blob: 02051ce13ad789ff1f3618f7baa53c3e03b484d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -verify %s
enum MSV : Error {
case Foo, Bar, Baz
var domain: String { return "" }
var code: Int { return 0 }
func a() {}
func b() {}
func c() {}
func d() {}
func e() {}
func thrower() throws {}
func opaque_error() -> Error { return MSV.Foo }
func one() {
throw MSV.Foo // expected-error {{error is not handled because the enclosing function is not declared 'throws'}}
func two() {
throw opaque_error() // expected-error {{error is not handled because the enclosing function is not declared 'throws'}}
func three() {
do {
throw opaque_error() // expected-error {{error is not handled because the enclosing catch is not exhaustive}}
} catch let e as MSV {
_ = e
func four() {
do {
throw opaque_error()
} catch let e {
_ = e
func five() {
do {
throw opaque_error()
} catch let e as MSV {
_ = e
} catch _ {
func six() {
do {
do {
throw opaque_error()
} catch let e as MSV {
_ = e
} catch _ {
func seven_helper() throws -> Int { throw MSV.Baz }
struct seven {
var x: Int {
do {
return try seven_helper()
} catch {
return 0
var y: Int {
return try! seven_helper()
var z: Int {
return (try? seven_helper()) ?? 0
class eight {
lazy var x: Int = {
do {
return try seven_helper()
} catch {
return 0
lazy var y: Int = {
return try! seven_helper()
lazy var z: Int = {
return (try? seven_helper()) ?? 0
protocol ThrowingProto {
func foo() throws
static func bar() throws
func testExistential(_ p : ThrowingProto) throws {
try type(of: p).bar()
func testGeneric<P : ThrowingProto>(p : P) throws {
// Don't warn about the "useless" try in these cases.
func nine_helper(_ x: Int, y: Int) throws {} // expected-note {{'nine_helper(_:y:)' declared here}}
func nine() throws {
try nine_helper(y: 0) // expected-error {{missing argument for parameter #1 in call}}
func ten_helper(_ x: Int) {}
func ten_helper(_ x: Int, y: Int) throws {}
func ten() throws {
try ten_helper(y: 0) // expected-error {{extraneous argument label 'y:' in call}} {{18-21=}}
// rdar://21074857
func eleven_helper(_ fn: () -> ()) {}
func eleven_one() {
eleven_helper {
do {
try thrower()
// FIXME: suppress the double-emission of the 'always true' warning
} catch let e as Error { // expected-warning {{immutable value 'e' was never used}} {{17-18=_}} expected-warning 2 {{'as' test is always true}}
func eleven_two() {
eleven_helper { // expected-error {{invalid conversion from throwing function of type '() throws -> ()' to non-throwing function type '() -> ()'}}
do {
try thrower()
} catch let e as MSV {
enum Twelve { case Payload(Int) }
func twelve_helper(_ fn: (Int, Int) -> ()) {}
func twelve() {
twelve_helper { (a, b) in // expected-error {{invalid conversion from throwing function of type '(_, _) throws -> ()' to non-throwing function type '(Int, Int) -> ()'}}
do {
try thrower()
} catch Twelve.Payload(a...b) {
struct Thirteen : Error, Equatable {}
func ==(a: Thirteen, b: Thirteen) -> Bool { return true }
func thirteen_helper(_ fn: (Thirteen) -> ()) {}
func thirteen() {
thirteen_helper { (a) in // expected-error {{invalid conversion from throwing function of type '(_) throws -> ()' to non-throwing function type '(Thirteen) -> ()'}}
do {
try thrower()
} catch a {