blob: e21cf6980652a118930ab6011eab8fd7f5a559f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
struct X { }
struct Y { }
struct Z { }
func f0(_ x1: X, x2: X) -> X {} // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
func f0(_ y1: Y, y2: Y) -> Y {} // expected-note{{found this candidate}}
var f0 : X // expected-note {{found this candidate}} expected-note {{'f0' previously declared here}}
func f0_init(_ x: X, y: Y) -> X {}
var f0 : (_ x : X, _ y : Y) -> X = f0_init // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration}}
func f1(_ x: X) -> X {}
func f2(_ g: (_ x: X) -> X) -> ((_ y: Y) -> Y) { }
func test_conv() {
var _ : (_ x1 : X, _ x2 : X) -> X = f0
var _ : (X, X) -> X = f0
var _ : (Y, X) -> X = f0 // expected-error{{ambiguous reference to member 'f0(_:x2:)'}}
var _ : (X) -> X = f1
var a7 : (X) -> (X) = f1
var a8 : (_ x2 : X) -> (X) = f1
var a9 : (_ x2 : X) -> ((X)) = f1
a7 = a8
a8 = a9
a9 = a7
var _ : ((X) -> X) -> ((Y) -> Y) = f2
var _ : ((_ x2 : X) -> (X)) -> (((_ y2 : Y) -> (Y))) = f2
typealias fp = ((X) -> X) -> ((Y) -> Y)
var _ = f2
var xy : X // expected-note {{previously declared here}}
var xy : Y // expected-error {{invalid redeclaration of 'xy'}}
func accept_X(_ x: inout X) { }
func accept_XY(_ x: inout X) -> X { }
func accept_XY(_ y: inout Y) -> Y { }
func accept_Z(_ z: inout Z) -> Z { }
func test_inout() {
var x : X
accept_X(xy); // expected-error{{passing value of type 'X' to an inout parameter requires explicit '&'}} {{12-12=&}}
_ = accept_XY(&x);
x = accept_XY(&xy);
x = xy
x = &xy; // expected-error{{'&' used with non-inout argument of type 'X'}}
accept_Z(&xy); // expected-error{{cannot convert value of type 'X' to expected argument type 'Z'}}
func lvalue_or_rvalue(_ x: inout X) -> X { }
func lvalue_or_rvalue(_ x: X) -> Y { }
func test_lvalue_or_rvalue() {
var x : X
var y : Y
let x1 = lvalue_or_rvalue(&x)
x = x1
let y1 = lvalue_or_rvalue(x)
y = y1
_ = y