blob: 2b1a6e8c34c480bb132edd5d60aba24b33534137 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -typo-correction-limit 100
class ThisBase1 {
init() { }
var baseInstanceVar: Int
var baseProp : Int {
get {
return 42
set {}
func baseFunc0() {}
func baseFunc1(_ a: Int) {}
subscript(i: Int) -> Double {
get {
return Double(i)
set {
baseInstanceVar = i
class var baseStaticVar: Int = 42 // expected-error {{class stored properties not supported}}
class var baseStaticProp: Int {
get {
return 42
set {}
class func baseStaticFunc0() {}
struct BaseNestedStruct {} // expected-note {{did you mean 'BaseNestedStruct'?}}
class BaseNestedClass {
init() { }
enum BaseNestedUnion {
case BaseUnionX(Int)
typealias BaseNestedTypealias = Int // expected-note {{did you mean 'BaseNestedTypealias'?}}
class ThisDerived1 : ThisBase1 {
override init() { super.init() }
var derivedInstanceVar: Int
var derivedProp : Int {
get {
return 42
set {}
func derivedFunc0() {}
func derivedFunc1(_ a: Int) {}
subscript(i: Double) -> Int {
get {
return Int(i)
set {
baseInstanceVar = Int(i)
class var derivedStaticVar: Int = 42// expected-error {{class stored properties not supported}}
class var derivedStaticProp: Int {
get {
return 42
set {}
class func derivedStaticFunc0() {}
struct DerivedNestedStruct {}
class DerivedNestedClass {
init() { }
enum DerivedNestedUnion { // expected-note {{did you mean 'DerivedNestedUnion'?}}
case DerivedUnionX(Int)
typealias DerivedNestedTypealias = Int
func testSelf1() {
self.baseInstanceVar = 42
self.baseProp = 42
self[0] = 42.0
self.baseStaticVar = 42 // expected-error {{static member 'baseStaticVar' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.baseStaticProp = 42 // expected-error {{static member 'baseStaticProp' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.baseStaticFunc0() // expected-error {{static member 'baseStaticFunc0' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.baseExtProp = 42
self.baseExtStaticVar = 42
self.baseExtStaticProp = 42
self.baseExtStaticFunc0() // expected-error {{static member 'baseExtStaticFunc0' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
var bs1 : BaseNestedStruct
var bc1 : BaseNestedClass
var bo1 : BaseNestedUnion = .BaseUnionX(42)
var bt1 : BaseNestedTypealias
var bs2 = self.BaseNestedStruct() // expected-error{{static member 'BaseNestedStruct' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
var bc2 = self.BaseNestedClass() // expected-error{{static member 'BaseNestedClass' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
var bo2 = self.BaseUnionX(24) // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisDerived1' has no member 'BaseUnionX'}}
var bo3 = self.BaseNestedUnion.BaseUnionX(24) // expected-error{{static member 'BaseNestedUnion' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
var bt2 = self.BaseNestedTypealias(42) // expected-error{{static member 'BaseNestedTypealias' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
var bes1 : BaseExtNestedStruct
var bec1 : BaseExtNestedClass
var beo1 : BaseExtNestedUnion = .BaseExtUnionX(42)
var bet1 : BaseExtNestedTypealias
var bes2 = self.BaseExtNestedStruct() // expected-error{{static member 'BaseExtNestedStruct' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
var bec2 = self.BaseExtNestedClass() // expected-error{{static member 'BaseExtNestedClass' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
var beo2 = self.BaseExtUnionX(24) // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisDerived1' has no member 'BaseExtUnionX'}}
var beo3 = self.BaseExtNestedUnion.BaseExtUnionX(24) // expected-error{{static member 'BaseExtNestedUnion' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
var bet2 = self.BaseExtNestedTypealias(42) // expected-error{{static member 'BaseExtNestedTypealias' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.derivedInstanceVar = 42
self.derivedProp = 42
self.derivedStaticVar = 42 // expected-error {{static member 'derivedStaticVar' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.derivedStaticProp = 42 // expected-error {{static member 'derivedStaticProp' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.derivedStaticFunc0() // expected-error {{static member 'derivedStaticFunc0' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.derivedExtProp = 42
self.derivedExtStaticVar = 42
self.derivedExtStaticProp = 42
self.derivedExtStaticFunc0() // expected-error {{static member 'derivedExtStaticFunc0' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
var ds1 : DerivedNestedStruct
var dc1 : DerivedNestedClass
var do1 : DerivedNestedUnion = .DerivedUnionX(42)
var dt1 : DerivedNestedTypealias
var ds2 = self.DerivedNestedStruct() // expected-error{{static member 'DerivedNestedStruct' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
