blob: 4bb44295749187c6ffe5001dde468511432e85f5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- GenKeyPath.cpp - IRGen support for key path objects --------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file contains code for emitting key path patterns, which can be used
// by the standard library to instantiate key path objects.
#include "ConstantBuilder.h"
#include "Explosion.h"
#include "GenClass.h"
#include "GenMeta.h"
#include "GenStruct.h"
#include "GenericRequirement.h"
#include "IRGenDebugInfo.h"
#include "IRGenFunction.h"
#include "IRGenModule.h"
#include "ProtocolInfo.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILLocation.h"
#include "swift/SIL/TypeLowering.h"
#include "swift/ABI/KeyPath.h"
#include "swift/ABI/HeapObject.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticEngine.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsIRGen.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericEnvironment.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace irgen;
llvm::Constant *
IRGenModule::getAddrOfKeyPathPattern(KeyPathPattern *pattern,
SILLocation diagLoc) {
// See if we already emitted this.
auto found = KeyPathPatterns.find(pattern);
if (found != KeyPathPatterns.end())
return found->second;
// Gather type arguments from the root and leaf types of the key path.
auto rootTy = pattern->getRootType();
auto valueTy = pattern->getValueType();
// Check for parameterization, whether by subscript indexes or by the generic
// environment. If there isn't any, we can instantiate the pattern in-place.
bool isInstantiableInPlace = pattern->getNumOperands() == 0
&& !pattern->getGenericSignature();
// Collect the required parameters for the keypath's generic environment.
SmallVector<GenericRequirement, 4> requirements;
GenericEnvironment *genericEnv = nullptr;
if (auto sig = pattern->getGenericSignature()) {
genericEnv = sig->createGenericEnvironment(*getSwiftModule());
[&](GenericRequirement reqt) { requirements.push_back(reqt); });
/// Generate a metadata accessor that produces metadata for the given type
/// using arguments from the generic context of the key path.
auto emitMetadataGenerator = [&](CanType type) -> llvm::Function * {
// TODO: Use the standard metadata accessor when there are no arguments
// and the metadata accessor is defined.
// Build a stub that loads the necessary bindings from the key path's
// argument buffer then fetches the metadata.
auto fnTy = llvm::FunctionType::get(TypeMetadataPtrTy,
{Int8PtrTy}, /*vararg*/ false);
auto accessorThunk = llvm::Function::Create(fnTy,
"keypath_get_type", getModule());
IRGenFunction IGF(*this, accessorThunk);
if (DebugInfo)
DebugInfo->emitArtificialFunction(IGF, accessorThunk);
if (type->hasTypeParameter()) {
auto bindingsBufPtr = IGF.collectParameters().claimNext();
bindFromGenericRequirementsBuffer(IGF, requirements,
Address(bindingsBufPtr, getPointerAlignment()),
[&](CanType t) {
if (!genericEnv)
return t;
return genericEnv->mapTypeIntoContext(t)->getCanonicalType();
type = genericEnv->mapTypeIntoContext(type)->getCanonicalType();
auto ret = IGF.emitTypeMetadataRef(type);
return accessorThunk;
// Start building the key path pattern.
ConstantInitBuilder builder(*this);
ConstantStructBuilder fields = builder.beginStruct();
// Add a zero-initialized header we can use for lazy initialization.
fields.add(llvm::ConstantInt::get(SizeTy, 0));
#ifndef NDEBUG
auto startOfObject = fields.getNextOffsetFromGlobal();
// Store references to metadata generator functions to generate the metadata
// for the root and leaf. These sit in the "isa" and object header parts of
// the final object.
