blob: 8aca5666dbd4a4eb459f6baf19875949f4efba89 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- EscapeAnalysis.cpp - SIL Escape Analysis -------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#define DEBUG_TYPE "sil-escape"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/EscapeAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/BasicCalleeAnalysis.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ArraySemantic.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Analysis/ValueTracking.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/PassManager/PassManager.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/Local.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILArgument.h"
#include "swift/SIL/DebugUtils.h"
#include "llvm/Support/GraphWriter.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
using namespace swift;
static bool isExtractOfArrayUninitializedPointer(TupleExtractInst *TEI) {
if (TEI->getFieldNo() == 1) {
if (auto apply = dyn_cast<ApplyInst>(TEI->getOperand()))
if (ArraySemanticsCall(apply, "array.uninitialized", false))
return true;
return false;
static SingleValueInstruction *isProjection(SILNode *node) {
switch (node->getKind()) {
case SILNodeKind::IndexAddrInst:
case SILNodeKind::IndexRawPointerInst:
case SILNodeKind::StructElementAddrInst:
case SILNodeKind::TupleElementAddrInst:
case SILNodeKind::UncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst:
case SILNodeKind::StructExtractInst:
case SILNodeKind::UncheckedEnumDataInst:
case SILNodeKind::MarkDependenceInst:
case SILNodeKind::PointerToAddressInst:
case SILNodeKind::AddressToPointerInst:
case SILNodeKind::InitEnumDataAddrInst:
return cast<SingleValueInstruction>(node);
case SILNodeKind::TupleExtractInst: {
auto *TEI = cast<TupleExtractInst>(node);
// Special handling for extracting the pointer-result from an
// array construction. We handle this like a ref_element_addr
// rather than a projection. See the handling of tuple_extract
// in analyzeInstruction().
if (isExtractOfArrayUninitializedPointer(TEI))
return nullptr;
return TEI;
return nullptr;
static bool isNonWritableMemoryAddress(SILNode *V) {
switch (V->getKind()) {
case SILNodeKind::FunctionRefInst:
case SILNodeKind::WitnessMethodInst:
case SILNodeKind::ClassMethodInst:
case SILNodeKind::SuperMethodInst:
case SILNodeKind::DynamicMethodInst:
case SILNodeKind::StringLiteralInst:
case SILNodeKind::ThinToThickFunctionInst:
case SILNodeKind::ThinFunctionToPointerInst:
case SILNodeKind::PointerToThinFunctionInst:
// These instructions return pointers to memory which can't be a
// destination of a store.
return true;
return false;
static ValueBase *skipProjections(ValueBase *V) {
for (;;) {
if (auto SVI = isProjection(V)) {
V = SVI->getOperand(0);
} else {
return V;
llvm_unreachable("there is no escape from an infinite loop");
void EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph::clear() {
ReturnNode = nullptr;
EscapeAnalysis::CGNode *EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph::
getNode(ValueBase *V, EscapeAnalysis *EA, bool createIfNeeded) {
if (isa<FunctionRefInst>(V))
return nullptr;
if (!EA->isPointer(V))
return nullptr;
V = skipProjections(V);
if (!createIfNeeded)
return lookupNode(V);
CGNode * &Node = Values2Nodes[V];
if (!Node) {
if (isa<SILFunctionArgument>(V)) {
Node = allocNode(V, NodeType::Argument);
if (!isSummaryGraph)
} else {
Node = allocNode(V, NodeType::Value);
return Node->getMergeTarget();
EscapeAnalysis::CGNode *EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph::getContentNode(
CGNode *AddrNode) {
// Do we already have a content node (which is not necessarily an immediate
// successor of AddrNode)?
if (AddrNode->pointsTo)
return AddrNode->pointsTo;
CGNode *Node = allocNode(AddrNode->V, NodeType::Content);
updatePointsTo(AddrNode, Node);
assert(ToMerge.empty() &&
"Initially setting pointsTo should not require any node merges");
return Node;
bool EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph::addDeferEdge(CGNode *From, CGNode *To) {
if (!From->addDeferred(To))
return false;
CGNode *FromPointsTo = From->pointsTo;
CGNode *ToPointsTo = To->pointsTo;
if (FromPointsTo != ToPointsTo) {
if (!ToPointsTo) {
updatePointsTo(To, FromPointsTo->getMergeTarget());
assert(ToMerge.empty() &&
"Initially setting pointsTo should not require any node merges");
} else {
// We are adding an edge between two pointers which point to different
// content nodes. This will require to merge the content nodes (and maybe
// other content nodes as well), because of the graph invariance 4).
updatePointsTo(From, ToPointsTo->getMergeTarget());
return true;
void EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph::mergeAllScheduledNodes() {
while (!ToMerge.empty()) {
CGNode *From = ToMerge.pop_back_val();
CGNode *To = From->getMergeTarget();
assert(To != From && "Node scheduled to merge but no merge target set");
assert(!From->isMerged && "Merge source is already merged");
assert(From->Type == NodeType::Content && "Can only merge content nodes");
assert(To->Type == NodeType::Content && "Can only merge content nodes");
// Unlink the predecessors and redirect the incoming pointsTo edge.
// Note: we don't redirect the defer-edges because we don't want to trigger
// updatePointsTo (which is called by addDeferEdge) right now.
for (Predecessor Pred : From->Preds) {
CGNode *PredNode = Pred.getPointer();
if (Pred.getInt() == EdgeType::PointsTo) {
assert(PredNode->getPointsToEdge() == From &&
"Incoming pointsTo edge not set in predecessor");
if (PredNode != From)
} else {
assert(PredNode != From);
auto Iter = PredNode->findDeferred(From);
assert(Iter != PredNode->defersTo.end() &&
"Incoming defer-edge not found in predecessor's defer list");
// Unlink and redirect the outgoing pointsTo edge.
if (CGNode *PT = From->getPointsToEdge()) {
if (PT != From) {
PT->removeFromPreds(Predecessor(From, EdgeType::PointsTo));
} else {
PT = To;
if (CGNode *ExistingPT = To->getPointsToEdge()) {
// The To node already has an outgoing pointsTo edge, so the only thing
// we can do is to merge both content nodes.
scheduleToMerge(ExistingPT, PT);
} else {
// Unlink the outgoing defer edges.
for (CGNode *Defers : From->defersTo) {
assert(Defers != From && "defer edge may not form a self-cycle");
Defers->removeFromPreds(Predecessor(From, EdgeType::Defer));
// Redirect the incoming defer edges. This may trigger other node merges.
// Note that the Pred iterator may be invalidated (because we may add
// edges in the loop). So we don't do: for (Pred : From->Preds) {...}
for (unsigned PredIdx = 0; PredIdx < From->Preds.size(); ++PredIdx) {
CGNode *PredNode = From->Preds[PredIdx].getPointer();
if (From->Preds[PredIdx].getInt() == EdgeType::Defer) {
assert(PredNode != From && "defer edge may not form a self-cycle");
addDeferEdge(PredNode, To);
// Redirect the outgoing defer edges, which may also trigger other node
// merges.
for (CGNode *Defers : From->defersTo) {
addDeferEdge(To, Defers);
// There is no point in updating the pointsTo if the To node will be
// merged to another node eventually.
if (!To->mergeTo) {
// Ensure that graph invariance 4) is kept. At this point there may be still
// some violations because of the new adjacent edges of the To node.
for (unsigned PredIdx = 0; PredIdx < To->Preds.size(); ++PredIdx) {
if (To->Preds[PredIdx].getInt() == EdgeType::PointsTo) {
CGNode *PredNode = To->Preds[PredIdx].getPointer();
for (unsigned PPIdx = 0; PPIdx < PredNode->Preds.size(); ++PPIdx) {
if (PredNode->Preds[PPIdx].getInt() == EdgeType::Defer)
updatePointsTo(PredNode->Preds[PPIdx].getPointer(), To);
for (CGNode *Def : PredNode->defersTo) {
updatePointsTo(Def, To);
if (CGNode *ToPT = To->getPointsToEdge()) {
ToPT = ToPT->getMergeTarget();
for (CGNode *ToDef : To->defersTo) {
updatePointsTo(ToDef, ToPT);
for (unsigned PredIdx = 0; PredIdx < To->Preds.size(); ++PredIdx) {
if (To->Preds[PredIdx].getInt() == EdgeType::Defer)
updatePointsTo(To->Preds[PredIdx].getPointer(), ToPT);
// Cleanup the merged node.
