blob: b4743671b6e86b6c13091a9c0c563b7d4b066a5b [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- BigInt.swift -----------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// XFAIL: linux
// RUN: rm -rf %t ; mkdir -p %t
// RUN: %target-build-swift -swift-version 4 -o %t/a.out %s
// RUN: %target-run %t/a.out
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// REQUIRES: CPU=x86_64
import StdlibUnittest
import Darwin
extension FixedWidthInteger {
/// Returns the high and low parts of a potentially overflowing addition.
func addingFullWidth(_ other: Self) ->
(high: Self, low: Self) {
let sum = self.addingReportingOverflow(other)
return (sum.overflow == .overflow ? 1 : 0, sum.partialValue)
/// Returns the high and low parts of two seqeuential potentially overflowing
/// additions.
static func addingFullWidth(_ x: Self, _ y: Self, _ z: Self) ->
(high: Self, low: Self) {
let xy = x.addingReportingOverflow(y)
let xyz = xy.partialValue.addingReportingOverflow(z)
let high: Self = (xy.overflow == .overflow ? 1 : 0) +
(xyz.overflow == .overflow ? 1 : 0)
return (high, xyz.partialValue)
/// Returns a tuple containing the value that would be borrowed from a higher
/// place and the partial difference of this value and `rhs`.
func subtractingWithBorrow(_ rhs: Self) ->
(borrow: Self, partialValue: Self) {
let difference = subtractingReportingOverflow(rhs)
return (difference.overflow == .overflow ? 1 : 0, difference.partialValue)
/// Returns a tuple containing the value that would be borrowed from a higher
/// place and the partial value of `x` and `y` subtracted from this value.
func subtractingWithBorrow(_ x: Self, _ y: Self) ->
(borrow: Self, partialValue: Self) {
let firstDifference = subtractingReportingOverflow(x)
let secondDifference =
let borrow: Self = (firstDifference.overflow == .overflow ? 1 : 0) +
(secondDifference.overflow == .overflow ? 1 : 0)
return (borrow, secondDifference.partialValue)
//===--- BigInt -----------------------------------------------------------===//
/// A dynamically-sized signed integer.
/// The `_BigInt` type is fully generic on the size of its "word" -- the
/// `BigInt` alias uses the system's word-sized `UInt` as its word type, but
/// any word size should work properly.
public struct _BigInt<Word: FixedWidthInteger & UnsignedInteger> :
BinaryInteger, SignedInteger, CustomStringConvertible,
where Word.Magnitude == Word
/// The binary representation of the value's magnitude, with the least
/// significant word at index `0`.
/// - `_data` has no trailing zero elements
/// - If `self == 0`, then `isNegative == false` and `_data == []`
internal var _data: [Word] = []
/// A Boolean value indicating whether this instance is negative.
public private(set) var isNegative = false
/// A Boolean value indicating whether this instance is equal to zero.
public var isZero: Bool {
return _data.count == 0
//===--- Numeric initializers -------------------------------------------===//
/// Creates a new instance equal to zero.
public init() { }
/// Creates a new instance using `_data` as the data collection.
init<C: Collection>(_ _data: C) where C.Iterator.Element == Word {
self._data = Array(_data)
public init(integerLiteral value: Int) {
public init<T : BinaryInteger>(_ source: T) {
var source = source
if source < 0 as T {
if source.bitWidth <= UInt64.bitWidth {
let sourceMag = Int(extendingOrTruncating: source).magnitude
self = _BigInt(sourceMag)
self.isNegative = true
} else {
// Have to kind of assume that we're working with another BigInt here
self.isNegative = true
source *= -1
// FIXME: This is broken on 32-bit arch w/ Word = UInt64
let wordRatio = UInt.bitWidth / Word.bitWidth
_sanityCheck(wordRatio != 0)
for i in 0..<source.countRepresentedWords {
var sourceWord = source._word(at: i)
for _ in 0..<wordRatio {
_data.append(Word(extendingOrTruncating: sourceWord))
sourceWord >>= Word.bitWidth
public init?<T : BinaryInteger>(exactly source: T) {
public init<T : BinaryInteger>(extendingOrTruncating source: T) {
public init<T : BinaryInteger>(clamping source: T) {
public init<T : FloatingPoint>(_ source: T) {
fatalError("Not implemented")
public init?<T : FloatingPoint>(exactly source: T) {
fatalError("Not implemented")
/// Returns a randomly-generated word.
static func _randomWord() -> Word {
// This handles up to a 64-bit word
if Word.bitWidth > UInt32.bitWidth {
return Word(arc4random()) << 32 | Word(arc4random())
} else {
return Word(extendingOrTruncating: arc4random())
/// Creates a new instance whose magnitude has `randomBits` bits of random
/// data. The sign of the new value is randomly selected.
public init(randomBits: Int) {
let (words, extraBits) =
randomBits.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: Word.bitWidth)
// Get the bits for any full words.
self._data = (0..<words).map({ _ in _BigInt._randomWord() })
// Get another random number - the highest bit will determine the sign,
// while the lower `Word.bitWidth - 1` bits are available for any leftover
// bits in `randomBits`.
let word = _BigInt._randomWord()
if extraBits != 0 {
let mask = ~((~0 as Word) << Word(extraBits))
_data.append(word & mask)
isNegative = word & ~(~0 >> 1) == 0
//===--- Private methods ------------------------------------------------===//
/// Standardizes this instance after mutation, removing trailing zeros
/// and making sure zero is nonnegative. Calling this method satisfies the
/// two invariants.
mutating func _standardize(source: String = #function) {
defer { _checkInvariants(source: source + " >> _standardize()") }
while _data.last == 0 {
// Zero is never negative.
isNegative = isNegative && _data.count != 0
/// Checks and asserts on invariants -- all invariants must be satisfied
/// at the end of every mutating method.
/// - `_data` has no trailing zero elements
/// - If `self == 0`, then `isNegative == false`
func _checkInvariants(source: String = #function) {
if _data.count == 0 {
assert(isNegative == false,
"\(source): isNegative with zero length _data")
assert(_data.last != 0, "\(source): extra zeroes on _data")
//===--- Word-based arithmetic ------------------------------------------===//
mutating func _unsignedAdd(_ rhs: Word) {
defer { _standardize() }
// Quick return if `rhs == 0`
guard rhs != 0 else { return }
// Quick return if `self == 0`
if isZero {
// Add `rhs` to the first word, catching any carry.
var carry: Word
(carry, _data[0]) = _data[0].addingFullWidth(rhs)
// Handle any additional carries
for i in 1..<_data.count {
// No more action needed if there's nothing to carry
if carry == 0 { break }
(carry, _data[i]) = _data[i].addingFullWidth(carry)
// If there's any carry left, add it now
if carry != 0 {
/// Subtracts `rhs` from this instance, ignoring the sign.
