blob: 037b0b8392d66e590d37924d5a12a0d1ebf9480d [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- GenFunc.cpp - Swift IR Generation for Function Types -------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements IR generation for function types in Swift. This
// includes creating the IR type as well as capturing variables and
// performing calls.
// Swift supports three representations of functions:
// - thin, which are just a function pointer;
// - thick, which are a pair of a function pointer and
// an optional ref-counted opaque context pointer; and
// - block, which match the Apple blocks extension: a ref-counted
// pointer to a mostly-opaque structure with the function pointer
// stored at a fixed offset.
// The order of function parameters is as follows:
// - indirect return pointer
// - block context parameter, if applicable
// - expanded formal parameter types
// - implicit generic parameters
// - thick context parameter, if applicable
// - error result out-parameter, if applicable
// - witness_method generic parameters, if applicable
// The context and error parameters are last because they are
// optional: we'd like to be able to turn a thin function into a
// thick function, or a non-throwing function into a throwing one,
// without adding a thunk. A thick context parameter is required
// (but can be passed undef) if an error result is required.
// The additional generic parameters for witness methods follow the
// same logic: we'd like to be able to use non-generic method
// implementations directly as protocol witnesses if the rest of the
// ABI matches up.
// Note that some of this business with context parameters and error
// results is just IR formalism; on most of our targets, both of
// these are passed in registers. This is also why passing them
// as the final argument isn't bad for performance.
// For now, function pointer types are always stored as opaque
// pointers in LLVM IR; using a well-typed function type is
// very challenging because of issues with recursive type expansion,
// which can potentially introduce infinite types. For example:
// struct A {
// var fn: (A) -> ()
// }
// Our CC lowering expands the fields of A into the argument list
// of A.fn, which is necessarily infinite. Attempting to use better
// types when not in a situation like this would just make the
// compiler complacent, leading to a long tail of undiscovered
// crashes. So instead we always store as i8* and require the
// bitcast whenever we change representations.
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTWalker.h"
#include "swift/AST/Builtins.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/IRGenOptions.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/Pattern.h"
#include "swift/AST/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "swift/AST/SubstitutionMap.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "clang/CodeGen/CodeGenABITypes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
#include "llvm/ProfileData/InstrProf.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "ConstantBuilder.h"
#include "EnumPayload.h"
#include "Explosion.h"
#include "FixedTypeInfo.h"
#include "GenCall.h"
#include "GenClass.h"
#include "GenFunc.h"
#include "GenHeap.h"
#include "GenMeta.h"
#include "GenObjC.h"
#include "GenPoly.h"
#include "GenProto.h"
#include "GenType.h"
#include "HeapTypeInfo.h"
#include "IRGenDebugInfo.h"
#include "IRGenFunction.h"
#include "IRGenModule.h"
#include "IndirectTypeInfo.h"
#include "NativeConventionSchema.h"
#include "ScalarTypeInfo.h"
#include "Signature.h"
#include "IRGenMangler.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace irgen;
namespace {
/// Information about the IR-level signature of a function type.
class FuncSignatureInfo {
/// The SIL function type being represented.
const CanSILFunctionType FormalType;
mutable Signature TheSignature;
FuncSignatureInfo(CanSILFunctionType formalType)
: FormalType(formalType) {}
Signature getSignature(IRGenModule &IGM) const;
/// The @thin function type-info class.
class ThinFuncTypeInfo : public PODSingleScalarTypeInfo<ThinFuncTypeInfo,
public FuncSignatureInfo {
ThinFuncTypeInfo(CanSILFunctionType formalType, llvm::Type *storageType,
Size size, Alignment align,
const SpareBitVector &spareBits)
: PODSingleScalarTypeInfo(storageType, size, spareBits, align),
static const ThinFuncTypeInfo *create(CanSILFunctionType formalType,
llvm::Type *storageType,
Size size, Alignment align,
const SpareBitVector &spareBits) {
return new ThinFuncTypeInfo(formalType, storageType, size, align,
bool mayHaveExtraInhabitants(IRGenModule &IGM) const override {
return true;
unsigned getFixedExtraInhabitantCount(IRGenModule &IGM) const override {
return getFunctionPointerExtraInhabitantCount(IGM);
APInt getFixedExtraInhabitantValue(IRGenModule &IGM,
unsigned bits,
unsigned index) const override {
return getFunctionPointerFixedExtraInhabitantValue(IGM, bits, index, 0);
llvm::Value *getExtraInhabitantIndex(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address src,
SILType T)
const override {
return getFunctionPointerExtraInhabitantIndex(IGF, src);
void storeExtraInhabitant(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *index,
Address dest, SILType T) const override {
return storeFunctionPointerExtraInhabitant(IGF, index, dest);
/// The @thick function type-info class.
class FuncTypeInfo : public ScalarTypeInfo<FuncTypeInfo, ReferenceTypeInfo>,
public FuncSignatureInfo {
FuncTypeInfo(CanSILFunctionType formalType, llvm::StructType *storageType,
Size size, Alignment align, SpareBitVector &&spareBits,
IsPOD_t pod)
: ScalarTypeInfo(storageType, size, std::move(spareBits), align, pod),
static const FuncTypeInfo *create(CanSILFunctionType formalType,
llvm::StructType *storageType,
Size size, Alignment align,
SpareBitVector &&spareBits,
IsPOD_t pod) {
return new FuncTypeInfo(formalType, storageType, size, align,
std::move(spareBits), pod);
// Function types do not satisfy allowsOwnership.
const WeakTypeInfo *
createWeakStorageType(TypeConverter &TC) const override {
llvm_unreachable("[weak] function type");
const TypeInfo *
createUnownedStorageType(TypeConverter &TC) const override {
llvm_unreachable("[unowned] function type");
const TypeInfo *
createUnmanagedStorageType(TypeConverter &TC) const override {
llvm_unreachable("@unowned(unsafe) function type");
llvm::StructType *getStorageType() const {
return cast<llvm::StructType>(TypeInfo::getStorageType());
unsigned getExplosionSize() const override {
return 2;
void getSchema(ExplosionSchema &schema) const override {
llvm::StructType *structTy = getStorageType();
void addToAggLowering(IRGenModule &IGM, SwiftAggLowering &lowering,
Size offset) const override {
auto ptrSize = IGM.getPointerSize();
llvm::StructType *structTy = getStorageType();
addScalarToAggLowering(IGM, lowering, structTy->getElementType(0),
offset, ptrSize);
addScalarToAggLowering(IGM, lowering, structTy->getElementType(1),
offset + ptrSize, ptrSize);
Address projectFunction(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address address) const {
return IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(address, 0, Size(0),
address->getName() + ".fn");
Address projectData(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address address) const {
return IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(address, 1, IGF.IGM.getPointerSize(),
address->getName() + ".data");
void loadAsCopy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address address,
Explosion &e) const override {
// Load the function.
