blob: 640d21a5724c1a6ea7630ded04b7c2aa73d90e09 [file] [log] [blame]
class ClassFromOtherFile {}
// This Int16 is specifically checked for in the primary file.
typealias AliasFromOtherFile = Int16
func funcFromOtherFile() {}
struct OtherFileOuterType {
struct InnerType {
static let sharedConstant = 42
struct OtherFileOuterType2 {
struct InnerType {
struct OtherFileSecretTypeWrapper {
struct SecretType {
static let constant = 42
struct OtherFileIntArray : Sequence {
var array: [Int] = []
func makeIterator() -> Array<Int>.Iterator { return array.makeIterator() }
func getOtherFileIntArray() -> OtherFileIntArray { return OtherFileIntArray() }
typealias OtherFileAliasForSecret = OtherFileSecretTypeWrapper.SecretType
prefix operator *** {}
prefix operator ~~~~~ {}
prefix operator ****
infix operator *****
infix operator ******
protocol Starry {
static prefix func ****(arg: Self)
static func *****(lhs: Self, rhs: Int)
static func ******(lhs: Int, rhs: Self)
// Deliberately does not conform to Starry.
struct Flyswatter {
static prefix func ****(arg: Flyswatter) {}
static func *****(lhs: Flyswatter, rhs: Int) {}
static func ******(lhs: Int, rhs: Flyswatter) {}
typealias ExpressibleByOtherFileAliasForFloatLiteral = ExpressibleByFloatLiteral
enum OtherFileEnum {
case Value
case AnotherValue
case ValueWithPayload(Int)
func getOtherFileEnum() -> OtherFileEnum { return .Value }
struct OtherFileEnumWrapper {
enum Enum {
case Value
case AnotherValue
case ValueWithPayload(Int)
protocol OtherFileProto {}
struct OtherFileProtoImplementor : OtherFileProto {}
func otherFileGetImpl() -> OtherFileProtoImplementor {}
func otherFileUse(_: OtherFileProto) {}
protocol OtherFileProto2 {}
struct OtherFileProtoImplementor2 : OtherFileProto2 {}
func otherFileGetImpl2() -> OtherFileProtoImplementor2 {}
func otherFileUseGeneric<T: OtherFileProto2>(_: T) {}
struct OtherFileProtoNonImplementor {}
func otherFileGetNonImpl() -> OtherFileProtoNonImplementor {}
func topLevel1() -> Int { return 2 }
func topLevel2() -> Int { return 2 }
func topLevel3() -> Int { return 2 }
func topLevel4() -> Int { return 2 }
func topLevel5() -> Int { return 2 }
func topLevel6() -> Int { return 2 }
func topLevel7() -> Int { return 2 }
func topLevel8() -> Int { return 2 }
func topLevel9() -> Int { return 2 }
typealias TopLevelTy1 = Int
typealias TopLevelTy2 = Int
typealias TopLevelTy3 = Int
typealias TopLevelTy4 = Int
struct TopLevelStruct {
typealias ValueType = Int
struct TopLevelStruct2 {
typealias ValueType = Int
struct TopLevelStruct3 {
typealias ValueType = Int
struct TopLevelStruct4 {
typealias ValueType = Int
struct TopLevelStruct5 {
typealias ValueType = Int
protocol TopLevelProto1 {}
protocol TopLevelProto2 {}
protocol TopLevelProto3 {}
func privateTopLevel1() -> Int { return 2 }
func privateTopLevel2() -> Int { return 2 }
func privateTopLevel3() -> Int { return 2 }
func privateTopLevel4() -> Int { return 2 }
func privateTopLevel5() -> Int { return 2 }
func privateTopLevel6() -> Int { return 2 }
func privateTopLevel7() -> Int { return 2 }
func privateTopLevel8() -> Int { return 2 }
func privateTopLevel9() -> Int { return 2 }
typealias PrivateTopLevelTy1 = Int
typealias PrivateTopLevelTy2 = Int
typealias PrivateTopLevelTy3 = Int
struct PrivateTopLevelStruct {
typealias ValueType = Int
struct PrivateTopLevelStruct2 {
typealias ValueType = Int
struct PrivateTopLevelStruct3 {
typealias ValueType = Int
struct PrivateTopLevelStruct4 {
typealias ValueType = Int
protocol PrivateProto1 {}
protocol PrivateProto2 {}
protocol PrivateProto3 {}
struct OtherFileElementType {}
struct OtherFileTypeToBeExtended {}
struct TypeReferencedOnlyBySubscript {}
struct TypeReferencedOnlyByPrivateSubscript {}
protocol ProtoReferencedOnlyInGeneric {}
protocol ProtoReferencedOnlyInPrivateGeneric {}
struct TypeReferencedOnlyByPrivateVar {}
struct TypeReferencedOnlyByPrivateClassVar {}