blob: 180a098f34d902a65805d988c86a37084297809d [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ClangImporter.h - Import Clang Modules -----------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements support for loading Clang modules into Swift.
#include "swift/AST/ClangModuleLoader.h"
/// The maximum number of SIMD vector elements we currently try to import.
namespace llvm {
class Triple;
template<typename Fn> class function_ref;
namespace clang {
class ASTContext;
class CodeGenOptions;
class Decl;
class DependencyCollector;
class DiagnosticConsumer;
class EnumConstantDecl;
class EnumDecl;
class MacroInfo;
class Module;
class NamedDecl;
class Sema;
class TargetInfo;
class VisibleDeclConsumer;
class DeclarationName;
namespace swift {
class ASTContext;
class CompilerInvocation;
class ClangImporterOptions;
class ClangModuleUnit;
class ClangNode;
class Decl;
class DeclContext;
class ImportDecl;
class IRGenOptions;
class LazyResolver;
class ModuleDecl;
class NominalTypeDecl;
class VisibleDeclConsumer;
enum class SelectorSplitKind;
/// \brief Class that imports Clang modules into Swift, mapping directly
/// from Clang ASTs over to Swift ASTs.
class ClangImporter final : public ClangModuleLoader {
friend class ClangModuleUnit;
class Implementation;
Implementation &Impl;
ClangImporter(ASTContext &ctx, const ClangImporterOptions &clangImporterOpts,
DependencyTracker *tracker);
/// \brief Create a new Clang importer that can import a suitable Clang
/// module into the given ASTContext.
/// \param ctx The ASTContext into which the module will be imported.
/// The ASTContext's SearchPathOptions will be used for the Clang importer.
/// \param importerOpts The options to use for the Clang importer.
/// \param swiftPCHHash A hash of Swift's various options in a compiler
/// invocation, used to create a unique Bridging PCH if requested.
/// \param tracker The object tracking files this compilation depends on.
/// \returns a new Clang module importer, or null (with a diagnostic) if
/// an error occurred.
static std::unique_ptr<ClangImporter>
create(ASTContext &ctx,
const ClangImporterOptions &importerOpts,
std::string swiftPCHHash = "",
DependencyTracker *tracker = nullptr);
ClangImporter(const ClangImporter &) = delete;
ClangImporter(ClangImporter &&) = delete;
ClangImporter &operator=(const ClangImporter &) = delete;
ClangImporter &operator=(ClangImporter &&) = delete;
/// \brief Create a new clang::DependencyCollector customized to
/// ClangImporter's specific uses.
static std::shared_ptr<clang::DependencyCollector>
/// \brief Check whether the module with a given name can be imported without
/// importing it.
/// Note that even if this check succeeds, errors may still occur if the
/// module is loaded in full.
virtual bool canImportModule(std::pair<Identifier, SourceLoc> named) override;
/// \brief Import a module with the given module path.
/// Clang modules will be imported using the Objective-C ARC dialect,
/// with all warnings disabled.
/// \param importLoc The location of the 'import' keyword.
/// \param path A sequence of (identifier, location) pairs that denote
/// the dotted module name to load, e.g., AppKit.NSWindow.
/// \returns the module referenced, if it could be loaded. Otherwise,
/// emits a diagnostic and returns NULL.
virtual ModuleDecl *loadModule(
SourceLoc importLoc,
ArrayRef<std::pair<Identifier, SourceLoc>> path)
/// \brief Look for declarations associated with the given name.
/// \param name The name we're searching for.
void lookupValue(DeclName name, VisibleDeclConsumer &consumer);
/// Look for textually included declarations from the bridging header.
/// \param filter returns true if the given clang decl/macro should be
/// imported and fed to the consumer
/// \param receiver will be fed decls as they are found and imported.
/// \c receiver is not a VisibleDeclConsumer so that it is not limited to
/// accepting ValueDecls only.
void lookupBridgingHeaderDecls(llvm::function_ref<bool(ClangNode)> filter,
llvm::function_ref<void(Decl*)> receiver) const;
/// Look for declarations from a particular header. The header may be part of
/// a clang module or included from the bridging header.
/// \param filename path to the header
/// \param filter returns true if the given clang decl/macro should be
/// imported and fed to the consumer
/// \param receiver will be fed decls as they are found and imported.
/// \c receiver is not a VisibleDeclConsumer so that it is not limited to
/// accepting ValueDecls only.
/// \returns true if there was a problem, e.g. the file does not exist.
bool lookupDeclsFromHeader(StringRef filename,
llvm::function_ref<bool(ClangNode)> filter,
llvm::function_ref<void(Decl*)> receiver) const;
/// \brief Load extensions to the given nominal type.
/// \param nominal The nominal type whose extensions should be loaded.
/// \param previousGeneration The previous generation number. The AST already
/// contains extensions loaded from any generation up to and including this
/// one.
virtual void loadExtensions(NominalTypeDecl *nominal,
unsigned previousGeneration) override;
virtual void loadObjCMethods(
ClassDecl *classDecl,
ObjCSelector selector,
bool isInstanceMethod,
unsigned previousGeneration,
llvm::TinyPtrVector<AbstractFunctionDecl *> &methods) override;
/// Adds a new search path to the Clang CompilerInstance, as if specified with
/// -I or -F.
