blob: a2a5e5fe0955c347f143a5e43242add3bf97aa8f [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- TypeRef.h - Swift Type References for Reflection -------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Implements the structures of type references for property and enum
// case reflection.
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "swift/ABI/MetadataValues.h"
#include "swift/Runtime/Unreachable.h"
#include <iostream>
namespace swift {
namespace reflection {
using llvm::cast;
using llvm::dyn_cast;
enum class TypeRefKind {
#define TYPEREF(Id, Parent) Id,
#include "swift/Reflection/TypeRefs.def"
#undef TYPEREF
// MSVC reports an error if we use "template"
// Clang reports an error if we don't use "template"
#if defined(__clang__) || defined(__GNUC__)
#define DEPENDENT_TEMPLATE template
#define FIND_OR_CREATE_TYPEREF(Allocator, TypeRefTy, ...) \
auto ID = Profile(__VA_ARGS__); \
const auto Entry = Allocator.DEPENDENT_TEMPLATE TypeRefTy##s.find(ID); \
if (Entry != Allocator.DEPENDENT_TEMPLATE TypeRefTy##s.end()) \
return Entry->second; \
const auto TR = \
Allocator.DEPENDENT_TEMPLATE makeTypeRef<TypeRefTy>(__VA_ARGS__); \
Allocator.DEPENDENT_TEMPLATE TypeRefTy##s.insert({ID, TR}); \
return TR;
/// An identifier containing the unique bit pattern made up of all of the
/// instance data needed to uniquely identify a TypeRef.
/// This allows for uniquing (via Equal) and for keying into a dictionary for
/// caching.
/// TypeRefs should be comparable by pointers, so if the TypeRefBuilder
/// gets a request to build a TypeRef with the same constructor arguments,
/// it should return the one already created with those arguments, not a fresh
/// copy. This allows for fast identity comparisons and substitutions, for
/// example. We use a similar strategy for Types in the full AST.
class TypeRefID {
std::vector<uint32_t> Bits;
TypeRefID() = default;
template <typename T>
void addPointer(const T *Pointer) {
auto Raw = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t *>(&Pointer);
if (sizeof(const T *) > 4) {
void addInteger(uint32_t Integer) {
void addInteger(uint64_t Integer) {
Bits.push_back(Integer >> 32);
void addString(const std::string &String) {
if (String.empty()) {
} else {
size_t i = 0;
size_t chunks = String.size() / 4;
for (size_t chunk = 0; chunk < chunks; ++chunk, i+=4) {
uint32_t entry = ((uint32_t) String[i]) +
(((uint32_t) String[i+1]) << 8) +
(((uint32_t) String[i+2]) << 16) +
(((uint32_t) String[i+3]) << 24);
for (; i < String.size(); ++i) {
struct Hash {
std::size_t operator()(TypeRefID const &ID) const {
size_t Hash = 0;
std::hash<uint32_t> h;
for (auto x : ID.Bits) {
Hash ^= h(x) + 0x9e3779b9 + (Hash << 6) + (Hash >> 2);
return Hash;
struct Equal {
bool operator()(const TypeRefID &lhs, const TypeRefID &rhs) const {
return lhs.Bits == rhs.Bits;
bool operator==(const TypeRefID &Other) {
return Bits == Other.Bits;
class TypeRef;
class TypeRefBuilder;
using DepthAndIndex = std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>;
using GenericArgumentMap = llvm::DenseMap<DepthAndIndex, const TypeRef *>;
class alignas(void *) TypeRef {
TypeRefKind Kind;
TypeRef(TypeRefKind Kind) : Kind(Kind) {}
TypeRefKind getKind() const {
return Kind;
void dump() const;
void dump(std::ostream &OS, unsigned Indent = 0) const;
bool isConcrete() const;
bool isConcreteAfterSubstitutions(const GenericArgumentMap &Subs) const;
const TypeRef *
subst(TypeRefBuilder &Builder, const GenericArgumentMap &Subs) const;
GenericArgumentMap getSubstMap() const;
virtual ~TypeRef() = default;
/// Given an original type and substituted type, decompose them in
/// parallel to derive substitutions that produced the substituted
/// type.
