(tvOS)
func _stdlib_getSystemVersionPlistPropertyImpl(
_ propertyName: UnsafePointer<CChar>) -> UnsafePointer<CChar>?
func _stdlib_getSystemVersionPlistProperty(_ propertyName: String) -> String? {
let cs = _stdlib_getSystemVersionPlistPropertyImpl(propertyName)
public enum OSVersion : CustomStringConvertible {
case osx(major: Int, minor: Int, bugFix: Int)
case iOS(major: Int, minor: Int, bugFix: Int)
case tvOS(major: Int, minor: Int, bugFix: Int)
case watchOS(major: Int, minor: Int, bugFix: Int)
case iOSSimulator
case tvOSSimulator
case watchOSSimulator
case linux
case freeBSD
case android
case ps4
case windowsCygnus
case windows
case haiku
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .osx(let major, let minor, let bugFix):
return "OS X \(major).\(minor).\(bugFix)"
case .iOS(let major, let minor, let bugFix):
return "iOS \(major).\(minor).\(bugFix)"
case .tvOS(let major, let minor, let bugFix):
return "TVOS \(major).\(minor).\(bugFix)"
case .watchOS(let major, let minor, let bugFix):
return "watchOS \(major).\(minor).\(bugFix)"
case .iOSSimulator:
return "iOSSimulator"
case .tvOSSimulator:
return "TVOSSimulator"
case .watchOSSimulator:
return "watchOSSimulator"
case .linux:
return "Linux"
case .freeBSD:
return "FreeBSD"
case .ps4:
return "PS4"
case .android:
return "Android"
case .windowsCygnus:
return "Cygwin"
case .windows:
return "Windows"
case .haiku:
return "Haiku"
func _parseDottedVersion(_ s: String) -> [Int] {
return Array(s._split(separator: ".") { Int($0)! })
public func _parseDottedVersionTriple(_ s: String) -> (Int, Int, Int) {
var array = _parseDottedVersion(s)
if array.count >= 4 {
fatalError("unexpected version")
return (
array.count >= 1 ? array[0] : 0,
array.count >= 2 ? array[1] : 0,
array.count >= 3 ? array[2] : 0)
func _getOSVersion() -> OSVersion {
#if os(iOS) && (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64))
// On simulator, the plist file that we try to read turns out to be host's
// plist file, which indicates OS X.
// FIXME: how to get the simulator version *without* UIKit?
return .iOSSimulator
#elseif os(tvOS) && (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64))
return .tvOSSimulator
#elseif os(watchOS) && (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64))
return .watchOSSimulator
#elseif os(Linux)
return .linux
#elseif os(FreeBSD)
return .freeBSD
#elseif os(PS4)
return .ps4
#elseif os(Android)
return .android
#elseif os(Cygwin)
return .windowsCygnus
#elseif os(Windows)
return .windows
#elseif os(Haiku)
return .haiku
let productVersion = _stdlib_getSystemVersionPlistProperty("ProductVersion")!
let (major, minor, bugFix) = _parseDottedVersionTriple(productVersion)
#if os(OSX)
return .osx(major: major, minor: minor, bugFix: bugFix)
#elseif os(iOS)
return .iOS(major: major, minor: minor, bugFix: bugFix)
#elseif os(tvOS)
return .tvOS(major: major, minor: minor, bugFix: bugFix)
#elseif os(watchOS)
return .watchOS(major: major, minor: minor, bugFix: bugFix)
fatalError("could not determine OS version")
var _runningOSVersion: OSVersion = _getOSVersion()
var _overrideOSVersion: OSVersion?
/// Override the OS version for testing.
public func _setOverrideOSVersion(_ v: OSVersion) {
_overrideOSVersion = v
func _getRunningOSVersion() -> OSVersion {
// Allow overriding the OS version for testing.
