blob: 28e78d172baa6defaf1112e522414fa1586502f2 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- - Unix-specific TaskQueue ----------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
#include "swift/Basic/TaskQueue.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include <string>
#include <cerrno>
#include <spawn.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#if !defined(__APPLE__)
extern char **environ;
extern "C" {
// _NSGetEnviron is from crt_externs.h which is missing in the iOS SDK.
extern char ***_NSGetEnviron(void);
namespace swift {
namespace sys {
class Task {
/// The path to the executable which this Task will execute.
const char *ExecPath;
/// Any arguments which should be passed during execution.
ArrayRef<const char *> Args;
/// The environment which will be used during execution. If empty, uses
/// this process's environment.
ArrayRef<const char *> Env;
/// Context which should be associated with this task.
void *Context;
/// True if the errors of the Task should be stored in Errors instead of Output.
bool SeparateErrors;
/// The pid of this Task when executing.
pid_t Pid;
/// A pipe for reading output from the child process.
int Pipe;
/// A pipe for reading errors from the child prcess, if SeparateErrors is true.
int ErrorPipe;
/// The current state of the Task.
enum {
} State;
/// Once the Task has finished, this contains the buffered output of the Task.
std::string Output;
/// Once the Task has finished, if SeparateErrors is true, this contains the errors
/// from the Task.
std::string Errors;
Task(const char *ExecPath, ArrayRef<const char *> Args,
ArrayRef<const char *> Env, void *Context, bool SeparateErrors)
: ExecPath(ExecPath), Args(Args), Env(Env), Context(Context),
SeparateErrors(SeparateErrors), Pid(-1), Pipe(-1), ErrorPipe(-1),
State(Preparing) {
assert((Env.empty() || Env.back() == nullptr) &&
"Env must either be empty or null-terminated!");
const char *getExecPath() const { return ExecPath; }
ArrayRef<const char *> getArgs() const { return Args; }
StringRef getOutput() const { return Output; }
StringRef getErrors() const { return Errors; }
void *getContext() const { return Context; }
pid_t getPid() const { return Pid; }
int getPipe() const { return Pipe; }
int getErrorPipe() const { return ErrorPipe; }
/// \brief Begins execution of this Task.
/// \returns true on error, false on success
bool execute();
/// \brief Reads data from the pipes, if any is available.
/// \returns true on error, false on success
bool readFromPipes();
/// \brief Performs any post-execution work for this Task, such as reading
/// piped output and closing the pipe.
void finishExecution();
} // end namespace sys
} // end namespace swift
bool Task::execute() {
assert(State < Executing && "This Task cannot be executed twice!");
State = Executing;
// Construct argv.
SmallVector<const char *, 128> Argv;
Argv.append(Args.begin(), Args.end());
Argv.push_back(0); // argv is expected to be null-terminated.
// Set up the pipe.
int FullPipe[2];
Pipe = FullPipe[0];
int FullErrorPipe[2];
if (SeparateErrors) {
ErrorPipe = FullErrorPipe[0];
// Get the environment to pass down to the subtask.
const char *const *envp = Env.empty() ? nullptr :;
if (!envp) {
#if __APPLE__
envp = *_NSGetEnviron();
envp = environ;
const char **argvp =;
posix_spawn_file_actions_t FileActions;
posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&FileActions, FullPipe[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
if (SeparateErrors) {
posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&FileActions, FullErrorPipe[1],
} else {
posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2(&FileActions, STDOUT_FILENO,
posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(&FileActions, FullPipe[0]);
if (SeparateErrors) {
posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose(&FileActions, FullErrorPipe[0]);
// Spawn the subtask.
int spawnErr = posix_spawn(&Pid, ExecPath, &FileActions, nullptr,
const_cast<char **>(argvp),
const_cast<char **>(envp));
if (SeparateErrors) {
if (spawnErr != 0 || Pid == 0) {
if (SeparateErrors) {
State = Finished;
return true;
Pid = fork();
switch (Pid) {
case -1: {
if (SeparateErrors) {
State = Finished;
Pid = 0;
case 0: {
// Child process: Execute the program.
dup2(FullPipe[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
if (SeparateErrors) {
dup2(FullErrorPipe[1], STDERR_FILENO);
} else {
if (SeparateErrors) {
execve(ExecPath, const_cast<char **>(argvp), const_cast<char **>(envp));
// If the execve() failed, we should exit. Follow Unix protocol and
// return 127 if the executable was not found, and 126 otherwise.
// Use _exit rather than exit so that atexit functions and static
// object destructors cloned from the parent process aren't
// redundantly run, and so that any data buffered in stdio buffers
// cloned from the parent aren't redundantly written out.
_exit(errno == ENOENT ? 127 : 126);
// Parent process: Break out of the switch to do our processing.
if (SeparateErrors) {
if (Pid == 0)
return true;
return false;
static bool readFromAPipe(int Pipe, std::string &Output) {
char outputBuffer[1024];
ssize_t readBytes = 0;
while ((readBytes = read(Pipe, outputBuffer, sizeof(outputBuffer))) != 0) {
if (readBytes < 0) {
if (errno == EINTR)
// read() was interrupted, so try again.
return true;
Output.append(outputBuffer, readBytes);
return false;
bool Task::readFromPipes() {
bool Ret = readFromAPipe(Pipe, Output);
if (SeparateErrors) {
Ret |= readFromAPipe(ErrorPipe, Errors);
return Ret;
void Task::finishExecution() {
assert(State == Executing &&
"This Task must be executing to finish execution!");
State = Finished;
// Read the output of the command, so we can use it later.
if (SeparateErrors) {
bool TaskQueue::supportsBufferingOutput() {
// The Unix implementation supports buffering output.