var dc2 = self.DerivedNestedClass() // expected-error{{static member 'DerivedNestedClass' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
var do2 = self.DerivedUnionX(24) // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisDerived1' has no member 'DerivedUnionX'}}
var do3 = self.DerivedNestedUnion.DerivedUnionX(24) // expected-error{{static member 'DerivedNestedUnion' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
var dt2 = self.DerivedNestedTypealias(42) // expected-error{{static member 'DerivedNestedTypealias' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
var des1 : DerivedExtNestedStruct
var dec1 : DerivedExtNestedClass
var deo1 : DerivedExtNestedUnion = .DerivedExtUnionX(42)
var det1 : DerivedExtNestedTypealias
var des2 = self.DerivedExtNestedStruct() // expected-error{{static member 'DerivedExtNestedStruct' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
var dec2 = self.DerivedExtNestedClass() // expected-error{{static member 'DerivedExtNestedClass' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
var deo2 = self.DerivedExtUnionX(24) // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisDerived1' has no member 'DerivedExtUnionX'}}
var deo3 = self.DerivedExtNestedUnion.DerivedExtUnionX(24) // expected-error{{static member 'DerivedExtNestedUnion' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
var det2 = self.DerivedExtNestedTypealias(42) // expected-error{{static member 'DerivedExtNestedTypealias' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.Type // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisDerived1' has no member 'Type'}}
func testSuper1() {
super.baseInstanceVar = 42
super.baseProp = 42
super[0] = 42.0
super.baseStaticVar = 42 // expected-error {{static member 'baseStaticVar' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisBase1'}}
super.baseStaticProp = 42 // expected-error {{static member 'baseStaticProp' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisBase1'}}
super.baseStaticFunc0() // expected-error {{static member 'baseStaticFunc0' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisBase1'}}
super.baseExtProp = 42
super.baseExtStaticVar = 42
super.baseExtStaticProp = 42
super.baseExtStaticFunc0() // expected-error {{static member 'baseExtStaticFunc0' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisBase1'}}
var bs2 = super.BaseNestedStruct() // expected-error{{static member 'BaseNestedStruct' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisBase1'}}
var bc2 = super.BaseNestedClass() // expected-error{{static member 'BaseNestedClass' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisBase1'}}
var bo2 = super.BaseUnionX(24) // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'BaseUnionX'}}
var bo3 = super.BaseNestedUnion.BaseUnionX(24) // expected-error{{static member 'BaseNestedUnion' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisBase1'}}
var bt2 = super.BaseNestedTypealias(42) // expected-error{{static member 'BaseNestedTypealias' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisBase1'}}
var bes2 = super.BaseExtNestedStruct() // expected-error{{static member 'BaseExtNestedStruct' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisBase1'}}
var bec2 = super.BaseExtNestedClass() // expected-error{{static member 'BaseExtNestedClass' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisBase1'}}
var beo2 = super.BaseExtUnionX(24) // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'BaseExtUnionX'}}
var beo3 = super.BaseExtNestedUnion.BaseExtUnionX(24) // expected-error{{static member 'BaseExtNestedUnion' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisBase1'}}
var bet2 = super.BaseExtNestedTypealias(42) // expected-error{{static member 'BaseExtNestedTypealias' cannot be used on instance of type 'ThisBase1'}}
super.derivedInstanceVar = 42 // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedInstanceVar'}}
super.derivedProp = 42 // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedProp'}}
super.derivedFunc0() // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedFunc0'}}
super.derivedStaticVar = 42 // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedStaticVar'}}
super.derivedStaticProp = 42 // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedStaticProp'}}
super.derivedStaticFunc0() // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedStaticFunc0'}}
super.derivedExtProp = 42 // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedExtProp'}}
super.derivedExtFunc0() // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedExtFunc0'}}
super.derivedExtStaticVar = 42 // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedExtStaticVar'}}
super.derivedExtStaticProp = 42 // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedExtStaticProp'}}
super.derivedExtStaticFunc0() // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedExtStaticFunc0'}}