/// - Precondition: `rhs <= self.magnitude`
mutating func _unsignedSubtract(_ rhs: Word) {
_precondition(_data.count > 1 || _data[0] > rhs)
// Quick return if `rhs == 0`
guard rhs != 0 else { return }
// If `isZero == true`, then `rhs` must also be zero.
var carry: Word
(carry, _data[0]) = _data[0].subtractingWithBorrow(rhs)
for i in 1..<_data.count {
// No more action needed if there's nothing to carry
if carry == 0 { break }
(carry, _data[i]) = _data[i].subtractingWithBorrow(carry)
_sanityCheck(carry == 0)
/// Adds `rhs` to this instance.
mutating func add(_ rhs: Word) {
if isNegative {
// If _data only contains one word and `rhs` is greater, swap them,
// make self positive and continue with unsigned subtraction.
var rhs = rhs
if _data.count == 1 && _data[0] < rhs {
swap(&rhs, &_data[0])
isNegative = false
} else { // positive or zero
/// Subtracts `rhs` from this instance.
mutating func subtract(_ rhs: Word) {
guard rhs != 0 else { return }
if isNegative {
} else if isZero {
isNegative = true
} else {
var rhs = rhs
if _data.count == 1 && _data[0] < rhs {
swap(&rhs, &_data[0])
isNegative = true
/// Multiplies this instance by `rhs`.
mutating func multiply(by rhs: Word) {
// If either `self` or `rhs` is zero, the result is zero.
guard !isZero && rhs != 0 else {
self = 0
// If `rhs` is a power of two, can just left shift `self`.
let rhsLSB = rhs.trailingZeroBitCount
if rhs >> rhsLSB == 1 {
self <<= rhsLSB
var carry: Word = 0
for i in 0..<_data.count {
let product = _data[i].multipliedFullWidth(by: rhs)
(carry, _data[i]) = product.low.addingFullWidth(carry)
carry = carry &+ product.high
// Add the leftover carry
if carry != 0 {
/// Divides this instance by `rhs`, returning the remainder.
mutating func divide(by rhs: Word) -> Word {
_precondition(rhs != 0, "divide by zero")
// No-op if `rhs == 1` or `self == 0`.
if rhs == 1 || isZero {
return 0
// If `rhs` is a power of two, can just right shift `self`.
let rhsLSB = rhs.trailingZeroBitCount
if rhs >> rhsLSB == 1 {
defer { self >>= rhsLSB }
return _data[0] & ~(~0 << rhsLSB)
var carry: Word = 0
for i in (0..<_data.count).reversed() {
let lhs = (high: carry, low: _data[i])
(_data[i], carry) = rhs.dividingFullWidth(lhs)
return carry
//===--- Numeric --------------------------------------------------------===//
public typealias Magnitude = _BigInt
public var magnitude: _BigInt {
var result = self
result.isNegative = false
return result
/// Adds `rhs` to this instance, ignoring any signs.
mutating func _unsignedAdd(_ rhs: _BigInt) {
defer { _checkInvariants() }
let commonCount = Swift.min(_data.count, rhs._data.count)
let maxCount = Swift.max(_data.count, rhs._data.count)
// Add the words up to the common count, carrying any overflows
var carry: Word = 0
for i in 0..<commonCount {
(carry, _data[i]) = Word.addingFullWidth(_data[i], rhs._data[i], carry)
// If there are leftover words in `self`, just need to handle any carries
if _data.count > rhs._data.count {
for i in commonCount..<maxCount {
// No more action needed if there's nothing to carry
if carry == 0 { break }
(carry, _data[i]) = _data[i].addingFullWidth(carry)
// If there are leftover words in `rhs`, need to copy to `self` with carries
} else if _data.count < rhs._data.count {
for i in commonCount..<maxCount {
// Append remaining words if nothing to carry
if carry == 0 {
_data.append(contentsOf: rhs._data.suffix(from: i))
let sum: Word
(carry, sum) = rhs._data[i].addingFullWidth(carry)
// If there's any carry left, add it now
if carry != 0 {
/// Subtracts `rhs` from this instance, ignoring the sign.
/// - Precondition: `rhs.magnitude <= self.magnitude` (unchecked)
/// - Precondition: `rhs._data.count <= self._data.count`
mutating func _unsignedSubtract(_ rhs: _BigInt) {
_precondition(rhs._data.count <= _data.count)
var carry: Word = 0
for i in 0..<rhs._data.count {
(carry, _data[i]) = _data[i].subtractingWithBorrow(rhs._data[i], carry)
for i in rhs._data.count..<_data.count {
// No more action needed if there's nothing to carry
if carry == 0 { break }
(carry, _data[i]) = _data[i].subtractingWithBorrow(carry)
_sanityCheck(carry == 0)
public static func +=(lhs: inout _BigInt, rhs: _BigInt) {
defer { lhs._checkInvariants() }
if lhs.isNegative == rhs.isNegative {
} else {
lhs -= -rhs
public static func -=(lhs: inout _BigInt, rhs: _BigInt) {
defer { lhs._checkInvariants() }
// Subtracting something of the opposite sign just adds magnitude.
guard lhs.isNegative == rhs.isNegative else {
// Comare `lhs` and `rhs` so we can use `_unsignedSubtract` to subtract
// the smaller magnitude from the larger magnitude.
switch lhs._compareMagnitude(to: rhs) {
case .equal:
lhs = 0
case .greaterThan:
case .lessThan:
// x - y == -y + x == -(y - x)
var result = rhs
result.isNegative = !lhs.isNegative
lhs = result
public static func *=(lhs: inout _BigInt, rhs: _BigInt) {
// If either `lhs` or `rhs` is zero, the result is zero.
guard !lhs.isZero && !rhs.isZero else {
lhs = 0
var newData: [Word] = Array(repeating: 0,
count: lhs._data.count + rhs._data.count)
let (a, b) = lhs._data.count > rhs._data.count
? (lhs._data, rhs._data)
: (rhs._data, lhs._data)
_sanityCheck(a.count >= b.count)
var carry: Word = 0
for ai in 0..<a.count {
carry = 0
for bi in 0..<b.count {
// Each iteration needs to perform this operation:
// newData[ai + bi] += (a[ai] * b[bi]) + carry
// However, `a[ai] * b[bi]` produces a double-width result, and both
// additions can overflow to a higher word. The following two lines
// capture the low word of the multiplication and additions in
// `newData[ai + bi]` and any addition overflow in `carry`.
let product = a[ai].multipliedFullWidth(by: b[bi])
(carry, newData[ai + bi]) = Word.addingFullWidth(
newData[ai + bi], product.low, carry)
// Now we combine the high word of the multiplication with any addition
// overflow. It is safe to add `product.high` and `carry` here without
// checking for overflow, because if `product.high == .max - 1`, then
// `carry <= 1`. Otherwise, `carry <= 2`.
