blob: de4da0ab9df565b0152833e52f17353b9c5f7f6c [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- IRBuilder.h - Swift IR Builder -------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines Swift's specialization of llvm::IRBuilder.
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "Address.h"
#include "IRGen.h"
namespace swift {
namespace irgen {
typedef llvm::IRBuilder<> IRBuilderBase;
class IRBuilder : public IRBuilderBase {
// Without this, it keeps resolving to llvm::IRBuilderBase because
// of the injected class name.
typedef irgen::IRBuilderBase IRBuilderBase;
/// The block containing the insertion point when the insertion
/// point was last cleared. Used only for preserving block
/// ordering.
llvm::BasicBlock *ClearedIP;
#ifndef NDEBUG
/// Whether debug information is requested. Only used in assertions.
bool DebugInfo;
// Set calling convention of the call instruction using
// the same calling convention as the callee function.
// This ensures that they are always compatible.
void setCallingConvUsingCallee(llvm::CallInst *Call) {
auto CalleeFn = Call->getCalledFunction();
if (CalleeFn) {
auto CC = CalleeFn->getCallingConv();
IRBuilder(llvm::LLVMContext &Context, bool DebugInfo)
: IRBuilderBase(Context), ClearedIP(nullptr)
#ifndef NDEBUG
, DebugInfo(DebugInfo)
/// Determines if the current location is apparently reachable. The
/// invariant we maintain is that the insertion point of the builder
/// always points within a block unless the current location is
/// logically unreachable. All the low-level routines which emit
/// branches leave the insertion point in the original block, just
/// after the branch. High-level routines may then indicate
/// unreachability by clearing the insertion point.
bool hasValidIP() const { return GetInsertBlock() != nullptr; }
/// Determines whether we're currently inserting after a terminator.
/// This is really just there for asserts.
bool hasPostTerminatorIP() const {
return GetInsertBlock() != nullptr &&
!GetInsertBlock()->empty() &&
void ClearInsertionPoint() {
assert(hasValidIP() && "clearing invalid insertion point!");
assert(ClearedIP == nullptr);
/// Whenever we clear the insertion point, remember where we were.
ClearedIP = GetInsertBlock();
void SetInsertPoint(llvm::BasicBlock *BB) {
ClearedIP = nullptr;
void SetInsertPoint(llvm::BasicBlock *BB, llvm::BasicBlock::iterator before) {
ClearedIP = nullptr;
IRBuilderBase::SetInsertPoint(BB, before);
/// A stable insertion point in the function. "Stable" means that
/// it will point to the same location in the function, even if
/// instructions are subsequently added to the current basic block.
class StableIP {
/// Either an instruction that we're inserting after or the basic
/// block that we're inserting at the beginning of.
typedef llvm::PointerUnion<llvm::Instruction*, llvm::BasicBlock*> UnionTy;
UnionTy After;
StableIP() = default;
explicit StableIP(const IRBuilder &Builder) {
if (!Builder.hasValidIP()) {
After = UnionTy();
llvm::BasicBlock *curBlock = Builder.GetInsertBlock();
assert(Builder.GetInsertPoint() == curBlock->end());
if (curBlock->empty())
After = curBlock;
After = &curBlock->back();
/// Does this stable IP point to a valid location?
bool isValid() const {
return !After.isNull();
/// Insert an unparented instruction at this insertion point.
/// Note that inserting multiple instructions at an IP will cause
/// them to end up in reverse order.
void insert(llvm::Instruction *I) {
assert(isValid() && "inserting at invalid location!");
assert(I->getParent() == nullptr);
if (auto *block = After.dyn_cast<llvm::BasicBlock*>()) {
} else {
llvm::Instruction *afterInsn = After.get<llvm::Instruction*>();
afterInsn->getIterator(), I);
// Support for being placed in pointer unions.
void *getOpaqueValue() const { return After.getOpaqueValue(); }
static StableIP getFromOpaqueValue(void *p) {
StableIP result;
result.After = UnionTy::getFromOpaqueValue(p);
return result;
enum { NumLowBitsAvailable
= llvm::PointerLikeTypeTraits<UnionTy>::NumLowBitsAvailable };
/// Capture a stable reference to the current IP.
StableIP getStableIP() const {
return StableIP(*this);
llvm::LoadInst *CreateLoad(llvm::Value *addr, Alignment align,
const llvm::Twine &name = "") {
llvm::LoadInst *load = IRBuilderBase::CreateLoad(addr, name);
return load;
llvm::LoadInst *CreateLoad(Address addr, const llvm::Twine &name = "") {
return CreateLoad(addr.getAddress(), addr.getAlignment(), name);
llvm::StoreInst *CreateStore(llvm::Value *value, llvm::Value *addr,
Alignment align) {
llvm::StoreInst *store = IRBuilderBase::CreateStore(value, addr);
return store;
llvm::StoreInst *CreateStore(llvm::Value *value, Address addr) {
return CreateStore(value, addr.getAddress(), addr.getAlignment());
// These are deleted because we want to force the caller to specify
// an alignment.
