blob: 1632b6c64f07428c9f2c65c08c6fbf1c18f3c0fb [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %gyb %s -o %t/FloatingPointConversion.swift
// RUN: %line-directive %t/FloatingPointConversion.swift -- %target-build-swift %t/FloatingPointConversion.swift -Xfrontend -disable-access-control -o %t/a.out_Debug
// RUN: %line-directive %t/FloatingPointConversion.swift -- %target-build-swift %t/FloatingPointConversion.swift -Xfrontend -disable-access-control -o %t/a.out_Release -O
// RUN: %line-directive %t/FloatingPointConversion.swift -- %target-run %t/a.out_Debug
// RUN: %line-directive %t/FloatingPointConversion.swift -- %target-run %t/a.out_Release
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
import gyb
from SwiftFloatingPointTypes import all_floating_point_types, getFtoIBounds
from SwiftIntTypes import all_integer_types
var FixedPointConversionTruncations = TestSuite("FixedPointToFloatingPointConversionTruncations")
var FixedPointConversionFailures = TestSuite("FixedPointToFloatingPointConversionFailures")
var FloatingPointConversionTruncations = TestSuite("FloatingPointToFloatingPointConversionTruncations")
var FloatingPointConversionFailures = TestSuite("FloatingPointToFloatingPointConversionFailures")
% for self_type in all_floating_point_types():
% SelfSignificandBits = self_type.bits
% Self = self_type.stdlib_name
% if Self == 'Float80':
#if !os(Windows) && (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64))
% end
% for other_type in all_floating_point_types():
% OtherSignificandBits = other_type.bits
% OtherFloat = other_type.stdlib_name
% if OtherFloat == 'Float80':
#if !os(Windows) && (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64))
% end
% if OtherSignificandBits <= SelfSignificandBits:
.forEach(in: [
(1.0 as ${OtherFloat}).nextUp,
(1.0 as ${OtherFloat}).nextDown,
(-1.0 as ${OtherFloat}).nextUp,
(-1.0 as ${OtherFloat}).nextDown,
]) {
input in
// FIXME: we should have a stronger postcondition here.
let result = ${Self}(input)
let resultConvertedBack = ${OtherFloat}(result)
expectEqual(input, resultConvertedBack)
% else:
.forEach(in: [
( ${OtherFloat}.greatestFiniteMagnitude, ${Self}.infinity),
(-${OtherFloat}.greatestFiniteMagnitude, -${Self}.infinity),
( (1.0 as ${OtherFloat}).nextUp, 1.0 as ${Self}),
( (1.0 as ${OtherFloat}).nextDown, 1.0 as ${Self}),
((-1.0 as ${OtherFloat}).nextUp, -1.0 as ${Self}),
((-1.0 as ${OtherFloat}).nextDown, -1.0 as ${Self}),
]) {
(input, expectedResult) in
expectEqual(expectedResult, ${Self}(input))
% end
FloatingPointConversionTruncations.test("${OtherFloat}To${Self}Conversion/special") {
expectEqual( 1.0 as ${Self}, ${Self}(exactly: 1.0 as ${OtherFloat}))
expectEqual(-1.0 as ${Self}, ${Self}(exactly: -1.0 as ${OtherFloat}))
expectEqual( ${Self}.infinity, ${Self}( ${OtherFloat}.infinity))
expectEqual(-${Self}.infinity, ${Self}(-${OtherFloat}.infinity))
.forEach(in: [
(1.0 as ${OtherFloat}).nextUp,
(1.0 as ${OtherFloat}).nextDown,
(-1.0 as ${OtherFloat}).nextUp,
(-1.0 as ${OtherFloat}).nextDown,
]) {
input in
let result = ${Self}(exactly: input)
% if OtherSignificandBits <= SelfSignificandBits:
if let result = expectNotNil(result) {
// FIXME: we should have a stronger postcondition here.
expectEqual(input, ${OtherFloat}(result))
% else:
% end
FloatingPointConversionFailures.test("${OtherFloat}To${Self}Conversion/AlwaysSuccess") {
expectEqual( 1.0 as ${Self}, ${Self}(exactly: 1.0 as ${OtherFloat}))
expectEqual(-1.0 as ${Self}, ${Self}(exactly: -1.0 as ${OtherFloat}))
expectEqual( ${Self}.infinity, ${Self}(exactly: ${OtherFloat}.infinity))
expectEqual(-${Self}.infinity, ${Self}(exactly: -${OtherFloat}.infinity))
expectNil(${Self}(exactly: ${OtherFloat}.nan))
% if OtherFloat == 'Float80':
% end
% end # for in all_floating_point_types (Other)
float_to_int_conversion_template = gyb.parse_template("float_to_int_conversion",
% for int_ty in all_integer_types(word_bits):
% OtherInt = int_ty.stdlib_name
% OtherMin = int_ty.min
% OtherMax = int_ty.max
% (FloatMin, FloatMax) = getFtoIBounds(self_type.bits, int_ty.bits, int_ty.is_signed)
% for testValue in [0, FloatMin, FloatMax, FloatMin - 1, FloatMax + 1, OtherMin, OtherMax]:
% if testValue < OtherMin or testValue > OtherMax:
% # Can't construct `other` value, do nothing and continue.
% elif testValue >= FloatMin and testValue <= FloatMax:
FixedPointConversionTruncations.test("${OtherInt}to${Self}Conversion/${testValue}") {
expectEqual(${Self}(${testValue} as ${OtherInt}), ${testValue})
FixedPointConversionFailures.test("${OtherInt}to${Self}FailableConversion/${testValue}") {
expectEqual(${Self}(exactly: ${testValue} as ${OtherInt}), ${testValue})
% else:
FixedPointConversionTruncations.test("${OtherInt}to${Self}Truncation/${testValue}") {
let value: ${OtherInt} = ${testValue}
let result = ${Self}(value)
expectNotEqual(${OtherInt}(result), value)
FixedPointConversionFailures.test("${OtherInt}to${Self}Failure/${testValue}") {
let value: ${OtherInt} = ${testValue}
let result = ${Self}(exactly: value)
expectEqual(result, ${OtherMin} as ${Self})
expectEqual(${OtherInt}(result!), value)
% end
% end # testValue in testValues
% end # for in all_integer_types (Other)
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
#elseif arch(x86_64) || arch(arm64) || arch(powerpc64) || arch(powerpc64le) || arch(s390x)
% if Self == 'Float80':
% end
% end # for in all_floating_point_types (Self)