blob: b87cb6615e6a2c16adb30906c969e1b6b47d59e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -swift-version 5
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DynamicSelf is only allowed on the return type of class and
// protocol methods.
func global() -> Self { } // expected-error{{global function cannot return 'Self'}}
func inFunction() {
func local() -> Self { } // expected-error{{local function cannot return 'Self'}}
struct S0 {
func f() -> Self { } // expected-error{{'Self' is only available in a protocol or as the result of a method in a class; did you mean 'S0'?}}{{15-19=S0}}
func g(_ ds: Self) { } // expected-error{{'Self' is only available in a protocol or as the result of a method in a class; did you mean 'S0'?}}{{16-20=S0}}
enum E0 {
func f() -> Self { } // expected-error{{'Self' is only available in a protocol or as the result of a method in a class; did you mean 'E0'?}}{{15-19=E0}}
func g(_ ds: Self) { } // expected-error{{'Self' is only available in a protocol or as the result of a method in a class; did you mean 'E0'?}}{{16-20=E0}}
class C0 {
func f() -> Self { } // okay
func g(_ ds: Self) { } // expected-error{{'Self' is only available in a protocol or as the result of a method in a class; did you mean 'C0'?}}{{16-20=C0}}
func h(_ ds: Self) -> Self { } // expected-error{{'Self' is only available in a protocol or as the result of a method in a class; did you mean 'C0'?}}{{16-20=C0}}
protocol P0 {
func f() -> Self // okay
func g(_ ds: Self) // okay
extension P0 {
func h() -> Self { // okay
func g(_ t : Self) -> Self { // okay
return t
return g(self)
protocol P1: class {
func f() -> Self // okay
func g(_ ds: Self) // okay
extension P1 {
func h() -> Self { // okay
func g(_ t : Self) -> Self { // okay
return t
return g(self)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The 'self' type of a Self method is based on Self
class C1 {
required init(int i: Int) {}
// Instance methods have a self of type Self.
func f(_ b: Bool) -> Self {
// FIXME: below diagnostic should complain about C1 -> Self conversion
if b { return C1(int: 5) } // expected-error{{cannot convert return expression of type 'C1' to return type 'Self'}}
// One can use `type(of:)` to attempt to construct an object of type Self.
if !b { return type(of: self).init(int: 5) }
// Can't utter Self within the body of a method.
var _: Self = self // expected-error{{'Self' is only available in a protocol or as the result of a method in a class; did you mean 'C1'?}} {{12-16=C1}}
// Okay to return 'self', because it has the appropriate type.
return self // okay
// Type methods have a self of type Self.Type.
class func factory(_ b: Bool) -> Self {
// Check directly.
var x: Int = self // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'Self.Type' to specified type 'Int'}}
// Can't utter Self within the body of a method.
var c1 = C1(int: 5) as Self // expected-error{{'Self' is only available in a protocol or as the result of a method in a class; did you mean 'C1'?}} {{28-32=C1}}
if b { return self.init(int: 5) }
return Self() // expected-error{{use of unresolved identifier 'Self'}} expected-note {{did you mean 'self'?}}
// This used to crash because metatype construction went down a
// different code path that didn't handle DynamicSelfType.
class func badFactory() -> Self {
return self(int: 0)
// expected-error@-1 {{initializing from a metatype value must reference 'init' explicitly}}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Using a method with a Self result carries the receiver type.
class X {
func instance() -> Self {
class func factory() -> Self {
func produceX() -> X { }
class Y : X {
func produceY() -> Y { }
func testInvokeInstanceMethodSelf() {
// Trivial case: invoking on the declaring class.
var x = X()
var x2 = x.instance()
x = x2 // at least an X
x2 = x // no more than an X
// Invoking on a subclass.
var y = Y()
var y2 = y.instance();
y = y2 // at least a Y
y2 = y // no more than a Y
func testInvokeTypeMethodSelf() {
// Trivial case: invoking on the declaring class.
var x = X()
var x2 = X.factory()
x = x2 // at least an X
x2 = x // no more than an X
// Invoking on a subclass.
var y = Y()
var y2 = Y.factory()
y = y2 // at least a Y
y2 = y // no more than a Y
func testCurryInstanceMethodSelf() {
// Trivial case: currying on the declaring class.
var produceX = X.produceX
var produceX2 = X.instance
produceX = produceX2
produceX2 = produceX
// Currying on a subclass.
