blob: 67bf54a9dc5cf0fb93bd7199fa7819326e6d57d2 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Driver.h - Swift compiler driver -----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file contains declarations of parts of the compiler driver.
#include "swift/AST/IRGenOptions.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Basic/OptionSet.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Sanitizers.h"
#include "swift/Driver/Types.h"
#include "swift/Driver/Util.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
namespace llvm {
namespace opt {
class Arg;
class ArgList;
class OptTable;
class InputArgList;
class DerivedArgList;
namespace swift {
class DiagnosticEngine;
namespace driver {
class Action;
class Compilation;
class Job;
class JobAction;
class OutputFileMap;
class ToolChain;
/// \brief A class encapsulating information about the outputs the driver
/// is expected to generate.
class OutputInfo {
enum class Mode {
/// A standard compilation, using multiple frontend invocations and
/// -primary-file.
/// A compilation using a single frontend invocation without -primary-file.
/// Invoke the REPL
/// Compile and execute the inputs immediately
/// The mode in which the driver should invoke the frontend.
Mode CompilerMode = Mode::StandardCompile;
/// The output type which should be used for compile actions.
types::ID CompilerOutputType = types::ID::TY_INVALID;
/// Describes if and how the output of compile actions should be
/// linked together.
LinkKind LinkAction = LinkKind::None;
/// Returns true if the linker will be invoked at all.
bool shouldLink() const { return LinkAction != LinkKind::None; }
/// Whether or not the output should contain debug info.
// FIXME: Eventually this should be replaced by dSYM generation.
IRGenDebugInfoKind DebugInfoKind = IRGenDebugInfoKind::None;
/// Whether or not the driver should generate a module.
bool ShouldGenerateModule = false;
/// Whether or not the driver should treat a generated module as a top-level
/// output.
bool ShouldTreatModuleAsTopLevelOutput = false;
/// Whether the compiler picked the current module name, rather than the user.
bool ModuleNameIsFallback = false;
/// The number of threads for multi-threaded compilation.
unsigned numThreads = 0;
/// Returns true if multi-threading is enabled.
bool isMultiThreading() const { return numThreads > 0; }
/// The name of the module which we are building.
std::string ModuleName;
/// The path to the SDK against which to build.
/// (If empty, this implies no SDK.)
std::string SDKPath;
OptionSet<SanitizerKind> SelectedSanitizers;
class Driver {
/// DriverKind determines how later arguments are parsed, as well as the
/// allowable OutputInfo::Mode values.
enum class DriverKind {
Interactive, // swift
Batch, // swiftc
AutolinkExtract, // swift-autolink-extract
SwiftFormat // swift-format
class InputInfoMap;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::opt::OptTable> Opts;
DiagnosticEngine &Diags;
/// The name the driver was invoked as.
std::string Name;
/// The original path to the executable.
std::string DriverExecutable;
DriverKind driverKind = DriverKind::Interactive;
/// Default target triple.
std::string DefaultTargetTriple;
/// Indicates whether the driver should print bindings.
bool DriverPrintBindings;
/// Indicates whether the driver should suppress the "no input files" error.
bool SuppressNoInputFilesError = false;
/// Indicates whether the driver should check that the input files exist.
bool CheckInputFilesExist = true;
Driver(StringRef DriverExecutable, StringRef Name,
ArrayRef<const char *> Args, DiagnosticEngine &Diags);
const llvm::opt::OptTable &getOpts() const { return *Opts; }
const DiagnosticEngine &getDiags() const { return Diags; }
const std::string &getSwiftProgramPath() const {
return DriverExecutable;
DriverKind getDriverKind() const { return driverKind; }
ArrayRef<const char *> getArgsWithoutProgramNameAndDriverMode(
ArrayRef<const char *> Args) const;
bool getCheckInputFilesExist() const { return CheckInputFilesExist; }
void setCheckInputFilesExist(bool Value) { CheckInputFilesExist = Value; }
/// Construct a compilation object for a command line argument vector.