var ds2 = super.DerivedNestedStruct() // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedNestedStruct'}}
var dc2 = super.DerivedNestedClass() // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedNestedClass'}}
var do2 = super.DerivedUnionX(24) // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedUnionX'}}
var do3 = super.DerivedNestedUnion.DerivedUnionX(24) // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedNestedUnion'}}
var dt2 = super.DerivedNestedTypealias(42) // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedNestedTypealias'}}
var des2 = super.DerivedExtNestedStruct() // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedExtNestedStruct'}}
var dec2 = super.DerivedExtNestedClass() // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedExtNestedClass'}}
var deo2 = super.DerivedExtUnionX(24) // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedExtUnionX'}}
var deo3 = super.DerivedExtNestedUnion.DerivedExtUnionX(24) // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedExtNestedUnion'}}
var det2 = super.DerivedExtNestedTypealias(42) // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedExtNestedTypealias'}}
super.Type // expected-error {{value of type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'Type'}}
class func staticTestSelf1() {
self.baseInstanceVar = 42 // expected-error {{member 'baseInstanceVar' cannot be used on type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.baseProp = 42 // expected-error {{member 'baseProp' cannot be used on type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.baseFunc0() // expected-error {{instance member 'baseFunc0' cannot be used on type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.baseFunc0(ThisBase1())() // expected-error {{'ThisBase1' is not convertible to 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.baseFunc1(42) // expected-error {{instance member 'baseFunc1' cannot be used on type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.baseFunc1(ThisBase1())(42) // expected-error {{'ThisBase1' is not convertible to 'ThisDerived1'}}
self[0] = 42.0 // expected-error {{instance member 'subscript' cannot be used on type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.baseStaticVar = 42
self.baseStaticProp = 42
self.baseExtProp = 42 // expected-error {{member 'baseExtProp' cannot be used on type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.baseExtFunc0() // expected-error {{instance member 'baseExtFunc0' cannot be used on type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.baseExtStaticVar = 42
self.baseExtStaticProp = 42 // expected-error {{member 'baseExtStaticProp' cannot be used on type 'ThisDerived1'}}
var bs1 : BaseNestedStruct
var bc1 : BaseNestedClass
var bo1 : BaseNestedUnion = .BaseUnionX(42)
var bt1 : BaseNestedTypealias
var bs2 = self.BaseNestedStruct()
var bc2 = self.BaseNestedClass()
var bo2 = self.BaseUnionX(24) // expected-error {{type 'ThisDerived1' has no member 'BaseUnionX'}}
var bo3 = self.BaseNestedUnion.BaseUnionX(24)
var bt2 = self.BaseNestedTypealias()
self.derivedInstanceVar = 42 // expected-error {{member 'derivedInstanceVar' cannot be used on type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.derivedProp = 42 // expected-error {{member 'derivedProp' cannot be used on type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.derivedFunc0() // expected-error {{instance member 'derivedFunc0' cannot be used on type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.derivedFunc0(ThisBase1())() // expected-error {{'ThisBase1' is not convertible to 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.derivedStaticVar = 42
self.derivedStaticProp = 42
self.derivedExtProp = 42 // expected-error {{member 'derivedExtProp' cannot be used on type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.derivedExtFunc0() // expected-error {{instance member 'derivedExtFunc0' cannot be used on type 'ThisDerived1'}}
self.derivedExtStaticVar = 42
self.derivedExtStaticProp = 42 // expected-error {{member 'derivedExtStaticProp' cannot be used on type 'ThisDerived1'}}
var ds1 : DerivedNestedStruct
var dc1 : DerivedNestedClass
var do1 : DerivedNestedUnion = .DerivedUnionX(42)
var dt1 : DerivedNestedTypealias
var ds2 = self.DerivedNestedStruct()
var dc2 = self.DerivedNestedClass()
var do2 = self.DerivedUnionX(24) // expected-error {{type 'ThisDerived1' has no member 'DerivedUnionX'}}
var do3 = self.DerivedNestedUnion.DerivedUnionX(24)
var dt2 = self.DerivedNestedTypealias()
var des1 : DerivedExtNestedStruct
var dec1 : DerivedExtNestedClass
var deo1 : DerivedExtNestedUnion = .DerivedExtUnionX(42)
var det1 : DerivedExtNestedTypealias
var des2 = self.DerivedExtNestedStruct()
var dec2 = self.DerivedExtNestedClass()
var deo2 = self.DerivedExtUnionX(24) // expected-error {{type 'ThisDerived1' has no member 'DerivedExtUnionX'}}