Address fnAddr = projectFunction(IGF, address);
e.add(IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(fnAddr, fnAddr->getName()+".load"));
Address dataAddr = projectData(IGF, address);
auto data = IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(dataAddr);
if (!isPOD(ResilienceExpansion::Maximal))
IGF.emitNativeStrongRetain(data, IGF.getDefaultAtomicity());
void loadAsTake(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address addr,
Explosion &e) const override {
// Load the function.
Address fnAddr = projectFunction(IGF, addr);
Address dataAddr = projectData(IGF, addr);
void assign(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &e,
Address address) const override {
// Store the function pointer.
Address fnAddr = projectFunction(IGF, address);
IGF.Builder.CreateStore(e.claimNext(), fnAddr);
Address dataAddr = projectData(IGF, address);
auto context = e.claimNext();
if (isPOD(ResilienceExpansion::Maximal))
IGF.Builder.CreateStore(context, dataAddr);
IGF.emitNativeStrongAssign(context, dataAddr);
void initialize(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &e,
Address address) const override {
// Store the function pointer.
Address fnAddr = projectFunction(IGF, address);
IGF.Builder.CreateStore(e.claimNext(), fnAddr);
// Store the data pointer, if any, transferring the +1.
Address dataAddr = projectData(IGF, address);
auto context = e.claimNext();
if (isPOD(ResilienceExpansion::Maximal))
IGF.Builder.CreateStore(context, dataAddr);
IGF.emitNativeStrongInit(context, dataAddr);
void copy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &src,
Explosion &dest, Atomicity atomicity) const override {
src.transferInto(dest, 1);
auto data = src.claimNext();
if (!isPOD(ResilienceExpansion::Maximal))
IGF.emitNativeStrongRetain(data, atomicity);
void consume(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &src,
Atomicity atomicity) const override {
auto context = src.claimNext();
if (!isPOD(ResilienceExpansion::Maximal))
IGF.emitNativeStrongRelease(context, atomicity);
void fixLifetime(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &src) const override {
void strongRetain(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &e,
Atomicity atomicity) const override {
auto context = e.claimNext();
if (!isPOD(ResilienceExpansion::Maximal))
IGF.emitNativeStrongRetain(context, atomicity);
void strongRelease(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &e,
Atomicity atomicity) const override {
auto context = e.claimNext();
if (!isPOD(ResilienceExpansion::Maximal))
IGF.emitNativeStrongRelease(context, atomicity);
void strongRetainUnowned(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &e,
Atomicity atomicity) const override {
llvm_unreachable("unowned references to functions are not supported");
void strongRetainUnownedRelease(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Explosion &e,
Atomicity atomicity) const override {
llvm_unreachable("unowned references to functions are not supported");
void unownedRetain(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &e,
Atomicity atomicity) const override {
llvm_unreachable("unowned references to functions are not supported");
void unownedRelease(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &e,
Atomicity atomicity) const override {
llvm_unreachable("unowned references to functions are not supported");
void unownedLoadStrong(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address src,
Explosion &out) const override {
llvm_unreachable("unowned references to functions are not supported");
void unownedTakeStrong(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address src,
Explosion &out) const override {
llvm_unreachable("unowned references to functions are not supported");
void unownedInit(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &in,
Address dest) const override {
llvm_unreachable("unowned references to functions are not supported");
void unownedAssign(IRGenFunction &IGF, Explosion &in,
Address dest) const override {
llvm_unreachable("unowned references to functions are not supported");
void destroy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address addr, SILType T) const override {
auto data = IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(projectData(IGF, addr));
if (!isPOD(ResilienceExpansion::Maximal))
IGF.emitNativeStrongRelease(data, IGF.getDefaultAtomicity());
void packIntoEnumPayload(IRGenFunction &IGF,
EnumPayload &payload,
Explosion &src,
unsigned offset) const override {
payload.insertValue(IGF, src.claimNext(), offset);
payload.insertValue(IGF, src.claimNext(),
offset + IGF.IGM.getPointerSize().getValueInBits());
void unpackFromEnumPayload(IRGenFunction &IGF,
const EnumPayload &payload,
Explosion &dest,
unsigned offset) const override {
auto storageTy = getStorageType();
dest.add(payload.extractValue(IGF, storageTy->getElementType(0), offset));
dest.add(payload.extractValue(IGF, storageTy->getElementType(1),
offset + IGF.IGM.getPointerSize().getValueInBits()));
bool mayHaveExtraInhabitants(IRGenModule &IGM) const override {
return true;
unsigned getFixedExtraInhabitantCount(IRGenModule &IGM) const override {
return getFunctionPointerExtraInhabitantCount(IGM);
APInt getFixedExtraInhabitantValue(IRGenModule &IGM,
unsigned bits,
unsigned index) const override {
return getFunctionPointerFixedExtraInhabitantValue(IGM, bits, index, 0);
llvm::Value *getExtraInhabitantIndex(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address src,
SILType T) const override {
src = projectFunction(IGF, src);
return getFunctionPointerExtraInhabitantIndex(IGF, src);
APInt getFixedExtraInhabitantMask(IRGenModule &IGM) const override {
// Only the function pointer value is used for extra inhabitants.
auto pointerSize = IGM.getPointerSize().getValueInBits();
APInt bits = APInt::getAllOnesValue(pointerSize);
bits = bits.zext(pointerSize * 2);
return bits;
void storeExtraInhabitant(IRGenFunction &IGF, llvm::Value *index,
Address dest, SILType T) const override {
dest = projectFunction(IGF, dest);
return storeFunctionPointerExtraInhabitant(IGF, index, dest);
/// The type-info class for ObjC blocks, which are represented by an ObjC
/// heap pointer.
class BlockTypeInfo : public HeapTypeInfo<BlockTypeInfo>,
public FuncSignatureInfo
BlockTypeInfo(CanSILFunctionType ty,
llvm::PointerType *storageType,
Size size, SpareBitVector spareBits, Alignment align)
: HeapTypeInfo(storageType, size, spareBits, align),
ReferenceCounting getReferenceCounting() const {
return ReferenceCounting::Block;
/// The type info class for the on-stack representation of an ObjC block.