// TODO: 32-bit still has a padding word
if (SizeTy == Int32Ty) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
auto endOfObjectHeader = fields.getNextOffsetFromGlobal();
unsigned expectedObjectHeaderSize;
if (SizeTy == Int64Ty)
expectedObjectHeaderSize = SWIFT_ABI_HEAP_OBJECT_HEADER_SIZE_64;
else if (SizeTy == Int32Ty)
expectedObjectHeaderSize = SWIFT_ABI_HEAP_OBJECT_HEADER_SIZE_32;
llvm_unreachable("unexpected pointer size");
assert((endOfObjectHeader - startOfObject).getValue()
== expectedObjectHeaderSize
&& "key path pattern header size doesn't match heap object header size");
// Add a pointer to the ObjC KVC compatibility string, if there is one, or
// null otherwise.
llvm::Constant *objcString;
if (!pattern->getObjCString().empty()) {
objcString = getAddrOfGlobalString(pattern->getObjCString());
} else {
objcString = llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(Int8PtrTy);
// Leave a placeholder for the buffer header, since we need to know the full
// buffer size to fill it in.
auto headerPlaceholder = fields.addPlaceholderWithSize(Int32Ty);
auto startOfKeyPathBuffer = fields.getNextOffsetFromGlobal();
// Build out the components.
auto baseTy = rootTy;
auto getPropertyOffsetOrIndirectOffset
= [&](SILType loweredBaseTy, VarDecl *property)
-> std::pair<llvm::Constant*, bool> {
llvm::Constant *offset;
bool isResolved;
bool isStruct;
if (loweredBaseTy.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct()) {
offset = emitPhysicalStructMemberFixedOffset(*this,
isStruct = true;
} else if (loweredBaseTy.getClassOrBoundGenericClass()) {
offset = tryEmitConstantClassFragilePhysicalMemberOffset(*this,
isStruct = false;
} else {
llvm_unreachable("property of non-struct, non-class?!");
// If the offset isn't fixed, try instead to get the field offset vector
// offset for the field to look it up dynamically.
isResolved = offset != nullptr;
if (!isResolved) {
if (isStruct) {
offset = emitPhysicalStructMemberOffsetOfFieldOffset(
*this, loweredBaseTy, property);
assert(offset && "field is neither fixed-offset nor in offset vector");
} else {
auto offsetValue = getClassFieldOffset(*this,
offset = llvm::ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, offsetValue.getValue());
return {offset, isResolved};
for (unsigned i : indices(pattern->getComponents())) {
SILType loweredBaseTy;
Lowering::GenericContextScope scope(getSILTypes(),
loweredBaseTy = getLoweredType(AbstractionPattern::getOpaque(),
auto &component = pattern->getComponents()[i];
switch (auto kind = component.getKind()) {
case KeyPathPatternComponent::Kind::StoredProperty: {
// Try to get a constant offset if we can.
auto property = cast<VarDecl>(component.getStoredPropertyDecl());
llvm::Constant *offset;
bool isResolved;
std::tie(offset, isResolved)
= getPropertyOffsetOrIndirectOffset(loweredBaseTy, property);
offset = llvm::ConstantExpr::getTruncOrBitCast(offset, Int32Ty);
bool isStruct = (bool)loweredBaseTy.getStructOrBoundGenericStruct();
// If the projection is a statically known integer, try to pack it into
// the key path payload.
if (isResolved) {
if (auto offsetInt = dyn_cast_or_null<llvm::ConstantInt>(offset)) {
auto offsetValue = offsetInt->getValue().getZExtValue();
if (KeyPathComponentHeader::offsetCanBeInline(offsetValue)) {
auto header = isStruct
? KeyPathComponentHeader::forStructComponentWithInlineOffset(offsetValue)
: KeyPathComponentHeader::forClassComponentWithInlineOffset(offsetValue);
auto header = isStruct
? KeyPathComponentHeader::forStructComponentWithOutOfLineOffset()
: KeyPathComponentHeader::forClassComponentWithOutOfLineOffset();
} else {
// Otherwise, stash the offset of the field offset within the metadata
// object, so we can pull it out at instantiation time.
// TODO: We'll also need a way to handle resilient field offsets, once
// field offset vectors no longer cover all fields in the type.