From->isMerged = true;
From->pointsTo = nullptr;
void EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph::
updatePointsTo(CGNode *InitialNode, CGNode *pointsTo) {
// Visit all nodes in the defer web, which don't have the right pointsTo set.
llvm::SmallVector<CGNode *, 8> WorkList;
InitialNode->isInWorkList = true;
bool isInitialSet = false;
for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < WorkList.size(); ++Idx) {
auto *Node = WorkList[Idx];
if (Node->pointsTo == pointsTo)
if (Node->pointsTo) {
// Mismatching: we need to merge!
scheduleToMerge(Node->pointsTo, pointsTo);
} else {
isInitialSet = true;
// If the node already has a pointsTo _edge_ we don't change it (we don't
// want to change the structure of the graph at this point).
if (!Node->pointsToIsEdge) {
if (Node->defersTo.empty()) {
// This node is the end of a defer-edge path with no pointsTo connected.
// We create an edge to pointsTo (agreed, this changes the structure of
// the graph but adding this edge is harmless).
} else {
Node->pointsTo = pointsTo;
// Add all adjacent nodes to the WorkList.
for (auto *Deferred : Node->defersTo) {
if (!Deferred->isInWorkList) {
Deferred->isInWorkList = true;
for (Predecessor Pred : Node->Preds) {
if (Pred.getInt() == EdgeType::Defer) {
CGNode *PredNode = Pred.getPointer();
if (!PredNode->isInWorkList) {
PredNode->isInWorkList = true;
if (isInitialSet) {
// Here we handle a special case: all defer-edge paths must eventually end
// in a points-to edge to pointsTo. We ensure this by setting the edge on
// nodes which have no defer-successors (see above). But this does not cover
// the case where there is a terminating cycle in the defer-edge path,
// e.g. A -> B -> C -> B
// We find all nodes which don't reach a points-to edge and add additional
// points-to edges to fix that.
llvm::SmallVector<CGNode *, 8> PotentiallyInCycles;
// Keep all nodes with a points-to edge in the WorkList and remove all other
// nodes.
unsigned InsertionPoint = 0;
for (CGNode *Node : WorkList) {
if (Node->pointsToIsEdge) {
WorkList[InsertionPoint++] = Node;
} else {
Node->isInWorkList = false;
unsigned Idx = 0;
while (!PotentiallyInCycles.empty()) {
// Propagate the "reaches-a-points-to-edge" backwards in the defer-edge
// sub-graph by adding those nodes to the WorkList.
while (Idx < WorkList.size()) {
auto *Node = WorkList[Idx++];
for (Predecessor Pred : Node->Preds) {
if (Pred.getInt() == EdgeType::Defer) {
CGNode *PredNode = Pred.getPointer();
if (!PredNode->isInWorkList) {
PredNode->isInWorkList = true;
// Check if we still have some nodes which don't reach a points-to edge,
// i.e. points not yet in the WorkList.
while (!PotentiallyInCycles.empty()) {
auto *Node = PotentiallyInCycles.pop_back_val();
if (!Node->isInWorkList) {
// We create a points-to edge for the first node which doesn't reach
// a points-to edge yet.
Node->isInWorkList = true;
void EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph::propagateEscapeStates() {
bool Changed = false;
do {
Changed = false;
for (CGNode *Node : Nodes) {
// Propagate the state to all successor nodes.
if (Node->pointsTo) {
Changed |= Node->pointsTo->mergeEscapeState(Node->State);
for (CGNode *Def : Node->defersTo) {
Changed |= Def->mergeEscapeState(Node->State);
} while (Changed);
void EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph::computeUsePoints() {
// First scan the whole function and add relevant instructions as use-points.
for (auto &BB : *F) {
for (SILArgument *BBArg : BB.getArguments()) {
/// In addition to releasing instructions (see below) we also add block
/// arguments as use points. In case of loops, block arguments can
/// "extend" the liferange of a reference in upward direction.
if (CGNode *ArgNode = lookupNode(BBArg)) {
addUsePoint(ArgNode, BBArg);
for (auto &I : BB) {
switch (I.getKind()) {
case SILInstructionKind::StrongReleaseInst:
case SILInstructionKind::ReleaseValueInst:
case SILInstructionKind::UnownedReleaseInst:
case SILInstructionKind::ApplyInst:
case SILInstructionKind::TryApplyInst: {
/// Actually we only add instructions which may release a reference.
/// We need the use points only for getting the end of a reference's
/// liferange. And that must be a releasing instruction.
int ValueIdx = -1;
for (const Operand &Op : I.getAllOperands()) {
ValueBase *OpV = Op.get();
if (CGNode *OpNd = lookupNode(skipProjections(OpV))) {
if (ValueIdx < 0) {
ValueIdx = addUsePoint(OpNd, &I);
} else {
// Second, we propagate the use-point information through the graph.
bool Changed = false;
do {
Changed = false;
for (CGNode *Node : Nodes) {
// Propagate the bits to all successor nodes.
if (Node->pointsTo) {
Changed |= Node->pointsTo->mergeUsePoints(Node);
for (CGNode *Def : Node->defersTo) {
Changed |= Def->mergeUsePoints(Node);
} while (Changed);
bool EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph::mergeFrom(ConnectionGraph *SourceGraph,
CGNodeMap &Mapping) {
// The main point of the merging algorithm is to map each content node in the
// source graph to a content node in this (destination) graph. This may
// require to create new nodes or to merge existing nodes in this graph.
// First step: replicate the points-to edges and the content nodes of the
// source graph in this graph.
bool Changed = false;
bool NodesMerged;
do {
NodesMerged = false;
for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < Mapping.getMappedNodes().size(); ++Idx) {
CGNode *SourceNd = Mapping.getMappedNodes()[Idx];
CGNode *DestNd = Mapping.get(SourceNd);
if (SourceNd->getEscapeState() >= EscapeState::Global) {
// We don't need to merge the source subgraph of nodes which have the
// global escaping state set.
// Just set global escaping in the caller node and that's it.
Changed |= DestNd->mergeEscapeState(EscapeState::Global);
CGNode *SourcePT = SourceNd->pointsTo;
if (!SourcePT)
CGNode *MappedDestPT = Mapping.get(SourcePT);
if (!DestNd->pointsTo) {
// The following getContentNode() will create a new content node.
Changed = true;
CGNode *DestPT = getContentNode(DestNd);
if (MappedDestPT) {
// We already found the destination node through another path.
if (DestPT != MappedDestPT) {
// There are two content nodes in this graph which map to the same
// content node in the source graph -> we have to merge them.
scheduleToMerge(DestPT, MappedDestPT);
Changed = true;
NodesMerged = true;
} else {
// It's the first time we see the destination node, so we add it to the
// mapping.
Mapping.add(SourcePT, DestPT);
} while (NodesMerged);
// Second step: add the source graph's defer edges to this graph.
llvm::SmallVector<CGNode *, 8> WorkList;
for (CGNode *SourceNd : Mapping.getMappedNodes()) {
SourceNd->isInWorkList = true;
CGNode *DestFrom = Mapping.get(SourceNd);
assert(DestFrom && "node should have been merged to the graph");
// Collect all nodes which are reachable from the SourceNd via a path
// which only contains defer-edges.
for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < WorkList.size(); ++Idx) {
CGNode *SourceReachable = WorkList[Idx];
CGNode *DestReachable = Mapping.get(SourceReachable);
// Create the edge in this graph. Note: this may trigger merging of
// content nodes.
if (DestReachable) {
DestFrom = defer(DestFrom, DestReachable, Changed);
} else if (SourceReachable->getEscapeState() >= EscapeState::Global) {
// If we don't have a mapped node in the destination graph we still have
// to honor its escaping state. We do that simply by setting the source
// node of the defer-edge to escaping.