// Worst-case (aka 9 + 9*9 + 9):
// newData a[ai] b[bi] carry
// 0b11111111 + (0b11111111 * 0b11111111) + 0b11111111
// 0b11111111 + (0b11111110_____00000001) + 0b11111111
// (0b11111111_____00000000) + 0b11111111
// (0b11111111_____11111111)
// Second-worse case:
// 0b11111111 + (0b11111111 * 0b11111110) + 0b11111111
// 0b11111111 + (0b11111101_____00000010) + 0b11111111
// (0b11111110_____00000001) + 0b11111111
// (0b11111111_____00000000)
product.high.addingReportingOverflow(carry).overflow == .none)
carry = product.high &+ carry
// Leftover `carry` is inserted in new highest word.
_sanityCheck(newData[ai + b.count] == 0)
newData[ai + b.count] = carry
lhs._data = newData
lhs.isNegative = lhs.isNegative != rhs.isNegative
/// Divides this instance by `rhs`, returning the remainder.
mutating func _internalDivide(by rhs: _BigInt) -> _BigInt {
_precondition(!rhs.isZero, "Divided by zero")
defer { _checkInvariants() }
// Handle quick cases that don't require division:
// If `abs(self) < abs(rhs)`, the result is zero, remainder = self
// If `abs(self) == abs(rhs)`, the result is 1 or -1, remainder = 0
switch _compareMagnitude(to: rhs) {
case .lessThan:
defer { self = 0 }
return self
case .equal:
self = isNegative != rhs.isNegative ? -1 : 1
return 0
var tempSelf = self.magnitude
let n = tempSelf.bitWidth - rhs.magnitude.bitWidth
var quotient: _BigInt = 0
var tempRHS = rhs.magnitude << n
var tempQuotient: _BigInt = 1 << n
for _ in (0...n).reversed() {
if tempRHS._compareMagnitude(to: tempSelf) != .greaterThan {
tempSelf -= tempRHS
quotient += tempQuotient
tempRHS >>= 1
tempQuotient >>= 1
// `tempSelf` is the remainder - match sign of original `self`
tempSelf.isNegative = self.isNegative
quotient.isNegative = isNegative != rhs.isNegative
self = quotient
return tempSelf
public static func /=(lhs: inout _BigInt, rhs: _BigInt) {
lhs._internalDivide(by: rhs)
// FIXME: Remove once default implementations are provided:
public static func +(_ lhs: _BigInt, _ rhs: _BigInt) -> _BigInt {
var lhs = lhs
lhs += rhs
return lhs
public static func -(_ lhs: _BigInt, _ rhs: _BigInt) -> _BigInt {
var lhs = lhs
lhs -= rhs
return lhs
public static func *(_ lhs: _BigInt, _ rhs: _BigInt) -> _BigInt {
var lhs = lhs
lhs *= rhs
return lhs
public static func /(_ lhs: _BigInt, _ rhs: _BigInt) -> _BigInt {
var lhs = lhs
lhs /= rhs
return lhs
public static func %(_ lhs: _BigInt, _ rhs: _BigInt) -> _BigInt {
var lhs = lhs
lhs %= rhs
return lhs
//===--- BinaryInteger --------------------------------------------------===//
/// Creates a new instance using the given data array in two's complement
/// representation.
init(_twosComplementData: [Word]) {
guard _twosComplementData.count > 0 else {
self = 0
// Is the highest bit set?
isNegative = _twosComplementData.last!.leadingZeroBitCount == 0
if isNegative {
_data =
self._unsignedAdd(1 as Word)
} else {
_data = _twosComplementData
/// Returns an array of the value's data using two's complement representation.
func _dataAsTwosComplement() -> [Word] {
// Special cases:
// * Nonnegative values are already in 2's complement
if !isNegative {
// Positive values need to have a leading zero bit
if _data.last?.leadingZeroBitCount == 0 {
return _data + [0]
} else {
return _data
// * -1 will get zeroed out below, easier to handle here
if _data.count == 1 && _data.first == 1 { return [~0] }
var x = self
x._unsignedSubtract(1 as Word)
if x._data.last!.leadingZeroBitCount == 0 {
// The highest bit is set to 1, which moves to 0 after negation.
// We need to add another word at the high end so the highest bit is 1.
return + [Word.max]
} else {
// The highest bit is set to 0, which moves to 1 after negation.
public func _word(at n: Int) -> UInt {
let ratio = UInt.bitWidth / Word.bitWidth
_sanityCheck(ratio != 0)
var twosComplementData = _dataAsTwosComplement()
// Find beginning of range. If we're beyond the value, return 1s or 0s.
let start = n * ratio
if start >= twosComplementData.count {
return isNegative ? UInt.max : 0
// Find end of range. If the range extends beyond the representation,
// add bits to the end.
let end = (n + 1) * ratio
if end > twosComplementData.count {
repeatElement(isNegative ? Word.max : 0,
count: end - twosComplementData.count))
// Build the correct word from the range determined above.
let wordSlice = twosComplementData[start..<end]
var result: UInt = 0
for v in wordSlice.reversed() {
result <<= Word.bitWidth
result |= UInt(extendingOrTruncating: v)
return result
/// The number of bits used for storage of this value. Always a multiple of
/// `Word.bitWidth`.
public var bitWidth: Int {
if isZero {
return 0
} else {
let twosComplementData = _dataAsTwosComplement()
// If negative, it's okay to have 1s padded on high end
if isNegative {
return twosComplementData.count * Word.bitWidth
// If positive, need to make space for at least one zero on high end
return twosComplementData.count * Word.bitWidth
- twosComplementData.last!.leadingZeroBitCount + 1
/// The number of sequential zeros in the least-significant position of this
/// value's binary representation.