return true;
bool TaskQueue::supportsParallelExecution() {
// The Unix implementation supports parallel execution.
return true;
unsigned TaskQueue::getNumberOfParallelTasks() const {
// TODO: add support for choosing a better default value for
// MaxNumberOfParallelTasks if NumberOfParallelTasks is 0. (Optimally, this
// should choose a value > 1 tailored to the current system.)
return NumberOfParallelTasks > 0 ? NumberOfParallelTasks : 1;
void TaskQueue::addTask(const char *ExecPath, ArrayRef<const char *> Args,
ArrayRef<const char *> Env, void *Context,
bool SeparateErrors) {
std::unique_ptr<Task> T(
new Task(ExecPath, Args, Env, Context, SeparateErrors));
bool TaskQueue::execute(TaskBeganCallback Began, TaskFinishedCallback Finished,
TaskSignalledCallback Signalled) {
typedef llvm::DenseMap<pid_t, std::unique_ptr<Task>> PidToTaskMap;
// Stores the current executing Tasks, organized by pid.
PidToTaskMap ExecutingTasks;
// Maintains the current fds we're checking with poll.
std::vector<struct pollfd> PollFds;
bool SubtaskFailed = false;
unsigned MaxNumberOfParallelTasks = getNumberOfParallelTasks();
if (MaxNumberOfParallelTasks == 0)
MaxNumberOfParallelTasks = 1;
while ((!QueuedTasks.empty() && !SubtaskFailed) ||
!ExecutingTasks.empty()) {
// Enqueue additional tasks, if we have additional tasks, we aren't
// already at the parallel limit, and no earlier subtasks have failed.
while (!SubtaskFailed && !QueuedTasks.empty() &&
ExecutingTasks.size() < MaxNumberOfParallelTasks) {
std::unique_ptr<Task> T(QueuedTasks.front().release());
if (T->execute())
return true;
pid_t Pid = T->getPid();
if (Began) {
Began(Pid, T->getContext());
PollFds.push_back({ T->getPipe(), POLLIN | POLLPRI | POLLHUP, 0 });
// We should also poll T->getErrorPipe(), but this introduces timing
// issues with shutting down the task after reading getPipe().
ExecutingTasks[Pid] = std::move(T);
assert(PollFds.size() > 0 &&
"We should only call poll() if we have fds to watch!");
int ReadyFdCount = poll(, PollFds.size(), -1);
if (ReadyFdCount == -1) {
// Recover from error, if possible.
if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR)
return true;
// Holds all fds which have finished during this loop iteration.
std::vector<int> FinishedFds;
for (struct pollfd &fd : PollFds) {
if (fd.revents & POLLIN || fd.revents & POLLPRI || fd.revents & POLLHUP ||
fd.revents & POLLERR) {
// An event which we care about occurred. Find the appropriate Task.
auto predicate = [&fd](PidToTaskMap::value_type &value) -> bool {
return value.second->getPipe() == fd.fd;
auto iter = std::find_if(ExecutingTasks.begin(), ExecutingTasks.end(),
assert(iter != ExecutingTasks.end() &&
"All outstanding fds must be associated with an executing Task");
Task &T = *iter->second;
if (fd.revents & POLLIN || fd.revents & POLLPRI) {
// There's data available to read.
if (fd.revents & POLLHUP || fd.revents & POLLERR) {
// This fd was "hung up" or had an error, so we need to wait for the
// Task and then clean up.
pid_t Pid;
int Status;
do {
Status = 0;
Pid = waitpid(T.getPid(), &Status, 0);
assert(Pid != 0 &&
"We do not pass WNOHANG, so we should always get a pid");
if (Pid < 0 && (errno == ECHILD || errno == EINVAL))
return true;
} while (Pid < 0);
assert(Pid == T.getPid() &&
"We asked to wait for this Task, but we got another Pid!");
if (WIFEXITED(Status)) {
int Result = WEXITSTATUS(Status);
if (Finished) {
// If we have a TaskFinishedCallback, only set SubtaskFailed to
// true if the callback returns StopExecution.
SubtaskFailed = Finished(T.getPid(), Result, T.getOutput(),
T.getErrors(), T.getContext()) ==
} else if (Result != 0) {
// Since we don't have a TaskFinishedCallback, treat a subtask
// which returned a nonzero exit code as having failed.
SubtaskFailed = true;
} else if (WIFSIGNALED(Status)) {
// The process exited due to a signal.
int Signal = WTERMSIG(Status);
StringRef ErrorMsg = strsignal(Signal);
if (Signalled) {
TaskFinishedResponse Response =
Signalled(T.getPid(), ErrorMsg, T.getOutput(), T.getErrors(),
T.getContext(), Signal);
if (Response == TaskFinishedResponse::StopExecution)
// If we have a TaskCrashedCallback, only set SubtaskFailed to
// true if the callback returns StopExecution.
SubtaskFailed = true;
} else {
// Since we don't have a TaskCrashedCallback, treat a crashing
// subtask as having failed.
SubtaskFailed = true;
} else if (fd.revents & POLLNVAL) {
// We passed an invalid fd; this should never happen,
// since we always mark fds as finished after calling
// Task::finishExecution() (which closes the Task's fd).
llvm_unreachable("Asked poll() to watch a closed fd");
fd.revents = 0;
// Remove any fds which we've closed from PollFds.
for (int fd : FinishedFds) {
auto predicate = [&fd] (struct pollfd &i) {
return i.fd == fd;
auto iter = std::find_if(PollFds.begin(), PollFds.end(), predicate);
assert(iter != PollFds.end() && "The finished fd must be in PollFds!");
return SubtaskFailed;