Changed |= DestFrom->mergeEscapeState(EscapeState::Global);
for (auto *Deferred : SourceReachable->defersTo) {
if (!Deferred->isInWorkList) {
Deferred->isInWorkList = true;
return Changed;
/// Returns true if \p V is a use of \p Node, i.e. V may (indirectly)
/// somehow refer to the Node's value.
/// Use-points are only values which are relevant for lifeness computation,
/// e.g. release or apply instructions.
bool EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph::isUsePoint(SILNode *UsePoint,
CGNode *Node) {
assert(Node->getEscapeState() < EscapeState::Global &&
"Use points are only valid for non-escaping nodes");
UsePoint = UsePoint->getCanonicalSILNodeInObject();
auto Iter = UsePoints.find(UsePoint);
if (Iter == UsePoints.end())
return false;
int Idx = Iter->second;
if (Idx >= (int)Node->UsePoints.size())
return false;
return Node->UsePoints.test(Idx);
void EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph::
getUsePoints(CGNode *Node, llvm::SmallVectorImpl<SILNode *> &UsePoints) {
assert(Node->getEscapeState() < EscapeState::Global &&
"Use points are only valid for non-escaping nodes");
for (int Idx = Node->UsePoints.find_first(); Idx >= 0;
Idx = Node->UsePoints.find_next(Idx)) {
bool EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph::isReachable(CGNode *From, CGNode *To) {
// See if we can reach the From-node by transitively visiting the
// predecessor nodes of the To-node.
// Usually nodes have few predecessor nodes and the graph depth is small.
// So this should be fast.
llvm::SmallVector<CGNode *, 8> WorkList;
From->isInWorkList = true;
for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < WorkList.size(); ++Idx) {
CGNode *Reachable = WorkList[Idx];
if (Reachable == To) {
return true;
for (Predecessor Pred : Reachable->Preds) {
CGNode *PredNode = Pred.getPointer();
if (!PredNode->isInWorkList) {
PredNode->isInWorkList = true;
return false;
// Dumping, Viewing and Verification
#ifndef NDEBUG
/// For the llvm's GraphWriter we copy the connection graph into CGForDotView.
/// This makes iterating over the edges easier.
struct CGForDotView {
enum EdgeTypes {
struct Node {
EscapeAnalysis::CGNode *OrigNode;
CGForDotView *Graph;
SmallVector<Node *, 8> Children;
SmallVector<EdgeTypes, 8> ChildrenTypes;
CGForDotView(const EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph *CG);
std::string getNodeLabel(const Node *Node) const;
std::string getNodeAttributes(const Node *Node) const;
std::vector<Node> Nodes;
SILFunction *F;
const EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph *OrigGraph;
// The same IDs as the SILPrinter uses.
llvm::DenseMap<const SILNode *, unsigned> InstToIDMap;
typedef std::vector<Node>::iterator iterator;
typedef SmallVectorImpl<Node *>::iterator child_iterator;
CGForDotView::CGForDotView(const EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph *CG) :
F(CG->F), OrigGraph(CG) {
llvm::DenseMap<EscapeAnalysis::CGNode *, Node *> Orig2Node;
int idx = 0;
for (auto *OrigNode : CG->Nodes) {
if (OrigNode->isMerged)
Orig2Node[OrigNode] = &Nodes[idx++];
idx = 0;
for (auto *OrigNode : CG->Nodes) {
if (OrigNode->isMerged)
auto &Nd = Nodes[idx++];
Nd.Graph = this;
Nd.OrigNode = OrigNode;
if (auto *PT = OrigNode->getPointsToEdge()) {
for (auto *Def : OrigNode->defersTo) {
std::string CGForDotView::getNodeLabel(const Node *Node) const {
std::string Label;
llvm::raw_string_ostream O(Label);
if (ValueBase *V = Node->OrigNode->V)
O << '%' << InstToIDMap.lookup(V) << '\n';
switch (Node->OrigNode->Type) {
case swift::EscapeAnalysis::NodeType::Content:
O << "content";
case swift::EscapeAnalysis::NodeType::Return:
O << "return";
default: {
std::string Inst;
llvm::raw_string_ostream OI(Inst);
size_t start = Inst.find(" = ");
if (start != std::string::npos) {
start += 3;
} else {
start = 2;
O << Inst.substr(start, 20);
if (!Node->OrigNode->matchPointToOfDefers()) {
O << "\nPT mismatch: ";
if (Node->OrigNode->pointsTo) {
if (ValueBase *V = Node->OrigNode->pointsTo->V)
O << '%' << Node->Graph->InstToIDMap[V];
} else {
O << "null";
return Label;
std::string CGForDotView::getNodeAttributes(const Node *Node) const {
auto *Orig = Node->OrigNode;
std::string attr;
switch (Orig->Type) {
case swift::EscapeAnalysis::NodeType::Content:
attr = "style=\"rounded\"";
case swift::EscapeAnalysis::NodeType::Argument:
case swift::EscapeAnalysis::NodeType::Return:
attr = "style=\"bold\"";
if (Orig->getEscapeState() != swift::EscapeAnalysis::EscapeState::None &&
attr += ',';
switch (Orig->getEscapeState()) {
case swift::EscapeAnalysis::EscapeState::None:
case swift::EscapeAnalysis::EscapeState::Return:
attr += "color=\"green\"";
case swift::EscapeAnalysis::EscapeState::Arguments:
attr += "color=\"blue\"";
case swift::EscapeAnalysis::EscapeState::Global:
attr += "color=\"red\"";
return attr;
namespace llvm {
/// GraphTraits specialization so the CGForDotView can be
/// iterable by generic graph iterators.
template <> struct GraphTraits<CGForDotView::Node *> {
typedef CGForDotView::child_iterator ChildIteratorType;
typedef CGForDotView::Node *NodeRef;
static NodeRef getEntryNode(NodeRef N) { return N; }
static inline ChildIteratorType child_begin(NodeRef N) {
return N->Children.begin();
static inline ChildIteratorType child_end(NodeRef N) {
return N->Children.end();
template <> struct GraphTraits<CGForDotView *>
: public GraphTraits<CGForDotView::Node *> {
typedef CGForDotView *GraphType;
typedef CGForDotView::Node *NodeRef;
static NodeRef getEntryNode(GraphType F) { return nullptr; }
typedef pointer_iterator<CGForDotView::iterator> nodes_iterator;
static nodes_iterator nodes_begin(GraphType OCG) {
return nodes_iterator(OCG->Nodes.begin());
static nodes_iterator nodes_end(GraphType OCG) {
return nodes_iterator(OCG->Nodes.end());
static unsigned size(GraphType CG) { return CG->Nodes.size(); }
/// This is everything the llvm::GraphWriter needs to write the call graph in
/// a dot file.
template <>
struct DOTGraphTraits<CGForDotView *> : public DefaultDOTGraphTraits {
DOTGraphTraits(bool isSimple = false) : DefaultDOTGraphTraits(isSimple) {}
static std::string getGraphName(const CGForDotView *Graph) {
return "CG for " + Graph->F->getName().str();
std::string getNodeLabel(const CGForDotView::Node *Node,
const CGForDotView *Graph) {
return Graph->getNodeLabel(Node);
static std::string getNodeAttributes(const CGForDotView::Node *Node,
const CGForDotView *Graph) {
return Graph->getNodeAttributes(Node);
static std::string getEdgeAttributes(const CGForDotView::Node *Node,
CGForDotView::child_iterator I,
const CGForDotView *Graph) {
unsigned ChildIdx = I - Node->Children.begin();
switch (Node->ChildrenTypes[ChildIdx]) {
case CGForDotView::PointsTo: return "";
case CGForDotView::Deferred: return "color=\"gray\"";
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled CGForDotView in switch.");
} // namespace llvm
void EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph::viewCG() const {
/// When asserts are disabled, this should be a NoOp.