/// TODO: May not be fixed-layout if we capture generics.
class BlockStorageTypeInfo final
: public IndirectTypeInfo<BlockStorageTypeInfo, FixedTypeInfo>
Size CaptureOffset;
BlockStorageTypeInfo(llvm::Type *type, Size size, Alignment align,
SpareBitVector &&spareBits,
IsPOD_t pod, IsBitwiseTakable_t bt, Size captureOffset)
: IndirectTypeInfo(type, size, std::move(spareBits), align, pod, bt,
// The lowered type should be an LLVM struct comprising the block header
// (IGM.ObjCBlockStructTy) as its first element and the capture as its
// second.
Address projectBlockHeader(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address storage) const {
return IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(storage, 0, Size(0));
Address projectCapture(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address storage) const {
return IGF.Builder.CreateStructGEP(storage, 1, CaptureOffset);
// The frontend will currently never emit copy_addr or destroy_addr for
// block storage.
void assignWithCopy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address dest,
Address src, SILType T) const override {
IGF.unimplemented(SourceLoc(), "copying @block_storage");
void initializeWithCopy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address dest,
Address src, SILType T) const override {
IGF.unimplemented(SourceLoc(), "copying @block_storage");
void destroy(IRGenFunction &IGF, Address addr, SILType T) const override {
IGF.unimplemented(SourceLoc(), "destroying @block_storage");
} // end anonymous namespace
const TypeInfo *TypeConverter::convertBlockStorageType(SILBlockStorageType *T) {
// The block storage consists of the block header (ObjCBlockStructTy)
// followed by the lowered type of the capture.
auto &capture = IGM.getTypeInfoForLowered(T->getCaptureType());
// TODO: Support dynamic-sized captures.
const auto *fixedCapture = dyn_cast<FixedTypeInfo>(&capture);
llvm::Type *fixedCaptureTy;
// The block header is pointer aligned. The capture may be worse aligned.
Alignment align = IGM.getPointerAlignment();
Size captureOffset(
Size size = captureOffset;
SpareBitVector spareBits =
SpareBitVector::getConstant(size.getValueInBits(), false);
IsPOD_t pod = IsNotPOD;
IsBitwiseTakable_t bt = IsNotBitwiseTakable;
if (!fixedCapture) {
IGM.unimplemented(SourceLoc(), "dynamic @block_storage capture");
fixedCaptureTy = llvm::StructType::get(IGM.getLLVMContext(), {});
} else {
fixedCaptureTy = cast<FixedTypeInfo>(capture).getStorageType();
align = std::max(align, fixedCapture->getFixedAlignment());
captureOffset = captureOffset.roundUpToAlignment(align);
size = captureOffset + fixedCapture->getFixedSize();
pod = fixedCapture->isPOD(ResilienceExpansion::Maximal);
bt = fixedCapture->isBitwiseTakable(ResilienceExpansion::Maximal);
llvm::Type *storageElts[] = {
auto storageTy = llvm::StructType::get(IGM.getLLVMContext(), storageElts,
/*packed*/ false);
return new BlockStorageTypeInfo(storageTy, size, align, std::move(spareBits),
pod, bt, captureOffset);
Address irgen::projectBlockStorageCapture(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Address storageAddr,
CanSILBlockStorageType storageTy) {
auto &tl = IGF.getTypeInfoForLowered(storageTy).as<BlockStorageTypeInfo>();
return tl.projectCapture(IGF, storageAddr);
const TypeInfo *TypeConverter::convertFunctionType(SILFunctionType *T) {
switch (T->getRepresentation()) {
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Block:
return new BlockTypeInfo(CanSILFunctionType(T),
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Thin:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Method:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::WitnessMethod:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::ObjCMethod:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::CFunctionPointer:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Closure:
return ThinFuncTypeInfo::create(CanSILFunctionType(T),
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Thick: {
SpareBitVector spareBits;
return FuncTypeInfo::create(CanSILFunctionType(T),
IGM.getPointerSize() * 2,
llvm_unreachable("bad function type representation");
Signature FuncSignatureInfo::getSignature(IRGenModule &IGM) const {
// If it's already been filled in, we're done.
if (TheSignature.isValid())
return TheSignature;
// Update the cache and return.
TheSignature = Signature::get(IGM, FormalType);
return TheSignature;
static const FuncSignatureInfo &
getFuncSignatureInfoForLowered(IRGenModule &IGM, CanSILFunctionType type) {
auto &ti = IGM.getTypeInfoForLowered(type);
switch (type->getRepresentation()) {
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Block:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Thin:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::CFunctionPointer:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Method:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::WitnessMethod:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::ObjCMethod:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Closure:
case SILFunctionType::Representation::Thick:
llvm_unreachable("bad function type representation");
llvm::FunctionType *
IRGenModule::getFunctionType(CanSILFunctionType type,
llvm::AttributeSet &attrs,
ForeignFunctionInfo *foreignInfo) {
auto &sigInfo = getFuncSignatureInfoForLowered(*this, type);
Signature sig = sigInfo.getSignature(*this);
attrs = sig.getAttributes();
if (foreignInfo) *foreignInfo = sig.getForeignInfo();
return sig.getType();
IRGenModule::getForeignFunctionInfo(CanSILFunctionType type) {
if (type->getLanguage() == SILFunctionLanguage::Swift)
return ForeignFunctionInfo();
auto &sigInfo = getFuncSignatureInfoForLowered(*this, type);
return sigInfo.getSignature(*this).getForeignInfo();
static void emitApplyArgument(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILParameterInfo origParam,
SILParameterInfo substParam,
Explosion &in,
Explosion &out) {
auto silConv = IGF.IGM.silConv;
bool isSubstituted =
(silConv.getSILType(substParam) != silConv.getSILType(origParam));
// For indirect arguments, we just need to pass a pointer.
if (silConv.isSILIndirect(origParam)) {
// This address is of the substituted type.
auto addr = in.claimNext();
// If a substitution is in play, just bitcast the address.
if (isSubstituted) {
auto origType =
addr = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(addr, origType);
&& "Unexpected opaque apply parameter.");
// Otherwise, it's an explosion, which we may need to translate,
// both in terms of explosion level and substitution levels.
// Handle the last unsubstituted case.
if (!isSubstituted) {
auto &substArgTI =
substArgTI.reexplode(IGF, in, out);
reemitAsUnsubstituted(IGF, silConv.getSILType(origParam),
silConv.getSILType(substParam), in, out);
static CanType getArgumentLoweringType(CanType type,
SILParameterInfo paramInfo) {
switch (paramInfo.getConvention()) {
// Capture value parameters by value, consuming them.
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Owned:
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Unowned:
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Guaranteed:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In_Constant:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In_Guaranteed:
return type;
// Capture inout parameters by pointer.