var deo3 = self.DerivedExtNestedUnion.DerivedExtUnionX(24)
var det2 = self.DerivedExtNestedTypealias()
self.Type // expected-error {{type 'ThisDerived1' has no member 'Type'}}
class func staticTestSuper1() {
super.baseInstanceVar = 42 // expected-error {{member 'baseInstanceVar' cannot be used on type 'ThisBase1'}}
super.baseProp = 42 // expected-error {{member 'baseProp' cannot be used on type 'ThisBase1'}}
super.baseFunc0() // expected-error {{instance member 'baseFunc0' cannot be used on type 'ThisBase1'}}
super.baseFunc1(42) // expected-error {{instance member 'baseFunc1' cannot be used on type 'ThisBase1'}}
super[0] = 42.0 // expected-error {{instance member 'subscript' cannot be used on type 'ThisBase1'}}
super.baseStaticVar = 42
super.baseStaticProp = 42
super.baseExtProp = 42 // expected-error {{member 'baseExtProp' cannot be used on type 'ThisBase1'}}
super.baseExtFunc0() // expected-error {{instance member 'baseExtFunc0' cannot be used on type 'ThisBase1'}}
super.baseExtStaticVar = 42
super.baseExtStaticProp = 42 // expected-error {{member 'baseExtStaticProp' cannot be used on type 'ThisBase1'}}
var bs2 = super.BaseNestedStruct()
var bc2 = super.BaseNestedClass()
var bo2 = super.BaseUnionX(24) // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'BaseUnionX'}}
var bo3 = super.BaseNestedUnion.BaseUnionX(24)
var bt2 = super.BaseNestedTypealias()
super.derivedInstanceVar = 42 // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedInstanceVar'}}
super.derivedProp = 42 // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedProp'}}
super.derivedFunc0() // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedFunc0'}}
super.derivedStaticVar = 42 // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedStaticVar'}}
super.derivedStaticProp = 42 // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedStaticProp'}}
super.derivedStaticFunc0() // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedStaticFunc0'}}
super.derivedExtProp = 42 // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedExtProp'}}
super.derivedExtFunc0() // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedExtFunc0'}}
super.derivedExtStaticVar = 42 // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedExtStaticVar'}}
super.derivedExtStaticProp = 42 // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedExtStaticProp'}}
super.derivedExtStaticFunc0() // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'derivedExtStaticFunc0'}}
var ds2 = super.DerivedNestedStruct() // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedNestedStruct'}}
var dc2 = super.DerivedNestedClass() // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedNestedClass'}}
var do2 = super.DerivedUnionX(24) // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedUnionX'}}
var do3 = super.DerivedNestedUnion.DerivedUnionX(24) // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedNestedUnion'}}
var dt2 = super.DerivedNestedTypealias(42) // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedNestedTypealias'}}
var des2 = super.DerivedExtNestedStruct() // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedExtNestedStruct'}}
var dec2 = super.DerivedExtNestedClass() // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedExtNestedClass'}}
var deo2 = super.DerivedExtUnionX(24) // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedExtUnionX'}}
var deo3 = super.DerivedExtNestedUnion.DerivedExtUnionX(24) // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedExtNestedUnion'}}
var det2 = super.DerivedExtNestedTypealias(42) // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'DerivedExtNestedTypealias'}}
super.Type // expected-error {{type 'ThisBase1' has no member 'Type'}}
extension ThisBase1 {
var baseExtProp : Int {
get {
return 42
set {}
func baseExtFunc0() {}
var baseExtStaticVar: Int // expected-error {{extensions may not contain stored properties}} // expected-note 2 {{did you mean 'baseExtStaticVar'?}}
var baseExtStaticProp: Int { // expected-note 2 {{did you mean 'baseExtStaticProp'?}}
get {
return 42
set {}
class func baseExtStaticFunc0() {} // expected-note {{did you mean 'baseExtStaticFunc0'?}}
struct BaseExtNestedStruct {} // expected-note 2 {{did you mean 'BaseExtNestedStruct'?}}
class BaseExtNestedClass { // expected-note {{did you mean 'BaseExtNestedClass'?}}
init() { }
enum BaseExtNestedUnion { // expected-note {{did you mean 'BaseExtNestedUnion'?}}
case BaseExtUnionX(Int)
typealias BaseExtNestedTypealias = Int // expected-note 2 {{did you mean 'BaseExtNestedTypealias'?}}
extension ThisDerived1 {
var derivedExtProp : Int {
get {
return 42
set {}
func derivedExtFunc0() {}
var derivedExtStaticVar: Int // expected-error {{extensions may not contain stored properties}}
var derivedExtStaticProp: Int {
get {
return 42
set {}
class func derivedExtStaticFunc0() {}
struct DerivedExtNestedStruct {}
class DerivedExtNestedClass {
init() { }
enum DerivedExtNestedUnion { // expected-note {{did you mean 'DerivedExtNestedUnion'?}}
case DerivedExtUnionX(Int)
typealias DerivedExtNestedTypealias = Int
// <rdar://problem/11554141>
func shadowbug() {
var Foo = 10
func g() {
struct S {
var x : Foo
typealias Foo = Int
func scopebug() {
let Foo = 10
struct S {
typealias Foo = Int
_ = Foo
struct Ordering {
var x : Foo
typealias Foo = Int
// <rdar://problem/12202655>
class Outer {
class Inner {}
class MoreInner : Inner {}
func makeGenericStruct<S>(_ x: S) -> GenericStruct<S> {
return GenericStruct<S>()
struct GenericStruct<T> {}
// <rdar://problem/13952064>
extension Outer {
class ExtInner {}
// <rdar://problem/14149537>
func useProto<R : MyProto>(_ value: R) -> R.Element {
return value.get()
protocol MyProto {
associatedtype Element
func get() -> Element
// <rdar://problem/14488311>
struct DefaultArgumentFromExtension {
func g(_ x: @escaping (DefaultArgumentFromExtension) -> () -> () = f) {
let f = 42
var x2 = x
x2 = f // expected-error{{cannot assign value of type 'Int' to type '(DefaultArgumentFromExtension) -> () -> ()'}}
_ = x2
var x : (DefaultArgumentFromExtension) -> () -> () = f
extension DefaultArgumentFromExtension {
func f() {}
struct MyStruct {
var state : Bool
init() { state = true }
mutating func mod() {state = false}
// expected-note @+1 {{mark method 'mutating' to make 'self' mutable}} {{3-3=mutating }}
func foo() { mod() } // expected-error {{cannot use mutating member on immutable value: 'self' is immutable}}
// <rdar://problem/19935319> QoI: poor diagnostic initializing a variable with a non-class func
class Test19935319 {
let i = getFoo() // expected-error {{cannot use instance member 'getFoo' within property initializer; property initializers run before 'self' is available}}
func getFoo() -> Int {}
class Test19935319G<T> {
let i = getFoo()
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot use instance member 'getFoo' within property initializer; property initializers run before 'self' is available}}
func getFoo() -> Int { return 42 }
// <rdar://problem/27013358> Crash using instance member as default parameter
class rdar27013358 {
let defaultValue = 1
func returnTwo() -> Int {
return 2
init(defaulted value: Int = defaultValue) {} // expected-error {{cannot use instance member 'defaultValue' as a default parameter}}
init(another value: Int = returnTwo()) {} // expected-error {{cannot use instance member 'returnTwo' as a default parameter}}
class rdar27013358G<T> {
let defaultValue = 1
func returnTwo() -> Int {
return 2
init(defaulted value: Int = defaultValue) {} // expected-error {{cannot use instance member 'defaultValue' as a default parameter}}
init(another value: Int = returnTwo()) {} // expected-error {{cannot use instance member 'returnTwo' as a default parameter}}
// <rdar://problem/23904262> QoI: ivar default initializer cannot reference other default initialized ivars?
class r23904262 {
let x = 1
let y = x // expected-error {{cannot use instance member 'x' within property initializer; property initializers run before 'self' is available}}
// <rdar://problem/21677702> Static method reference in static var doesn't work
class r21677702 {
static func method(value: Int) -> Int { return value }
static let x = method(value: 123)
static let y = method(123) // expected-error {{missing argument label 'value:' in call}}
// <rdar://problem/16954496> lazy properties must use "self." in their body, and can weirdly refer to class variables directly
class r16954496 {
func bar() {}
lazy var x: Array<() -> Void> = [bar] // expected-error {{cannot convert value of type '(r16954496) -> () -> ()' to expected element type '() -> Void'}}
// <rdar://problem/27413116> [Swift] Using static constant defined in enum when in switch statement doesn't compile
enum MyEnum {
case one
case two
case oneTwoThree
static let kMyConstant = "myConstant"
switch "someString" {
case MyEnum.kMyConstant: // this causes a compiler error
case MyEnum.self.kMyConstant: // this works fine
func foo() {
_ = MyEnum.One // expected-error {{enum type 'MyEnum' has no case 'One'; did you mean 'one'}}{{14-17=one}}
_ = MyEnum.Two // expected-error {{enum type 'MyEnum' has no case 'Two'; did you mean 'two'}}{{14-17=two}}
_ = MyEnum.OneTwoThree // expected-error {{enum type 'MyEnum' has no case 'OneTwoThree'; did you mean 'oneTwoThree'}}{{14-25=oneTwoThree}}
enum MyGenericEnum<T> {
case one(T)
case oneTwo(T)
func foo1() {
_ = MyGenericEnum<Int>.One // expected-error {{enum type 'MyGenericEnum<Int>' has no case 'One'; did you mean 'one'}}{{26-29=one}}
_ = MyGenericEnum<Int>.OneTwo // expected-error {{enum type 'MyGenericEnum<Int>' has no case 'OneTwo'; did you mean 'oneTwo'}}{{26-32=oneTwo}}