/// \return A Compilation, or nullptr if none was built for the given argument
/// vector. A null return value does not necessarily indicate an error
/// condition; the diagnostics should be queried to determine if an error
/// occurred.
std::unique_ptr<Compilation> buildCompilation(ArrayRef<const char *> Args);
/// Parse the given list of strings into an InputArgList.
parseArgStrings(ArrayRef<const char *> Args);
/// Translate the input arguments into a DerivedArgList.
llvm::opt::DerivedArgList *translateInputArgs(
const llvm::opt::InputArgList &ArgList) const;
/// Construct the list of inputs and their types from the given arguments.
/// \param TC The current tool chain.
/// \param Args The input arguments.
/// \param[out] Inputs The list in which to store the resulting compilation
/// inputs.
void buildInputs(const ToolChain &TC, const llvm::opt::DerivedArgList &Args,
InputFileList &Inputs) const;
/// Construct the OutputInfo for the driver from the given arguments.
/// \param TC The current tool chain.
/// \param Args The input arguments.
/// \param Inputs The inputs to the driver.
/// \param[out] OI The OutputInfo in which to store the resulting output
/// information.
void buildOutputInfo(const ToolChain &TC,
const llvm::opt::DerivedArgList &Args,
const InputFileList &Inputs, OutputInfo &OI) const;
/// Construct the list of Actions to perform for the given arguments,
/// which are only done for a single architecture.
/// \param[out] TopLevelActions The main Actions to build Jobs for.
/// \param TC the default host tool chain.
/// \param OI The OutputInfo for which Actions should be generated.
/// \param OFM The OutputFileMap for the compilation; used to find any
/// cross-build information.
/// \param OutOfDateMap If present, information used to decide which files
/// need to be rebuilt.
/// \param C The Compilation to which Actions should be added.
void buildActions(SmallVectorImpl<const Action *> &TopLevelActions,
const ToolChain &TC, const OutputInfo &OI,
const OutputFileMap *OFM, const InputInfoMap *OutOfDateMap,
Compilation &C) const;
/// Construct the OutputFileMap for the driver from the given arguments.
buildOutputFileMap(const llvm::opt::DerivedArgList &Args) const;
/// Add top-level Jobs to Compilation \p C for the given \p Actions and
/// OutputInfo.
/// \param TopLevelActions The main Actions to build Jobs for.
/// \param OI The OutputInfo for which Jobs should be generated.
/// \param OFM The OutputFileMap for which Jobs should be generated.
/// \param TC The ToolChain to build Jobs with.
/// \param C The Compilation containing the Actions for which Jobs should be
/// created.
void buildJobs(ArrayRef<const Action *> TopLevelActions, const OutputInfo &OI,
const OutputFileMap *OFM, const ToolChain &TC,
Compilation &C) const;
/// A map for caching Jobs for a given Action/ToolChain pair
using JobCacheMap =
llvm::DenseMap<std::pair<const Action *, const ToolChain *>, Job *>;
/// Create a Job for the given Action \p A, including creating any necessary
/// input Jobs.
/// \param C The Compilation which this Job will eventually be part of
/// \param JA The Action for which a Job should be created
/// \param OI The OutputInfo for which a Job should be created
/// \param OFM The OutputFileMap for which a Job should be created
/// \param TC The tool chain which should be used to create the Job
/// \param AtTopLevel indicates whether or not this is a top-level Job
/// \param JobCache maps existing Action/ToolChain pairs to Jobs
/// \returns a Job for the given Action/ToolChain pair
Job *buildJobsForAction(Compilation &C, const JobAction *JA,
const OutputInfo &OI, const OutputFileMap *OFM,
const ToolChain &TC, bool AtTopLevel,
JobCacheMap &JobCache) const;
/// Handle any arguments which should be treated before building actions or
/// binding tools.
/// \return Whether any compilation should be built for this invocation
bool handleImmediateArgs(const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args, const ToolChain &TC);
/// Print the list of Actions in a Compilation.
void printActions(const Compilation &C) const;
/// Print the list of Jobs in a Compilation.
void printJobs(const Compilation &C) const;
/// Print the driver version.
void printVersion(const ToolChain &TC, raw_ostream &OS) const;
/// Print the help text.
/// \param ShowHidden Show hidden options.
void printHelp(bool ShowHidden) const;
/// Parse the driver kind.
/// \param Args The arguments passed to the driver (excluding the path to the
/// driver)
void parseDriverKind(ArrayRef<const char *> Args);
} // end namespace driver
} // end namespace swift