blob: 671d737128018a2f20bcd1f1367ec314c0e83381 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DeclSyntax.h - Declaration Syntax Interface ------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the interface for declaration-specific syntax nodes,
// such as for structures, enumerations, type aliases, and constants.
#include "swift/Syntax/References.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/RawSyntax.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/Syntax.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/SyntaxCollection.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/SyntaxData.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/TokenSyntax.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/TypeSyntax.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/UnknownSyntax.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"
namespace swift {
namespace syntax {
class ExprSyntax;
class ExprSyntaxData;
class CodeBlockStmtSyntax;
class CodeBlockStmtSyntaxData;
class TypeAttributesSyntax;
class TypeAttributesSyntaxData;
class DeclModifierListSyntax;
class GenericWhereClauseSyntax;
class GenericWhereClauseSyntaxData;
class GenericParameterListSyntax;
class GenericParameterListSyntaxData;
#pragma mark declaration-modifier Data
class DeclModifierSyntaxData final : public SyntaxData {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class Syntax;
friend class DeclModifierSyntax;
DeclModifierSyntaxData(const RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
const CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<DeclModifierSyntaxData> make(const RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
const CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<DeclModifierSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *SD) {
return SD->getKind() == SyntaxKind::DeclModifier;
#pragma mark declaration-modifier API
/// declaration-modifier -> access-level-modifier
/// | mutation-modifier
/// | 'class'
/// | 'convenience'
/// | 'dynamic'
/// | 'final'
/// | 'infix'
/// | 'lazy'
/// | 'optional'
/// | 'override'
/// | 'postfix'
/// | 'prefix'
/// | 'required'
/// | 'static'
/// | 'unowned'
/// | 'unowned(safe)'
/// | 'unowned(unsafe)'
/// | 'weak'
/// access-level-modifier -> 'private' | 'private' '(' 'set' ')'
/// | 'fileprivate' | 'fileprivate' '(' 'set' ')'
/// | 'internal' | 'internal' '(' 'set' ')'
/// | 'public' | 'public' '(' 'set' ')'
/// | 'open' | 'open' '(' 'set' ')'
/// mutation-modifier -> 'mutating' | 'nonmutating'
class DeclModifierSyntax final : public Syntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class Syntax;
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class DeclModifierSyntaxData;
enum class Cursor : CursorIndex {
DeclModifierSyntax(const RC<SyntaxData> Root, const DataType *Data)
: Syntax(Root, Data) {}
using DataType = DeclModifierSyntaxData;
/// Return the name of the modifier.
RC<TokenSyntax> getName() const;
/// Return a DeclModifierSyntax with the given name.
DeclModifierSyntax withName(RC<TokenSyntax> NewName) const;
/// Return the left parenthesis '(' token as a part of the argument clause,
/// if there is one.
RC<TokenSyntax> getLeftParenToken() const;
/// Return a DeclModifierSyntax with the given left parenthesis '(' token.
DeclModifierSyntax withLeftParenToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewLeftParen) const;
/// Get the argument to the declaration modifier.
/// This is either:
/// - 'set' for the access modifiers such as 'private' or 'public', or
/// - 'safe' / 'unsafe' for the 'unowned' modifier.
RC<TokenSyntax> getArgument() const;
/// Return a DeclModifierSyntax with the given argument.
DeclModifierSyntax withArgument(RC<TokenSyntax> NewArgument) const;
/// Return the right parenthesis ')' token as a part of the argument clause,
/// if there is one.
RC<TokenSyntax> getRightParenToken() const;
/// Return a DeclModifierSyntax with the given right parenthesis ')' token.