KeyPathComponentHeader header = isStruct
? KeyPathComponentHeader::forStructComponentWithUnresolvedOffset()
: KeyPathComponentHeader::forClassComponentWithUnresolvedOffset();
case KeyPathPatternComponent::Kind::GettableProperty:
case KeyPathPatternComponent::Kind::SettableProperty: {
// Encode the settability.
bool settable = kind == KeyPathPatternComponent::Kind::SettableProperty;
KeyPathComponentHeader::ComputedPropertyKind componentKind;
if (settable) {
componentKind = component.isComputedSettablePropertyMutating()
? KeyPathComponentHeader::SettableMutating
: KeyPathComponentHeader::SettableNonmutating;
} else {
componentKind = KeyPathComponentHeader::GetOnly;
// Lower the id reference.
auto id = component.getComputedPropertyId();
KeyPathComponentHeader::ComputedPropertyIDKind idKind;
llvm::Constant *idValue;
bool idResolved;
switch (id.getKind()) {
case KeyPathPatternComponent::ComputedPropertyId::Function:
idKind = KeyPathComponentHeader::Pointer;
idValue = getAddrOfSILFunction(id.getFunction(), NotForDefinition);
idResolved = true;
case KeyPathPatternComponent::ComputedPropertyId::DeclRef: {
auto declRef = id.getDeclRef();
// Foreign method refs identify using a selector
// reference, which is doubly-indirected and filled in with a unique
// pointer by dyld.
if (declRef.isForeign) {
assert(ObjCInterop && "foreign keypath component w/o objc interop?!");
idKind = KeyPathComponentHeader::Pointer;
idValue = getAddrOfObjCSelectorRef(declRef);
idResolved = false;
} else {
idKind = KeyPathComponentHeader::VTableOffset;
auto dc = declRef.getDecl()->getDeclContext();
if (isa<ClassDecl>(dc)) {
auto index = getVirtualMethodIndex(*this, declRef);
idValue = llvm::ConstantInt::get(SizeTy, index);
idResolved = true;
} else if (auto methodProto = dyn_cast<ProtocolDecl>(dc)) {
auto &protoInfo = getProtocolInfo(methodProto);
auto index = protoInfo.getFunctionIndex(
idValue = llvm::ConstantInt::get(SizeTy, -index.getValue());
idResolved = true;
} else {
llvm_unreachable("neither a class nor protocol dynamic method?");
case KeyPathPatternComponent::ComputedPropertyId::Property:
idKind = KeyPathComponentHeader::StoredPropertyOffset;
std::tie(idValue, idResolved) =
getPropertyOffsetOrIndirectOffset(loweredBaseTy, id.getProperty());
idValue = llvm::ConstantExpr::getZExtOrBitCast(idValue, SizeTy);
auto header = KeyPathComponentHeader::forComputedProperty(componentKind,
idKind, !isInstantiableInPlace, idResolved);
if (isInstantiableInPlace) {
// No generic arguments, so we can invoke the getter/setter as is.
if (settable)
} else {
// If there's generic context (TODO: or subscript indexes), embed as
// arguments in the component. Thunk the SIL-level accessors to give the
// runtime implementation a polymorphically-callable interface.
"generic computed key paths");
return llvm::UndefValue::get(Int8PtrTy);
// For all but the last component, we pack in the type of the component.
if (i + 1 != pattern->getComponents().size()) {
baseTy = component.getComponentType();
// Save the total size of the buffer.
Size componentSize = fields.getNextOffsetFromGlobal()
- startOfKeyPathBuffer;
// We now have enough info to build the header.
KeyPathBufferHeader header(componentSize.getValue(), isInstantiableInPlace,
/*reference prefix*/ false);
// Add the header, followed by the components.
llvm::ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, header.getData()));
// Create the global variable.
// TODO: The pattern could be immutable if
// it isn't instantiable in place, and if we made the type metadata accessor
// references private, it could go in true-const memory.
auto patternVar = fields.finishAndCreateGlobal("keypath",
/*constant*/ false,
KeyPathPatterns.insert({pattern, patternVar});
return patternVar;