return _overrideOSVersion ?? _runningOSVersion
public enum TestRunPredicate : CustomStringConvertible {
case custom(() -> Bool, reason: String)
case always(/*reason:*/ String)
case never
case osxAny(/*reason:*/ String)
case osxMajor(Int, reason: String)
case osxMinor(Int, Int, reason: String)
case osxMinorRange(Int, ClosedRange<Int>, reason: String)
case osxBugFix(Int, Int, Int, reason: String)
case osxBugFixRange(Int, Int, ClosedRange<Int>, reason: String)
case iOSAny(/*reason:*/ String)
case iOSMajor(Int, reason: String)
case iOSMinor(Int, Int, reason: String)
case iOSMinorRange(Int, ClosedRange<Int>, reason: String)
case iOSBugFix(Int, Int, Int, reason: String)
case iOSBugFixRange(Int, Int, ClosedRange<Int>, reason: String)
case iOSSimulatorAny(/*reason:*/ String)
case tvOSAny(/*reason:*/ String)
case tvOSMajor(Int, reason: String)
case tvOSMinor(Int, Int, reason: String)
case tvOSMinorRange(Int, ClosedRange<Int>, reason: String)
case tvOSBugFix(Int, Int, Int, reason: String)
case tvOSBugFixRange(Int, Int, ClosedRange<Int>, reason: String)
case tvOSSimulatorAny(/*reason:*/ String)
case watchOSAny(/*reason:*/ String)
case watchOSMajor(Int, reason: String)
case watchOSMinor(Int, Int, reason: String)
case watchOSMinorRange(Int, ClosedRange<Int>, reason: String)
case watchOSBugFix(Int, Int, Int, reason: String)
case watchOSBugFixRange(Int, Int, ClosedRange<Int>, reason: String)
case watchOSSimulatorAny(/*reason:*/ String)
case linuxAny(reason: String)
case freeBSDAny(reason: String)
case ps4Any(reason: String)
case androidAny(reason: String)
case windowsAny(reason: String)
case windowsCygnusAny(reason: String)
case haikuAny(reason: String)
case objCRuntime(/*reason:*/ String)
case nativeRuntime(/*reason:*/ String)
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .custom(_, let reason):
return "Custom(reason: \(reason))"
case .always(let reason):
return "Always(reason: \(reason))"
case .never:
return ""
case .osxAny(let reason):
return "osx(*, reason: \(reason))"
case .osxMajor(let major, let reason):
return "osx(\(major).*, reason: \(reason))"
case .osxMinor(let major, let minor, let reason):
return "osx(\(major).\(minor), reason: \(reason))"
case .osxMinorRange(let major, let minorRange, let reason):
return "osx(\(major).[\(minorRange)], reason: \(reason))"
case .osxBugFix(let major, let minor, let bugFix, let reason):
return "osx(\(major).\(minor).\(bugFix), reason: \(reason))"
case .osxBugFixRange(let major, let minor, let bugFixRange, let reason):
return "osx(\(major).\(minor).[\(bugFixRange)], reason: \(reason))"
case .iOSAny(let reason):
return "iOS(*, reason: \(reason))"
case .iOSMajor(let major, let reason):
return "iOS(\(major).*, reason: \(reason))"
case .iOSMinor(let major, let minor, let reason):
return "iOS(\(major).\(minor), reason: \(reason))"
case .iOSMinorRange(let major, let minorRange, let reason):
return "iOS(\(major).[\(minorRange)], reason: \(reason))"
case .iOSBugFix(let major, let minor, let bugFix, let reason):
return "iOS(\(major).\(minor).\(bugFix), reason: \(reason))"
case .iOSBugFixRange(let major, let minor, let bugFixRange, let reason):
return "iOS(\(major).\(minor).[\(bugFixRange)], reason: \(reason))"
case .iOSSimulatorAny(let reason):
return "iOSSimulatorAny(*, reason: \(reason))"
case .tvOSAny(let reason):
return "tvOS(*, reason: \(reason))"
case .tvOSMajor(let major, let reason):
return "tvOS(\(major).*, reason: \(reason))"
case .tvOSMinor(let major, let minor, let reason):
return "tvOS(\(major).\(minor), reason: \(reason))"
case .tvOSMinorRange(let major, let minorRange, let reason):
return "tvOS(\(major).[\(minorRange)], reason: \(reason))"
case .tvOSBugFix(let major, let minor, let bugFix, let reason):
return "tvOS(\(major).\(minor).\(bugFix), reason: \(reason))"
case .tvOSBugFixRange(let major, let minor, let bugFixRange, let reason):
return "tvOS(\(major).\(minor).[\(bugFixRange)], reason: \(reason))"
case .tvOSSimulatorAny(let reason):
return "tvOSSimulatorAny(*, reason: \(reason))"
case .watchOSAny(let reason):
return "watchOS(*, reason: \(reason))"
case .watchOSMajor(let major, let reason):
return "watchOS(\(major).*, reason: \(reason))"
case .watchOSMinor(let major, let minor, let reason):
return "watchOS(\(major).\(minor), reason: \(reason))"
case .watchOSMinorRange(let major, let minorRange, let reason):
return "watchOS(\(major).[\(minorRange)], reason: \(reason))"
case .watchOSBugFix(let major, let minor, let bugFix, let reason):