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_Inout:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_InoutAliasable:
return CanInOutType::get(type);
/// Emit the forwarding stub function for a partial application.
/// If 'layout' is null, there is a single captured value of
/// Swift-refcountable type that is being used directly as the
/// context object.
static llvm::Function *emitPartialApplicationForwarder(IRGenModule &IGM,
llvm::Function *staticFnPtr,
bool calleeHasContext,
llvm::Type *fnTy,
const llvm::AttributeSet &origAttrs,
CanSILFunctionType origType,
CanSILFunctionType substType,
CanSILFunctionType outType,
SubstitutionList subs,
HeapLayout const *layout,
ArrayRef<ParameterConvention> conventions) {
llvm::AttributeSet outAttrs;
llvm::FunctionType *fwdTy = IGM.getFunctionType(outType, outAttrs);
SILFunctionConventions outConv(outType, IGM.getSILModule());
StringRef FnName;
if (staticFnPtr)
FnName = staticFnPtr->getName();
IRGenMangler Mangler;
std::string thunkName = Mangler.manglePartialApplyForwarder(FnName);
// FIXME: Maybe cache the thunk by function and closure types?.
llvm::Function *fwd =
llvm::Function::Create(fwdTy, llvm::Function::InternalLinkage,
llvm::StringRef(thunkName), &IGM.Module);
expandCallingConv(IGM, SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thick));
auto initialAttrs = IGM.constructInitialAttributes();
// Merge initialAttrs with outAttrs.
auto updatedAttrs = outAttrs.addAttributes(IGM.getLLVMContext(),
llvm::AttributeSet::FunctionIndex, initialAttrs);
IRGenFunction subIGF(IGM, fwd);
if (IGM.DebugInfo)
IGM.DebugInfo->emitArtificialFunction(subIGF, fwd);
Explosion origParams = subIGF.collectParameters();
// Create a new explosion for potentially reabstracted parameters.
Explosion args;
Address resultValueAddr;
// Lower the forwarded arguments in the original function's generic context.
GenericContextScope scope(IGM, origType->getGenericSignature());
SILFunctionConventions origConv(origType, IGM.getSILModule());
auto &outResultTI = IGM.getTypeInfo(outConv.getSILResultType());
auto &nativeResultSchema = outResultTI.nativeReturnValueSchema(IGM);
auto &origResultTI = IGM.getTypeInfo(origConv.getSILResultType());
auto &origNativeSchema = origResultTI.nativeReturnValueSchema(IGM);
// Forward the indirect return values. We might have to reabstract the
// return value.
if (nativeResultSchema.requiresIndirect()) {
auto resultAddr = origParams.claimNext();
resultAddr = subIGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(
resultAddr, IGM.getStoragePointerType(origConv.getSILResultType()));
} else if (origNativeSchema.requiresIndirect()) {
auto stackAddr = outResultTI.allocateStack(
subIGF, outConv.getSILResultType(), false, "return.temp");
resultValueAddr = stackAddr.getAddress();
auto resultAddr = subIGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(
for (auto resultType : origConv.getIndirectSILResultTypes()) {
auto addr = origParams.claimNext();
addr = subIGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(
addr, IGM.getStoragePointerType(resultType));
// Reemit the parameters as unsubstituted.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < outType->getParameters().size(); ++i) {
auto origParamInfo = origType->getParameters()[i];
auto &ti = IGM.getTypeInfoForLowered(origParamInfo.getType());
auto schema = ti.getSchema();
auto origParamSILType = IGM.silConv.getSILType(origParamInfo);
// Forward the address of indirect value params.
auto &nativeSchemaOrigParam = ti.nativeParameterValueSchema(IGM);
bool isIndirectParam = origConv.isSILIndirect(origParamInfo);
if (!isIndirectParam && nativeSchemaOrigParam.requiresIndirect()) {
auto addr = origParams.claimNext();
if (addr->getType() != ti.getStorageType()->getPointerTo())
addr = subIGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(addr,
auto outTypeParamInfo = outType->getParameters()[i];
// Indirect parameters need no mapping through the native calling
// convention.
if (isIndirectParam) {
emitApplyArgument(subIGF, origParamInfo, outTypeParamInfo, origParams,
// Map from the native calling convention into the explosion schema.
auto outTypeParamSILType = IGM.silConv.getSILType(origParamInfo);
auto &nativeSchemaOutTypeParam =
Explosion nativeParam;
origParams.transferInto(nativeParam, nativeSchemaOutTypeParam.size());
bindPolymorphicParameter(subIGF, origType, substType, nativeParam, i);
Explosion nonNativeParam = nativeSchemaOutTypeParam.mapFromNative(
subIGF.IGM, subIGF, nativeParam, outTypeParamSILType);
// Emit unsubstituted argument for call.
Explosion nonNativeApplyArg;
emitApplyArgument(subIGF, origParamInfo, outTypeParamInfo, nonNativeParam,
// Map back from the explosion scheme to the native calling convention for
// the call.
Explosion nativeApplyArg = nativeSchemaOrigParam.mapIntoNative(
subIGF.IGM, subIGF, nonNativeApplyArg, origParamSILType);
nativeApplyArg.transferInto(args, nativeApplyArg.size());
struct AddressToDeallocate {
SILType Type;
const TypeInfo &TI;
StackAddress Addr;
SmallVector<AddressToDeallocate, 4> addressesToDeallocate;
bool dependsOnContextLifetime = false;
bool consumesContext;
bool needsAllocas = false;
switch (outType->getCalleeConvention()) {
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Owned:
consumesContext = true;
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Unowned:
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Guaranteed:
consumesContext = false;
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_Inout:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_InoutAliasable:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In_Constant:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In_Guaranteed:
llvm_unreachable("indirect callables not supported");
// Lower the captured arguments in the original function's generic context.
GenericContextScope scope(IGM, origType->getGenericSignature());
// This is where the context parameter appears.
llvm::Value *rawData = nullptr;
Address data;
unsigned nextCapturedField = 0;
if (!layout) {
rawData = origParams.claimNext();
} else if (!layout->isKnownEmpty()) {
rawData = origParams.claimNext();
data = layout->emitCastTo(subIGF, rawData);
// Restore type metadata bindings, if we have them.
if (layout->hasBindings()) {
auto bindingLayout = layout->getElement(nextCapturedField++);
// The bindings should be fixed-layout inside the object, so we can
// pass None here. If they weren't, we'd have a chicken-egg problem.
auto bindingsAddr = bindingLayout.project(subIGF, data, /*offsets*/ None);
layout->getBindings().restore(subIGF, bindingsAddr);
// There's still a placeholder to claim if the target type is thick
// or there's an error result.