/// The numbers 1 and zero have zero trailing zeros.
public var trailingZeroBitCount: Int {
guard !isZero else {
return 0
let i = _data.index(where: { $0 != 0 })!
_sanityCheck(_data[i] != 0)
return i * Word.bitWidth + _data[i].trailingZeroBitCount
public static func %=(lhs: inout _BigInt, rhs: _BigInt) {
defer { lhs._checkInvariants() }
lhs = lhs._internalDivide(by: rhs)
public func quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy rhs: _BigInt) ->
(_BigInt, _BigInt)
var x = self
let r = x._internalDivide(by: rhs)
return (x, r)
public static func &=(lhs: inout _BigInt, rhs: _BigInt) {
var lhsTemp = lhs._dataAsTwosComplement()
let rhsTemp = rhs._dataAsTwosComplement()
// If `lhs` is longer than `rhs`, behavior depends on sign of `rhs`
// * If `rhs < 0`, length is extended with 1s
// * If `rhs >= 0`, length is extended with 0s, which crops `lhsTemp`
if lhsTemp.count > rhsTemp.count && !rhs.isNegative {
lhsTemp.removeLast(lhsTemp.count - rhsTemp.count)
// If `rhs` is longer than `lhs`, behavior depends on sign of `lhs`
// * If `lhs < 0`, length is extended with 1s, so `lhs` should get extra
// bits from `rhs`
// * If `lhs >= 0`, length is extended with 0s
if lhsTemp.count < rhsTemp.count && lhs.isNegative {
lhsTemp.append(contentsOf: rhsTemp[lhsTemp.count..<rhsTemp.count])
// Perform bitwise & on words that both `lhs` and `rhs` have.
for i in 0..<Swift.min(lhsTemp.count, rhsTemp.count) {
lhsTemp[i] &= rhsTemp[i]
lhs = _BigInt(_twosComplementData: lhsTemp)
public static func |=(lhs: inout _BigInt, rhs: _BigInt) {
var lhsTemp = lhs._dataAsTwosComplement()
let rhsTemp = rhs._dataAsTwosComplement()
// If `lhs` is longer than `rhs`, behavior depends on sign of `rhs`
// * If `rhs < 0`, length is extended with 1s, so those bits of `lhs`
// should all be 1
// * If `rhs >= 0`, length is extended with 0s, which is a no-op
if lhsTemp.count > rhsTemp.count && rhs.isNegative {
with: repeatElement(Word.max, count: lhsTemp.count - rhsTemp.count))
// If `rhs` is longer than `lhs`, behavior depends on sign of `lhs`
// * If `lhs < 0`, length is extended with 1s, so those bits of lhs
// should all be 1
// * If `lhs >= 0`, length is extended with 0s, so those bits should be
// copied from rhs
if lhsTemp.count < rhsTemp.count {
if lhs.isNegative {
repeatElement(Word.max, count: rhsTemp.count - lhsTemp.count))
} else {
lhsTemp.append(contentsOf: rhsTemp[lhsTemp.count..<rhsTemp.count])
// Perform bitwise | on words that both `lhs` and `rhs` have.
for i in 0..<Swift.min(lhsTemp.count, rhsTemp.count) {
lhsTemp[i] |= rhsTemp[i]
lhs = _BigInt(_twosComplementData: lhsTemp)
public static func ^=(lhs: inout _BigInt, rhs: _BigInt) {
var lhsTemp = lhs._dataAsTwosComplement()
let rhsTemp = rhs._dataAsTwosComplement()
// If `lhs` is longer than `rhs`, behavior depends on sign of `rhs`
// * If `rhs < 0`, length is extended with 1s, so those bits of `lhs`
// should all be flipped
// * If `rhs >= 0`, length is extended with 0s, which is a no-op
if lhsTemp.count > rhsTemp.count && rhs.isNegative {
for i in rhsTemp.count..<lhsTemp.count {
lhsTemp[i] = ~lhsTemp[i]
// If `rhs` is longer than `lhs`, behavior depends on sign of `lhs`
// * If `lhs < 0`, length is extended with 1s, so those bits of `lhs`
// should all be flipped copies of `rhs`
// * If `lhs >= 0`, length is extended with 0s, so those bits should
// be copied from rhs
if lhsTemp.count < rhsTemp.count {
if lhs.isNegative {
lhsTemp += rhsTemp.suffix(from: lhsTemp.count).map(~)
} else {
lhsTemp.append(contentsOf: rhsTemp[lhsTemp.count..<rhsTemp.count])
// Perform bitwise ^ on words that both `lhs` and `rhs` have.
for i in 0..<Swift.min(lhsTemp.count, rhsTemp.count) {
lhsTemp[i] ^= rhsTemp[i]
lhs = _BigInt(_twosComplementData: lhsTemp)
public static prefix func ~(x: _BigInt) -> _BigInt {
return -x - 1
//===--- SignedNumeric --------------------------------------------------===//
public static prefix func -(x: inout _BigInt) {
defer { x._checkInvariants() }
guard x._data.count > 0 else { return }
x.isNegative = !x.isNegative
//===--- Strideable -----------------------------------------------------===//
public func distance(to other: _BigInt) -> _BigInt {
return other - self
public func advanced(by n: _BigInt) -> _BigInt {
return self + n
//===--- Other arithmetic -----------------------------------------------===//
/// Returns the greatest common divisor for this value and `other`.
public func greatestCommonDivisor(with other: _BigInt) -> _BigInt {
// Quick return if either is zero
if other.isZero {
return magnitude
if isZero {
return other.magnitude
var (x, y) = (self.magnitude, other.magnitude)
let (xLSB, yLSB) = (x.trailingZeroBitCount, y.trailingZeroBitCount)
// Remove any common factor of two
let commonPower = Swift.min(xLSB, yLSB)
x >>= commonPower
y >>= commonPower
// Remove any remaining factor of two
if xLSB != commonPower {
x >>= xLSB - commonPower
if yLSB != commonPower {
y >>= yLSB - commonPower
while !x.isZero {
// Swap values to ensure that `x >= y`.
if x._compareMagnitude(to: y) == .lessThan {
swap(&x, &y)
// Subtract smaller and remove any factors of two
x >>= x.trailingZeroBitCount
// Add original common factor of two back into result
y <<= commonPower
return y
/// Returns the lowest common multiple for this value and `other`.
public func lowestCommonMultiple(with other: _BigInt) -> _BigInt {
let gcd = greatestCommonDivisor(with: other)
if _compareMagnitude(to: other) == .lessThan {
return ((self / gcd) * other).magnitude
} else {
return ((other / gcd) * self).magnitude
//===--- String methods ------------------------------------------------===//
/// Creates a new instance from the given string.