return "watchOS(\(major).\(minor).\(bugFix), reason: \(reason))"
case .watchOSBugFixRange(let major, let minor, let bugFixRange, let reason):
return "watchOS(\(major).\(minor).[\(bugFixRange)], reason: \(reason))"
case .watchOSSimulatorAny(let reason):
return "watchOSSimulatorAny(*, reason: \(reason))"
case .linuxAny(reason: let reason):
return "linuxAny(*, reason: \(reason))"
case .androidAny(reason: let reason):
return "androidAny(*, reason: \(reason))"
case .freeBSDAny(reason: let reason):
return "freeBSDAny(*, reason: \(reason))"
case .ps4Any(reason: let reason):
return "ps4Any(*, reason: \(reason))"
case .windowsAny(reason: let reason):
return "windowsAny(*, reason: \(reason))"
case .windowsCygnusAny(reason: let reason):
return "windowsCygnusAny(*, reason: \(reason))"
case .haikuAny(reason: let reason):
return "haikuAny(*, reason: \(reason))"
case .objCRuntime(let reason):
return "Objective-C runtime, reason: \(reason))"
case .nativeRuntime(let reason):
return "Native runtime (no ObjC), reason: \(reason))"
public func evaluate() -> Bool {
switch self {
case .custom(let predicate, _):
return predicate()
case .always:
return true
case .never:
return false
case .osxAny:
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .osx:
return true
return false
case .osxMajor(let major, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .osx(major, _, _):
return true
return false
case .osxMinor(let major, let minor, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .osx(major, minor, _):
return true
return false
case .osxMinorRange(let major, let minorRange, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .osx(major, let runningMinor, _):
return minorRange.contains(runningMinor)
return false
case .osxBugFix(let major, let minor, let bugFix, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .osx(major, minor, bugFix):
return true
return false
case .osxBugFixRange(let major, let minor, let bugFixRange, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .osx(major, minor, let runningBugFix):
return bugFixRange.contains(runningBugFix)
return false
case .iOSAny:
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .iOS:
return true
return false
case .iOSMajor(let major, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .iOS(major, _, _):
return true
return false
case .iOSMinor(let major, let minor, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .iOS(major, minor, _):
return true
return false
case .iOSMinorRange(let major, let minorRange, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .iOS(major, let runningMinor, _):
return minorRange.contains(runningMinor)
return false
case .iOSBugFix(let major, let minor, let bugFix, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .iOS(major, minor, bugFix):
return true
return false
case .iOSBugFixRange(let major, let minor, let bugFixRange, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .iOS(major, minor, let runningBugFix):
return bugFixRange.contains(runningBugFix)
return false
case .iOSSimulatorAny:
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .iOSSimulator:
return true
return false
case .tvOSAny:
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .tvOS:
return true
return false
case .tvOSMajor(let major, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .tvOS(major, _, _):
return true
return false
case .tvOSMinor(let major, let minor, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .tvOS(major, minor, _):
return true
return false
case .tvOSMinorRange(let major, let minorRange, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .tvOS(major, let runningMinor, _):
return minorRange.contains(runningMinor)
return false
case .tvOSBugFix(let major, let minor, let bugFix, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .tvOS(major, minor, bugFix):
return true
return false
case .tvOSBugFixRange(let major, let minor, let bugFixRange, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .tvOS(major, minor, let runningBugFix):
return bugFixRange.contains(runningBugFix)
return false
case .tvOSSimulatorAny:
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .tvOSSimulator:
return true
return false
case .watchOSAny:
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .watchOS:
return true
return false
case .watchOSMajor(let major, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .watchOS(major, _, _):
return true
return false
case .watchOSMinor(let major, let minor, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .watchOS(major, minor, _):
return true
return false