llvm::LoadInst *CreateLoad(llvm::Value *addr,
const llvm::Twine &name = "") = delete;
llvm::StoreInst *CreateStore(llvm::Value *value, llvm::Value *addr) = delete;
using IRBuilderBase::CreateStructGEP;
Address CreateStructGEP(Address address, unsigned index, Size offset,
const llvm::Twine &name = "") {
llvm::Value *addr = CreateStructGEP(
address.getType()->getElementType(), address.getAddress(),
index, name);
return Address(addr, address.getAlignment().alignmentAtOffset(offset));
Address CreateStructGEP(Address address, unsigned index,
const llvm::StructLayout *layout,
const llvm::Twine &name = "") {
Size offset = Size(layout->getElementOffset(index));
return CreateStructGEP(address, index, offset, name);
/// Given a pointer to an array element, GEP to the array element
/// N elements past it. The type is not changed.
Address CreateConstArrayGEP(Address base, unsigned index, Size eltSize,
const llvm::Twine &name = "") {
auto addr = CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_32(
base.getType()->getElementType(), base.getAddress(), index, name);
return Address(addr,
base.getAlignment().alignmentAtOffset(eltSize * index));
/// Given an i8*, GEP to N bytes past it.
Address CreateConstByteArrayGEP(Address base, Size offset,
const llvm::Twine &name = "") {
auto addr = CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_32(
base.getType()->getElementType(), base.getAddress(), offset.getValue(),
return Address(addr, base.getAlignment().alignmentAtOffset(offset));
using IRBuilderBase::CreateBitCast;
Address CreateBitCast(Address address, llvm::Type *type,
const llvm::Twine &name = "") {
llvm::Value *addr = CreateBitCast(address.getAddress(), type, name);
return Address(addr, address.getAlignment());
/// Cast the given address to be a pointer to the given element type,
/// preserving the original address space.
Address CreateElementBitCast(Address address, llvm::Type *type,
const llvm::Twine &name = "") {
// Do nothing if the type doesn't change.
auto origPtrType = address.getType();
if (origPtrType->getElementType() == type) return address;
// Otherwise, cast to a pointer to the correct type.
auto ptrType = type->getPointerTo(origPtrType->getAddressSpace());
return CreateBitCast(address, ptrType, name);
/// Insert the given basic block after the IP block and move the
/// insertion point to it. Only valid if the IP is valid.
void emitBlock(llvm::BasicBlock *BB);
using IRBuilderBase::CreateMemCpy;
llvm::CallInst *CreateMemCpy(Address dest, Address src, Size size) {
return CreateMemCpy(dest.getAddress(), src.getAddress(),
using IRBuilderBase::CreateLifetimeStart;
llvm::CallInst *CreateLifetimeStart(Address buf, Size size) {
return CreateLifetimeStart(buf.getAddress(),
llvm::ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(64, size.getValue())));
using IRBuilderBase::CreateLifetimeEnd;
llvm::CallInst *CreateLifetimeEnd(Address buf, Size size) {
return CreateLifetimeEnd(buf.getAddress(),
llvm::ConstantInt::get(Context, APInt(64, size.getValue())));
//using IRBuilderBase::CreateCall;
llvm::CallInst *CreateCall(llvm::Value *Callee, ArrayRef<llvm::Value *> Args,
const Twine &Name = "",
llvm::MDNode *FPMathTag = nullptr) {
// assert((!DebugInfo || getCurrentDebugLocation()) && "no debugloc on
// call");
auto Call = IRBuilderBase::CreateCall(Callee, Args, Name, FPMathTag);
return Call;
llvm::CallInst *CreateCall(llvm::FunctionType *FTy, llvm::Value *Callee,
ArrayRef<llvm::Value *> Args,
const Twine &Name = "",
llvm::MDNode *FPMathTag = nullptr) {
assert((!DebugInfo || getCurrentDebugLocation()) && "no debugloc on call");
auto Call = IRBuilderBase::CreateCall(FTy, Callee, Args, Name, FPMathTag);
return Call;
llvm::CallInst *CreateCall(llvm::Function *Callee,
ArrayRef<llvm::Value *> Args,
const Twine &Name = "",
llvm::MDNode *FPMathTag = nullptr) {
// assert((!DebugInfo || getCurrentDebugLocation()) && "no debugloc on
// call");
auto Call = IRBuilderBase::CreateCall(Callee, Args, Name, FPMathTag);
return Call;
} // end namespace irgen
} // end namespace swift
namespace llvm {
template <> class PointerLikeTypeTraits<swift::irgen::IRBuilder::StableIP> {
typedef swift::irgen::IRBuilder::StableIP type;
static void *getAsVoidPointer(type IP) {
return IP.getOpaqueValue();
static type getFromVoidPointer(void *p) {
return type::getFromOpaqueValue(p);
// The number of bits available are the min of the two pointer types.
enum {
NumLowBitsAvailable = type::NumLowBitsAvailable