blob: a4eb7798c626c4c198446d148157e00599589689 [file] [log] [blame]
% # This template was extracted from the Arrays.swift.gyb in order to split
% # that file into multiple to parallelize test execution.
% # Template caller should define the following context:
% # - Suite -- an identifier for the test suite to append tests to.
% # - ArrayType -- the type being tested.
extension ${ArrayType} {
typealias _BufferID = UnsafeRawPointer?
var _bufferID: _BufferID {
return unsafeBitCast(_owner, to: _BufferID.self)
protocol TestProtocol1 {}
extension ${ArrayType} where Element : TestProtocol1 {
var _elementIsTestProtocol1: Bool {
fatalError("not implemented")
/// Returns an ${ArrayType} that does not share its buffer with other arrays.
func getFresh${ArrayType}<S : Sequence>(_ sequence: S)
-> ${ArrayType}<S.Iterator.Element> {
var result: ${ArrayType}<S.Iterator.Element> = []
for element in sequence {
return result
struct SequenceWithCustomUnderestimatedCount : Sequence {
init(_ data: [Int]) {
self._data = MinimalSequence(elements:
func makeIterator() -> MinimalSequence<OpaqueValue<Int>>.Iterator {
return _data.makeIterator()
var underestimatedCount: Int {
SequenceWithCustomUnderestimatedCount.timesUnderestimatedCountWasCalled += 1
return _data.underestimatedCount
static var timesUnderestimatedCountWasCalled: Int = 0
let _data: MinimalSequence<OpaqueValue<Int>>
${Suite}.test("${ArrayType}/init(Sequence)") {
let base = SequenceWithCustomUnderestimatedCount(
[ 0, 30, 10, 90 ])
SequenceWithCustomUnderestimatedCount.timesUnderestimatedCountWasCalled = 0
let result = ${ArrayType}(base)
expectEqual([ 0, 30, 10, 90 ], { $0.value })
expectEqual(1, SequenceWithCustomUnderestimatedCount.timesUnderestimatedCountWasCalled)
[], Array(base).map { $0.value }, "sequence should be consumed")
enum EnumWithoutPayloads : Equatable {
case A, B, C, D
func == (lhs: EnumWithoutPayloads, rhs: EnumWithoutPayloads) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.A, .A), (.B, .B), (.C, .C), (.D, .D):
return true
return false
${Suite}.test("${ArrayType}/Sliceable/Enums") {
typealias E = EnumWithoutPayloads
do {
let expected = [E.A, E.B, E.C, E.D]
let sliceable = ${ArrayType}(expected)
checkBidirectionalCollection(expected, sliceable)
FIXME: add this test when Array<T> can be conditionally Equatable.
do {
let expected = [[E.A, E.B], [E.B, E.C], [E.D], [E.A, E.B, E.D]]
let sliceable = ${ArrayType}(expected)
expected, sliceable, SourceLocStack().withCurrentLoc())
.xfail(.custom({ _isStdlibDebugConfiguration() && "${ArrayType}" == "ArraySlice"},
reason: "rdar://33358110"))
.code {
var x: ${ArrayType}<Int> = []
let capacity = x.capacity
for _ in 1...10000 {
let y = x
expectTrue(x.capacity == capacity)
let z = x
x.remove(at: 0)
${Suite}.test("${ArrayType}/appendUndercountedCollection") {
// test that the array safely handles a
// collection that understates its count
var i = 0
let l = repeatElement(42, count: 10_000).lazy
// capture i by reference and change behavior
// between first pass (for count) and second
.filter { _ in i += 1; return i > 10_000 }
var a: ${ArrayType}<Int> = []
a.append(contentsOf: l)
${Suite}.test("${ArrayType}/emptyAllocation") {
let arr0 = ${ArrayType}<Int>()
let arr1 = ${ArrayType}<LifetimeTracked>(repeating: LifetimeTracked(0), count: 0)
// Empty arrays all use the same buffer
expectEqual(arr0._bufferID, arr1._bufferID)
let arr2: ${ArrayType}<LifetimeTracked> = []
let emptyLiteralsShareBuffer = arr0._bufferID == arr2._bufferID
${Suite}.test("${ArrayType}/filter") {
do {
let arr: ${ArrayType}<Int> = []