#ifndef NDEBUG
CGForDotView CGDot(this);
llvm::ViewGraph(&CGDot, "connection-graph");
void EscapeAnalysis::CGNode::dump() const {
llvm::errs() << getTypeStr();
if (V)
llvm::errs() << ": " << *V;
llvm::errs() << '\n';
if (mergeTo) {
llvm::errs() << " -> merged to ";
const char *EscapeAnalysis::CGNode::getTypeStr() const {
switch (Type) {
case NodeType::Value: return "Val";
case NodeType::Content: return "Con";
case NodeType::Argument: return "Arg";
case NodeType::Return: return "Ret";
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled NodeType in switch.");
void EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph::dump() const {
void EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph::print(llvm::raw_ostream &OS) const {
#ifndef NDEBUG
OS << "CG of " << F->getName() << '\n';
// Assign the same IDs to SILValues as the SILPrinter does.
llvm::DenseMap<const SILNode *, unsigned> InstToIDMap;
InstToIDMap[nullptr] = (unsigned)-1;
// Assign consecutive subindices for nodes which map to the same value.
llvm::DenseMap<const ValueBase *, unsigned> NumSubindicesPerValue;
llvm::DenseMap<CGNode *, unsigned> Node2Subindex;
// Sort by SILValue ID+Subindex. To make the output somehow consistent with
// the output of the function's SIL.
auto sortNodes = [&](llvm::SmallVectorImpl<CGNode *> &Nodes) {
std::sort(Nodes.begin(), Nodes.end(),
[&](CGNode *Nd1, CGNode *Nd2) -> bool {
unsigned VIdx1 = InstToIDMap[Nd1->V];
unsigned VIdx2 = InstToIDMap[Nd2->V];
if (VIdx1 != VIdx2)
return VIdx1 < VIdx2;
return Node2Subindex[Nd1] < Node2Subindex[Nd2];
auto NodeStr = [&](CGNode *Nd) -> std::string {
std::string Str;
if (Nd->V) {
llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Str);
OS << '%' << InstToIDMap[Nd->V];
unsigned Idx = Node2Subindex[Nd];
if (Idx != 0)
OS << '.' << Idx;
return Str;
llvm::SmallVector<CGNode *, 8> SortedNodes;
for (CGNode *Nd : Nodes) {
if (!Nd->isMerged) {
unsigned &Idx = NumSubindicesPerValue[Nd->V];
Node2Subindex[Nd] = Idx++;
for (CGNode *Nd : SortedNodes) {
OS << " " << Nd->getTypeStr() << ' ' << NodeStr(Nd) << " Esc: ";
switch (Nd->getEscapeState()) {
case EscapeState::None: {
const char *Separator = "";
for (unsigned VIdx = Nd->UsePoints.find_first(); VIdx != -1u;
VIdx = Nd->UsePoints.find_next(VIdx)) {
auto node = UsePointTable[VIdx];
OS << Separator << '%' << InstToIDMap[node];
Separator = ",";
case EscapeState::Return:
OS << 'R';
case EscapeState::Arguments:
OS << 'A';
case EscapeState::Global:
OS << 'G';
OS << ", Succ: ";
const char *Separator = "";
if (CGNode *PT = Nd->getPointsToEdge()) {
OS << '(' << NodeStr(PT) << ')';
Separator = ", ";
llvm::SmallVector<CGNode *, 8> SortedDefers = Nd->defersTo;
for (CGNode *Def : SortedDefers) {
OS << Separator << NodeStr(Def);
Separator = ", ";
OS << '\n';
OS << "End\n";
void EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph::verify() const {
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Check graph invariance 4)
for (CGNode *Nd : Nodes) {
void EscapeAnalysis::ConnectionGraph::verifyStructure() const {
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (CGNode *Nd : Nodes) {
if (Nd->isMerged) {
assert(Nd->Type == NodeType::Content);
// Check if predecessor and successor edges are linked correctly.
for (Predecessor Pred : Nd->Preds) {
CGNode *PredNode = Pred.getPointer();
if (Pred.getInt() == EdgeType::Defer) {
assert(PredNode->findDeferred(Nd) != PredNode->defersTo.end());
} else {
assert(Pred.getInt() == EdgeType::PointsTo);
assert(PredNode->getPointsToEdge() == Nd);
for (CGNode *Def : Nd->defersTo) {
assert(Def->findPred(Predecessor(Nd, EdgeType::Defer)) != Def->Preds.end());
assert(Def != Nd);
if (CGNode *PT = Nd->getPointsToEdge()) {
assert(PT->Type == NodeType::Content);
assert(PT->findPred(Predecessor(Nd, EdgeType::PointsTo)) != PT->Preds.end());
// EscapeAnalysis
EscapeAnalysis::EscapeAnalysis(SILModule *M) :
BottomUpIPAnalysis(AnalysisKind::Escape), M(M),
ArrayType(M->getASTContext().getArrayDecl()), BCA(nullptr) {
void EscapeAnalysis::initialize(SILPassManager *PM) {
BCA = PM->getAnalysis<BasicCalleeAnalysis>();
/// Returns true if we need to add defer edges for the arguments of a block.
static bool linkBBArgs(SILBasicBlock *BB) {
// Don't need to handle function arguments.
if (BB == &BB->getParent()->front())
return false;
// We don't need to link to the try_apply's normal result argument, because
// we handle it separately in setAllEscaping() and mergeCalleeGraph().
if (SILBasicBlock *SinglePred = BB->getSinglePredecessorBlock()) {
auto *TAI = dyn_cast<TryApplyInst>(SinglePred->getTerminator());
if (TAI && BB == TAI->getNormalBB())
return false;
return true;
/// Returns true if the type \p Ty is a reference or transitively contains
/// a reference, i.e. if it is a "pointer" type.
static bool isOrContainsReference(SILType Ty, SILModule *Mod) {
if (Ty.hasReferenceSemantics())
return true;
if (Ty.getSwiftRValueType() == Mod->getASTContext().TheRawPointerType)
return true;
if (auto *Str = Ty.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct()) {
for (auto *Field : Str->getStoredProperties()) {
if (isOrContainsReference(Ty.getFieldType(Field, *Mod), Mod))
return true;
return false;
if (auto TT = Ty.getAs<TupleType>()) {
for (unsigned i = 0, e = TT->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
if (isOrContainsReference(Ty.getTupleElementType(i), Mod))
return true;
return false;
if (auto En = Ty.getEnumOrBoundGenericEnum()) {
for (auto *ElemDecl : En->getAllElements()) {
if (ElemDecl->hasAssociatedValues() &&
isOrContainsReference(Ty.getEnumElementType(ElemDecl, *Mod), Mod))
return true;
return false;
return false;
bool EscapeAnalysis::isPointer(ValueBase *V) {
SILType Ty = V->getType();
auto Iter = isPointerCache.find(Ty);
if (Iter != isPointerCache.end())
return Iter->second;
bool IP = (Ty.isAddress() || isOrContainsReference(Ty, M));
isPointerCache[Ty] = IP;
return IP;
void EscapeAnalysis::buildConnectionGraph(FunctionInfo *FInfo,
FunctionOrder &BottomUpOrder,
int RecursionDepth) {
if (BottomUpOrder.prepareForVisiting(FInfo))
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " >> build graph for " <<
FInfo->Graph.F->getName() << '\n');
FInfo->NeedUpdateSummaryGraph = true;
ConnectionGraph *ConGraph = &FInfo->Graph;
// We use a worklist for iteration to visit the blocks in dominance order.
llvm::SmallPtrSet<SILBasicBlock*, 32> VisitedBlocks;
llvm::SmallVector<SILBasicBlock *, 16> WorkList;
while (!WorkList.empty()) {
SILBasicBlock *BB = WorkList.pop_back_val();
// Create edges for the instructions.
for (auto &I : *BB) {
analyzeInstruction(&I, FInfo, BottomUpOrder, RecursionDepth);
for (auto &Succ : BB->getSuccessors()) {
if (VisitedBlocks.insert(Succ.getBB()).second)
// Second step: create defer-edges for block arguments.
for (SILBasicBlock &BB : *ConGraph->F) {
if (!linkBBArgs(&BB))
// Create defer-edges from the block arguments to it's values in the
// predecessor's terminator instructions.
for (SILArgument *BBArg : BB.getArguments()) {
CGNode *ArgNode = ConGraph->getNode(BBArg, this);
if (!ArgNode)
llvm::SmallVector<SILValue,4> Incoming;
if (!BBArg->getIncomingValues(Incoming)) {
// We don't know where the block argument comes from -> treat it
// conservatively.
