blob: 89858d37843dad172a660a84d5788d9e52b6ec1a [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -enforce-exclusivity=checked -swift-version 4 -emit-sil -primary-file %s -o /dev/null -verify
import Swift
func takesTwoInouts<T>(_ p1: inout T, _ p2: inout T) { }
func simpleInoutDiagnostic() {
var i = 7
// FIXME: This diagnostic should be removed if static enforcement is
// turned on by default.
// expected-error@+4{{inout arguments are not allowed to alias each other}}
// expected-note@+3{{previous aliasing argument}}
// expected-error@+2{{simultaneous accesses to var 'i', but modification requires exclusive access; consider copying to a local variable}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
takesTwoInouts(&i, &i)
func inoutOnInoutParameter(p: inout Int) {
// expected-error@+4{{inout arguments are not allowed to alias each other}}
// expected-note@+3{{previous aliasing argument}}
// expected-error@+2{{simultaneous accesses to parameter 'p', but modification requires exclusive access; consider copying to a local variable}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
takesTwoInouts(&p, &p)
func swapNoSuppression(_ i: Int, _ j: Int) {
var a: [Int] = [1, 2, 3]
// expected-error@+2{{simultaneous accesses to var 'a', but modification requires exclusive access; consider copying to a local variable}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
swap(&a[i], &a[j]) // no-warning
class SomeClass { }
struct StructWithMutatingMethodThatTakesSelfInout {
var f = SomeClass()
mutating func mutate(_ other: inout StructWithMutatingMethodThatTakesSelfInout) { }
mutating func mutate(_ other: inout SomeClass) { }
mutating func callMutatingMethodThatTakesSelfInout() {
// expected-error@+4{{inout arguments are not allowed to alias each other}}
// expected-note@+3{{previous aliasing argument}}
// expected-error@+2{{simultaneous accesses to parameter 'self', but modification requires exclusive access; consider copying to a local variable}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
mutating func callMutatingMethodThatTakesSelfStoredPropInout() {
// expected-error@+2{{simultaneous accesses to parameter 'self', but modification requires exclusive access; consider copying to a local variable}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
var globalStruct1 = StructWithMutatingMethodThatTakesSelfInout()
func callMutatingMethodThatTakesGlobalStoredPropInout() {
// expected-error@+2{{simultaneous accesses to var 'globalStruct1', but modification requires exclusive access; consider copying to a local variable}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
class ClassWithFinalStoredProp {
final var s1: StructWithMutatingMethodThatTakesSelfInout = StructWithMutatingMethodThatTakesSelfInout()
final var s2: StructWithMutatingMethodThatTakesSelfInout = StructWithMutatingMethodThatTakesSelfInout()
func callMutatingMethodThatTakesClassStoredPropInout() {
s1.mutate(&s2.f) // no-warning
// expected-error@+2{{simultaneous accesses to var 's1', but modification requires exclusive access; consider copying to a local variable}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
let local1 = self
// expected-error@+2{{simultaneous accesses to var 's1', but modification requires exclusive access; consider copying to a local variable}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
func violationWithGenericType<T>(_ p: T) {
var local = p
// expected-error@+4{{inout arguments are not allowed to alias each other}}
// expected-note@+3{{previous aliasing argument}}
// expected-error@+2{{simultaneous accesses to var 'local', but modification requires exclusive access; consider copying to a local variable}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
takesTwoInouts(&local, &local)
// Helper.
struct StructWithTwoStoredProp {
var f1: Int
var f2: Int
// Take an unsafe pointer to a stored property while accessing another stored property.
func violationWithUnsafePointer(_ s: inout StructWithTwoStoredProp) {
// FIXME: This needs to be statically enforced.
withUnsafePointer(to: &s.f1) { (ptr) in
_ = s.f1
// FIXME: We may want to allow this case for known-layout stored properties.
withUnsafePointer(to: &s.f1) { (ptr) in
_ = s.f2
// Tests for Fix-Its to replace swap(&collection[a], &collection[b]) with
// collection.swapAt(a, b)
struct StructWithField {
var f = 12
struct StructWithFixits {
var arrayProp: [Int] = [1, 2, 3]
var dictionaryProp: [Int : Int] = [0 : 10, 1 : 11]
func shouldHaveFixIts<T>(_ i: Int, _ j: Int, _ param: T, _ paramIndex: T.Index) where T : MutableCollection {
var array1 = [1, 2, 3]
// expected-error@+2{{simultaneous accesses}}{{5-41=array1.swapAt(i + 5, j - 2)}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
swap(&array1[i + 5], &array1[j - 2])
// expected-error@+2{{simultaneous accesses}}{{5-49=self.arrayProp.swapAt(i, j)}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
swap(&self.arrayProp[i], &self.arrayProp[j])
var localOfGenericType = param
// expected-error@+2{{simultaneous accesses}}{{5-75=localOfGenericType.swapAt(paramIndex, paramIndex)}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
swap(&localOfGenericType[paramIndex], &localOfGenericType[paramIndex])
// expected-error@+2{{simultaneous accesses}}{{5-39=array1.swapAt(i, j)}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
Swift.swap(&array1[i], &array1[j]) // no-crash
func shouldHaveNoFixIts(_ i: Int, _ j: Int) {
var s = StructWithField()
// expected-error@+2{{simultaneous accesses}}{{none}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
swap(&s.f, &s.f)
var array1 = [1, 2, 3]
var array2 = [1, 2, 3]
// Swapping between different arrays should cannot have the
// Fix-It.
swap(&array1[i], &array2[j]) // no-warning no-fixit
swap(&array1[i], &self.arrayProp[j]) // no-warning no-fixit
// Dictionaries aren't MutableCollections so don't support swapAt().
// expected-error@+2{{simultaneous accesses}}{{none}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
swap(&dictionaryProp[i], &dictionaryProp[j])
// We could safely Fix-It this but don't now because the left and
// right bases are not textually identical.
// expected-error@+2{{simultaneous accesses}}{{none}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
swap(&self.arrayProp[i], &arrayProp[j])
// We could safely Fix-It this but we're not that heroic.
// We don't suppress when swap() is used as a value
let mySwap: (inout Int, inout Int) -> () = swap
// expected-error@+2{{simultaneous accesses}}{{none}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
mySwap(&array1[i], &array1[j])
func myOtherSwap<T>(_ a: inout T, _ b: inout T) {
swap(&a, &b) // no-warning
// expected-error@+2{{simultaneous accesses}}{{none}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
mySwap(&array1[i], &array1[j])