var result = arr.filter() {
(x: Int) -> Bool in
return true
expectType(Array<Int>.self, &result)
expectEqual([], result)
expectEqual(0, result.capacity)
do {
let arr: ${ArrayType}<Int> = [ 0, 30, 10, 90 ]
let result = arr.filter() { (x: Int) -> Bool in true }
expectEqual([ 0, 30, 10, 90 ], result)
do {
let arr: ${ArrayType}<Int> = [ 0, 30, 10, 90 ]
let result = arr.filter() { (x: Int) -> Bool in false }
expectEqual([], result)
expectEqual(0, result.capacity)
do {
let arr: ${ArrayType}<Int> = [ 0, 30, 10, 90 ]
let result = arr.filter() { $0 % 3 == 0 }
expectEqual([ 0, 30, 90 ], result)
${Suite}.test("${ArrayType}/map") {
do {
let arr: ${ArrayType}<Int> = []
var result = {
(x: Int) -> Int16 in
return 42
expectType(Array<Int16>.self, &result)
expectEqual([], result)
expectEqual(0, result.capacity)
do {
let arr: ${ArrayType}<Int> = [ 0, 30, 10, 90 ]
let result = { $0 + 1 }
expectEqual([ 1, 31, 11, 91 ], result)
expectGE(2 * result.count, result.capacity)
${Suite}.test("${ArrayType}/flatMap") {
let enumerate : (Int) -> ${ArrayType}<Int> =
{ return ${ArrayType}(1..<($0 + 1)) }
expectEqualSequence([], ${ArrayType}().flatMap(enumerate))
expectEqualSequence([ 1 ], ${ArrayType}([ 1 ]).flatMap(enumerate))
[ 1, 1, 2 ],
${ArrayType}([ 1, 2 ]).flatMap(enumerate))
[ 1, 1, 1, 2 ],
${ArrayType}([ 1, 2 ]).flatMap(enumerate).flatMap(enumerate))
${Suite}.test("${ArrayType}/Mirror") {
do {
let input: ${ArrayType}<Int> = []
var output = ""
dump(input, to: &output)
let expected =
"- 0 elements\n"
expectEqual(expected, output)
do {
let input: ${ArrayType}<Int> = [ 10, 20, 30, 40 ]
var output = ""
dump(input, to: &output)
let expected =
"â–¿ 4 elements\n" +
" - 10\n" +
" - 20\n" +
" - 30\n" +
" - 40\n"
expectEqual(expected, output)
% if ArrayType == 'ArraySlice':
do {
let base = [ 10, 20, 30, 40 ]
let input: ArraySlice<Int> = base[1..<3]
var output = ""
dump(input, to: &output)
let expected =
"â–¿ 2 elements\n" +
" - 20\n" +
" - 30\n"
expectEqual(expected, output)
% end
// _withUnsafeMutableBufferPointerIfSupported()
struct WithUnsafeMutableBufferPointerIfSupportedTest {
let sequence: [Int]
let loc: SourceLoc
_ sequence: [Int],
file: String = #file, line: UInt = #line
) {
self.sequence = sequence
self.loc = SourceLoc(file, line, comment: "test data")
let withUnsafeMutableBufferPointerIfSupportedTests = [
WithUnsafeMutableBufferPointerIfSupportedTest([ 10 ]),
WithUnsafeMutableBufferPointerIfSupportedTest([ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 ]),
.xfail(.custom({ _isStdlibDebugConfiguration() && "${ArrayType}" == "ArraySlice"},
reason: "rdar://33358110"))
.code {
for test in withUnsafeMutableBufferPointerIfSupportedTests {
var a = getFresh${ArrayType}(
do {
// Read.
var result = a._withUnsafeMutableBufferPointerIfSupported {
(bufferPointer) -> OpaqueValue<[OpaqueValue<Int>]> in
let r = OpaqueValue(Array(bufferPointer))
return r
expectType(Optional<OpaqueValue<Array<OpaqueValue<Int>>>>.self, &result)
expectEqualSequence(test.sequence, result! { $0.value })
expectEqualSequence(test.sequence, { $0.value })
do {
// Read and write.
var result = a._withUnsafeMutableBufferPointerIfSupported {
(bufferPointer) -> OpaqueValue<Array<OpaqueValue<Int>>> in
let result = OpaqueValue(Array(bufferPointer))
for i in bufferPointer.indices {
bufferPointer[i] = OpaqueValue(bufferPointer[i].value * 10)
return result
expectType(Optional<OpaqueValue<Array<OpaqueValue<Int>>>>.self, &result)
expectEqualSequence(test.sequence, result! { $0.value })
expectEqualSequence( { $0 * 10 }, { $0.value })
// FIXME: tests for arrays bridged from Objective-C.
