blob: 9bc87f4132de45a5db02b6a2431c231c61661216 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- mode: Swift -*-
from gyb_syntax_support import *
NODE_MAP = create_node_map()
# Ignore the following admonition it applies to the resulting .swift file only
//// Automatically Generated From SyntaxNodes.swift.gyb.
//// Do Not Edit Directly!
//===------------ SyntaxNodes.swift - Syntax Node definitions -------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
Each Syntax node is a subclass of a more generic node. For example,
StructDeclSyntax is a subclass of DeclSyntax and can be used in contexts
where DeclSyntax is expected.
Each node will have:
- An accessor for each child that will lazily instantiate it.
- A `withX(_ x: XSyntax)` method for each child that will return a new Syntax
node with the existing X child replaced with the passed-in version. This is a
way to incrementally transform nodes in the tree.
- An `addX(_ x: XSyntax)` method for children that are collections. This will
append the provided node to the collection and return a new node with that
collection replaced.
- (in DEBUG mode) a `validate()` method that's called in the initializer. This
only validates that all the children are the right kind/token, and does not
raise an error if, say, a non-optional child is missing.
% for node in SYNTAX_NODES:
% base_type = node.base_type
% if node.collection_element:
public typealias ${} = SyntaxCollection<${node.collection_element_type}>
% else:
public class ${}: ${base_type} {
% if node.children:
enum Cursor: Int {
% for child in node.children:
case ${child.swift_name}
% end
% end
% if node.requires_validation():
override func validate() {
if isMissing { return }
precondition(raw.layout.count == ${len(node.children)})
% for child in node.children:
% child_var = '_' + child.swift_name
let ${child_var} = raw[Cursor.${child.swift_syntax_kind}]
% if child.token_choices:
% choices = ["." + choice.swift_kind() for choice in child.token_choices]
% choice_array = "[%s]" % ', '.join(choices)
guard let ${child_var}TokenKind = ${child_var}.tokenKind else {
fatalError("expected token child, got \(${child_var}.kind)")
"expected one of ${choice_array} for '${child.swift_name}' " +
"in node of kind ${node.swift_syntax_kind}")
% elif child.text_choices:
% choices = ", ".join("\"%s\"" % choice
% for choice in child.text_choices)
guard let ${child_var}TokenKind = ${child_var}.tokenKind else {
fatalError("expected token child, got \(${child_var}.kind)")
"expected one of '[${', '.join(child.text_choices)}]', got " +
% else:
precondition(${child_var}.kind == .${child.swift_syntax_kind},
"expected child of kind .${child.swift_syntax_kind}, " +
"got \(${child_var}.kind)")
% end
% end
% end
% for child in node.children:
% if child.is_optional:
public var ${child.swift_name}: ${child.type_name}? {
guard raw[Cursor.${child.swift_name}].isPresent else { return nil }
return ${child.type_name}(root: _root,
data: data.cachedChild(at: Cursor.${child.swift_name}))
% else:
public var ${(child.swift_name)}: ${child.type_name} {
return ${child.type_name}(root: _root,
data: data.cachedChild(at: Cursor.${child.swift_name}))
% end
% child_node = NODE_MAP.get(child.syntax_kind)
% if child_node and child_node.is_syntax_collection():
% child_elt = child_node.collection_element_name
% child_elt_type = child_node.collection_element_type
public func add${child_elt}(_ elt: ${child_elt_type}) -> ${} {
let childRaw = raw[Cursor.${child.swift_name}].appending(elt.raw)
let (root, newData) = data.replacingChild(childRaw,
at: Cursor.${child.swift_name})
return ${}(root: root, data: newData)
% end
public func with${}(
_ new${child.type_name}: ${child.type_name}?) -> ${} {
let raw = new${child.type_name}?.raw ?? ${make_missing_swift_child(child)}
let (root, newData) = data.replacingChild(raw,
at: Cursor.${child.swift_name})
return ${}(root: root, data: newData)
% end
% end
% end
/// MARK: Convenience methods
extension StructDeclSyntax {
func withIdentifier(_ name: String) -> StructDeclSyntax {
let newToken = SyntaxFactory.makeIdentifier(name,
leadingTrivia: identifier.leadingTrivia,
trailingTrivia: identifier.trailingTrivia)
return withIdentifier(newToken)