var produceY = Y.produceY
var produceY2 = Y.instance
produceY = produceY2
produceY2 = produceY
class GX<T> {
func instance() -> Self {
class func factory() -> Self {
func produceGX() -> GX { }
class GY<T> : GX<[T]> {
func produceGY() -> GY { }
func testInvokeInstanceMethodSelfGeneric() {
// Trivial case: invoking on the declaring class.
var x = GX<Int>()
var x2 = x.instance()
x = x2 // at least an GX<Int>
x2 = x // no more than an GX<Int>
// Invoking on a subclass.
var y = GY<Int>()
var y2 = y.instance();
y = y2 // at least a GY<Int>
y2 = y // no more than a GY<Int>
func testInvokeTypeMethodSelfGeneric() {
// Trivial case: invoking on the declaring class.
var x = GX<Int>()
var x2 = GX<Int>.factory()
x = x2 // at least an GX<Int>
x2 = x // no more than an GX<Int>
// Invoking on a subclass.
var y = GY<Int>()
var y2 = GY<Int>.factory();
y = y2 // at least a GY<Int>
y2 = y // no more than a GY<Int>
func testCurryInstanceMethodSelfGeneric() {
// Trivial case: currying on the declaring class.
var produceGX = GX<Int>.produceGX
var produceGX2 = GX<Int>.instance
produceGX = produceGX2
produceGX2 = produceGX
// Currying on a subclass.
var produceGY = GY<Int>.produceGY
var produceGY2 = GY<Int>.instance
produceGY = produceGY2
produceGY2 = produceGY
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Overriding a method with a Self
class Z : Y {
override func instance() -> Self {
override class func factory() -> Self {
func testOverriddenMethodSelfGeneric() {
var z = Z()
var z2 = z.instance();
z = z2
z2 = z
var z3 = Z.factory()
z = z3
z3 = z
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generic uses of Self methods.
protocol P {
func f() -> Self
func testGenericCall<T: P>(_ t: T) {
var t = t
var t2 = t.f()
t2 = t
t = t2
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Existential uses of Self methods.
func testExistentialCall(_ p: P) {
_ = p.f()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dynamic lookup of Self methods.
@objc class SomeClass {
@objc func method() -> Self { return self }
func testAnyObject(_ ao: AnyObject) {
var ao = ao
var result : AnyObject = ao.method!()
result = ao
ao = result
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Name lookup on Self values
extension Y {
func testInstance() -> Self {
if false { return self.instance() }
return instance()
class func testFactory() -> Self {
if false { return self.factory() }
return factory()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Optional Self returns
extension X {
func tryToClone() -> Self? { return nil }
func cloneOrFail() -> Self { return self }
func cloneAsObjectSlice() -> X? { return self }
extension Y {
func operationThatOnlyExistsOnY() {}
func testOptionalSelf(_ y : Y) {
if let clone = y.tryToClone() {
// Sanity-checking to make sure that the above succeeding
// isn't coincidental.
if let clone = y.cloneOrFail() { // expected-error {{initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'Y'}}
// Sanity-checking to make sure that the above succeeding
// isn't coincidental.
if let clone = y.cloneAsObjectSlice() {
clone.operationThatOnlyExistsOnY() // expected-error {{value of type 'X' has no member 'operationThatOnlyExistsOnY'}}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Conformance lookup on Self
protocol Runcible {
extension Runcible {
func runce() {}
func wantsRuncible<T : Runcible>(_: T) {}
class Runce : Runcible {
func getRunced() -> Self {
return self
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forming a type with 'Self' in invariant position
struct Generic<T> { init(_: T) {} }
class InvariantSelf {
func me() -> Self {
let a = Generic(self)
let _: Generic<InvariantSelf> = a
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot convert value of type 'Generic<Self>' to specified type 'Generic<InvariantSelf>'}}
return self
// FIXME: This should be allowed
final class FinalInvariantSelf {
func me() -> Self {
let a = Generic(self)
let _: Generic<FinalInvariantSelf> = a
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot convert value of type 'Generic<Self>' to specified type 'Generic<FinalInvariantSelf>'}}
return self
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Semi-bogus factory init pattern
protocol FactoryPattern {
init(factory: @autoclosure () -> Self)
extension FactoryPattern {
init(factory: @autoclosure () -> Self) { self = factory() }
class Factory : FactoryPattern {
init(_string: String) {}
convenience init(string: String) {
self.init(factory: Factory(_string: string))
// expected-error@-1 {{incorrect argument label in call (have 'factory:', expected '_string:')}}
// FIXME: Bogus diagnostic
// Final classes are OK
final class FinalFactory : FactoryPattern {
init(_string: String) {}
convenience init(string: String) {
self.init(factory: FinalFactory(_string: string))