DeclModifierSyntax withRightParenToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewRightParen) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::DeclModifier;
#pragma mark declaration-modifiers Data
using DeclModifierListSyntaxData =
SyntaxCollectionData<SyntaxKind::DeclModifierList, DeclModifierSyntax>;
#pragma mark declaration-modifiers API
class DeclModifierListSyntax final :
public SyntaxCollection<SyntaxKind::DeclModifierList, DeclModifierSyntax> {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class Syntax;
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class FunctionDeclSyntax;
using DataType = DeclModifierListSyntaxData;
DeclModifierListSyntax(const RC<SyntaxData> Root, const DataType *Data)
: SyntaxCollection(Root, Data) {}
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::DeclModifierList;
#pragma mark declaration Data
class DeclSyntaxData : public SyntaxData {
DeclSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw, const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) { return S->isDecl(); }
#pragma mark declaration API
class DeclSyntax : public Syntax {
friend class Syntax;
using DataType = DeclSyntaxData;
DeclSyntax(const RC<SyntaxData> Root, const DeclSyntaxData *Data);
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) { return S->isDecl(); }
#pragma mark - unknown-declaration Data
class UnknownDeclSyntaxData : public UnknownSyntaxData {
UnknownDeclSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw, const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<UnknownDeclSyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::UnknownDecl;
#pragma mark - unknown-declaration API
class UnknownDeclSyntax : public UnknownSyntax {
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class UnknownStmtSyntaxData;
friend class LegacyASTTransformer;
using DataType = UnknownDeclSyntaxData;
UnknownDeclSyntax(const RC<SyntaxData> Root,
const UnknownDeclSyntaxData *Data);
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::UnknownDecl;
#pragma mark declaration-members Data
class DeclMembersSyntaxData final : public SyntaxData {
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class DeclMembersSyntaxBuilder;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
DeclMembersSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw, const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<DeclMembersSyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<DeclMembersSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::DeclMembers;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark declaration-members API
class DeclMembersSyntax final : public Syntax {
using DataType = DeclMembersSyntaxData;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class Syntax;
friend class DeclMembersSyntaxBuilder;
friend class StructDeclSyntax;
DeclMembersSyntax(RC<SyntaxData> Root,
const DeclMembersSyntaxData *Data);
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::DeclMembers;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark declaration-members Builder (TODO)
class DeclMembersSyntaxBuilder final {
RawSyntax::LayoutList MembersLayout;
DeclMembersSyntaxBuilder &addMember(DeclSyntax Member);
DeclMembersSyntax build() const;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark struct-declaration Data
class StructDeclSyntaxData final : public DeclSyntaxData {
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class StructDeclSyntax;
friend class StructDeclSyntaxBuilder;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
RC<GenericWhereClauseSyntaxData> CachedWhereClause;
RC<GenericParameterClauseSyntaxData> CachedGenericParams;
RC<DeclMembersSyntaxData> CachedMembers;
StructDeclSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw, const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<StructDeclSyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<StructDeclSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::StructDecl;
#pragma mark - struct-declaration API
/// struct-declaration -> attributes? access-level-modifier?
/// 'struct' struct-name
/// generic-parameter-clause? type-inheritance-clause?
/// generic-where-clause?
/// '{' struct-members '}'
/// struct-name -> identifier
/// struct-members -> struct-member struct-members?
/// struct-member -> declaration | compiler-control-statement
class StructDeclSyntax final : public DeclSyntax {
using DataType = StructDeclSyntaxData;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class Syntax;
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class StructDeclSyntaxData;
friend class StructDeclSyntaxBuilder;
enum class Cursor : CursorIndex {
First = StructKeyword,
Last = RightBrace,
StructDeclSyntax(const RC<SyntaxData> Root, const StructDeclSyntaxData *Data);
const StructDeclSyntaxData *getData() const {
return cast<StructDeclSyntaxData>(Data);
/// Return the 'struct' keyword attached to the declaration.
RC<TokenSyntax> getStructKeyword() const;
/// Return a StructDeclSyntax with the given 'struct' keyword.
StructDeclSyntax withStructKeyword(RC<TokenSyntax> NewStructKeyword) const;
/// Return the identifier of the struct.