case .watchOSMinorRange(let major, let minorRange, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .watchOS(major, let runningMinor, _):
return minorRange.contains(runningMinor)
return false
case .watchOSBugFix(let major, let minor, let bugFix, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .watchOS(major, minor, bugFix):
return true
return false
case .watchOSBugFixRange(let major, let minor, let bugFixRange, _):
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .watchOS(major, minor, let runningBugFix):
return bugFixRange.contains(runningBugFix)
return false
case .watchOSSimulatorAny:
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .watchOSSimulator:
return true
return false
case .linuxAny:
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .linux:
return true
return false
case .androidAny:
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .android:
return true
return false
case .freeBSDAny:
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .freeBSD:
return true
return false
case .ps4Any:
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .ps4:
return true
return false
case .windowsAny:
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .windowsCygnus:
return true
case .windows:
return true
return false
case .windowsCygnusAny:
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .windowsCygnus:
return true
return false
case .haikuAny:
switch _getRunningOSVersion() {
case .haiku:
return true
return false
case .objCRuntime:
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
return true
return false
case .nativeRuntime:
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
return false
return true
// Semantic tests for protocol conformance
/// Test that the elements of `instances` satisfy the semantic
/// requirements of `Equatable`, using `oracle` to generate equality
/// expectations from pairs of positions in `instances`.
/// - Note: `oracle` is also checked for conformance to the
/// laws.
public func checkEquatable<Instances : Collection>(
_ instances: Instances,
oracle: (Instances.Index, Instances.Index) -> Bool,
allowBrokenTransitivity: Bool = false,
) where
Instances.Iterator.Element : Equatable
let indices = Array(instances.indices)
oracle: { oracle(indices[$0], indices[$1]) },
allowBrokenTransitivity: allowBrokenTransitivity,
internal func _checkEquatableImpl<Instance : Equatable>(
_ instances: [Instance],
oracle: (Int, Int) -> Bool,
allowBrokenTransitivity: Bool = false,
) {
// For each index (which corresponds to an instance being tested) track the
// set of equal instances.
var transitivityScoreboard: [Box<Set<Int>>] = { _ in Box(Set()) }
// TODO: swift-3-indexing-model: add tests for this function.
for i in instances.indices {
let x = instances[i]
expectTrue(oracle(i, i), "bad oracle: broken reflexivity at index \(i)")
for j in instances.indices {
let y = instances[j]
let predictedXY = oracle(i, j)
predictedXY, oracle(j, i),
"bad oracle: broken symmetry between indices \(i), \(j)",
stackTrace: ${stackTrace})
let isEqualXY = x == y
predictedXY, isEqualXY,
? "expected equal, found not equal\n"
: "expected not equal, found equal\n") +
"lhs (at index \(i)): \(String(reflecting: x))\n" +
"rhs (at index \(j)): \(String(reflecting: y))",
stackTrace: ${stackTrace})
// Not-equal is an inverse of equal.
isEqualXY, x != y,
"lhs (at index \(i)): \(String(reflecting: x))\nrhs (at index \(j)): \(String(reflecting: y))",
stackTrace: ${stackTrace})
if !allowBrokenTransitivity {
// Check transitivity of the predicate represented by the oracle.
// If we are adding the instance `j` into an equivalence set, check that
// it is equal to every other instance in the set.
if predictedXY && i < j && transitivityScoreboard[i].value.insert(j).inserted {
if transitivityScoreboard[i].value.count == 1 {
for k in transitivityScoreboard[i].value {
oracle(j, k),
"bad oracle: broken transitivity at indices \(i), \(j), \(k)",
stackTrace: ${stackTrace})
// No need to check equality between actual values, we will check
// them with the checks above.
transitivityScoreboard[j] = transitivityScoreboard[i]
public func checkEquatable<T : Equatable>(
_ expectedEqual: Bool, _ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, ${TRACE}
) {
[lhs, rhs],
oracle: { expectedEqual || $0 == $1 }, ${trace}, showFrame: false)
/// Test that the elements of `instances` satisfy the semantic
/// requirements of `Hashable`, using `equalityOracle` to generate
/// equality expectations from pairs of positions in `instances`.