.xfail(.custom({ _isStdlibDebugConfiguration() && "${ArrayType}" == "ArraySlice"},
reason: "rdar://33358110"))
.code {
var a = getFresh${ArrayType}([ OpaqueValue(10) ])
var result = a._withUnsafeMutableBufferPointerIfSupported {
(bufferPointer) -> OpaqueValue<Int> in
// buffer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: buffer.baseAddress, count: 0)
// FIXME: does not trap since the buffer is not passed inout.
// expectCrashLater()
return OpaqueValue(42)
.xfail(.custom({ _isStdlibDebugConfiguration() && "${ArrayType}" == "ArraySlice"},
reason: "rdar://33358110"))
.code {
var a = getFresh${ArrayType}([ OpaqueValue(10) ])
var result = a._withUnsafeMutableBufferPointerIfSupported {
(bufferPointer) -> OpaqueValue<Int> in
// buffer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: nil, count: 1)
// FIXME: does not trap since the buffer is not passed inout.
// expectCrashLater()
return OpaqueValue(42)
// withUnsafeMutableBytes
// Test the uniqueness of the raw buffer.
.xfail(.custom({ _isStdlibDebugConfiguration() && "${ArrayType}" == "ArraySlice"},
reason: "rdar://33358110"))
.code {
var a = getFresh${ArrayType}([UInt8](repeating: 10, count: 1))
let b = a
a.withUnsafeMutableBytes { bytes in
bytes[0] = 42
expectEqual(42, a[0])
expectEqual(10, b[0])
// Check that iterators traverse a snapshot of the collection.
"${ArrayType}/mutationDoesNotAffectIterator/subscript/store") {
var arr: ${ArrayType}<Int> = [ 1010, 1020, 1030 ]
var iter = arr.makeIterator()
arr[0] = 1011
expectEqual([ 1010, 1020, 1030 ], Array(IteratorSequence(iter)))
.xfail(.custom({ _isStdlibDebugConfiguration() && "${ArrayType}" == "ArraySlice"},
reason: "rdar://33358110"))
.code {
var arr: ${ArrayType}<Int> = [ 1010, 1020, 1030 ]
var iter = arr.makeIterator()
expectEqual([ 1010, 1020, 1030 ], Array(IteratorSequence(iter)))
"${ArrayType}/mutationDoesNotAffectIterator/subscript/replaceSubrange") {
var arr: ${ArrayType}<Int> = [ 1010, 1020, 1030 ]
var iter = arr.makeIterator()
arr.replaceSubrange(1..<3, with: [ 1040, 1050, 1060 ])
expectEqual([ 1010, 1020, 1030 ], Array(IteratorSequence(iter)))
// Special cases and one-off tests.
"${ArrayType}/subscriptSelfAssignDifferentRanges") {
var arr: ${ArrayType}<Int> = [ 1010, 1020, 1030 ]
arr[0..<0] = arr[...]
expectEqual([ 1010, 1020, 1030, 1010, 1020, 1030 ], arr)
arr[1..<1] = arr[1..<2]
expectEqual([ 1010, 1020, 1020, 1030, 1010, 1020, 1030 ], arr)
arr[1..<1] = arr[1..<2]
expectEqual([ 1010, 1020, 1020, 1020, 1030, 1010, 1020, 1030 ], arr)
arr[1..<2] = arr[0..<1]
expectEqual([ 1010, 1010, 1020, 1020, 1030, 1010, 1020, 1030 ], arr)
arr[0..<5] = arr.dropFirst(5)
expectEqual([ 1010, 1020, 1030, 1010, 1020, 1030 ], arr)
arr[...] = arr[0..<0]
expectEqual([ ], arr)
${Suite}.test("${ArrayType}<Void>/map") {
// This code used to crash because it generated an array of Void with
// stride == 0.
do {
let input: ${ArrayType}<Void> = [ (), (), () ]
let result = { (_) -> Void in return () }
expectEqual(3, result.count)
do {
let input: ${ArrayType}<OpaqueValue<Int>> = [
OpaqueValue(10), OpaqueValue(20), OpaqueValue(30)
let result = { (_) -> Void in return () }
expectEqual(3, result.count)
// MutableCollectionType and RangeReplaceableCollectionType conformance tests.
${Suite}.test("${ArrayType}/AssociatedTypes") {
typealias Collection = ${ArrayType}<OpaqueValue<Int>>
typealias CollectionSlice = ArraySlice<OpaqueValue<Int>>
collectionType: Collection.self,
iteratorType: IndexingIterator<Collection>.self,
subSequenceType: CollectionSlice.self,
indexType: Int.self,
indexDistanceType: Int.self,
indicesType: CountableRange<Int>.self)