/// This will fail if the resulting substitutions contradict already
/// known substitutions, or if the original and substituted types
/// have a structural mismatch.
static bool deriveSubstitutions(GenericArgumentMap &Subs,
const TypeRef *OrigTR,
const TypeRef *SubstTR);
class BuiltinTypeRef final : public TypeRef {
std::string MangledName;
static TypeRefID Profile(const std::string &MangledName) {
TypeRefID ID;
return ID;
BuiltinTypeRef(const std::string &MangledName)
: TypeRef(TypeRefKind::Builtin), MangledName(MangledName) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const BuiltinTypeRef *create(Allocator &A, std::string MangledName) {
FIND_OR_CREATE_TYPEREF(A, BuiltinTypeRef, MangledName);
const std::string &getMangledName() const {
return MangledName;
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
return TR->getKind() == TypeRefKind::Builtin;
class NominalTypeTrait {
std::string MangledName;
const TypeRef *Parent;
static TypeRefID Profile(const std::string &MangledName,
const TypeRef *Parent) {
TypeRefID ID;
return ID;
NominalTypeTrait(const std::string &MangledName, const TypeRef *Parent)
: MangledName(MangledName), Parent(Parent) {}
const std::string &getMangledName() const {
return MangledName;
bool isStruct() const;
bool isEnum() const;
bool isClass() const;
const TypeRef *getParent() const {
return Parent;
unsigned getDepth() const;
class NominalTypeRef final : public TypeRef, public NominalTypeTrait {
using NominalTypeTrait::Profile;
NominalTypeRef(const std::string &MangledName,
const TypeRef *Parent = nullptr)
: TypeRef(TypeRefKind::Nominal), NominalTypeTrait(MangledName, Parent) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const NominalTypeRef *create(Allocator &A,
const std::string &MangledName,
const TypeRef *Parent = nullptr) {
FIND_OR_CREATE_TYPEREF(A, NominalTypeRef, MangledName, Parent);
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
return TR->getKind() == TypeRefKind::Nominal;
class BoundGenericTypeRef final : public TypeRef, public NominalTypeTrait {
std::vector<const TypeRef *> GenericParams;
static TypeRefID Profile(const std::string &MangledName,
const std::vector<const TypeRef *> &GenericParams,
const TypeRef *Parent) {
TypeRefID ID;
for (auto Param : GenericParams)
return ID;
BoundGenericTypeRef(const std::string &MangledName,
std::vector<const TypeRef *> GenericParams,
const TypeRef *Parent = nullptr)
: TypeRef(TypeRefKind::BoundGeneric),
NominalTypeTrait(MangledName, Parent),
GenericParams(GenericParams) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const BoundGenericTypeRef *
create(Allocator &A, const std::string &MangledName,
std::vector<const TypeRef *> GenericParams,
const TypeRef *Parent = nullptr) {
FIND_OR_CREATE_TYPEREF(A, BoundGenericTypeRef, MangledName, GenericParams,
const std::vector<const TypeRef *> &getGenericParams() const {
return GenericParams;
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
return TR->getKind() == TypeRefKind::BoundGeneric;
class TupleTypeRef final : public TypeRef {
std::vector<const TypeRef *> Elements;
bool Variadic;
static TypeRefID Profile(const std::vector<const TypeRef *> &Elements,
bool Variadic) {
TypeRefID ID;
for (auto Element : Elements)
return ID;
TupleTypeRef(std::vector<const TypeRef *> Elements, bool Variadic=false)
: TypeRef(TypeRefKind::Tuple), Elements(Elements), Variadic(Variadic) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const TupleTypeRef *create(Allocator &A,
std::vector<const TypeRef *> Elements,
bool Variadic = false) {
FIND_OR_CREATE_TYPEREF(A, TupleTypeRef, Elements, Variadic);