for (SILValue Src : Incoming) {
CGNode *SrcArg = ConGraph->getNode(Src, this);
if (SrcArg) {
ArgNode = ConGraph->defer(ArgNode, SrcArg);
} else {
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " << finished graph for " <<
FInfo->Graph.F->getName() << '\n');
/// Returns true if all uses of \p I are tuple_extract instructions.
static bool onlyUsedInTupleExtract(SILValue V) {
for (Operand *Use : getNonDebugUses(V)) {
if (!isa<TupleExtractInst>(Use->getUser()))
return false;
return true;
bool EscapeAnalysis::buildConnectionGraphForCallees(
SILInstruction *Caller, CalleeList Callees, FunctionInfo *FInfo,
FunctionOrder &BottomUpOrder, int RecursionDepth) {
if (Callees.allCalleesVisible()) {
// Derive the connection graph of the apply from the known callees.
for (SILFunction *Callee : Callees) {
FunctionInfo *CalleeInfo = getFunctionInfo(Callee);
CalleeInfo->addCaller(FInfo, Caller);
if (!CalleeInfo->isVisited()) {
// Recursively visit the called function.
buildConnectionGraph(CalleeInfo, BottomUpOrder, RecursionDepth + 1);
return true;
return false;
/// Build the connection graph for destructors that may be called
/// by a given instruction \I for the object \V.
/// Returns true if V is a local object and destructors called by a given
/// instruction could be determined. In all other cases returns false.
bool EscapeAnalysis::buildConnectionGraphForDestructor(
SILValue V, SILInstruction *I, FunctionInfo *FInfo,
FunctionOrder &BottomUpOrder, int RecursionDepth) {
// It should be a locally allocated object.
if (!pointsToLocalObject(V))
return false;
SILModule &M = I->getFunction()->getModule();
// Determine the exact type of the value.
auto Ty = getExactDynamicTypeOfUnderlyingObject(V, M, nullptr);
if (!Ty) {
// The object is local, but we cannot determine its type.
return false;
// If Ty is an optional, its deallocation is equivalent to the deallocation
// of its payload.
// TODO: Generalize it. Destructor of an aggregate type is equivalent to calling
// destructors for its components.
while (auto payloadTy = Ty.getAnyOptionalObjectType())
Ty = payloadTy;
auto Class = Ty.getClassOrBoundGenericClass();
if (!Class || !Class->hasDestructor())
return false;
auto Destructor = Class->getDestructor();
SILDeclRef DeallocRef(Destructor, SILDeclRef::Kind::Deallocator);
// Find a SILFunction for destructor.
SILFunction *Dealloc = M.lookUpFunction(DeallocRef);
if (!Dealloc)
return false;
CalleeList Callees(Dealloc);
return buildConnectionGraphForCallees(I, Callees, FInfo, BottomUpOrder,
void EscapeAnalysis::analyzeInstruction(SILInstruction *I,
FunctionInfo *FInfo,
FunctionOrder &BottomUpOrder,
int RecursionDepth) {
ConnectionGraph *ConGraph = &FInfo->Graph;
FullApplySite FAS = FullApplySite::isa(I);
if (FAS) {
ArraySemanticsCall ASC(FAS.getInstruction());
switch (ASC.getKind()) {
case ArrayCallKind::kArrayPropsIsNativeTypeChecked:
case ArrayCallKind::kCheckSubscript:
case ArrayCallKind::kCheckIndex:
case ArrayCallKind::kGetCount:
case ArrayCallKind::kGetCapacity:
case ArrayCallKind::kMakeMutable:
// These array semantics calls do not capture anything.
case ArrayCallKind::kArrayUninitialized:
// Check if the result is used in the usual way: extracting the
// array and the element pointer with tuple_extract.
if (onlyUsedInTupleExtract(ASC.getCallResult())) {
// array.uninitialized may have a first argument which is the
// allocated array buffer. The call is like a struct(buffer)
// instruction.
if (CGNode *BufferNode = ConGraph->getNode(FAS.getArgument(0), this)) {
CGNode *ArrayNode = ConGraph->getNode(ASC.getCallResult(), this);
CGNode *ArrayContent = ConGraph->getContentNode(ArrayNode);
ConGraph->defer(ArrayContent, BufferNode);
case ArrayCallKind::kGetArrayOwner:
if (CGNode *BufferNode = ConGraph->getNode(ASC.getSelf(), this)) {
ConGraph->defer(ConGraph->getNode(ASC.getCallResult(), this),
case ArrayCallKind::kGetElement:
if (CGNode *AddrNode = ConGraph->getNode(ASC.getSelf(), this)) {
CGNode *DestNode = nullptr;
// This is like a load from a ref_element_addr.
if (ASC.hasGetElementDirectResult()) {
DestNode = ConGraph->getNode(ASC.getCallResult(), this);
} else {
CGNode *DestAddrNode = ConGraph->getNode(FAS.getArgument(0), this);
assert(DestAddrNode && "indirect result must have node");
// The content of the destination address.
DestNode = ConGraph->getContentNode(DestAddrNode);
if (DestNode) {
// One content node for going from the array buffer pointer to
// the element address (like ref_element_addr).
CGNode *RefElement = ConGraph->getContentNode(AddrNode);
// Another content node to actually load the element.
CGNode *ArrayContent = ConGraph->getContentNode(RefElement);
ConGraph->defer(DestNode, ArrayContent);
case ArrayCallKind::kGetElementAddress:
// This is like a ref_element_addr.
if (CGNode *SelfNode = ConGraph->getNode(ASC.getSelf(), this)) {
ConGraph->defer(ConGraph->getNode(ASC.getCallResult(), this),
case ArrayCallKind::kWithUnsafeMutableBufferPointer:
// Model this like an escape of the elements of the array and a capture
// of anything captured by the closure.
// Self is passed inout.
if (CGNode *AddrArrayStruct = ConGraph->getNode(ASC.getSelf(), this)) {
CGNode *ArrayStructValueNode =
// One content node for going from the array buffer pointer to
// the element address (like ref_element_addr).
CGNode *RefElement = ConGraph->getContentNode(ArrayStructValueNode);
// Another content node to actually load the element.
CGNode *ArrayContent = ConGraph->getContentNode(RefElement);
// The first non indirect result is the closure.
auto Args = FAS.getArgumentsWithoutIndirectResults();
setEscapesGlobal(ConGraph, Args[0]);
if (FAS.getReferencedFunction()
&& FAS.getReferencedFunction()->hasSemanticsAttr(
&& ((FAS.hasIndirectSILResults() && FAS.getNumArguments() == 3)
|| (!FAS.hasIndirectSILResults() && FAS.getNumArguments() == 2))
&& FAS.hasSelfArgument()) {
// The programmer has guaranteed that the closure will not capture the
// self pointer passed to it or anything that is transitively reachable
// from the pointer.
auto Args = FAS.getArgumentsWithoutIndirectResults();
// The first not indirect result argument is the closure.
setEscapesGlobal(ConGraph, Args[0]);
if (FAS.getReferencedFunction()
&& FAS.getReferencedFunction()->hasSemanticsAttr(
&& ((FAS.hasIndirectSILResults() && FAS.getNumArguments() == 4)
|| (!FAS.hasIndirectSILResults() && FAS.getNumArguments() == 3))
&& FAS.hasSelfArgument()) {
// The programmer has guaranteed that the closure will not capture the
// self pointer passed to it or anything that is transitively reachable
// from the pointer.
auto Args = FAS.getArgumentsWithoutIndirectResults();
// The second not indirect result argument is the closure.
setEscapesGlobal(ConGraph, Args[1]);
if (RecursionDepth < MaxRecursionDepth) {
CalleeList Callees = BCA->getCalleeList(FAS);
if (buildConnectionGraphForCallees(FAS.getInstruction(), Callees, FInfo,
BottomUpOrder, RecursionDepth))
if (auto *Fn = FAS.getReferencedFunction()) {
if (Fn->getName() == "swift_bufferAllocate")
// The call is a buffer allocation, e.g. for Array.