RC<TokenSyntax> getIdentifier() const;
/// Return a StructDeclSyntax with the given identifier.
StructDeclSyntax withIdentifier(RC<TokenSyntax> NewIdentifier) const;
/// Return the generic parameter clause of the struct declaration.
GenericParameterClauseSyntax getGenericParameterClause() const;
/// Return a StructDeclSyntax with the given generic parameter clause.
withGenericParameterClause(GenericParameterClauseSyntax NewGenericParams)
/// Return the where clause of the struct declaration.
GenericWhereClauseSyntax getGenericWhereClause() const;
/// Return a StructDeclSyntax with the given generic where clause.
withWhereClause(GenericWhereClauseSyntax NewWhereClause) const;
/// Return the left brace '{' token of the struct declaration.
RC<TokenSyntax> getLeftBraceToken() const;
/// Return a StructDeclSyntax with the given left brace '{' token.
StructDeclSyntax withLeftBrace(RC<TokenSyntax> NewLeftBrace) const;
/// Return the members' syntax of the struct.
DeclMembersSyntax getMembers() const;
/// Return a StructDeclSyntax with the given new members.
StructDeclSyntax withMembers(DeclMembersSyntax NewMembers) const;
/// Return the right brace '}' token of the struct declaration.
RC<TokenSyntax> getRightBraceToken() const;
/// Return a StructDeclSyntax with the given right brace '}' token.
StructDeclSyntax withRightBrace(RC<TokenSyntax> NewRightBrace) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::StructDecl;
#pragma mark - struct-declaration Builder
class StructDeclSyntaxBuilder final {
RawSyntax::LayoutList StructLayout;
StructDeclSyntaxBuilder &useStructKeyword(RC<TokenSyntax> StructKeyword);
StructDeclSyntaxBuilder &useIdentifier(RC<TokenSyntax> Identifier);
StructDeclSyntaxBuilder &useLeftBrace(RC<TokenSyntax> LeftBrace);
StructDeclSyntaxBuilder &
useGenericParameterClause(GenericParameterClauseSyntax GenericParams);
StructDeclSyntaxBuilder &
useGenericWhereClause(GenericWhereClauseSyntax GenericWhereClause);
StructDeclSyntaxBuilder &useMembers(DeclMembersSyntax Members);
StructDeclSyntaxBuilder &useRightBrace(RC<TokenSyntax> RightBrace);
StructDeclSyntax build() const;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark - type-alias Data
class TypeAliasDeclSyntaxData final : public DeclSyntaxData {
friend class SyntaxData;
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class TypeAliasDeclSyntaxBuilder;
TypeAliasDeclSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<TypeAliasDeclSyntaxData> make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<TypeAliasDeclSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::TypeAliasDecl;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark - type-alias API
class TypeAliasDeclSyntax final : public DeclSyntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class TypeAliasDeclSyntaxData;
friend class TypeAliasDeclSyntaxBuilder;
using DataType = TypeAliasDeclSyntaxData;
enum Cursor : CursorIndex {
TypeAliasDeclSyntax(RC<SyntaxData> Root, const TypeAliasDeclSyntaxData *Data);
/// Return the 'typealias' keyword for the declaration.
RC<TokenSyntax> getTypealiasKeyword() const {
return cast<TokenSyntax>(getRaw()->getChild(Cursor::TypeAliasKeyword));
/// Return a TypeAliasDeclSyntax with the given 'typealias' keyword.
withTypeAliasKeyword(RC<TokenSyntax> NewTypeAliasKeyword) const;
/// Return the identifier for the declaration.
RC<TokenSyntax> getIdentifier() const;
/// Return a TypeAliasDeclSyntax with the given identifier.
TypeAliasDeclSyntax withIdentifier(RC<TokenSyntax> NewIdentifier) const;
/// Return the generic parameter clause of the declaration.