public func checkHashable<Instances : Collection>(
_ instances: Instances,
equalityOracle: (Instances.Index, Instances.Index) -> Bool,
allowBrokenTransitivity: Bool = false,
) where
Instances.Iterator.Element : Hashable {
oracle: equalityOracle,
allowBrokenTransitivity: allowBrokenTransitivity,
for i in instances.indices {
let x = instances[i]
for j in instances.indices {
let y = instances[j]
if x == y {
x.hashValue, y.hashValue,
"lhs (at index \(i)): \(x)\nrhs (at index \(j)): \(y)",
stackTrace: ${stackTrace})
public func checkHashable<T : Hashable>(
expectedEqual: Bool, _ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, ${TRACE}
) {
[lhs, rhs], equalityOracle: { expectedEqual || $0 == $1 }, ${trace})
public enum ExpectedComparisonResult {
case lt, eq, gt
public func isLT() -> Bool {
return self == .lt
public func isEQ() -> Bool {
return self == .eq
public func isGT() -> Bool {
return self == .gt
public func isLE() -> Bool {
return isLT() || isEQ()
public func isGE() -> Bool {
return isGT() || isEQ()
public func isNE() -> Bool {
return !isEQ()
public func flip() -> ExpectedComparisonResult {
switch self {
case .lt:
return .gt
case .eq:
return .eq
case .gt:
return .lt
extension ExpectedComparisonResult : CustomStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .lt:
return "<"
case .eq:
return "=="
case .gt:
return ">"
/// Test that the elements of `instances` satisfy the semantic
/// requirements of `Comparable`, using `oracle` to generate comparison
/// expectations from pairs of positions in `instances`.
/// - Note: `oracle` is also checked for conformance to the
/// laws.
public func checkComparable<Instances : Collection>(
_ instances: Instances,
oracle: (Instances.Index, Instances.Index) -> ExpectedComparisonResult,
) where
Instances.Iterator.Element : Comparable {
// Also checks that equality is consistent with comparison and that
// the oracle obeys the equality laws
checkEquatable(instances, oracle: { oracle($0, $1).isEQ() }, ${trace})
for i in instances.indices {
let x = instances[i]
x < x,
"found 'x < x'\n" +
"at index \(i): \(String(reflecting: x))",
stackTrace: ${stackTrace})
x > x,
"found 'x > x'\n" +
"at index \(i): \(String(reflecting: x))",
stackTrace: ${stackTrace})
expectTrue(x <= x,
"found 'x <= x' to be false\n" +
"at index \(i): \(String(reflecting: x))",
stackTrace: ${stackTrace})
expectTrue(x >= x,
"found 'x >= x' to be false\n" +
"at index \(i): \(String(reflecting: x))",
stackTrace: ${stackTrace})
for j in instances.indices where i != j {
let y = instances[j]
let expected = oracle(i, j)
expected.flip(), oracle(j, i),
"bad oracle: missing antisymmetry: "
+ "(\(String(reflecting: i)), \(String(reflecting: j)))",
stackTrace: ${stackTrace})
expectEqual(expected.isLT(), x < y,
"x < y\n" +
"lhs (at index \(i)): \(String(reflecting: x))\n" +
"rhs (at index \(j)): \(String(reflecting: y))",
stackTrace: ${stackTrace})
expectEqual(expected.isLE(), x <= y,
"x <= y\n" +
"lhs (at index \(i)): \(String(reflecting: x))\n" +
"rhs (at index \(j)): \(String(reflecting: y))",
stackTrace: ${stackTrace})
expectEqual(expected.isGE(), x >= y,
"x >= y\n" +
"lhs (at index \(i)): \(String(reflecting: x))\n" +
"rhs (at index \(j)): \(String(reflecting: y))",
stackTrace: ${stackTrace})
expectEqual(expected.isGT(), x > y,
"x > y\n" +
"lhs (at index \(i)): \(String(reflecting: x))\n" +
"rhs (at index \(j)): \(String(reflecting: y))",
stackTrace: ${stackTrace})
for k in instances.indices {
let expected2 = oracle(j, k)
if expected == expected2 {
expected, oracle(i, k),
"bad oracle: missing transitivity "
+ "(\(String(reflecting: i)), \(String(reflecting: j)), "
+ "\(String(reflecting: k)))", stackTrace: ${stackTrace})
public func checkComparable<T : Comparable>(
_ expected: ExpectedComparisonResult, _ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, ${TRACE}
) {
[lhs, rhs],
oracle: { [[ .eq, expected], [ expected.flip(), .eq]][$0][$1] },
/// Test that the elements of `instances` satisfy the semantic
/// requirements of `Strideable`, using `advanceOracle` and
/// 'distanceOracle' to generate expectations about the results of
/// `advanced(by:)` and `distance(to:)` from pairs of positions in
/// `instances` and `strides`.