const std::vector<const TypeRef *> &getElements() const {
return Elements;
bool isVariadic() const {
return Variadic;
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
return TR->getKind() == TypeRefKind::Tuple;
class FunctionTypeRef final : public TypeRef {
std::vector<const TypeRef *> Arguments;
const TypeRef *Result;
FunctionTypeFlags Flags;
static TypeRefID Profile(const std::vector<const TypeRef *> &Arguments,
const TypeRef *Result,
FunctionTypeFlags Flags) {
TypeRefID ID;
for (auto Argument : Arguments) {
return ID;
FunctionTypeRef(std::vector<const TypeRef *> Arguments, const TypeRef *Result,
FunctionTypeFlags Flags)
: TypeRef(TypeRefKind::Function), Arguments(Arguments), Result(Result),
Flags(Flags) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const FunctionTypeRef *create(Allocator &A,
std::vector<const TypeRef *> Arguments,
const TypeRef *Result,
FunctionTypeFlags Flags) {
FIND_OR_CREATE_TYPEREF(A, FunctionTypeRef, Arguments, Result, Flags);
const std::vector<const TypeRef *> &getArguments() const {
return Arguments;
const TypeRef *getResult() const {
return Result;
FunctionTypeFlags getFlags() const {
return Flags;
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
return TR->getKind() == TypeRefKind::Function;
class ProtocolTypeRef final : public TypeRef {
std::string MangledName;
static TypeRefID Profile(const std::string &MangledName) {
TypeRefID ID;
return ID;
ProtocolTypeRef(const std::string &MangledName)
: TypeRef(TypeRefKind::Protocol), MangledName(MangledName) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const ProtocolTypeRef *
create(Allocator &A, const std::string &MangledName) {
FIND_OR_CREATE_TYPEREF(A, ProtocolTypeRef, MangledName);
bool isError() const {
return MangledName == "s5Error_p";
const std::string &getMangledName() const {
return MangledName;
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
return TR->getKind() == TypeRefKind::Protocol;
bool operator==(const ProtocolTypeRef &Other) const {
return MangledName == Other.MangledName;
bool operator!=(const ProtocolTypeRef &Other) const {
return !(*this == Other);
class ProtocolCompositionTypeRef final : public TypeRef {
std::vector<const TypeRef *> Members;
bool HasExplicitAnyObject;
static TypeRefID Profile(const std::vector<const TypeRef *> &Members,
bool HasExplicitAnyObject) {
TypeRefID ID;
for (auto Member : Members) {
return ID;
ProtocolCompositionTypeRef(std::vector<const TypeRef *> Members,
bool HasExplicitAnyObject)
: TypeRef(TypeRefKind::ProtocolComposition),
Members(Members), HasExplicitAnyObject(HasExplicitAnyObject) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const ProtocolCompositionTypeRef *
create(Allocator &A, std::vector<const TypeRef *> Members,
bool HasExplicitAnyObject) {
FIND_OR_CREATE_TYPEREF(A, ProtocolCompositionTypeRef, Members,
const std::vector<const TypeRef *> &getMembers() const {
return Members;
bool hasExplicitAnyObject() const {
return HasExplicitAnyObject;
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
return TR->getKind() == TypeRefKind::ProtocolComposition;
class MetatypeTypeRef final : public TypeRef {
const TypeRef *InstanceType;
bool WasAbstract;
static TypeRefID Profile(const TypeRef *InstanceType, bool WasAbstract) {
TypeRefID ID;
return ID;
MetatypeTypeRef(const TypeRef *InstanceType, bool WasAbstract)
: TypeRef(TypeRefKind::Metatype), InstanceType(InstanceType),
WasAbstract(WasAbstract) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const MetatypeTypeRef *create(Allocator &A,
const TypeRef *InstanceType,