GenericParameterClauseSyntax getGenericParameterClause() const;
/// Return a TypeAliasDeclSyntax with the given generic parameter clause.
withGenericParameterClause( GenericParameterClauseSyntax NewGenericParams)
/// Return the equal '=' token from the declaration.
RC<TokenSyntax> getEqualToken() const;
/// Return a TypeAliasDeclSyntax with the given equal '=' token.
withEqualToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewEqualToken) const;
/// Return the type syntax to which the type alias is assigned.
TypeSyntax getTypeSyntax() const;
/// Return a TypeAliasDeclSyntax with the given type assignment.
TypeAliasDeclSyntax withTypeSyntax(TypeSyntax NewType) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::TypeAliasDecl;
#pragma mark - type-alias Builder
class TypeAliasDeclSyntaxBuilder final {
RawSyntax::LayoutList TypeAliasLayout;
TypeAliasDeclSyntaxBuilder &
useTypeAliasKeyword(RC<TokenSyntax> TypeAliasKeyword);
TypeAliasDeclSyntaxBuilder &useIdentifier(RC<TokenSyntax> Identifier);
TypeAliasDeclSyntaxBuilder &
useGenericParameterClause(GenericParameterClauseSyntax GenericParams);
TypeAliasDeclSyntaxBuilder &useEqualToken(RC<TokenSyntax> EqualToken);
TypeAliasDeclSyntaxBuilder &useType(TypeSyntax ReferentType);
TypeAliasDeclSyntax build() const;
#pragma mark - function-parameter Data
class FunctionParameterSyntaxData final : public SyntaxData {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class Syntax;
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class FunctionParameterSyntax;
RC<TypeSyntaxData> CachedTypeSyntax;
RC<ExprSyntaxData> CachedDefaultValue;
FunctionParameterSyntaxData(RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<FunctionParameterSyntaxData>
make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw, const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<FunctionParameterSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *SD) {
return SD->getKind() == SyntaxKind::FunctionParameter;
#pragma mark - function-parameter API
/// parameter ->
/// external-parameter-name? local-parameter-name ':'
/// type '...'? '='? expression? ','?
class FunctionParameterSyntax final : public Syntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class Syntax;
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class FunctionParameterSyntaxData;
enum class Cursor : CursorIndex {
using DataType = FunctionParameterSyntaxData;
FunctionParameterSyntax(const RC<SyntaxData> Root, const DataType *Data)
: Syntax(Root, Data) {}
/// Get the external name of the parameter, if there is one.
RC<TokenSyntax> getExternalName() const;
/// Return a FunctionParameterSyntax with the given external name.
withExternalName(RC<TokenSyntax> NewExternalName) const;
/// Return the local name of the parameter.
RC<TokenSyntax> getLocalName() const;
/// Return a FunctionParameterSyntax with the given local name.
withLocalName(RC<TokenSyntax> NewLocalName) const;
/// Return the colon ':' token between the local name and type of the
/// parameter.
RC<TokenSyntax> getColonToken() const;
/// Return a FunctionParameterSyntax with the given colon token between
/// the local name and type.
withColonToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewColonToken) const;
/// Return the syntax for the type of this parameter.
llvm::Optional<TypeSyntax> getTypeSyntax() const;
/// Return a FunctionParameterSyntax with the given parameter type syntax.
withTypeSyntax(llvm::Optional<TypeSyntax> NewType) const;
/// Return the equal '=' token in between the parameter type and the default
/// value, if there is one.
RC<TokenSyntax> getEqualToken() const;
/// Return a FunctionParameterSyntax with the given equal '=' token in
/// between the parameter type and the default value.
FunctionParameterSyntax withEqualToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewEqualToken) const;
/// Return the expression for the default value of the parameter, if there
/// is one.
llvm::Optional<ExprSyntax> getDefaultValue() const;
/// Return a FunctionParameterSyntax with the given default value. To remove
/// the default value, pass llvm::None.
withDefaultValue(llvm::Optional<ExprSyntax> NewDefaultValue) const;
/// Return the trailing comma on the parameter, if there is one.
