blob: 8ea80bf3402645bcb9d9dfe82c9247755487e76c [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- StdlibCoreExtras.swift -------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
import SwiftPrivate
import SwiftPrivateLibcExtras
#if os(OSX) || os(iOS)
import Darwin
#elseif os(Linux) || os(FreeBSD) || os(PS4) || os(Android) || os(Cygwin) || os(Haiku)
import Glibc
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
import Foundation
// These APIs don't really belong in a unit testing library, but they are
// useful in tests, and stdlib does not have such facilities yet.
func findSubstring(_ haystack: Substring, _ needle: String) -> String.Index? {
return findSubstring(String(haystack._ephemeralContent), needle)
func findSubstring(_ string: String, _ substring: String) -> String.Index? {
if substring.isEmpty {
return string.startIndex
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
return string.range(of: substring)?.lowerBound
// FIXME(performance): This is a very non-optimal algorithm, with a worst
// case of O((n-m)*m). When non-objc String has a match function that's better,
// this should be removed in favor of using that.
// Operate on unicode scalars rather than codeunits.
let haystack = string.unicodeScalars
let needle = substring.unicodeScalars
for matchStartIndex in haystack.indices {
var matchIndex = matchStartIndex
var needleIndex = needle.startIndex
while true {
if needleIndex == needle.endIndex {
// if we hit the end of the search string, we found the needle
return matchStartIndex
if matchIndex == haystack.endIndex {
// if we hit the end of the string before finding the end of the needle,
// we aren't going to find the needle after that.
return nil
if needle[needleIndex] == haystack[matchIndex] {
// keep advancing through both the string and search string on match
matchIndex = haystack.index(after: matchIndex)
needleIndex = haystack.index(after: needleIndex)
} else {
// no match, go back to finding a starting match in the string.
return nil
public func createTemporaryFile(
_ fileNamePrefix: String, _ fileNameSuffix: String, _ contents: String
) -> String {
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
let tempDir: NSString = NSTemporaryDirectory() as NSString
var fileName = tempDir.appendingPathComponent(
fileNamePrefix + "XXXXXX" + fileNameSuffix)
var fileName = fileNamePrefix + "XXXXXX" + fileNameSuffix
let fd = _stdlib_mkstemps(
&fileName, CInt(fileNameSuffix.utf8.count))
if fd < 0 {
fatalError("mkstemps() returned an error")
var stream = _FDOutputStream(fd: fd)
if close(fd) != 0 {
fatalError("close() return an error")
return fileName
public final class Box<T> {
public init(_ value: T) { self.value = value }
public var value: T
infix operator <=>
public func <=> <T: Comparable>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> ExpectedComparisonResult {
return lhs < rhs
? .lt
: lhs > rhs ? .gt : .eq
public struct TypeIdentifier : Hashable, Comparable {
public init(_ value: Any.Type) {
self.value = value
public var hashValue: Int { return objectID.hashValue }
public var value: Any.Type
internal var objectID : ObjectIdentifier { return ObjectIdentifier(value) }
public func < (lhs: TypeIdentifier, rhs: TypeIdentifier) -> Bool {
return lhs.objectID < rhs.objectID
public func == (lhs: TypeIdentifier, rhs: TypeIdentifier) -> Bool {
return lhs.objectID == rhs.objectID
extension TypeIdentifier
: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var description: String {
return String(describing: value)
public var debugDescription: String {
return "TypeIdentifier(\(description))"
enum FormNextPermutationResult {
case success
case formedFirstPermutation
extension MutableCollection
Self : BidirectionalCollection,
Iterator.Element : Comparable
mutating func _reverseSubrange(_ subrange: Range<Index>) {
if subrange.isEmpty { return }
var f = subrange.lowerBound
var l = index(before: subrange.upperBound)
while f < l {
swapAt(f, l)
formIndex(after: &f)
formIndex(before: &l)
mutating func formNextPermutation() -> FormNextPermutationResult {
if isEmpty {
// There are 0 elements, only one permutation is possible.
return .formedFirstPermutation
do {
var i = startIndex
formIndex(after: &i)
if i == endIndex {
// There is only element, only one permutation is possible.
return .formedFirstPermutation
var i = endIndex
formIndex(before: &i)
var beforeI = i
formIndex(before: &beforeI)
var elementAtI = self[i]
var elementAtBeforeI = self[beforeI]
while true {
if elementAtBeforeI < elementAtI {
// Elements at `i..<endIndex` are in non-increasing order. To form the
// next permutation in lexicographical order we need to replace
// `self[i-1]` with the next larger element found in the tail, and
// reverse the tail. For example:
// i-1 i endIndex
// V V V
// 6 2 8 7 4 1 [ ] // Input.
// 6 (4) 8 7 (2) 1 [ ] // Exchanged self[i-1] with the
// ^--------^ // next larger element
// // from the tail.
// 6 4 (1)(2)(7)(8)[ ] // Reversed the tail.
// <-------->
var j = endIndex
repeat {
formIndex(before: &j)
} while !(elementAtBeforeI < self[j])
swapAt(beforeI, j)
return .success
if beforeI == startIndex {
// All elements are in non-increasing order. Reverse to form the first
// permutation, where all elements are sorted (in non-increasing order).
return .formedFirstPermutation
i = beforeI
formIndex(before: &beforeI)
elementAtI = elementAtBeforeI
elementAtBeforeI = self[beforeI]
/// Generate all permutations.
public func forAllPermutations(_ size: Int, _ body: ([Int]) -> Void) {
var data = Array(0..<size)
repeat {
} while data.formNextPermutation() != .formedFirstPermutation
/// Generate all permutations.
public func forAllPermutations<S : Sequence>(
_ sequence: S, _ body: ([S.Iterator.Element]) -> Void
) {
let data = Array(sequence)
forAllPermutations(data.count) {
(indices: [Int]) in
body( { data[$0] })
return ()
public func cartesianProduct<C1 : Collection, C2 : Collection>(
_ c1: C1, _ c2: C2
) -> [(C1.Iterator.Element, C2.Iterator.Element)] {
var result: [(C1.Iterator.Element, C2.Iterator.Element)] = []
for e1 in c1 {
for e2 in c2 {
result.append((e1, e2))
return result
/// Return true if the standard library was compiled in a debug configuration.
public func _isStdlibDebugConfiguration() -> Bool {
return true
return false