bool WasAbstract = false) {
FIND_OR_CREATE_TYPEREF(A, MetatypeTypeRef, InstanceType, WasAbstract);
bool wasAbstract() const {
return WasAbstract;
const TypeRef *getInstanceType() const {
return InstanceType;
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
return TR->getKind() == TypeRefKind::Metatype;
class ExistentialMetatypeTypeRef final : public TypeRef {
const TypeRef *InstanceType;
static TypeRefID Profile(const TypeRef *InstanceType) {
TypeRefID ID;
return ID;
ExistentialMetatypeTypeRef(const TypeRef *InstanceType)
: TypeRef(TypeRefKind::ExistentialMetatype), InstanceType(InstanceType) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const ExistentialMetatypeTypeRef *
create(Allocator &A, const TypeRef *InstanceType) {
FIND_OR_CREATE_TYPEREF(A, ExistentialMetatypeTypeRef, InstanceType);
const TypeRef *getInstanceType() const {
return InstanceType;
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
return TR->getKind() == TypeRefKind::ExistentialMetatype;
class GenericTypeParameterTypeRef final : public TypeRef {
const uint32_t Depth;
const uint32_t Index;
static TypeRefID Profile(uint32_t Depth, uint32_t Index) {
TypeRefID ID;
return ID;
GenericTypeParameterTypeRef(uint32_t Depth, uint32_t Index)
: TypeRef(TypeRefKind::GenericTypeParameter), Depth(Depth), Index(Index) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const GenericTypeParameterTypeRef *
create(Allocator &A, uint32_t Depth, uint32_t Index) {
FIND_OR_CREATE_TYPEREF(A, GenericTypeParameterTypeRef, Depth, Index);
uint32_t getDepth() const {
return Depth;
uint32_t getIndex() const {
return Index;
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
return TR->getKind() == TypeRefKind::GenericTypeParameter;
class DependentMemberTypeRef final : public TypeRef {
std::string Member;
const TypeRef *Base;
const TypeRef *Protocol;
static TypeRefID Profile(const std::string &Member, const TypeRef *Base,
const TypeRef *Protocol) {
TypeRefID ID;
return ID;
DependentMemberTypeRef(const std::string &Member, const TypeRef *Base,
const TypeRef *Protocol)
: TypeRef(TypeRefKind::DependentMember), Member(Member), Base(Base),
Protocol(Protocol) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const DependentMemberTypeRef *
create(Allocator &A, const std::string &Member,
const TypeRef *Base, const TypeRef *Protocol) {
FIND_OR_CREATE_TYPEREF(A, DependentMemberTypeRef, Member, Base, Protocol);
const std::string &getMember() const {
return Member;
const TypeRef *getBase() const {
return Base;
const ProtocolTypeRef *getProtocol() const {
return cast<ProtocolTypeRef>(Protocol);
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
return TR->getKind() == TypeRefKind::DependentMember;
class ForeignClassTypeRef final : public TypeRef {
std::string Name;
static TypeRefID Profile(const std::string &Name) {
TypeRefID ID;
return ID;
ForeignClassTypeRef(const std::string &Name)
: TypeRef(TypeRefKind::ForeignClass), Name(Name) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const ForeignClassTypeRef *create(Allocator &A,
const std::string &Name) {
FIND_OR_CREATE_TYPEREF(A, ForeignClassTypeRef, Name);
const std::string &getName() const {
return Name;
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
return TR->getKind() == TypeRefKind::ForeignClass;
class ObjCClassTypeRef final : public TypeRef {
std::string Name;
static const ObjCClassTypeRef *UnnamedSingleton;
static TypeRefID Profile(const std::string &Name) {
TypeRefID ID;
return ID;
ObjCClassTypeRef(const std::string &Name)
: TypeRef(TypeRefKind::ObjCClass), Name(Name) {}