RC<TokenSyntax> getTrailingComma() const;
/// Return a FunctionParameterSyntax with the given trailing comma.
withTrailingComma(RC<TokenSyntax> NewTrailingComma) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::FunctionParameter;
#pragma mark - function-parameter-list API
/// parameter-list -> parameter | parameter ',' parameter-list
class FunctionParameterListSyntax final : public
SyntaxCollection<SyntaxKind::FunctionParameterList, FunctionParameterSyntax> {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class Syntax;
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class FunctionSignatureSyntax;
using DataType = FunctionParameterListSyntaxData;
FunctionParameterListSyntax(const RC<SyntaxData> Root,
const DataType *Data)
: SyntaxCollection(Root, Data) {}
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::FunctionParameterList;
#pragma mark - function-signature Data
class FunctionSignatureSyntaxData final : public SyntaxData {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class FunctionSignatureSyntax;
RC<FunctionParameterListSyntaxData> CachedParameterList;
RC<TypeAttributesSyntaxData> CachedReturnTypeAttributes;
RC<TypeSyntaxData> CachedReturnTypeSyntax;
FunctionSignatureSyntaxData(const RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
const CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<FunctionSignatureSyntaxData>
make(RC<RawSyntax> Raw, const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<FunctionSignatureSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *SD) {
return SD->getKind() == SyntaxKind::FunctionSignature;
#pragma mark - function-signature API
/// function-signature ->
/// '(' parameter-list? ')' (throws | rethrows)? '->' attributes? type
class FunctionSignatureSyntax final : public Syntax {
friend struct SyntaxBuilder;
friend class Syntax;
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class FunctionSignatureSyntaxData;
enum class Cursor : CursorIndex {
using DataType = FunctionSignatureSyntaxData;
FunctionSignatureSyntax(const RC<SyntaxData> Root, const DataType *Data)
: Syntax(Root, Data) {}
/// Return the left parenthesis '(' token enclosing the parameter list.
RC<TokenSyntax> getLeftParenToken() const;
/// Return a FunctionSignatureSyntax with the given left parenthesis '(' token
/// enclosing the parameter list.
withLeftParenToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewLeftParen) const;
/// Return the parameter list for this signature.
FunctionParameterListSyntax getParameterList() const;
/// Return the parameter list for this signature.
withParameterList(FunctionParameterListSyntax NewParameterList) const;
/// Return the right parenthesis ')' token enclosing the parameter list.
RC<TokenSyntax> getRightParenToken() const;
/// Return a FunctionSignatureSyntax with the given right parenthesis ')' token
/// enclosing the parameter list.
withRightParenToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewRightParen) const;
/// Return the 'throws' token in this signature if it exists.
RC<TokenSyntax> getThrowsToken() const;
/// Return a FunctionSignatureSyntax with the given 'throws' token.
FunctionSignatureSyntax withThrowsToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewThrowsToken) const;
/// Return the 'rethrows' token in this signature if it exists;
RC<TokenSyntax> getRethrowsToken() const;
/// Return a FunctionSignatureSyntax with the given 'rethrows' token.
withRethrowsToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewRethrowsToken) const;
/// Return the arrow '->' token for the signature.
RC<TokenSyntax> getArrowToken() const;
/// Return a FunctionSignatureSyntax with the given arrow token
FunctionSignatureSyntax withArrowToken(RC<TokenSyntax> NewArrowToken) const;
/// Return the return type attributes for the signature.
TypeAttributesSyntax getReturnTypeAttributes() const;
/// Return a FunctionSignatureSyntax with the given return type attributes.
withReturnTypeAttributes(TypeAttributesSyntax NewReturnTypeAttributes) const;
/// Return the syntax for the return type of the signature.