/// \returns true if there was an error adding the search path.
bool addSearchPath(StringRef newSearchPath, bool isFramework,
bool isSystem) override;
/// Imports an Objective-C header file into the shared imported header module.
/// \param header A header name or full path, to be used in a \#import
/// directive.
/// \param adapter The module that depends on the contents of this header.
/// \param expectedSize The size of the header when the module was compiled
/// against it.
/// \param expectedModTime The mtime of the header when the module was
/// compiled against it.
/// \param cachedContents A buffer to use if the header has been modified
/// since the module was compiled.
/// \param diagLoc A location to attach any diagnostics to if import fails.
/// \returns true if there was an error importing the header.
/// \sa getImportedHeaderModule
bool importHeader(StringRef header, ModuleDecl *adapter, off_t expectedSize,
time_t expectedModTime, StringRef cachedContents,
SourceLoc diagLoc);
/// Imports an Objective-C header file into the shared imported header module.
/// \param header A header name or full path, to be used in a \#import
/// directive.
/// \param adapter The module that depends on the contents of this header.
/// \param diagLoc A location to attach any diagnostics to if import fails.
/// \param trackParsedSymbols If true, tracks decls and macros that were
/// parsed from the bridging header.
/// \param implicitImport If true, indicates that this import was implicit
/// from a reference in a module file (deprecated behavior).
/// \returns true if there was an error importing the header.
/// \sa getImportedHeaderModule
bool importBridgingHeader(StringRef header, ModuleDecl *adapter,
SourceLoc diagLoc = {},
bool trackParsedSymbols = false,
bool implicitImport = false);
/// Returns the module that contains imports and declarations from all loaded
/// Objective-C header files.
/// \sa importHeader
ModuleDecl *getImportedHeaderModule() const override;
std::string getBridgingHeaderContents(StringRef headerPath, off_t &fileSize,
time_t &fileModTime);
/// Makes a temporary replica of the ClangImporter's CompilerInstance, reads
/// an Objective-C header file into the replica and emits a PCH file of its
/// content. Delegates to clang for everything except construction of the
/// replica.
/// \sa clang::GeneratePCHAction
bool emitBridgingPCH(StringRef headerPath,
StringRef outputPCHPath);
/// Returns true if a clang CompilerInstance can successfully read in a PCH,
/// assuming it exists, with the current options. This can be used to find out
/// if we need to persist a PCH for later reuse.
bool canReadPCH(StringRef PCHFilename);
const clang::Module *getClangOwningModule(ClangNode Node) const;
bool hasTypedef(const clang::Decl *typeDecl) const;
void verifyAllModules() override;
void setTypeResolver(LazyResolver &resolver);
void clearTypeResolver();
clang::TargetInfo &getTargetInfo() const;
clang::ASTContext &getClangASTContext() const override;
clang::Preprocessor &getClangPreprocessor() const override;
clang::Sema &getClangSema() const override;
const clang::CompilerInstance &getClangInstance() const override;
clang::CodeGenOptions &getClangCodeGenOpts() const;
std::string getClangModuleHash() const;
/// If we already imported a given decl, return the corresponding Swift decl.
/// Otherwise, return nullptr.
Decl *importDeclCached(const clang::NamedDecl *ClangDecl);
// Returns true if it is expected that the macro is ignored.
bool shouldIgnoreMacro(StringRef Name, const clang::MacroInfo *Macro);
/// Returns the name of the given enum element as it would be imported into
/// Swift.
/// The return value may be an empty identifier, in which case the enum would
/// not be imported.
/// This is not used by the importer itself, but is used by the debugger.
Identifier getEnumConstantName(const clang::EnumConstantDecl *enumConstant);
/// Writes the mangled name of \p clangDecl to \p os.
void getMangledName(raw_ostream &os, const clang::NamedDecl *clangDecl) const;
using ClangModuleLoader::addDependency;
// Print statistics from the Clang AST reader.
void printStatistics() const override;
/// Dump Swift lookup tables.
void dumpSwiftLookupTables();
/// Given the path of a Clang module, collect the names of all its submodules.
/// Calling this function does not load the module.
void collectSubModuleNames(
ArrayRef<std::pair<Identifier, SourceLoc>> path,
std::vector<std::string> &names);
/// Given a Clang module, decide whether this module is imported already.
static bool isModuleImported(const clang::Module *M);
DeclName importName(const clang::NamedDecl *D,
clang::DeclarationName givenName);
getOrCreatePCH(const ClangImporterOptions &ImporterOptions,
StringRef SwiftPCHHash);
/// \param isExplicit true if the PCH filename was passed directly
/// with -import-objc-header option.
getPCHFilename(const ClangImporterOptions &ImporterOptions,
StringRef SwiftPCHHash, bool &isExplicit);
ImportDecl *createImportDecl(ASTContext &Ctx, DeclContext *DC, ClangNode ClangN,
ArrayRef<clang::Module *> Exported);
/// Determine whether \c overlayDC is within an overlay module for the
/// imported context enclosing \c importedDC.
/// This routine is used for various hacks that are only permitted within
/// overlays of imported modules, e.g., Objective-C bridging conformances.
bool isInOverlayModuleForImportedModule(const DeclContext *overlayDC,
const DeclContext *importedDC);
} // end namespace swift