static const ObjCClassTypeRef *getUnnamed();
template <typename Allocator>
static const ObjCClassTypeRef *create(Allocator &A, const std::string &Name) {
const std::string &getName() const {
return Name;
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
return TR->getKind() == TypeRefKind::ObjCClass;
class OpaqueTypeRef final : public TypeRef {
static const OpaqueTypeRef *Singleton;
OpaqueTypeRef() : TypeRef(TypeRefKind::Opaque) {}
static TypeRefID Profile() {
return TypeRefID();
static const OpaqueTypeRef *get();
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
return TR->getKind() == TypeRefKind::Opaque;
class ReferenceStorageTypeRef : public TypeRef {
const TypeRef *Type;
ReferenceStorageTypeRef(TypeRefKind Kind, const TypeRef *Type)
: TypeRef(Kind), Type(Type) {}
static TypeRefID Profile(const TypeRef *Type) {
TypeRefID ID;
return ID;
const TypeRef *getType() const {
return Type;
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
auto Kind = TR->getKind();
return (Kind == TypeRefKind::UnownedStorage &&
Kind == TypeRefKind::WeakStorage &&
Kind == TypeRefKind::UnmanagedStorage);
class UnownedStorageTypeRef final : public ReferenceStorageTypeRef {
using ReferenceStorageTypeRef::Profile;
UnownedStorageTypeRef(const TypeRef *Type)
: ReferenceStorageTypeRef(TypeRefKind::UnownedStorage, Type) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const UnownedStorageTypeRef *create(Allocator &A,
const TypeRef *Type) {
FIND_OR_CREATE_TYPEREF(A, UnownedStorageTypeRef, Type);
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
return TR->getKind() == TypeRefKind::UnownedStorage;
class WeakStorageTypeRef final : public ReferenceStorageTypeRef {
using ReferenceStorageTypeRef::Profile;
WeakStorageTypeRef(const TypeRef *Type)
: ReferenceStorageTypeRef(TypeRefKind::WeakStorage, Type) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const WeakStorageTypeRef *create(Allocator &A,
const TypeRef *Type) {
FIND_OR_CREATE_TYPEREF(A, WeakStorageTypeRef, Type);
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
return TR->getKind() == TypeRefKind::WeakStorage;
class UnmanagedStorageTypeRef final : public ReferenceStorageTypeRef {
using ReferenceStorageTypeRef::Profile;
UnmanagedStorageTypeRef(const TypeRef *Type)
: ReferenceStorageTypeRef(TypeRefKind::UnmanagedStorage, Type) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const UnmanagedStorageTypeRef *create(Allocator &A,
const TypeRef *Type) {
FIND_OR_CREATE_TYPEREF(A, UnmanagedStorageTypeRef, Type);
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
return TR->getKind() == TypeRefKind::UnmanagedStorage;
class SILBoxTypeRef final : public TypeRef {
const TypeRef *BoxedType;
static TypeRefID Profile(const TypeRef *BoxedType) {
TypeRefID ID;
return ID;
SILBoxTypeRef(const TypeRef *BoxedType)
: TypeRef(TypeRefKind::SILBox), BoxedType(BoxedType) {}
template <typename Allocator>
static const SILBoxTypeRef *create(Allocator &A,
const TypeRef *BoxedType) {
const TypeRef *getBoxedType() const {
return BoxedType;
static bool classof(const TypeRef *TR) {
return TR->getKind() == TypeRefKind::SILBox;
template <typename ImplClass, typename RetTy = void, typename... Args>
class TypeRefVisitor {
RetTy visit(const TypeRef *typeRef, Args... args) {
switch (typeRef->getKind()) {
#define TYPEREF(Id, Parent) \
case TypeRefKind::Id: \
return static_cast<ImplClass*>(this) \
->visit##Id##TypeRef(cast<Id##TypeRef>(typeRef), \
#include "swift/Reflection/TypeRefs.def"
swift_runtime_unreachable("Unhandled TypeRefKind in switch.");
} // end namespace reflection
} // end namespace swift