TypeSyntax getReturnTypeSyntax() const;
/// Return a FunctionSignatureSyntax with the given return type.
FunctionSignatureSyntax withReturnTypeSyntax(TypeSyntax NewReturnType) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::FunctionSignature;
#pragma mark - function-declaration Data
class FunctionDeclSyntaxData final : public SyntaxData {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class FunctionDeclSyntax;
RC<TypeAttributesSyntaxData> CachedAttributes;
RC<DeclModifierListSyntaxData> CachedModifiers;
RC<GenericParameterClauseSyntaxData> CachedGenericParams;
RC<FunctionSignatureSyntaxData> CachedSignature;
RC<GenericWhereClauseSyntaxData> CachedGenericWhereClause;
RC<CodeBlockStmtSyntaxData> CachedBody;
FunctionDeclSyntaxData(const RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
const CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<FunctionDeclSyntaxData> make(const RC<RawSyntax> Raw,
const SyntaxData *Parent = nullptr,
const CursorIndex IndexInParent = 0);
static RC<FunctionDeclSyntaxData> makeBlank();
static bool classof(const SyntaxData *SD) {
return SD->getKind() == SyntaxKind::FunctionDecl;
#pragma mark - function-declaration API
class FunctionDeclSyntax final : public Syntax {
friend struct SyntaxFactory;
friend class Syntax;
friend class SyntaxData;
friend class FunctionDeclSyntaxData;
enum class Cursor : CursorIndex {
using DataType = FunctionDeclSyntaxData;
FunctionDeclSyntax(const RC<SyntaxData> Root, const DataType *Data)
: Syntax(Root, Data) {}
/// Get the attributes of this function declaration.
TypeAttributesSyntax getAttributes() const;
/// Return a FunctionDeclSyntax with the given attributes.
FunctionDeclSyntax withAttributes(TypeAttributesSyntax NewAttributes) const;
/// Get the modifiers of this function declaration.
DeclModifierListSyntax getModifiers() const;
/// Return a FunctionDeclSyntax with the given modifiers.
FunctionDeclSyntax withModifiers(DeclModifierListSyntax NewModifiers) const;
/// Return the 'func' keyword of this function declaration.
RC<TokenSyntax> getFuncKeyword() const;
/// Return a FunctionDeclSyntax with the given 'func' keyword.
FunctionDeclSyntax withFuncKeyword(RC<TokenSyntax> NewFuncKeyword) const;
/// Return the identifier of the function declaration.
RC<TokenSyntax> getIdentifier() const;
/// Return a FunctionDeclSyntax with the given identifier.
FunctionDeclSyntax withIdentifier(RC<TokenSyntax> NewIdentifier) const;
/// Return the generic parameter clause of the function declaration, if
/// there is one. Otherwise, return llvm::None.
getGenericParameterClause() const;
/// Return a FunctionDeclSyntax with the given generic parameter clause.
/// To remove the generic parameters, pass in llvm::None.
FunctionDeclSyntax withGenericParameterClause(
llvm::Optional<GenericParameterClauseSyntax> NewGenericParams) const;
/// Return the signature of the function declaration.
FunctionSignatureSyntax getSignature() const;
/// Return a FunctionDeclSyntax with the given function signature.
FunctionDeclSyntax withSignature(FunctionSignatureSyntax NewSignature) const;
/// Return the body of the function declaration, if there is one.
/// As an example, function declarations in protocols have no body.
llvm::Optional<CodeBlockStmtSyntax> getBody() const;
/// Return a FunctionDeclSyntax with the given body. To remove the body,
/// pass in llvm::None.
withBody(llvm::Optional<CodeBlockStmtSyntax> NewBody) const;
static bool classof(const Syntax *S) {
return S->getKind() == SyntaxKind::FunctionDecl;
} // end namespace syntax
} // end namespace swift