blob: cf009359290bf9cda7c70c8a7519b883b5150956 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// Deduction of associated types.
protocol Fooable {
associatedtype AssocType
func foo(_ x : AssocType)
struct X : Fooable {
func foo(_ x: Float) {}
struct Y<T> : Fooable {
func foo(_ x: T) {}
struct Z : Fooable {
func foo(_ x: Float) {}
func blah() {
var a : AssocType // expected-warning {{variable 'a' was never used; consider replacing with '_' or removing it}} {{9-10=_}}
func blarg() -> AssocType {}
func wonka() -> Z.AssocType {}
var xa : X.AssocType = Float()
var yf : Y<Float>.AssocType = Float()
var yd : Y<Double>.AssocType = Double()
var f : Float
f = xa
f = yf
var d : Double
d = yd
protocol P1 {
associatedtype Assoc1
func foo() -> Assoc1
struct S1 : P1 {
func foo() -> X {}
prefix operator %
protocol P2 {
associatedtype Assoc2
static prefix func %(target: Self) -> Assoc2
prefix func % <P:P1>(target: P) -> P.Assoc1 {
extension S1 : P2 {
typealias Assoc2 = X
// <rdar://problem/14418181>
protocol P3 {
associatedtype Assoc3
func foo() -> Assoc3
protocol P4 : P3 {
associatedtype Assoc4
func bar() -> Assoc4
func takeP4<T : P4>(_ x: T) { }
struct S4<T> : P3, P4 {
func foo() -> Int {}
func bar() -> Double {}
// <rdar://problem/14680393>
infix operator ~>
protocol P5 { }
struct S7a {}
protocol P6 {
func foo<Target: P5>(_ target: inout Target)
protocol P7 : P6 {
associatedtype Assoc : P6
static func ~> (x: Self, _: S7a) -> Assoc
func ~> <T:P6>(x: T, _: S7a) -> S7b { return S7b() }
struct S7b : P7 {
typealias Assoc = S7b
func foo<Target: P5>(_ target: inout Target) {}
// <rdar://problem/14685674>
struct zip<A : IteratorProtocol, B : IteratorProtocol>
: IteratorProtocol, Sequence {
func next() -> (A.Element, B.Element)? { }
typealias Generator = zip
func makeIterator() -> zip { }
protocol P8 { }
protocol P9 {
associatedtype A1 : P8
protocol P10 {
associatedtype A1b : P8
associatedtype A2 : P9
func f()
func g(_ a: A1b)
func h(_ a: A2)
struct X8 : P8 { }
struct Y9 : P9 {
typealias A1 = X8
struct Z10 : P10 {
func f() { }
func g(_ a: X8) { }
func h(_ a: Y9) { }
struct W : Fooable {
func foo(_ x: String) {}
struct V<T> : Fooable {
func foo(_ x: T) {}
// FIXME: <rdar://problem/16123805> associated Inferred types can't be used in expression contexts
var w = W.AssocType()
var v = V<String>.AssocType()
// SR-427
protocol A {
func c()
protocol B : A {
associatedtype e : A = C<Self>
extension B {
func c() {
struct C<a : B> : B {
struct CC : B {
typealias e = CC
// SR-511
protocol sr511 {
typealias Foo // expected-error {{type alias is missing an assigned type; use 'associatedtype' to define an associated type requirement}}
associatedtype Foo = Int // expected-error {{associated types can only be defined in a protocol; define a type or introduce a 'typealias' to satisfy an associated type requirement}}
// rdar://problem/29207581
protocol P {
associatedtype A
static var isP : Bool { get }
protocol M {
associatedtype B : P
extension M {
func g<C : P>(in c_: C)
where Self.B == C.A, C.A.A : P { // *clearly* implies Self.B.A : P
_ = B.A.isP