blob: 17ddcf0acc7c8dab8c85526aa0c34c0b67336336 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-sil %s | %FileCheck %s
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-sil %s | %target-sil-opt -assume-parsing-unqualified-ownership-sil -enable-sil-verify-all -module-name="SILDeclRef" - | %FileCheck %s
// Check that all SILDeclRefs are represented in the text form with a signature.
// This allows to avoid ambiguities which sometimes arise e.g. when a
// vtable or witness table contain multiple entries for a function with the same
// name but different signatures (like "foo" in the examples below).
// Check that SILParser can parse the new SIL syntax for SILDeclRefs by first
// producing the new syntax and then parsing it using sil-opt.
public protocol P {
func foo() -> Int32
func foo(n: Int32)
extension P {
func boo() -> Int32 {
return 1
public class Base : P {
public func foo() -> Int32 { return 2 }
public func foo(n: Int32) {}
public func foo(f: Float) -> Int32 { return 3 }
public class Derived1: Base {
override public func foo() -> Int32 { return 4 }
override public func foo(n: Int32) {}
override public func foo(f: Float) -> Int32 { return 5 }
public class Derived2: Base {
override public func foo() -> Int32 { return 6 }
override public func foo(n: Int32) {}
override public func foo(f: Float) -> Int32 { return 7 }
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @_T010SILDeclRef5testPs5Int32VAA1P_p1p_tF
// Check that witness_method contains SILDeclRefs with a signature.
// CHECK: witness_method $@opened({{.*}}) P,!1 : <Self where Self : P> (Self) -> () -> Int32, %{{.*}} : $*@opened({{.*}}) P : $@convention(witness_method) <τ_0_0 where τ_0_0 : P> (@in_guaranteed τ_0_0) -> Int32
public func testP(p: P) -> Int32 {
// Check that class_method contains SILDeclRefs with a signature.
// CHECK-LABEL:sil @_T010SILDeclRef8testBases5Int32VAA0D0C1b_tF
// CHECK: class_method %{{.*}} : $Base,!1 : (Base) -> (Float) -> Int32, $@convention(method) (Float, @guaranteed Base) -> Int32
public func testBase(b: Base) -> Int32 {
return 10)
// Check that vtables and witness tables contain SILDeclRefs with signatures.
// CHECK: sil_vtable Base {
// CHECK-NEXT:!1: (Base) -> () -> Int32 : _T010SILDeclRef4BaseC3foos5Int32VyF //
// CHECK-NEXT:!1: (Base) -> (Int32) -> () : _T010SILDeclRef4BaseC3fooys5Int32V1n_tF //
// CHECK-NEXT:!1: (Base) -> (Float) -> Int32 : _T010SILDeclRef4BaseC3foos5Int32VSf1f_tF //
// CHECK-NEXT: #Base.init!initializer.1: (Base.Type) -> () -> Base : _T010SILDeclRef4BaseCACycfc // Base.init()
// CHECK-NEXT: #Base.deinit!deallocator: _T010SILDeclRef4BaseCfD // Base.__deallocating_deinit
// CHECK:sil_witness_table [serialized] Base: P module SILDeclRef {
// CHECK-NEXT: method!1: <Self where Self : P> (Self) -> () -> Int32 : @_T010SILDeclRef4BaseCAA1PA2aDP3foos5Int32VyFTW // protocol witness for
// CHECK-NEXT: method!1: <Self where Self : P> (Self) -> (Int32) -> () : @_T010SILDeclRef4BaseCAA1PA2aDP3fooys5Int32V1n_tFTW // protocol witness for in conformance Base