/// - Parameters:
/// - source: The string to parse for the new instance's value. If a
/// character in `source` is not in the range `0...9` or `a...z`, case
/// insensitive, or is not less than `radix`, the result is `nil`.
/// - radix: The radix to use when parsing `source`. `radix` must be in the
/// range `2...36`. The default is `10`.
public init?(_ source: String, radix: Int = 10) {
assert(2...36 ~= radix, "radix must be in range 2...36")
let radix = Word(radix)
func valueForCodeUnit(_ unit: Unicode.UTF16.CodeUnit) -> Word? {
switch unit {
// "0"..."9"
case 48...57: return Word(unit - 48)
// "a"..."z"
case 97...122: return Word(unit - 87)
// "A"..."Z"
case 65...90: return Word(unit - 55)
// invalid character
default: return nil
var source = source
// Check for a single prefixing hyphen
let negative = source.hasPrefix("-")
if negative {
source = String(source.characters.dropFirst())
// Loop through characters, multiplying
for v in {
// Character must be valid and less than radix
guard let v = v else { return nil }
guard v < radix else { return nil }
self.multiply(by: radix)
self.isNegative = negative
/// Returns a string representation of this instance.
/// - Parameters:
/// - radix: The radix to use when converting this instance to a string.
/// The value passed as `radix` must be in the range `2...36`. The
/// default is `10`.
/// - lowercase: Whether to use lowercase letters to represent digits
/// greater than 10. The default is `true`.
public func toString(radix: Int = 10, lowercase: Bool = true) -> String {
assert(2...36 ~= radix, "radix must be in range 2...36")
let digitsStart = ("0" as Unicode.Scalar).value
let lettersStart = ((lowercase ? "a" : "A") as Unicode.Scalar).value - 10
func toLetter(_ x: UInt32) -> Unicode.Scalar {
return x < 10
? Unicode.Scalar(digitsStart + x)!
: Unicode.Scalar(lettersStart + x)!
let radix = _BigInt(radix)
var result: [Unicode.Scalar] = []
var x = self.magnitude
while !x.isZero {
let remainder: _BigInt
(x, remainder) = x.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: radix)
let sign = isNegative ? "-" : ""
let rest = result.count == 0
? "0"
: String(String.UnicodeScalarView(result.reversed()))
return sign + rest
public var description: String {
return decimalString
public var debugDescription: String {
return "_BigInt(\(hexString), words: \(_data.count))"
/// A string representation of this instance's value in base 2.
public var binaryString: String {
return toString(radix: 2)
/// A string representation of this instance's value in base 10.
public var decimalString: String {
return toString(radix: 10)
/// A string representation of this instance's value in base 16.
public var hexString: String {
return toString(radix: 16, lowercase: false)
/// A string representation of this instance's value in base 36.
public var compactString: String {
return toString(radix: 36, lowercase: false)
//===--- Comparable -----------------------------------------------------===//
enum _ComparisonResult {
case lessThan, equal, greaterThan
/// Returns whether this instance is less than, greather than, or equal to
/// the given value.
func _compare(to rhs: _BigInt) -> _ComparisonResult {
// Negative values are less than positive values
guard isNegative == rhs.isNegative else {
return isNegative ? .lessThan : .greaterThan
switch _compareMagnitude(to: rhs) {
case .equal:
return .equal
case .lessThan:
return isNegative ? .greaterThan : .lessThan
case .greaterThan:
return isNegative ? .lessThan : .greaterThan
/// Returns whether the magnitude of this instance is less than, greather
/// than, or equal to the magnitude of the given value.
func _compareMagnitude(to rhs: _BigInt) -> _ComparisonResult {
guard _data.count == rhs._data.count else {
return _data.count < rhs._data.count ? .lessThan : .greaterThan
// Equal number of words: compare from most significant word
for i in (0..<_data.count).reversed() {
if _data[i] < rhs._data[i] { return .lessThan }
if _data[i] > rhs._data[i] { return .greaterThan }
return .equal
public static func ==(lhs: _BigInt, rhs: _BigInt) -> Bool {
return lhs._compare(to: rhs) == .equal
public static func < (lhs: _BigInt, rhs: _BigInt) -> Bool {
return lhs._compare(to: rhs) == .lessThan
//===--- Hashable -------------------------------------------------------===//
public var hashValue: Int {
#if arch(i386) || arch(arm)
let p: UInt = 16777619
let h: UInt = (2166136261 &* p) ^ (isNegative ? 1 : 0)
#elseif arch(x86_64) || arch(arm64) || arch(powerpc64) || arch(powerpc64le) || arch(s390x)
let p: UInt = 1099511628211
let h: UInt = (14695981039346656037 &* p) ^ (isNegative ? 1 : 0)
return Int(bitPattern: _data.reduce(h, { ($0 &* p) ^ UInt($1) }))
//===--- Bit shifting operators -----------------------------------------===//
static func _shiftLeft(_ data: inout [Word], byWords words: Int) {
guard words > 0 else { return }
data.insert(contentsOf: repeatElement(0, count: words), at: 0)
static func _shiftRight(_ data: inout [Word], byWords words: Int) {
guard words > 0 else { return }
data.removeFirst(Swift.min(data.count, words))
public static func <<=(lhs: inout _BigInt, rhs: Int) {
defer { lhs._checkInvariants() }
guard rhs != 0 else { return }
guard rhs > 0 else {
lhs >>= -rhs
// We can add `rhs / bits` extra words full of zero at the low end.
let extraWords = rhs / Word.bitWidth
lhs._data.reserveCapacity(lhs._data.count + extraWords + 1)
_BigInt._shiftLeft(&lhs._data, byWords: extraWords)
// Each existing word will need to be shifted left by `rhs % bits`.
// For each pair of words, we'll use the high `offset` bits of the
// lower word and the low `Word.bitWidth - offset` bits of the higher
// word.
let highOffset = rhs % Word.bitWidth
let lowOffset = Word.bitWidth - highOffset
// If there's no offset, we're finished, as `rhs` was a multiple of
// `Word.bitWidth`.
guard highOffset != 0 else { return }
// Add new word at the end, then shift everything left by `offset` bits.
for i in ((extraWords + 1)..<lhs._data.count).reversed() {
lhs._data[i] = lhs._data[i] << highOffset
| lhs._data[i - 1] >> lowOffset
// Finally, shift the lowest word.
lhs._data[extraWords] = lhs._data[extraWords] << highOffset
public static func >>=(lhs: inout _BigInt, rhs: Int) {
defer { lhs._checkInvariants() }
guard rhs != 0 else { return }
guard rhs > 0 else {
lhs <<= -rhs
var tempData = lhs._dataAsTwosComplement()
// We can remove `rhs / bits` full words at the low end.
