blob: 23d74e84552c3726d2e193d61551581ea1fff3bf [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: rm -rf %t
// RUN: mkdir -p %t
// RUN: %target-build-swift -swift-version 4 %s -o %t/a.out -enforce-exclusivity=checked -Onone
// RUN: %target-run %t/a.out
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// Tests for traps at run time when enforcing exclusive access.
import StdlibUnittest
import SwiftPrivatePthreadExtras
struct X {
var i = 7
/// Calling this function will begin a read access to the variable referred to
/// in the first parameter that lasts for the duration of the call. Any
/// accesses in the closure will therefore be nested inside the outer read.
func readAndPerform<T>(_ _: UnsafePointer<T>, closure: () ->()) {
/// Begin a modify access to the first parameter and call the closure inside it.
func modifyAndPerform<T>(_ _: UnsafeMutablePointer<T>, closure: () ->()) {
var globalX = X()
var ExclusiveAccessTestSuite = TestSuite("ExclusiveAccess")
ExclusiveAccessTestSuite.test("Read") {
let l = globalX // no-trap
// It is safe for a read access to overlap with a read.
ExclusiveAccessTestSuite.test("ReadInsideRead") {
readAndPerform(&globalX) {
let l = globalX // no-trap
{ _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
.crashOutputMatches("Previous access (a read) started at")
.crashOutputMatches("Current access (a modification) started at")
readAndPerform(&globalX) {
globalX = X()
{ _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
.crashOutputMatches("Previous access (a modification) started at")
.crashOutputMatches("Current access (a read) started at")
modifyAndPerform(&globalX) {
let l = globalX
{ _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
.crashOutputMatches("Previous access (a modification) started at")
.crashOutputMatches("Current access (a modification) started at")
modifyAndPerform(&globalX) {
globalX.i = 12
var globalOtherX = X()
// It is safe for two modifications of different variables
// to overlap.
ExclusiveAccessTestSuite.test("ModifyInsideModifyOfOther") {
modifyAndPerform(&globalOtherX) {
globalX.i = 12 // no-trap
// The access durations for these two modifications do not overlap
ExclusiveAccessTestSuite.test("ModifyFollowedByModify") {
globalX = X()
globalX = X() // no-trap
// FIXME: This should be covered by static diagnostics.
// Once this radar is fixed, confirm that a it is covered by a static diagnostic
// (-verify) test in exclusivity_static_diagnostics.sil.
// <rdar://problem/32061282> Enforce exclusive access in noescape closures.
// { _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
// reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
// .crashOutputMatches("Previous access (a modification) started at")
// .crashOutputMatches("Current access (a modification) started at")
// .code
// var x = X()
// modifyAndPerform(&x) {
// expectCrashLater()
// x.i = 12
// }
// FIXME: This should be covered by static diagnostics.
// Once this radar is fixed, confirm that a it is covered by a static diagnostic
// (-verify) test in exclusivity_static_diagnostics.sil.
// <rdar://problem/32061282> Enforce exclusive access in noescape closures.
// { _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
// reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
// .crashOutputMatches("Previous access (a read) started at")
// .crashOutputMatches("Current access (a modification) started at")
// .code
// var x = X()
// modifyAndPerform(&x) {
// expectCrashLater()
// _blackHole(x.i)
// }
// FIXME: This should be covered by static diagnostics.
// Once this radar is fixed, confirm that a it is covered by a static diagnostic
// (-verify) test in exclusivity_static_diagnostics.sil.
// <rdar://problem/32061282> Enforce exclusive access in noescape closures.
// { _isFastAssertConfiguration() },
// reason: "this trap is not guaranteed to happen in -Ounchecked"))
// .crashOutputMatches("Previous access (a modification) started at")
// .crashOutputMatches("Current access (a read) started at")
// .code
// var x = X()
// readAndPerform(&x) {
// expectCrashLater()
// x.i = 12
// }
ExclusiveAccessTestSuite.test("ClosureCaptureReadRead") {
var x = X()
readAndPerform(&x) {
_blackHole(x.i) // no-trap
// Test for per-thread enforcement. Don't trap when two different threads
// have overlapping accesses
ExclusiveAccessTestSuite.test("PerThreadEnforcement") {
modifyAndPerform(&globalX) {
let (_, otherThread) = _stdlib_pthread_create_block(nil, { (_ : Void) -> () in
globalX.i = 12 // no-trap
return ()
}, ())
_ = _stdlib_pthread_join(otherThread!, Void.self)