/// - Note: `oracle` is also checked for conformance to the
/// laws.
public func checkStrideable<Instances : Collection, Strides : Collection>(
_ instances: Instances, strides: Strides,
(Instances.Index, Instances.Index) -> Strides.Iterator.Element,
(Instances.Index, Strides.Index) -> Instances.Iterator.Element,
) where
Instances.Iterator.Element : Strideable,
Instances.Iterator.Element.Stride == Strides.Iterator.Element {
oracle: {
let d = distanceOracle($1, $0);
return d < 0 ? .lt : d == 0 ? .eq : .gt
for i in instances.indices {
let x = instances[i]
expectEqual(x, x.advanced(by: 0))
for j in strides.indices {
let y = strides[j]
expectEqual(advanceOracle(i, j), x.advanced(by: y))
for j in instances.indices {
let y = instances[j]
expectEqual(distanceOracle(i, j), x.distance(to: y))
public func checkLosslessStringConvertible<Instance>(
_ instances: [Instance]
) where Instance : LosslessStringConvertible & Equatable {
expectEqualFunctionsForDomain(instances, { $0 }, { Instance(String($0))! })
public func nthIndex<C: Collection>(_ x: C, _ n: Int) -> C.Index {
return x.index(x.startIndex, offsetBy: numericCast(n))
public func nth<C: Collection>(_ x: C, _ n: Int) -> C.Iterator.Element {
return x[nthIndex(x, n)]
public func expectEqualSequence<
Expected: Sequence,
Actual: Sequence
_ expected: Expected, _ actual: Actual, ${TRACE}
) where
Expected.Iterator.Element == Actual.Iterator.Element,
Expected.Iterator.Element : Equatable {
expectEqualSequence(expected, actual, ${trace}) { $0 == $1 }
public func expectEqualSequence<
Expected : Sequence,
Actual : Sequence,
T : Equatable,
U : Equatable
_ expected: Expected, _ actual: Actual, ${TRACE}
) where
Expected.Iterator.Element == Actual.Iterator.Element,
Expected.Iterator.Element == (T, U) {
expected, actual, ${trace}) {
(lhs: (T, U), rhs: (T, U)) -> Bool in
lhs.0 == rhs.0 && lhs.1 == rhs.1
public func expectEqualSequence<
Expected: Sequence,
Actual: Sequence
_ expected: Expected, _ actual: Actual, ${TRACE},
sameValue: (Expected.Iterator.Element, Expected.Iterator.Element) -> Bool
) where
Expected.Iterator.Element == Actual.Iterator.Element {
if !expected.elementsEqual(actual, by: sameValue) {
expectationFailure("expected elements: \"\(expected)\"\n"
+ "actual: \"\(actual)\" (of type \(String(reflecting: type(of: actual))))",
trace: ${trace})
public func expectEqualsUnordered<
Expected : Sequence,
Actual : Sequence
_ expected: Expected, _ actual: Actual, ${TRACE},
compare: @escaping (Expected.Iterator.Element, Expected.Iterator.Element)
-> ExpectedComparisonResult
) where
Expected.Iterator.Element == Actual.Iterator.Element {
let x: [Expected.Iterator.Element] =
expected.sorted { compare($0, $1).isLT() }
let y: [Actual.Iterator.Element] =
actual.sorted { compare($0, $1).isLT() }
x, y, ${trace}, sameValue: { compare($0, $1).isEQ() })
public func expectEqualsUnordered<
Expected : Sequence,
Actual : Sequence
_ expected: Expected, _ actual: Actual, ${TRACE}
) where
Expected.Iterator.Element == Actual.Iterator.Element,
Expected.Iterator.Element : Comparable {
expectEqualsUnordered(expected, actual, ${trace}) {
$0 < $1 ? .lt : $0 == $1 ? .eq : .gt
public func expectEqualsUnordered<T : Comparable>(
