blob: 419719aad15df5055d702ffecc4e1998d472342b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend(mock-sdk: %clang-importer-sdk) -typecheck -verify %s
// REQUIRES: OS=macosx
import ctypes
func testImportMacTypes() {
// FIXME: this should work. We cannot map Float80 to 'long double' because
// 'long double' has size of 128 bits on SysV ABI, and 80 != 128. 'long
// double' is currently not handled by the importer, so it cannot be
// imported in normal way either.
var t11_unqual : Float80 = Float80_test // expected-error {{use of unresolved identifier 'Float80_test'}}
var t11_qual : ctypes.Float80 = 0.0 // expected-error {{no type named 'Float80' in module 'ctypes'}}