if (isa<StrongReleaseInst>(I) || isa<ReleaseValueInst>(I)) {
// Treat the release instruction as if it is the invocation
// of a deinit function.
if (RecursionDepth < MaxRecursionDepth) {
// Check if the destructor is known.
auto OpV = cast<RefCountingInst>(I)->getOperand(0);
if (buildConnectionGraphForDestructor(OpV, I, FInfo, BottomUpOrder,
if (isProjection(I))
// Instructions which return the address of non-writable memory cannot have
// an effect on escaping.
if (isNonWritableMemoryAddress(I))
switch (I->getKind()) {
case SILInstructionKind::AllocStackInst:
case SILInstructionKind::AllocRefInst:
case SILInstructionKind::AllocBoxInst:
ConGraph->getNode(cast<SingleValueInstruction>(I), this);
case SILInstructionKind::DeallocStackInst:
case SILInstructionKind::StrongRetainInst:
case SILInstructionKind::StrongRetainUnownedInst:
case SILInstructionKind::RetainValueInst:
case SILInstructionKind::UnownedRetainInst:
case SILInstructionKind::BranchInst:
case SILInstructionKind::CondBranchInst:
case SILInstructionKind::SwitchEnumInst:
case SILInstructionKind::DebugValueInst:
case SILInstructionKind::DebugValueAddrInst:
case SILInstructionKind::ValueMetatypeInst:
case SILInstructionKind::InitExistentialMetatypeInst:
case SILInstructionKind::OpenExistentialMetatypeInst:
case SILInstructionKind::ExistentialMetatypeInst:
case SILInstructionKind::DeallocRefInst:
case SILInstructionKind::SetDeallocatingInst:
case SILInstructionKind::FixLifetimeInst:
// These instructions don't have any effect on escaping.
case SILInstructionKind::StrongReleaseInst:
case SILInstructionKind::ReleaseValueInst:
case SILInstructionKind::StrongUnpinInst:
case SILInstructionKind::UnownedReleaseInst: {
SILValue OpV = I->getOperand(0);
if (CGNode *AddrNode = ConGraph->getNode(OpV, this)) {
// A release instruction may deallocate the pointer operand. This may
// capture any content of the released object, but not the pointer to
// the object itself (because it will be a dangling pointer after
// deallocation).
CGNode *CapturedByDeinit = ConGraph->getContentNode(AddrNode);
CapturedByDeinit = ConGraph->getContentNode(CapturedByDeinit);
if (deinitIsKnownToNotCapture(OpV)) {
CapturedByDeinit = ConGraph->getContentNode(CapturedByDeinit);
case SILInstructionKind::LoadInst:
case SILInstructionKind::LoadWeakInst:
// We treat ref_element_addr like a load (see NodeType::Content).
case SILInstructionKind::RefElementAddrInst:
case SILInstructionKind::RefTailAddrInst:
case SILInstructionKind::ProjectBoxInst:
case SILInstructionKind::InitExistentialAddrInst:
case SILInstructionKind::OpenExistentialAddrInst: {
auto SVI = cast<SingleValueInstruction>(I);
if (isPointer(SVI)) {
CGNode *AddrNode = ConGraph->getNode(SVI->getOperand(0), this);
if (!AddrNode) {
// A load from an address we don't handle -> be conservative.
CGNode *ValueNode = ConGraph->getNode(SVI, this);
CGNode *PointsTo = ConGraph->getContentNode(AddrNode);
// No need for a separate node for the load instruction:
// just reuse the content node.
ConGraph->setNode(SVI, PointsTo);
case SILInstructionKind::CopyAddrInst: {
// Be conservative if the dest may be the final release.
if (!cast<CopyAddrInst>(I)->isInitializationOfDest()) {
setAllEscaping(I, ConGraph);
// A copy_addr is like a 'store (load src) to dest'.
CGNode *SrcAddrNode = ConGraph->getNode(I->getOperand(CopyAddrInst::Src),
if (!SrcAddrNode) {
setAllEscaping(I, ConGraph);
CGNode *LoadedValue = ConGraph->getContentNode(SrcAddrNode);
CGNode *DestAddrNode = ConGraph->getNode(
I->getOperand(CopyAddrInst::Dest), this);
if (DestAddrNode) {
// Create a defer-edge from the loaded to the stored value.
CGNode *PointsTo = ConGraph->getContentNode(DestAddrNode);
ConGraph->defer(PointsTo, LoadedValue);
} else {
// A store to an address we don't handle -> be conservative.
case SILInstructionKind::StoreInst:
case SILInstructionKind::StoreWeakInst:
if (CGNode *ValueNode = ConGraph->getNode(I->getOperand(StoreInst::Src),
this)) {
CGNode *AddrNode = ConGraph->getNode(I->getOperand(StoreInst::Dest),
if (AddrNode) {
// Create a defer-edge from the content to the stored value.
CGNode *PointsTo = ConGraph->getContentNode(AddrNode);
ConGraph->defer(PointsTo, ValueNode);
} else {
// A store to an address we don't handle -> be conservative.
case SILInstructionKind::PartialApplyInst: {
// The result of a partial_apply is a thick function which stores the
// boxed partial applied arguments. We create defer-edges from the
// partial_apply values to the arguments.
auto PAI = cast<PartialApplyInst>(I);
CGNode *ResultNode = ConGraph->getNode(PAI, this);
assert(ResultNode && "thick functions must have a CG node");
for (const Operand &Op : PAI->getAllOperands()) {
if (CGNode *ArgNode = ConGraph->getNode(Op.get(), this)) {
ResultNode = ConGraph->defer(ResultNode, ArgNode);
case SILInstructionKind::SelectEnumInst:
case SILInstructionKind::SelectEnumAddrInst:
analyzeSelectInst(cast<SelectEnumInstBase>(I), ConGraph);
case SILInstructionKind::SelectValueInst:
analyzeSelectInst(cast<SelectValueInst>(I), ConGraph);
case SILInstructionKind::StructInst:
case SILInstructionKind::TupleInst:
case SILInstructionKind::EnumInst: {
// Aggregate composition is like assigning the aggregate fields to the
// resulting aggregate value.
auto SVI = cast<SingleValueInstruction>(I);
CGNode *ResultNode = nullptr;
for (const Operand &Op : SVI->getAllOperands()) {
if (CGNode *FieldNode = ConGraph->getNode(Op.get(), this)) {
if (!ResultNode) {
// A small optimization to reduce the graph size: we re-use the
// first field node as result node.
ConGraph->setNode(SVI, FieldNode);
ResultNode = FieldNode;
} else {
ResultNode = ConGraph->defer(ResultNode, FieldNode);
case SILInstructionKind::TupleExtractInst: {
// This is a tuple_extract which extracts the second result of an
// array.uninitialized call. The first result is the array itself.
// The second result (which is a pointer to the array elements) must be
// the content node of the first result. It's just like a ref_element_addr
// instruction.
auto *TEI = cast<TupleExtractInst>(I);
&& "tuple_extract should be handled as projection");
CGNode *ArrayNode = ConGraph->getNode(TEI->getOperand(), this);
CGNode *ArrayElements = ConGraph->getContentNode(ArrayNode);
ConGraph->setNode(TEI, ArrayElements);
case SILInstructionKind::UncheckedRefCastInst:
case SILInstructionKind::ConvertFunctionInst:
case SILInstructionKind::UpcastInst:
case SILInstructionKind::InitExistentialRefInst:
case SILInstructionKind::OpenExistentialRefInst:
case SILInstructionKind::UnownedToRefInst:
case SILInstructionKind::RefToUnownedInst:
case SILInstructionKind::RawPointerToRefInst:
case SILInstructionKind::RefToRawPointerInst:
case SILInstructionKind::RefToBridgeObjectInst:
case SILInstructionKind::BridgeObjectToRefInst:
case SILInstructionKind::UncheckedAddrCastInst:
case SILInstructionKind::UnconditionalCheckedCastInst:
case SILInstructionKind::StrongPinInst:
// A cast is almost like a projection.
if (CGNode *OpNode = ConGraph->getNode(I->getOperand(0), this)) {
ConGraph->setNode(cast<SingleValueInstruction>(I), OpNode);
case SILInstructionKind::UncheckedRefCastAddrInst: {
auto *URCAI = cast<UncheckedRefCastAddrInst>(I);
CGNode *SrcNode = ConGraph->getNode(URCAI->getSrc(), this);
CGNode *DestNode = ConGraph->getNode(URCAI->getDest(), this);
assert(SrcNode && DestNode && "must have nodes for address operands");
ConGraph->defer(DestNode, SrcNode);
case SILInstructionKind::ReturnInst:
if (CGNode *ValueNd = ConGraph->getNode(cast<ReturnInst>(I)->getOperand(),
this)) {
ConGraph->defer(ConGraph->getReturnNode(), ValueNd);
// We handle all other instructions conservatively.
setAllEscaping(I, ConGraph);
template<class SelectInst> void EscapeAnalysis::
analyzeSelectInst(SelectInst *SI, ConnectionGraph *ConGraph) {
if (auto *ResultNode = ConGraph->getNode(SI, this)) {
// Connect all case values to the result value.
// Note that this does not include the first operand (the condition).
for (unsigned Idx = 0, End = SI->getNumCases(); Idx < End; ++Idx) {
SILValue CaseVal = SI->getCase(Idx).second;
auto *ArgNode = ConGraph->getNode(CaseVal, this);
assert(ArgNode &&
"there should be an argument node if there is a result node");
ResultNode = ConGraph->defer(ResultNode, ArgNode);
// ... also including the default value.
auto *DefaultNode = ConGraph->getNode(SI->getDefaultResult(), this);
assert(DefaultNode &&
"there should be an argument node if there is a result node");
ConGraph->defer(ResultNode, DefaultNode);
bool EscapeAnalysis::deinitIsKnownToNotCapture(SILValue V) {
for (;;) {
// The deinit of an array buffer does not capture the array elements.
if (V->getType().getNominalOrBoundGenericNominal() == ArrayType)
return true;
// The deinit of a box does not capture its content.
if (V->getType().is<SILBoxType>())
return true;
if (isa<FunctionRefInst>(V))
return true;
// Check all operands of a partial_apply
if (auto *PAI = dyn_cast<PartialApplyInst>(V)) {
for (Operand &Op : PAI->getAllOperands()) {
if (isPointer(Op.get()) && !deinitIsKnownToNotCapture(Op.get()))
return false;
return true;
if (auto SVI = isProjection(V)) {
V = SVI->getOperand(0);
return false;
void EscapeAnalysis::setAllEscaping(SILInstruction *I,
ConnectionGraph *ConGraph) {
if (auto *TAI = dyn_cast<TryApplyInst>(I)) {
setEscapesGlobal(ConGraph, TAI->getNormalBB()->getArgument(0));
setEscapesGlobal(ConGraph, TAI->getErrorBB()->getArgument(0));
// Even if the instruction does not write memory we conservatively set all
// operands to escaping, because they may "escape" to the result value in
// an unspecified way. For example consider bit-casting a pointer to an int.
// In this case we don't even create a node for the resulting int value.
for (const Operand &Op : I->getAllOperands()) {
SILValue OpVal = Op.get();
if (!isNonWritableMemoryAddress(OpVal))
setEscapesGlobal(ConGraph, OpVal);
// Even if the instruction does not write memory it could e.g. return the
// address of global memory. Therefore we have to define it as escaping.
for (auto result : I->getResults())
setEscapesGlobal(ConGraph, result);
void EscapeAnalysis::recompute(FunctionInfo *Initial) {
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "recompute escape analysis with UpdateID " <<
getCurrentUpdateID() << '\n');
// Collect and analyze all functions to recompute, starting at Initial.
FunctionOrder BottomUpOrder(getCurrentUpdateID());
buildConnectionGraph(Initial, BottomUpOrder, 0);
// Build the bottom-up order.
// Second step: propagate the connection graphs up the call-graph until it
// stabilizes.
int Iteration = 0;
bool NeedAnotherIteration;
do {
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "iteration " << Iteration << '\n');
NeedAnotherIteration = false;
for (FunctionInfo *FInfo : BottomUpOrder) {
bool SummaryGraphChanged = false;
if (FInfo->NeedUpdateSummaryGraph) {
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " create summary graph for " <<
FInfo->Graph.F->getName() << '\n');
// Derive the summary graph of the current function. Even if the
// complete graph of the function did change, it does not mean that the
// summary graph will change.
SummaryGraphChanged = mergeSummaryGraph(&FInfo->SummaryGraph,
FInfo->NeedUpdateSummaryGraph = false;
if (Iteration < MaxGraphMerges) {
// In the first iteration we have to merge the summary graphs, even if
// they didn't change (in not recomputed leaf functions).
if (Iteration == 0 || SummaryGraphChanged) {
// Merge the summary graph into all callers.
for (const auto &E : FInfo->getCallers()) {
// Only include callers which we are actually recomputing.
if (BottomUpOrder.wasRecomputedWithCurrentUpdateID(E.Caller)) {
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " merge " << FInfo->Graph.F->getName() <<
" into " << E.Caller->Graph.F->getName() << '\n');
if (mergeCalleeGraph(E.FAS, &E.Caller->Graph,
&FInfo->SummaryGraph)) {
E.Caller->NeedUpdateSummaryGraph = true;
if (!E.Caller->isScheduledAfter(FInfo)) {
// This happens if we have a cycle in the call-graph.
NeedAnotherIteration = true;
} else if (Iteration == MaxGraphMerges) {
// Limit the total number of iterations. First to limit compile time,
// second to make sure that the loop terminates. Theoretically this
// should always be the case, but who knows?
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " finalize conservatively " <<
FInfo->Graph.F->getName() << '\n');
for (const auto &E : FInfo->getCallers()) {
if (BottomUpOrder.wasRecomputedWithCurrentUpdateID(E.Caller)) {
setAllEscaping(E.FAS, &E.Caller->Graph);
E.Caller->NeedUpdateSummaryGraph = true;
NeedAnotherIteration = true;
} while (NeedAnotherIteration);
for (FunctionInfo *FInfo : BottomUpOrder) {
if (BottomUpOrder.wasRecomputedWithCurrentUpdateID(FInfo)) {
bool EscapeAnalysis::mergeCalleeGraph(SILInstruction *AS,
ConnectionGraph *CallerGraph,
ConnectionGraph *CalleeGraph) {
CGNodeMap Callee2CallerMapping;
// First map the callee parameters to the caller arguments.
SILFunction *Callee = CalleeGraph->F;
auto FAS = FullApplySite::isa(AS);
unsigned numCallerArgs = FAS ? FAS.getNumArguments() : 1;
unsigned numCalleeArgs = Callee->getArguments().size();
assert(numCalleeArgs >= numCallerArgs);
for (unsigned Idx = 0; Idx < numCalleeArgs; ++Idx) {
// If there are more callee parameters than arguments it means that the
// callee is the result of a partial_apply - a thick function. A thick
// function also references the boxed partially applied arguments.
// Therefore we map all the extra callee parameters to the callee operand
// of the apply site.
SILValue CallerArg;
if (FAS)
CallerArg =
(Idx < numCallerArgs ? FAS.getArgument(Idx) : FAS.getCallee());
CallerArg = (Idx < numCallerArgs ? AS->getOperand(Idx) : SILValue());
CGNode *CalleeNd = CalleeGraph->getNode(Callee->getArgument(Idx), this);
if (!CalleeNd)
CGNode *CallerNd = CallerGraph->getNode(CallerArg, this);
// There can be the case that we see a callee argument as pointer but not
// the caller argument. E.g. if the callee argument has a @convention(c)
// function type and the caller passes a function_ref.
if (!CallerNd)
Callee2CallerMapping.add(CalleeNd, CallerNd);
// Map the return value.
if (CGNode *RetNd = CalleeGraph->getReturnNodeOrNull()) {
// The non-ApplySite instructions that cause calls are to things like
// destructors that don't have return values.