_ expected: [T], _ actual: [T], ${TRACE}
) {
let x = expected.sorted()
let y = actual.sorted()
expectEqualSequence(x, y, ${trace})
public func expectEqualsUnordered<
T : Strideable
_ expected: Range<T>, _ actual: [T], ${TRACE}
) where T.Stride : SignedInteger {
(lower: expected.lowerBound, upper: expected.upperBound)),
showFrame: false)
public func expectEqualsUnordered<T : Strideable>(
_ expected: CountableRange<T>, _ actual: [T], ${TRACE}
) {
if expected.count != actual.count {
expectationFailure("expected elements: \"\(expected)\"\n"
+ "actual: \"\(actual)\" (of type \(String(reflecting: type(of: actual))))",
trace: ${trace})
let r = Range(uncheckedBounds:
(lower: expected.lowerBound, upper: expected.upperBound))
for e in actual {
if !r.contains(e) {
expectationFailure("expected elements: \"\(expected)\"\n"
+ "actual: \"\(actual)\" (of type \(String(reflecting: type(of: actual))))",
trace: ${trace})
/// A nominal type that is equivalent to a tuple of two elements.
/// We need a nominal type because we can't add protocol conformances to
/// tuples.
struct Pair<T : Comparable> : Comparable {
init(_ first: T, _ second: T) {
self.first = first
self.second = second
var first: T
var second: T
func == <T>(lhs: Pair<T>, rhs: Pair<T>) -> Bool {
return lhs.first == rhs.first && lhs.second == rhs.second
func < <T>(lhs: Pair<T>, rhs: Pair<T>) -> Bool {
return [lhs.first, lhs.second].lexicographicallyPrecedes(
[rhs.first, rhs.second])
public func expectEqualsUnordered<
Expected : Sequence,
Actual : Sequence,
T : Comparable
_ expected: Expected, _ actual: Actual, ${TRACE}
) where
Actual.Iterator.Element == (key: T, value: T),
Expected.Iterator.Element == (T, T) {
func comparePairLess(_ lhs: (T, T), rhs: (T, T)) -> Bool {
return [lhs.0, lhs.1].lexicographicallyPrecedes([rhs.0, rhs.1])
let x: [(T, T)] =
expected.sorted(by: comparePairLess)
let y: [(T, T)] = { ($0.0, $0.1) }
.sorted(by: comparePairLess)
func comparePairEquals(_ lhs: (T, T), rhs: (key: T, value: T)) -> Bool {
return lhs.0 == rhs.0 && lhs.1 == rhs.1
expectEqualSequence(x, y, ${trace}, sameValue: comparePairEquals)
public func expectEqualFunctionsForDomain<ArgumentType, Result : Equatable>(
_ arguments: [ArgumentType], _ function1: (ArgumentType) -> Result,
_ function2: (ArgumentType) -> Result
) {
for a in arguments {
let expected = function1(a)
let actual = function2(a)
expectEqual(expected, actual, "where the argument is: \(a)")
public func expectEqualMethodsForDomain<
SelfType, ArgumentType, Result : Equatable
_ selfs: [SelfType], _ arguments: [ArgumentType],
_ function1: (SelfType) -> (ArgumentType) -> Result,
_ function2: (SelfType) -> (ArgumentType) -> Result
) {
for s in selfs {
for a in arguments {
let expected = function1(s)(a)
let actual = function2(s)(a)
expected, actual,
"where the first argument is: \(s)\nand the second argument is: \(a)"
public func expectEqualUnicodeScalars(
_ expected: [UInt32], _ actual: String, ${TRACE}) {
let actualUnicodeScalars = Array( { $0.value })
if !expected.elementsEqual(actualUnicodeScalars) {
"expected elements: \"\(asHex(expected))\"\n"
+ "actual: \"\(asHex(actualUnicodeScalars))\"",
trace: ${trace})
// ${'Local Variables'}:
// eval: (read-only-mode 1)
// End: