blob: a370fb0d4697e1588c768926ef6ba7c9b2e7d4a0 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Demangler.h - String to Node-Tree Demangling -----------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file is the compiler-private API of the demangler.
// It should only be used within the swift compiler or runtime library, but not
// by external tools which use the demangler library (like lldb).
#include "swift/Demangling/Demangle.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace swift::Demangle;
using llvm::StringRef;
namespace swift {
namespace Demangle {
class CharVector;
/// The allocator for demangling nodes and other demangling-internal stuff.
/// It implements a simple bump-pointer allocator.
class NodeFactory {
/// Position in the current slab.
char *CurPtr = nullptr;
/// The end of the current slab.
char *End = nullptr;
struct Slab {
// The previously allocated slab.
Slab *Previous;
// Tail allocated memory starts here.
/// The head of the single-linked slab list.
Slab *CurrentSlab = nullptr;
/// The size of the previously allocated slab.
/// The slab size can only grow, even clear() does not reset the slab size.
/// This initial size is good enough to fit most de-manglings.
size_t SlabSize = 100 * sizeof(Node);
static char *align(char *Ptr, size_t Alignment) {
assert(Alignment > 0);
return (char*)(((uintptr_t)Ptr + Alignment - 1)
& ~((uintptr_t)Alignment - 1));
static void freeSlabs(Slab *slab);
NodeFactory() {
std::cerr << "## New NodeFactory " << this << "\n";
virtual ~NodeFactory() {
std::cerr << "Delete NodeFactory " << this << "\n";
virtual void clear();
/// Allocates an object of type T or an array of objects of type T.
template<typename T> T *Allocate(size_t NumObjects = 1) {
size_t ObjectSize = NumObjects * sizeof(T);
CurPtr = align(CurPtr, alignof(T));
std::cerr << " alloc " << ObjectSize << ", CurPtr = "
<< (void *)CurPtr << "\n";
// Do we have enough space in the current slab?
if (CurPtr + ObjectSize > End) {
// No. We have to malloc a new slab.
// We double the slab size for each allocated slab.
SlabSize = std::max(SlabSize * 2, ObjectSize + alignof(T));
size_t AllocSize = sizeof(Slab) + SlabSize;
Slab *newSlab = (Slab *)malloc(AllocSize);
// Insert the new slab in the single-linked list of slabs.
newSlab->Previous = CurrentSlab;
CurrentSlab = newSlab;
// Initialize the pointers to the new slab.
CurPtr = align((char *)(newSlab + 1), alignof(T));
End = (char *)newSlab + AllocSize;
assert(CurPtr + ObjectSize <= End);
std::cerr << " ** new slab " << newSlab << ", allocsize = "
<< AllocSize << ", CurPtr = " << (void *)CurPtr
<< ", End = " << (void *)End << "\n";
T *AllocatedObj = (T *)CurPtr;
CurPtr += ObjectSize;
return AllocatedObj;
/// Tries to enlarge the \p Capacity of an array of \p Objects.
/// If \p Objects is allocated at the end of the current slab and the slab
/// has enough free space, the \p Capacity is simply enlarged and no new
/// allocation needs to be done.
/// Otherwise a new array of objects is allocated and \p Objects is set to the
/// new memory address.
/// The \p Capacity is enlarged at least by \p MinGrowth, but can also be
/// enlarged by a bigger value.
template<typename T> void Reallocate(T *&Objects, size_t &Capacity,
size_t MinGrowth) {
size_t OldAllocSize = Capacity * sizeof(T);
size_t AdditionalAlloc = MinGrowth * sizeof(T);
std::cerr << " realloc " << Objects << ", num = " << NumObjects
<< " (size = " << OldAllocSize << "), Growth = " << Growth
<< " (size = " << AdditionalAlloc << ")\n";
if ((char *)Objects + OldAllocSize == CurPtr
&& CurPtr + AdditionalAlloc <= End) {
// The existing array is at the end of the current slab and there is
// enough space. So we are fine.
CurPtr += AdditionalAlloc;
Capacity += MinGrowth;
std::cerr << " ** can grow: CurPtr = " << (void *)CurPtr << "\n";
// We need a new allocation.
size_t Growth = (MinGrowth >= 4 ? MinGrowth : 4);
if (Growth < Capacity * 2)
Growth = Capacity * 2;
T *NewObjects = Allocate<T>(Capacity + Growth);
memcpy(NewObjects, Objects, OldAllocSize);
Objects = NewObjects;
Capacity += Growth;
/// Creates a node of kind \p K.
NodePointer createNode(Node::Kind K);
/// Creates a node of kind \p K with an \p Index payload.
NodePointer createNode(Node::Kind K, Node::IndexType Index);
/// Creates a node of kind \p K with a \p Text payload.
/// The \p Text string must be already allocated with the Factory and therefore
/// it is _not_ copied.
NodePointer createNodeWithAllocatedText(Node::Kind K, llvm::StringRef Text);
/// Creates a node of kind \p K with a \p Text payload.
/// The \p Text string is copied.
NodePointer createNode(Node::Kind K, llvm::StringRef Text) {
return createNodeWithAllocatedText(K, Text.copy(*this));
/// Creates a node of kind \p K with a \p Text payload.
/// The \p Text string is already allocated with the Factory and therefore
/// it is _not_ copied.
NodePointer createNode(Node::Kind K, const CharVector &Text);
/// Creates a node of kind \p K with a \p Text payload, which must be a C
/// string literal.
/// The \p Text string is _not_ copied.
NodePointer createNode(Node::Kind K, const char *Text);
/// A vector with a storage managed by a NodeFactory.
/// This Vector class only provides the minimal functionality needed by the
/// Demangler.
template<typename T> class Vector {
T *Elems = nullptr;
size_t NumElems = 0;
size_t Capacity = 0;
typedef T *iterator;
Vector() { }
/// Construct a vector with an initial capacity.
explicit Vector(NodeFactory &Factory, size_t InitialCapacity) {
init(Factory, InitialCapacity);
/// Clears the content and re-allocates the buffer with an initial capacity.
void init(NodeFactory &Factory, size_t InitialCapacity) {
Elems = Factory.Allocate<T>(InitialCapacity);
NumElems = 0;
Capacity = InitialCapacity;
void free() {
Capacity = 0;
Elems = 0;
iterator begin() { return Elems; }
iterator end() { return Elems + NumElems; }
T &operator[](size_t Idx) {
assert(Idx < NumElems);
return Elems[Idx];
const T &operator[](size_t Idx) const {
assert(Idx < NumElems);
return Elems[Idx];
size_t size() const { return NumElems; }
bool empty() const { return NumElems == 0; }
T &back() { return (*this)[NumElems - 1]; }
void push_back(const T &NewElem, NodeFactory &Factory) {
if (NumElems >= Capacity)
Factory.Reallocate(Elems, Capacity, /*Growth*/ 1);
assert(NumElems < Capacity);
Elems[NumElems++] = NewElem;
T pop_back_val() {
if (empty())
return T();
T Val = (*this)[NumElems - 1];
return Val;
/// A vector of chars (a string) with a storage managed by a NodeFactory.
/// This CharVector class only provides the minimal functionality needed by the
/// Demangler.
class CharVector : public Vector<char> {
// Append another string.
void append(StringRef Rhs, NodeFactory &Factory);
// Append an integer as readable number.
void append(int Number, NodeFactory &Factory);
StringRef str() const {
return StringRef(Elems, NumElems);
/// The demangler.
/// It de-mangles a string and it also owns the returned node-tree. This means
/// The nodes of the tree only live as long as the Demangler itself.
class Demangler : public NodeFactory {
StringRef Text;
size_t Pos = 0;
Vector<NodePointer> NodeStack;
Vector<NodePointer> Substitutions;
Vector<unsigned> PendingSubstitutions;
static const int MaxNumWords = 26;
StringRef Words[MaxNumWords];
int NumWords = 0;
bool nextIf(StringRef str) {
if (!Text.substr(Pos).startswith(str)) return false;
Pos += str.size();
return true;
char peekChar() {
if (Pos >= Text.size())
return 0;
return Text[Pos];
char nextChar() {
if (Pos >= Text.size())
return 0;
return Text[Pos++];
bool nextIf(char c) {
if (peekChar() != c)
return false;
return true;
void pushBack() {
assert(Pos > 0);
StringRef consumeAll() {
StringRef str = Text.drop_front(Pos);
Pos = Text.size();
return str;
void pushNode(NodePointer Nd) {
NodeStack.push_back(Nd, *this);
NodePointer popNode() {
return NodeStack.pop_back_val();
NodePointer popNode(Node::Kind kind) {
if (NodeStack.empty())
return nullptr;
Node::Kind NdKind = NodeStack.back()->getKind();
if (NdKind != kind)
return nullptr;
return popNode();
template <typename Pred> NodePointer popNode(Pred pred) {
if (NodeStack.empty())
return nullptr;
Node::Kind NdKind = NodeStack.back()->getKind();
if (!pred(NdKind))
return nullptr;
return popNode();
void init(StringRef MangledName);
void addSubstitution(NodePointer Nd) {
if (Nd)
Substitutions.push_back(Nd, *this);
NodePointer addChild(NodePointer Parent, NodePointer Child);
NodePointer createWithChild(Node::Kind kind, NodePointer Child);
NodePointer createType(NodePointer Child);
NodePointer createWithChildren(Node::Kind kind, NodePointer Child1,
NodePointer Child2);
NodePointer createWithChildren(Node::Kind kind, NodePointer Child1,
NodePointer Child2, NodePointer Child3);
NodePointer createWithPoppedType(Node::Kind kind) {
return createWithChild(kind, popNode(Node::Kind::Type));
bool parseAndPushNodes();
NodePointer changeKind(NodePointer Node, Node::Kind NewKind);
NodePointer demangleOperator();
int demangleNatural();
int demangleIndex();
NodePointer demangleIndexAsNode();
NodePointer demangleIdentifier();
NodePointer demangleOperatorIdentifier();
NodePointer demangleMultiSubstitutions();
NodePointer pushMultiSubstitutions(int RepeatCount, size_t SubstIdx);
NodePointer createSwiftType(Node::Kind typeKind, const char *name);
NodePointer demangleStandardSubstitution();
NodePointer createStandardSubstitution(char Subst);
NodePointer demangleLocalIdentifier();
NodePointer popModule();
NodePointer popContext();
NodePointer popTypeAndGetChild();
NodePointer popTypeAndGetNominal();
NodePointer demangleBuiltinType();
NodePointer demangleAnyGenericType(Node::Kind kind);
NodePointer demangleExtensionContext();
NodePointer demanglePlainFunction();
NodePointer popFunctionType(Node::Kind kind);
NodePointer popFunctionParams(Node::Kind kind);
NodePointer popTuple();
NodePointer popTypeList();
NodePointer popProtocol();
NodePointer demangleBoundGenericType();
NodePointer demangleBoundGenericArgs(NodePointer nominalType,
const Vector<NodePointer> &TypeLists,
size_t TypeListIdx);
NodePointer demangleInitializer();
NodePointer demangleImplParamConvention();
NodePointer demangleImplResultConvention(Node::Kind ConvKind);
NodePointer demangleImplFunctionType();
NodePointer demangleMetatype();
NodePointer createArchetypeRef(int depth, int i);
NodePointer demangleArchetype();
NodePointer demangleAssociatedTypeSimple(NodePointer GenericParamIdx);
NodePointer demangleAssociatedTypeCompound(NodePointer GenericParamIdx);
NodePointer popAssocTypeName();
NodePointer getDependentGenericParamType(int depth, int index);
NodePointer demangleGenericParamIndex();
NodePointer popProtocolConformance();
NodePointer demangleThunkOrSpecialization();
NodePointer demangleGenericSpecialization(Node::Kind SpecKind);
NodePointer demangleFunctionSpecialization();
NodePointer demangleFuncSpecParam(Node::IndexType ParamIdx);
NodePointer addFuncSpecParamNumber(NodePointer Param,
FunctionSigSpecializationParamKind Kind);
NodePointer demangleSpecAttributes(Node::Kind SpecKind,
bool demangleUniqueID = false);
NodePointer demangleWitness();
NodePointer demangleSpecialType();
NodePointer demangleMetatypeRepresentation();
NodePointer demangleFunctionEntity();
NodePointer demangleEntity(Node::Kind Kind);
NodePointer demangleProtocolList();
NodePointer demangleProtocolListType();
NodePointer demangleGenericSignature(bool hasParamCounts);
NodePointer demangleGenericRequirement();
NodePointer demangleGenericType();
NodePointer demangleValueWitness();
NodePointer demangleObjCTypeName();
void dump();
Demangler() {}
void clear() override;
/// Demangle the given symbol and return the parse tree.
/// \param MangledName The mangled symbol string, which start with the
/// mangling prefix _T0.
/// \returns A parse tree for the demangled string - or a null pointer
/// on failure.
/// The lifetime of the returned node tree ends with the lifetime of the
/// Demangler or with a call of clear().
NodePointer demangleSymbol(StringRef MangledName);
/// Demangle the given type and return the parse tree.
/// \param MangledName The mangled type string, which does _not_ start with
/// the mangling prefix _T0.
/// \returns A parse tree for the demangled string - or a null pointer
/// on failure.
/// The lifetime of the returned node tree ends with the lifetime of the
/// Demangler or with a call of clear().
NodePointer demangleType(StringRef MangledName);
NodePointer demangleOldSymbolAsNode(StringRef MangledName,
NodeFactory &Factory);
} // end namespace Demangle
} // end namespace swift