// If that removes the entirety of `_data`, we're done.
let wordsToRemove = rhs / Word.bitWidth
_BigInt._shiftRight(&tempData, byWords: wordsToRemove)
guard tempData.count != 0 else {
lhs = lhs.isNegative ? -1 : 0
// Each existing word will need to be shifted right by `rhs % bits`.
// For each pair of words, we'll use the low `offset` bits of the
// higher word and the high `_BigInt.Word.bitWidth - offset` bits of
// the lower word.
let lowOffset = rhs % Word.bitWidth
let highOffset = Word.bitWidth - lowOffset
// If there's no offset, we're finished, as `rhs` was a multiple of
// `Word.bitWidth`.
guard lowOffset != 0 else {
lhs = _BigInt(_twosComplementData: tempData)
// Shift everything right by `offset` bits.
for i in 0..<(tempData.count - 1) {
tempData[i] = tempData[i] >> lowOffset |
tempData[i + 1] << highOffset
// Finally, shift the highest word and standardize the result.
tempData[tempData.count - 1] >>= lowOffset
lhs = _BigInt(_twosComplementData: tempData)
public static func <<(lhs: _BigInt, rhs: Int) -> _BigInt {
var lhs = lhs
lhs <<= rhs
return lhs
public static func >>(lhs: _BigInt, rhs: Int) -> _BigInt {
var lhs = lhs
lhs >>= rhs
return lhs
//===--- Bit --------------------------------------------------------------===//
/// A one-bit fixed width integer.
struct Bit : FixedWidthInteger, UnsignedInteger {
typealias Magnitude = Bit
var value: UInt8 = 0
// Initializers
init(integerLiteral value: Int) {
self = Bit(value)
init(bigEndian value: Bit) {
self = value
init(littleEndian value: Bit) {
self = value
init?<T: FloatingPoint>(exactly source: T) {
switch source {
case T(0): value = 0
case T(1): value = 1
return nil
init<T: FloatingPoint>(_ source: T) {
self = Bit(exactly: source.rounded(.down))!
init<T: BinaryInteger>(_ source: T) {
switch source {
case 0: value = 0
case 1: value = 1
fatalError("Can't represent \(source) as a Bit")
init<T: BinaryInteger>(extendingOrTruncating source: T) {
value = UInt8(source & 1)
init(_truncatingBits bits: UInt) {
value = UInt8(bits & 1)
init<T: BinaryInteger>(clamping source: T) {
value = source >= 1 ? 1 : 0
// FixedWidthInteger, BinaryInteger
static var bitWidth: Int {
return 1
var bitWidth: Int {
return 1
var trailingZeroBitCount: Int {
return value.trailingZeroBitCount
static var max: Bit {
return 1
static var min: Bit {
return 0
static var isSigned: Bool {
return false
var nonzeroBitCount: Int {
return value.nonzeroBitCount
var leadingZeroBitCount: Int {
return value.nonzeroBitCount - 7
var bigEndian: Bit {
return self
var littleEndian: Bit {
return self
var byteSwapped: Bit {
return self
func _word(at n: Int) -> UInt {
return UInt(value)
// Hashable, CustomStringConvertible
var hashValue: Int {
return Int(value)
var description: String {
return "\(value)"
// Arithmetic Operations / Operators
func _checkOverflow(_ v: UInt8) -> ArithmeticOverflow {
let mask: UInt8 = ~0 << 1
return v & mask == 0 ? .none : .overflow
func addingReportingOverflow(_ rhs: Bit) ->
(partialValue: Bit, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
let result = value &+ rhs.value
return (Bit(result & 1), _checkOverflow(result))
func subtractingReportingOverflow(_ rhs: Bit) ->
(partialValue: Bit, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
let result = value &- rhs.value
return (Bit(result & 1), _checkOverflow(result))
func multipliedReportingOverflow(by rhs: Bit) ->
(partialValue: Bit, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
let result = value &* rhs.value
return (Bit(result), .none)
func dividedReportingOverflow(by rhs: Bit) ->
(partialValue: Bit, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
return rhs == 0 ? (self, .none) : (self, .overflow)
func remainderReportingOverflow(dividingBy rhs: Bit) ->
(partialValue: Bit, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow) {
static func +=(lhs: inout Bit, rhs: Bit) {
let result = lhs.addingReportingOverflow(rhs)
assert(result.overflow == .none, "Addition overflow")
lhs = result.partialValue
static func -=(lhs: inout Bit, rhs: Bit) {
let result = lhs.subtractingReportingOverflow(rhs)
assert(result.overflow == .none, "Subtraction overflow")
lhs = result.partialValue
static func *=(lhs: inout Bit, rhs: Bit) {
let result = lhs.multipliedReportingOverflow(by: rhs)
assert(result.overflow == .none, "Multiplication overflow")
lhs = result.partialValue
static func /=(lhs: inout Bit, rhs: Bit) {
let result = lhs.dividedReportingOverflow(by: rhs)
assert(result.overflow == .none, "Division overflow")
lhs = result.partialValue
static func %=(lhs: inout Bit, rhs: Bit) {
assert(rhs != 0, "Modulo sum overflow")
lhs.value = 0 // No remainders with bit division!
func multipliedFullWidth(by other: Bit) -> (high: Bit, low: Bit) {
return (0, self * other)
func dividingFullWidth(_ dividend: (high: Bit, low: Bit)) ->
(quotient: Bit, remainder: Bit) {
assert(self != 0, "Division overflow")
assert(dividend.high == 0, "Quotient overflow")
return (dividend.low, 0)
// FIXME: Remove once default implementations are provided:
public static func +(_ lhs: Bit, _ rhs: Bit) -> Bit {
var lhs = lhs
lhs += rhs
return lhs
public static func -(_ lhs: Bit, _ rhs: Bit) -> Bit {
var lhs = lhs
lhs -= rhs
return lhs
public static func *(_ lhs: Bit, _ rhs: Bit) -> Bit {
var lhs = lhs
lhs *= rhs
return lhs
public static func /(_ lhs: Bit, _ rhs: Bit) -> Bit {
var lhs = lhs
lhs /= rhs
return lhs
public static func %(_ lhs: Bit, _ rhs: Bit) -> Bit {
var lhs = lhs
lhs %= rhs
return lhs
// Bitwise operators
static prefix func ~(x: Bit) -> Bit {
return Bit(~x.value & 1)
// Why doesn't the type checker complain about these being missing?