} else if (outType->getRepresentation()==SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::Thick
|| outType->hasErrorResult()) {
llvm::Value *contextPtr = origParams.claimNext(); (void)contextPtr;
assert(contextPtr->getType() == IGM.RefCountedPtrTy);
Explosion polyArgs;
// Emit the polymorphic arguments.
assert((subs.empty() != hasPolymorphicParameters(origType) ||
(subs.empty() && origType->getRepresentation() ==
&& "should have substitutions iff original function is generic");
WitnessMetadata witnessMetadata;
// If we have a layout we might have to bind polymorphic arguments from the
// captured arguments which we will do later. Otherwise, we have to
// potentially bind polymorphic arguments from the context if it was a
// partially applied argument.
bool hasPolymorphicParams = hasPolymorphicParameters(origType);
if (!layout && hasPolymorphicParams) {
assert(conventions.size() == 1);
// We could have either partially applied an argument from the function
// signature or otherwise we could have a closure context to forward. We only
// care for the former for the purpose of reconstructing polymorphic
// parameters from regular arguments.
if (!calleeHasContext) {
unsigned paramI = substType->getParameters().size() - 1;
assert(substType->getParameters().size() -
outType->getParameters().size() ==
1 &&
"Expect one partially applied argument");
auto paramInfo = substType->getParameters()[paramI];
auto &ti = IGM.getTypeInfoForLowered(paramInfo.getType());
Explosion param;
param.add(subIGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(rawData, ti.getStorageType()));
bindPolymorphicParameter(subIGF, origType, substType, param, paramI);
SubstitutionMap subMap;
if (auto genericSig = origType->getGenericSignature())
subMap = genericSig->getSubstitutionMap(subs);
emitPolymorphicArguments(subIGF, origType, substType, subMap,
&witnessMetadata, polyArgs);
auto haveContextArgument =
calleeHasContext ||
(origType->hasSelfParam() &&
// Witness method calls expect self, followed by the self type followed by,
// the witness table at the end of the parameter list. But polymorphic
// arguments come before this.
bool isWitnessMethodCallee = origType->getRepresentation() ==
Explosion witnessMethodSelfValue;
// If there's a data pointer required, but it's a swift-retainable
// value being passed as the context, just forward it down.
if (!layout) {
assert(conventions.size() == 1);
// We need to retain the parameter if:
// - we received at +0 (either) and are passing as owned
// - we received as unowned and are passing as guaranteed
auto argConvention = conventions[nextCapturedField++];
switch (argConvention) {
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In_Constant:
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Owned:
if (!consumesContext) subIGF.emitNativeStrongRetain(rawData, subIGF.getDefaultAtomicity());
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In_Guaranteed:
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Guaranteed:
dependsOnContextLifetime = true;
if (outType->getCalleeConvention() ==
ParameterConvention::Direct_Unowned) {
subIGF.emitNativeStrongRetain(rawData, subIGF.getDefaultAtomicity());
consumesContext = true;
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Unowned:
// Make sure we release later if we received at +1.
if (consumesContext)
dependsOnContextLifetime = true;
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_Inout:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_InoutAliasable:
llvm_unreachable("should never happen!");
// FIXME: The naming and documentation here isn't ideal. This
// parameter is always present which is evident since we always
// grab a type to cast to, but sometimes after the polymorphic
// arguments. This is just following the lead of existing (and not
// terribly easy to follow) code.
// If there is a context argument, it comes after the polymorphic
// arguments.
auto argIndex = args.size();
if (haveContextArgument)
argIndex += polyArgs.size();
llvm::Type *expectedArgTy =
llvm::Value *argValue;
if (isIndirectFormalParameter(argConvention)) {
// We can use rawData's type for the alloca because it is a swift
// retainable value. Defensively, give it that type. We can't use the
// expectedArgType because it might be a generic parameter and therefore
// have opaque storage.
auto RetainableValue = rawData;
if (RetainableValue->getType() != subIGF.IGM.RefCountedPtrTy)
RetainableValue = subIGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(
RetainableValue, subIGF.IGM.RefCountedPtrTy);
auto temporary = subIGF.createAlloca(RetainableValue->getType(),
subIGF.Builder.CreateStore(RetainableValue, temporary);
argValue = temporary.getAddress();
argValue = subIGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(argValue, expectedArgTy);
} else {
argValue = subIGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(rawData, expectedArgTy);
// If there's a data pointer required, grab it and load out the
// extra, previously-curried parameters.
} else {
unsigned origParamI = outType->getParameters().size();
assert(layout->getElements().size() == conventions.size()
&& "conventions don't match context layout");
// Calculate non-fixed field offsets.
HeapNonFixedOffsets offsets(subIGF, *layout);
// Perform the loads.
for (unsigned n = layout->getElements().size();
nextCapturedField < n;
++nextCapturedField) {
auto &fieldLayout = layout->getElement(nextCapturedField);
auto &fieldTy = layout->getElementTypes()[nextCapturedField];
auto fieldConvention = conventions[nextCapturedField];
Address fieldAddr = fieldLayout.project(subIGF, data, offsets);
auto &fieldTI = fieldLayout.getType();
auto fieldSchema = fieldTI.getSchema();
Explosion param;
switch (fieldConvention) {
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In_Constant: {
// The +1 argument is passed indirectly, so we need to copy into a
// temporary.
needsAllocas = true;
auto stackAddr = fieldTI.allocateStack(subIGF, fieldTy, false, "arg.temp");
auto addressPointer = stackAddr.getAddress().getAddress();
fieldTI.initializeWithCopy(subIGF, stackAddr.getAddress(), fieldAddr, fieldTy);
// Remember to deallocate later.
AddressToDeallocate{fieldTy, fieldTI, stackAddr});
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In_Guaranteed:
// The argument is +0, so we can use the address of the param in
// the context directly.
dependsOnContextLifetime = true;
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_Inout:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_InoutAliasable:
// Load the address of the inout parameter.
cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(fieldTI).loadAsCopy(subIGF, fieldAddr, param);
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Guaranteed:
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Unowned:
// If the type is nontrivial, keep the context alive since the field
// depends on the context to not be deallocated.
if (!fieldTI.isPOD(ResilienceExpansion::Maximal))
dependsOnContextLifetime = true;
// Load these parameters directly. We can "take" since the parameter is
// +0. This can happen since the context will keep the parameter alive.
cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(fieldTI).loadAsTake(subIGF, fieldAddr, param);
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Owned:
// Copy the value out at +1.
cast<LoadableTypeInfo>(fieldTI).loadAsCopy(subIGF, fieldAddr, param);
// Reemit the capture params as unsubstituted.