ValueBase *CallerReturnVal = nullptr;
if (auto *TAI = dyn_cast<TryApplyInst>(AS)) {
CallerReturnVal = TAI->getNormalBB()->getArgument(0);
} else {
CallerReturnVal = cast<ApplyInst>(AS);
CGNode *CallerRetNd = CallerGraph->getNode(CallerReturnVal, this);
Callee2CallerMapping.add(RetNd, CallerRetNd);
return CallerGraph->mergeFrom(CalleeGraph, Callee2CallerMapping);
bool EscapeAnalysis::mergeSummaryGraph(ConnectionGraph *SummaryGraph,
ConnectionGraph *Graph) {
// Make a 1-to-1 mapping of all arguments and the return value.
CGNodeMap Mapping;
for (SILArgument *Arg : Graph->F->getArguments()) {
if (CGNode *ArgNd = Graph->getNode(Arg, this)) {
Mapping.add(ArgNd, SummaryGraph->getNode(Arg, this));
if (CGNode *RetNd = Graph->getReturnNodeOrNull()) {
Mapping.add(RetNd, SummaryGraph->getReturnNode());
// Merging actually creates the summary graph.
return SummaryGraph->mergeFrom(Graph, Mapping);
bool EscapeAnalysis::canEscapeToUsePoint(SILValue V, SILNode *UsePoint,
ConnectionGraph *ConGraph) {
assert((FullApplySite::isa(UsePoint) || isa<RefCountingInst>(UsePoint)) &&
"use points are only created for calls and refcount instructions");
CGNode *Node = ConGraph->getNodeOrNull(V, this);
if (!Node)
return true;
// First check if there are escape paths which we don't explicitly see
// in the graph.
if (Node->escapesInsideFunction(isNotAliasingArgument(V)))
return true;
// No hidden escapes: check if the Node is reachable from the UsePoint.
return ConGraph->isUsePoint(UsePoint, Node);
bool EscapeAnalysis::canEscapeTo(SILValue V, FullApplySite FAS) {
// If it's not a local object we don't know anything about the value.
if (!pointsToLocalObject(V))
return true;
auto *ConGraph = getConnectionGraph(FAS.getFunction());
return canEscapeToUsePoint(V, FAS.getInstruction(), ConGraph);
static bool hasReferenceSemantics(SILType T) {
// Exclude address types.
return T.isObject() && T.hasReferenceSemantics();
bool EscapeAnalysis::canObjectOrContentEscapeTo(SILValue V, FullApplySite FAS) {
// If it's not a local object we don't know anything about the value.
if (!pointsToLocalObject(V))
return true;
auto *ConGraph = getConnectionGraph(FAS.getFunction());
CGNode *Node = ConGraph->getNodeOrNull(V, this);
if (!Node)
return true;
// First check if there are escape paths which we don't explicitly see
// in the graph.
if (Node->escapesInsideFunction(isNotAliasingArgument(V)))
return true;
// Check if the object itself can escape to the called function.
SILInstruction *UsePoint = FAS.getInstruction();
if (ConGraph->isUsePoint(UsePoint, Node))
return true;
if (isPointer(V)) {
// Check if the object "content" can escape to the called function.
// This will catch cases where V is a reference and a pointer to a stored
// property escapes.
// It's also important in case of a pointer assignment, e.g.
// V = V1
// apply(V1)
// In this case the apply is only a use-point for V1 and V1's content node.
// As V1's content node is the same as V's content node, we also make the
// check for the content node.
CGNode *ContentNode = ConGraph->getContentNode(Node);
if (ContentNode->escapesInsideFunction(false))
return true;
if (ConGraph->isUsePoint(UsePoint, ContentNode))
return true;
return false;
bool EscapeAnalysis::canEscapeTo(SILValue V, RefCountingInst *RI) {
// If it's not a local object we don't know anything about the value.
if (!pointsToLocalObject(V))
return true;
auto *ConGraph = getConnectionGraph(RI->getFunction());
return canEscapeToUsePoint(V, RI, ConGraph);
/// Utility to get the function which contains both values \p V1 and \p V2.
static SILFunction *getCommonFunction(SILValue V1, SILValue V2) {
SILBasicBlock *BB1 = V1->getParentBlock();
SILBasicBlock *BB2 = V2->getParentBlock();
if (!BB1 || !BB2)
return nullptr;
SILFunction *F = BB1->getParent();
assert(BB2->getParent() == F && "values not in same function");
return F;
bool EscapeAnalysis::canEscapeToValue(SILValue V, SILValue To) {
if (!pointsToLocalObject(V))
return true;
SILFunction *F = getCommonFunction(V, To);
if (!F)
return true;
auto *ConGraph = getConnectionGraph(F);
CGNode *Node = ConGraph->getNodeOrNull(V, this);
if (!Node)
return true;
CGNode *ToNode = ConGraph->getNodeOrNull(To, this);
if (!ToNode)
return true;
return ConGraph->isReachable(Node, ToNode);
bool EscapeAnalysis::canPointToSameMemory(SILValue V1, SILValue V2) {
// At least one of the values must be a non-escaping local object.
bool isLocal1 = pointsToLocalObject(V1);
bool isLocal2 = pointsToLocalObject(V2);
if (!isLocal1 && !isLocal2)
return true;
SILFunction *F = getCommonFunction(V1, V2);
if (!F)
return true;
auto *ConGraph = getConnectionGraph(F);
CGNode *Node1 = ConGraph->getNodeOrNull(V1, this);
if (!Node1)
return true;
CGNode *Node2 = ConGraph->getNodeOrNull(V2, this);
if (!Node2)
return true;
// Finish the check for one value being a non-escaping local object.
if (isLocal1 && Node1->escapesInsideFunction(isNotAliasingArgument(V1)))
isLocal1 = false;
if (isLocal2 && Node2->escapesInsideFunction(isNotAliasingArgument(V2)))
isLocal2 = false;
if (!isLocal1 && !isLocal2)
return true;
// Check if both nodes may point to the same content.
CGNode *Content1 = ConGraph->getContentNode(Node1);
CGNode *Content2 = ConGraph->getContentNode(Node2);
SILType T1 = V1->getType();
SILType T2 = V2->getType();
if (T1.isAddress() && T2.isAddress()) {
return Content1 == Content2;
if (hasReferenceSemantics(T1) && hasReferenceSemantics(T2)) {
return Content1 == Content2;
// As we model the ref_element_addr instruction as a content-relationship, we
// have to go down one content level if just one of the values is a
// ref-counted object.
if (T1.isAddress() && hasReferenceSemantics(T2)) {
Content2 = ConGraph->getContentNode(Content2);
return Content1 == Content2;
if (T2.isAddress() && hasReferenceSemantics(T1)) {
Content1 = ConGraph->getContentNode(Content1);
return Content1 == Content2;
return true;
bool EscapeAnalysis::canParameterEscape(FullApplySite FAS, int ParamIdx,
bool checkContentOfIndirectParam) {
CalleeList Callees = BCA->getCalleeList(FAS);
if (!Callees.allCalleesVisible())
return true;
// Derive the connection graph of the apply from the known callees.
for (SILFunction *Callee : Callees) {
FunctionInfo *FInfo = getFunctionInfo(Callee);
if (!FInfo->isValid())
CGNode *Node = FInfo->SummaryGraph.getNodeOrNull(
Callee->getArgument(ParamIdx), this);
if (!Node)
return true;
if (checkContentOfIndirectParam) {
Node = Node->getContentNodeOrNull();
if (!Node)
if (Node->escapes())
return true;
return false;
void EscapeAnalysis::invalidate() {
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "invalidate all\n");
void EscapeAnalysis::invalidate(SILFunction *F, InvalidationKind K) {
if (FunctionInfo *FInfo = Function2Info.lookup(F)) {
DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " invalidate " << FInfo->Graph.F->getName() << '\n');
void EscapeAnalysis::handleDeleteNotification(SILNode *node) {
auto value = dyn_cast<ValueBase>(node);
if (!value) return;
if (SILBasicBlock *Parent = node->getParentBlock()) {
SILFunction *F = Parent->getParent();
if (FunctionInfo *FInfo = Function2Info.lookup(F)) {
if (FInfo->isValid()) {
SILAnalysis *swift::createEscapeAnalysis(SILModule *M) {
return new EscapeAnalysis(M);