static func &=(lhs: inout Bit, rhs: Bit) {
lhs.value &= rhs.value
static func |=(lhs: inout Bit, rhs: Bit) {
lhs.value |= rhs.value
static func ^=(lhs: inout Bit, rhs: Bit) {
lhs.value ^= rhs.value
static func ==(lhs: Bit, rhs: Bit) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
static func <(lhs: Bit, rhs: Bit) -> Bool {
return lhs.value < rhs.value
static func <<(lhs: Bit, rhs: Bit) -> Bit {
return rhs == 0 ? lhs : 0
static func >>(lhs: Bit, rhs: Bit) -> Bit {
return rhs == 0 ? lhs : 0
static func <<=(lhs: inout Bit, rhs: Bit) {
if rhs != 0 {
lhs = 0
static func >>=(lhs: inout Bit, rhs: Bit) {
if rhs != 0 {
lhs = 0
//===--- Tests ------------------------------------------------------------===//
typealias BigInt = _BigInt<UInt>
typealias BigInt8 = _BigInt<UInt8>
typealias BigIntBit = _BigInt<Bit>
func testBinaryInit<T: BinaryInteger>(_ x: T) -> BigInt {
return BigInt(x)
func randomBitLength() -> Int {
return Int(arc4random_uniform(1000) + 2)
var BitTests = TestSuite("Bit")
BitTests.test("Basics") {
let x = Bit.max
let y = Bit.min
expectTrue(x == 1 as Int)
expectTrue(y == 0 as Int)
expectTrue(x < Int.max)
expectGT(x, y)
expectEqual(x, x)
expectEqual(x, x ^ 0)
expectGT(x, x & 0)
expectEqual(x, x | 0)
expectLT(y, y | 1)
expectEqual(x, ~y)
expectEqual(y, ~x)
expectEqual(x, x + y)
expectGT(x, x &+ x)
var BigIntTests = TestSuite("BigInt")
BigIntTests.test("Initialization") {
let x = testBinaryInit(1_000_000 as Int)
expectEqual(x._data[0], 1_000_000)
let y = testBinaryInit(1_000 as UInt16)
expectEqual(y._data[0], 1_000)
let z = testBinaryInit(-1_000_000 as Int)
expectEqual(z._data[0], 1_000_000)
let z6 = testBinaryInit(z * z * z * z * z * z)
expectEqual(z6._data, [12919594847110692864, 54210108624275221])
BigIntTests.test("Identity/Fixed point") {
let x = BigInt(repeatElement(UInt.max, count: 20))
let y = -x
expectEqual(x / x, 1)
expectEqual(x / y, -1)
expectEqual(y / x, -1)
expectEqual(y / y, 1)
expectEqual(x % x, 0)
expectEqual(x % y, 0)
expectEqual(y % x, 0)
expectEqual(y % y, 0)
expectEqual(x * 1, x)
expectEqual(y * 1, y)
expectEqual(x * -1, y)
expectEqual(y * -1, x)
expectEqual(-x, y)
expectEqual(-y, x)
expectEqual(x + 0, x)
expectEqual(y + 0, y)
expectEqual(x - 0, x)
expectEqual(y - 0, y)
expectEqual(x - x, 0)
expectEqual(y - y, 0)
BigIntTests.test("Max arithmetic") {
let x = BigInt(repeatElement(UInt.max, count: 50))
let y = BigInt(repeatElement(UInt.max, count: 35))
let (q, r) = x.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: y)
expectEqual(q * y + r, x)
expectEqual(q * y, x - r)
BigIntTests.test("Zero arithmetic") {
let zero: BigInt = 0
let x: BigInt = 1
expectTrue((x - x).isZero)
expectFalse((x - x).isNegative)
let y: BigInt = -1
expectTrue((y - y).isZero)
expectFalse((y - y).isNegative)
expectEqual(x * zero, zero)
_ = x / zero
BigIntTests.test("Conformances") {
// Comparable
let x = BigInt(Int.max)
let y = x * x * x * x * x
expectLT(y, y + 1)
expectGT(y, y - 1)
expectGT(y, 0)
let z = -y
expectLT(z, z + 1)
expectGT(z, z - 1)
expectLT(z, 0)
expectEqual(-z, y)
expectEqual(y + z, 0)
// Hashable
expectNotEqual(x.hashValue, y.hashValue)
expectNotEqual(y.hashValue, z.hashValue)
let set = Set([x, y, z])
BigIntTests.test("BinaryInteger interop") {
let x: BigInt = 100
let xComp = UInt8(x)
expectTrue(x == xComp)
expectTrue(x < xComp + 1)
expectFalse(xComp + 1 < x)
let y: BigInt = -100
let yComp = Int8(y)
expectTrue(y == yComp)
expectTrue(y < yComp + (1 as Int8))
expectFalse(yComp + (1 as Int8) < y)
// should be: expectTrue(y < yComp + 1), but:
// warning: '+' is deprecated: Mixed-type addition is deprecated.
// Please use explicit type conversion.
let zComp = Int.min + 1
let z = BigInt(zComp)
expectTrue(z == zComp)
expectTrue(zComp == z)
expectFalse(zComp + 1 < z)
expectTrue(z < zComp + 1)
let w = BigInt(UInt.max)
let wComp = UInt(extendingOrTruncating: w)
expectTrue(w == wComp)
expectTrue(wComp == w)
expectTrue(wComp - (1 as UInt) < w)
expectFalse(w < wComp - (1 as UInt))
// should be:
// expectTrue(wComp - 1 < w)
// expectTrue(w > wComp - 1)
// but crashes at runtime
BigIntTests.test("Huge") {
let x = BigInt(randomBits: 1_000_000)
expectGT(x, x - 1)
let y = -x
expectGT(y, y - 1)
BigIntTests.test("Numeric").forEach(in: [
{ strings in
let x = BigInt(strings.0, radix: 36)!
let y = BigInt(strings.1, radix: 36)!
let q = BigInt(strings.2, radix: 36)!
let r = BigInt(strings.3, radix: 36)!