// Skip empty parameters.
while (origParamI < origType->getParameters().size()) {
auto param = substType->getParameters()[origParamI];
SILType argType = IGM.silConv.getSILType(param);
auto argLoweringTy =
getArgumentLoweringType(argType.getSwiftRValueType(), param);
auto &ti = subIGF.getTypeInfoForLowered(argLoweringTy);
// Empty values don't matter.
if (ti.getSchema().size() != 0 || param.isFormalIndirect())
if (origParamI < origType->getParameters().size()) {
Explosion origParam;
auto origParamInfo = origType->getParameters()[origParamI];
if (hasPolymorphicParams)
bindPolymorphicParameter(subIGF, origType, substType, param,
emitApplyArgument(subIGF, origParamInfo,
param, origParam);
bool isWitnessMethodCalleeSelf = (isWitnessMethodCallee &&
origParamI + 1 == origType->getParameters().size());
needsAllocas |= addNativeArgument(
subIGF, origParam, origParamInfo,
isWitnessMethodCalleeSelf ? witnessMethodSelfValue : args);
} else {
// If the parameters can live independent of the context, release it now
// so we can tail call. The safety of this assumes that neither this release
// nor any of the loads can throw.
if (consumesContext && !dependsOnContextLifetime && rawData)
subIGF.emitNativeStrongRelease(rawData, subIGF.getDefaultAtomicity());
// Now that we have bound generic parameters from the captured arguments
// emit the polymorphic arguments.
if (hasPolymorphicParameters(origType)) {
SubstitutionMap subMap;
if (auto genericSig = origType->getGenericSignature())
subMap = genericSig->getSubstitutionMap(subs);
emitPolymorphicArguments(subIGF, origType, substType, subMap,
&witnessMetadata, polyArgs);
// Derive the callee function pointer. If we found a function
// pointer statically, great.
llvm::Value *fnPtr;
if (staticFnPtr) {
assert(staticFnPtr->getType() == fnTy && "static function type mismatch?!");
fnPtr = staticFnPtr;
// Otherwise, it was the last thing we added to the layout.
} else {
// The dynamic function pointer is packed "last" into the context,
// and we pulled it out as an argument. Just pop it off.
fnPtr = args.takeLast();
// It comes out of the context as an i8*. Cast to the function type.
fnPtr = subIGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(fnPtr, fnTy);
// Derive the context argument if needed. This is either:
// - the saved context argument, in which case it was the last
// thing we added to the layout other than a possible non-static
// function pointer (which we already popped off of 'args'); or
// - 'self', in which case it was the last formal argument.
// In either case, it's the last thing in 'args'.
llvm::Value *fnContext = nullptr;
if (haveContextArgument)
fnContext = args.takeLast();
polyArgs.transferInto(args, polyArgs.size());
// If we have a witness method call, the inner context is the
// witness table. Metadata for Self is derived inside the partial
// application thunk and doesn't need to be stored in the outer
// context.
if (isWitnessMethodCallee) {
assert(fnContext->getType() == IGM.Int8PtrTy);
llvm::Value *wtable = subIGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(
fnContext, IGM.WitnessTablePtrTy);
assert(wtable->getType() == IGM.WitnessTablePtrTy);
witnessMetadata.SelfWitnessTable = wtable;
// Okay, this is where the callee context goes.
} else if (fnContext) {
// Pass a placeholder for thin function calls.
} else if (origType->hasErrorResult()) {
// Add the witness methods self argument before the error parameter after the
// polymorphic arguments.
if (isWitnessMethodCallee)
witnessMethodSelfValue.transferInto(args, witnessMethodSelfValue.size());
// Pass down the error result.
if (origType->hasErrorResult()) {
llvm::Value *errorResultPtr = origParams.claimNext();
if (isWitnessMethodCallee) {
assert(witnessMetadata.SelfMetadata->getType() == IGM.TypeMetadataPtrTy);
assert(witnessMetadata.SelfWitnessTable->getType() == IGM.WitnessTablePtrTy);
llvm::CallInst *call = subIGF.Builder.CreateCall(fnPtr, args.claimAll());
if (staticFnPtr) {
// Use the attributes and calling convention from the static definition if
// we have it.
} else {
// Otherwise, use the default attributes for the dynamic type.
// Use the calling convention of the partially applied function type.
call->setCallingConv(expandCallingConv(IGM, origType->getRepresentation()));
if (addressesToDeallocate.empty() && !needsAllocas &&
(!consumesContext || !dependsOnContextLifetime))
// Deallocate everything we allocated above.
// FIXME: exceptions?
for (auto &entry : addressesToDeallocate) {
entry.TI.deallocateStack(subIGF, entry.Addr, entry.Type);
// If the parameters depended on the context, consume the context now.
if (rawData && consumesContext && dependsOnContextLifetime)
subIGF.emitNativeStrongRelease(rawData, subIGF.getDefaultAtomicity());
// Reabstract the result value as substituted.
SILFunctionConventions origConv(origType, IGM.getSILModule());
auto &outResultTI = IGM.getTypeInfo(outConv.getSILResultType());
auto &nativeResultSchema = outResultTI.nativeReturnValueSchema(IGM);
if (call->getType()->isVoidTy()) {
if (!resultValueAddr.isValid())
else {
// Okay, we have called a function that expects an indirect return type
// but the partially applied return type is direct.
Explosion loadedResult;
.loadAsTake(subIGF, resultValueAddr, loadedResult);
Explosion nativeResult = nativeResultSchema.mapIntoNative(
IGM, subIGF, loadedResult, outConv.getSILResultType());
outResultTI.deallocateStack(subIGF, resultValueAddr,
if (nativeResult.size() == 1)
else {
llvm::Value *nativeAgg =
for (unsigned i = 0, e = nativeResult.size(); i != e; ++i) {
auto *elt = nativeResult.claimNext();
nativeAgg = subIGF.Builder.CreateInsertValue(nativeAgg, elt, i);
} else {
llvm::Value *callResult = call;
// If the result type is dependent on a type parameter we might have to
// cast to the result type - it could be substituted.
if (origConv.getSILResultType().hasTypeParameter()) {
auto ResType = fwd->getReturnType();
callResult = subIGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(callResult, ResType);
return fwd;
/// Emit a partial application thunk for a function pointer applied to a partial
/// set of argument values.
void irgen::emitFunctionPartialApplication(IRGenFunction &IGF,
SILFunction &SILFn,
llvm::Value *fnPtr,
llvm::Value *fnContext,
Explosion &args,
ArrayRef<SILParameterInfo> params,
SubstitutionList subs,
CanSILFunctionType origType,
CanSILFunctionType substType,
CanSILFunctionType outType,
Explosion &out) {
// If we have a single Swift-refcounted context value, we can adopt it
// directly as our closure context without creating a box and thunk.
enum HasSingleSwiftRefcountedContext { Maybe, Yes, No, Thunkable }
hasSingleSwiftRefcountedContext = Maybe;
Optional<ParameterConvention> singleRefcountedConvention;
SmallVector<const TypeInfo *, 4> argTypeInfos;
SmallVector<SILType, 4> argValTypes;
SmallVector<ParameterConvention, 4> argConventions;
// Reserve space for polymorphic bindings.