let (testQ, testR) = x.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: y)
expectEqual(testQ, q)
expectEqual(testR, r)
expectEqual(x, y * q + r)
BigIntTests.test("Strings") {
let x = BigInt("-3UNIZHA6PAL30Y", radix: 36)!
expectEqual(x.binaryString, "-1000111001110110011101001110000001011001110110011011110011000010010010")
expectEqual(x.decimalString, "-656993338084259999890")
expectEqual(x.hexString, "-239D9D3816766F3092")
expectEqual(x.compactString, "-3UNIZHA6PAL30Y")
expectTrue(BigInt("12345") == 12345)
expectTrue(BigInt("-12345") == -12345)
expectTrue(BigInt("-3UNIZHA6PAL30Y", radix: 10) == nil)
expectTrue(BigInt("---") == nil)
expectTrue(BigInt(" 123") == nil)
BigIntTests.test("Randomized arithmetic").forEach(in: Array(1...10)) { _ in
// Test x == (x / y) * x + (x % y)
let (x, y) = (
BigInt(randomBits: randomBitLength()),
BigInt(randomBits: randomBitLength()))
if !y.isZero {
let (q, r) = x.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: y)
expectEqual(q * y + r, x)
expectEqual(q * y, x - r)
// Test (x0 + y0)(x1 + y1) == x0x1 + x0y1 + y0x1 + y0y1
let (x0, y0, x1, y1) = (
BigInt(randomBits: randomBitLength()),
BigInt(randomBits: randomBitLength()),
BigInt(randomBits: randomBitLength()),
BigInt(randomBits: randomBitLength()))
let r1 = (x0 + y0) * (x1 + y1)
let r2 = ((x0 * x1) + (x0 * y1), (y0 * x1) + (y0 * y1))
expectEqual(r1, r2.0 + r2.1)
var BigInt8Tests = TestSuite("BigInt<UInt8>")
BigInt8Tests.test("BinaryInteger interop") {
let x: BigInt8 = 100
let xComp = UInt8(x)
expectTrue(x == xComp)
expectTrue(x < xComp + 1)
expectFalse(xComp + 1 < x)
let y: BigInt8 = -100
let yComp = Int8(y)
expectTrue(y == yComp)
expectTrue(y < yComp + (1 as Int8))
expectFalse(yComp + (1 as Int8) < y)
let zComp = Int.min + 1
let z = BigInt8(zComp)
expectTrue(z == zComp)
expectTrue(zComp == z)
expectFalse(zComp + 1 < z)
expectTrue(z < zComp + 1)
let w = BigInt8(UInt.max)
let wComp = UInt(extendingOrTruncating: w)
expectTrue(w == wComp)
expectTrue(wComp == w)
expectTrue(wComp - (1 as UInt) < w)
expectFalse(w < wComp - (1 as UInt))
BigInt8Tests.test("Randomized arithmetic").forEach(in: Array(1...10)) { _ in
// Test x == (x / y) * x + (x % y)
let (x, y) = (
BigInt8(randomBits: randomBitLength()),
BigInt8(randomBits: randomBitLength()))
if !y.isZero {
let (q, r) = x.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: y)
expectEqual(q * y + r, x)
expectEqual(q * y, x - r)
// Test (x0 + y0)(x1 + y1) == x0x1 + x0y1 + y0x1 + y0y1
let (x0, y0, x1, y1) = (
BigInt8(randomBits: randomBitLength()),
BigInt8(randomBits: randomBitLength()),
BigInt8(randomBits: randomBitLength()),
BigInt8(randomBits: randomBitLength()))
let r1 = (x0 + y0) * (x1 + y1)
let r2 = ((x0 * x1) + (x0 * y1), (y0 * x1) + (y0 * y1))
expectEqual(r1, r2.0 + r2.1)
BigInt8Tests.test("Bitshift") {
expectEqual(BigInt8(255) << 1, 510)
expectTrue(BigInt(UInt32.max) << 16 == UInt(UInt32.max) << 16)
var (x, y) = (1 as BigInt, 1 as UInt)
for i in 0..<64 { // don't test 64-bit shift, UInt64 << 64 == 0
expectTrue(x << i == y << i)
(x, y) = (BigInt(UInt.max), UInt.max)
for i in 0...64 { // test 64-bit shift, should both be zero
expectTrue(x >> i == y >> i)
x = BigInt(-1)
let z = -1 as Int
for i in 0..<64 {
expectTrue(x << i == z << i)
BigInt8Tests.test("Bitwise").forEach(in: [
BigInt8(Int.max - 2),
{ value in
for x in [value, -value] {
expectTrue(x | 0 == x)
expectTrue(x & 0 == 0)
expectTrue(x & ~0 == x)
expectTrue(x ^ 0 == x)
expectTrue(x ^ ~0 == ~x)
expectTrue(x == BigInt8(Int(extendingOrTruncating: x)))
expectTrue(~x == BigInt8(~Int(extendingOrTruncating: x)))
var BigIntBitTests = TestSuite("BigInt<Bit>")
BigIntBitTests.test("Randomized arithmetic").forEach(in: Array(1...10)) { _ in
// Test x == (x / y) * x + (x % y)
let (x, y) = (
BigIntBit(randomBits: randomBitLength() % 100),
BigIntBit(randomBits: randomBitLength() % 100))
if !y.isZero {
let (q, r) = x.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: y)
expectEqual(q * y + r, x)
expectEqual(q * y, x - r)
// Test (x0 + y0)(x1 + y1) == x0x1 + x0y1 + y0x1 + y0y1
let (x0, y0, x1, y1) = (
BigIntBit(randomBits: randomBitLength() % 100),
BigIntBit(randomBits: randomBitLength() % 100),
BigIntBit(randomBits: randomBitLength() % 100),
BigIntBit(randomBits: randomBitLength() % 100))
let r1 = (x0 + y0) * (x1 + y1)
let r2 = ((x0 * x1) + (x0 * y1), (y0 * x1) + (y0 * y1))
expectEqual(r1, r2.0 + r2.1)
BigIntBitTests.test("Conformances") {
// Comparable
let x = BigIntBit(Int.max)
let y = x * x * x * x * x
expectLT(y, y + 1)
expectGT(y, y - 1)
expectGT(y, 0)
let z = -y
expectLT(z, z + 1)
expectGT(z, z - 1)
expectLT(z, 0)
expectEqual(-z, y)
expectEqual(y + z, 0)
// Hashable
expectNotEqual(x.hashValue, y.hashValue)
expectNotEqual(y.hashValue, z.hashValue)
let set = Set([x, y, z])