SubstitutionMap subMap;
if (auto genericSig = origType->getGenericSignature())
subMap = genericSig->getSubstitutionMap(subs);
auto bindings = NecessaryBindings::forFunctionInvocations(IGF.IGM,
origType, subMap);
if (!bindings.empty()) {
hasSingleSwiftRefcountedContext = No;
auto bindingsSize = bindings.getBufferSize(IGF.IGM);
auto &bindingsTI = IGF.IGM.getOpaqueStorageTypeInfo(bindingsSize,
// Collect the type infos for the context parameters.
for (auto param : params) {
SILType argType = IGF.IGM.silConv.getSILType(param);
auto argLoweringTy =
getArgumentLoweringType(argType.getSwiftRValueType(), param);
auto &ti = IGF.getTypeInfoForLowered(argLoweringTy);
// Empty values don't matter.
auto schema = ti.getSchema();
if (schema.size() == 0 && !param.isFormalIndirect())
// Update the single-swift-refcounted check, unless we already ruled that
// out.
if (hasSingleSwiftRefcountedContext == No)
// Adding nonempty values when we already have a single refcounted pointer
// means we don't have a single value anymore.
if (hasSingleSwiftRefcountedContext != Maybe) {
hasSingleSwiftRefcountedContext = No;
if (ti.isSingleSwiftRetainablePointer(ResilienceExpansion::Maximal)) {
hasSingleSwiftRefcountedContext = Yes;
singleRefcountedConvention = param.getConvention();
} else {
hasSingleSwiftRefcountedContext = No;
// We can't just bitcast if there's an error parameter to forward.
// This is an unfortunate restriction arising from the fact that a
// thin throwing function will have the signature:
// %result (%arg*, %context*, %error*)
// but the output signature needs to be
// %result (%context*, %error*)
// 'swifterror' fixes this physically, but there's still a risk of
// miscompiles because the LLVM optimizer may forward arguments
// positionally without considering 'swifterror'.
// Note, however, that we will override this decision below if the
// only thing we have to forward is already a context pointer.
// That's fine.
// The proper long-term fix is that closure functions should be
// emitted with a convention that takes the closure box as the
// context parameter. When we do that, all of this code will
// disappear.
if (hasSingleSwiftRefcountedContext == Yes &&
origType->hasErrorResult()) {
hasSingleSwiftRefcountedContext = Thunkable;
// If the function pointer is a witness method call, include the witness
// table in the context.
if (origType->getRepresentation() ==
SILFunctionTypeRepresentation::WitnessMethod) {
llvm::Value *wtable = fnContext;
assert(wtable->getType() == IGF.IGM.WitnessTablePtrTy);
// TheRawPointerType lowers as i8*, not i8**.
args.add(IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(wtable, IGF.IGM.Int8PtrTy));
hasSingleSwiftRefcountedContext = No;
// Otherwise, we might have a reference-counted context pointer.
} else if (fnContext) {
// If this is the only context argument we end up with, we can just share
// it.
if (args.size() == 1) {
hasSingleSwiftRefcountedContext = Yes;
singleRefcountedConvention = origType->getCalleeConvention();
// If we have a single refcounted pointer context (and no polymorphic args
// to capture), and the dest ownership semantics match the parameter's,
// skip building the box and thunk and just take the pointer as
// context.
// TODO: We can only do this and use swiftself if all our swiftcc emit the
// last parameter that fits into a register as swiftself.
// We should get this optimization back using the @convention(closure) whose
// box argument should just be swift self.
if (/* DISABLES CODE */ (false) &&
!origType->isPolymorphic() &&
hasSingleSwiftRefcountedContext == Yes &&
outType->getCalleeConvention() == *singleRefcountedConvention) {
assert(args.size() == 1);
fnPtr = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(fnPtr, IGF.IGM.Int8PtrTy);
llvm::Value *ctx = args.claimNext();
ctx = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(ctx, IGF.IGM.RefCountedPtrTy);
// If the function pointer is dynamic, include it in the context.
auto staticFn = dyn_cast<llvm::Function>(fnPtr);
if (!staticFn) {
llvm::Value *fnRawPtr = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(fnPtr, IGF.IGM.Int8PtrTy);
hasSingleSwiftRefcountedContext = No;
// If we only need to capture a single Swift-refcounted object, we
// still need to build a thunk, but we don't need to allocate anything.
if ((hasSingleSwiftRefcountedContext == Yes ||
hasSingleSwiftRefcountedContext == Thunkable) &&
*singleRefcountedConvention != ParameterConvention::Indirect_Inout &&
*singleRefcountedConvention !=
ParameterConvention::Indirect_InoutAliasable) {
assert(args.size() == 1);
llvm::AttributeSet attrs;
auto fnPtrTy = IGF.IGM.getFunctionType(origType, attrs)
llvm::Function *forwarder =
emitPartialApplicationForwarder(IGF.IGM, staticFn, fnContext != nullptr,
fnPtrTy, attrs, origType, substType,
outType, subs, nullptr, argConventions);
llvm::Value *forwarderValue =
IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(forwarder, IGF.IGM.Int8PtrTy);
llvm::Value *ctx = args.claimNext();
if (isIndirectFormalParameter(*singleRefcountedConvention))
ctx = IGF.Builder.CreateLoad(ctx, IGF.IGM.getPointerAlignment());
ctx = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(ctx, IGF.IGM.RefCountedPtrTy);
// Store the context arguments on the heap.
assert(argValTypes.size() == argTypeInfos.size()
&& argTypeInfos.size() == argConventions.size()
&& "argument info lists out of sync");
HeapLayout layout(IGF.IGM, LayoutStrategy::Optimal, argValTypes, argTypeInfos,
/*typeToFill*/ nullptr,
auto descriptor = IGF.IGM.getAddrOfCaptureDescriptor(SILFn, origType,
substType, subs,
llvm::Value *data;
if (args.empty() && layout.isKnownEmpty()) {
data = IGF.IGM.RefCountedNull;
} else {
// Allocate a new object.
HeapNonFixedOffsets offsets(IGF, layout);
data = IGF.emitUnmanagedAlloc(layout, "closure", descriptor, &offsets);
Address dataAddr = layout.emitCastTo(IGF, data);
unsigned i = 0;
// Store necessary bindings, if we have them.
if (layout.hasBindings()) {
auto &bindingsLayout = layout.getElement(i);
Address bindingsAddr = bindingsLayout.project(IGF, dataAddr, offsets);
layout.getBindings().save(IGF, bindingsAddr);
// Store the context arguments.
for (unsigned end = layout.getElements().size(); i < end; ++i) {
auto &fieldLayout = layout.getElement(i);
auto &fieldTy = layout.getElementTypes()[i];
Address fieldAddr = fieldLayout.project(IGF, dataAddr, offsets);
switch (argConventions[i]) {
// Take indirect value arguments out of memory.
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In_Constant:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In_Guaranteed: {
auto addr = fieldLayout.getType().getAddressForPointer(args.claimNext());
fieldLayout.getType().initializeWithTake(IGF, fieldAddr, addr, fieldTy);
// Take direct value arguments and inout pointers by value.
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Unowned:
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Owned:
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Guaranteed:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_Inout:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_InoutAliasable:
.initialize(IGF, args, fieldAddr);
assert(args.empty() && "unused args in partial application?!");
// Create the forwarding stub.
llvm::AttributeSet attrs;
auto fnPtrTy = IGF.IGM.getFunctionType(origType, attrs)
llvm::Function *forwarder = emitPartialApplicationForwarder(IGF.IGM,
fnContext != nullptr,
llvm::Value *forwarderValue = IGF.Builder.CreateBitCast(forwarder,
/// Emit the block copy helper for a block.
static llvm::Function *emitBlockCopyHelper(IRGenModule &IGM,
CanSILBlockStorageType blockTy,
const BlockStorageTypeInfo &blockTL){
// See if we've produced a block copy helper for this type before.
// Create the helper.
llvm::Type *args[] = {
auto copyTy = llvm::FunctionType::get(IGM.VoidTy, args, /*vararg*/ false);
// TODO: Give these predictable mangled names and shared linkage.
auto func = llvm::Function::Create(copyTy, llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage,
IRGenFunction IGF(IGM, func);
if (IGM.DebugInfo)
IGM.DebugInfo->emitArtificialFunction(IGF, func);
// Copy the captures from the source to the destination.
Explosion params = IGF.collectParameters();
auto dest = Address(params.claimNext(), blockTL.getFixedAlignment());
auto src = Address(params.claimNext(), blockTL.getFixedAlignment());
auto destCapture = blockTL.projectCapture(IGF, dest);
auto srcCapture = blockTL.projectCapture(IGF, src);
auto &captureTL = IGM.getTypeInfoForLowered(blockTy->getCaptureType());
captureTL.initializeWithCopy(IGF, destCapture, srcCapture,
return func;
/// Emit the block copy helper for a block.
static llvm::Function *emitBlockDisposeHelper(IRGenModule &IGM,
CanSILBlockStorageType blockTy,
const BlockStorageTypeInfo &blockTL){
// See if we've produced a block destroy helper for this type before.
// Create the helper.
auto destroyTy = llvm::FunctionType::get(IGM.VoidTy,
/*vararg*/ false);
// TODO: Give these predictable mangled names and shared linkage.
auto func = llvm::Function::Create(destroyTy,
IRGenFunction IGF(IGM, func);
if (IGM.DebugInfo)
IGM.DebugInfo->emitArtificialFunction(IGF, func);
// Destroy the captures.
Explosion params = IGF.collectParameters();
auto storage = Address(params.claimNext(), blockTL.getFixedAlignment());
auto capture = blockTL.projectCapture(IGF, storage);
auto &captureTL = IGM.getTypeInfoForLowered(blockTy->getCaptureType());
captureTL.destroy(IGF, capture, blockTy->getCaptureAddressType());
return func;
/// Emit the block header into a block storage slot.
void irgen::emitBlockHeader(IRGenFunction &IGF,
Address storage,
CanSILBlockStorageType blockTy,
llvm::Function *invokeFunction,
CanSILFunctionType invokeTy,
ForeignFunctionInfo foreignInfo) {
auto &storageTL
= IGF.getTypeInfoForLowered(blockTy).as<BlockStorageTypeInfo>();
Address headerAddr = storageTL.projectBlockHeader(IGF, storage);
// Initialize the "isa" pointer, which is _NSConcreteStackBlock.
auto NSConcreteStackBlock =
if (IGF.IGM.useDllStorage())
// Set the flags.
// - HAS_COPY_DISPOSE unless the capture type is POD
uint32_t flags = 0;
auto &captureTL
= IGF.getTypeInfoForLowered(blockTy->getCaptureType());
bool isPOD = captureTL.isPOD(ResilienceExpansion::Maximal);
if (!isPOD)
flags |= 1 << 25;
// - HAS_STRET, if the invoke function is sret
if (foreignInfo.ClangInfo->getReturnInfo().isIndirect())
flags |= 1 << 29;
flags |= 1 << 30;
auto flagsVal = llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGF.IGM.Int32Ty, flags);
// Collect the reserved and invoke pointer fields.
auto reserved = llvm::ConstantInt::get(IGF.IGM.Int32Ty, 0);
auto invokeVal = llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(invokeFunction,
// Build the block descriptor.
ConstantInitBuilder builder(IGF.IGM);
auto descriptorFields = builder.beginStruct();
descriptorFields.addInt(IGF.IGM.IntPtrTy, 0);
if (!isPOD) {
// Define the copy and dispose helpers.
descriptorFields.add(emitBlockCopyHelper(IGF.IGM, blockTy, storageTL));
descriptorFields.add(emitBlockDisposeHelper(IGF.IGM, blockTy, storageTL));
// Build the descriptor signature.
descriptorFields.add(getBlockTypeExtendedEncoding(IGF.IGM, invokeTy));
// Create the descriptor.
auto descriptor =
/*constant*/ true);
auto descriptorVal = llvm::ConstantExpr::getBitCast(descriptor,
// Store the block header literal.
llvm::Constant *blockFields[] = {
auto blockHeader = llvm::ConstantStruct::get(IGF.IGM.ObjCBlockStructTy,
IGF.Builder.CreateStore(blockHeader, headerAddr);