blob: c5f60eb7275aa10ccc74379ae00aa7f52dbaf356 [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- swift -*-
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swiftgyb
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// <rdar://problem/24357067> The compiler never finishes compiling validation-test/stdlib/CollectionType.swift.gyb in -O
// REQUIRES: swift_test_mode_optimize_none
% import os.path
% import gyb
% from gyb_stdlib_support import TRAVERSALS, collectionForTraversal, sliceTypeName, defaultIndicesForTraversal
import StdlibUnittest
import StdlibCollectionUnittest
var CollectionTypeTests = TestSuite("Collection")
struct CollectionWithDefaultUnderestimatedCount : Collection {
init(count: Int) {
self._count = count
self._collectionState =
_CollectionState(newRootStateForElementCount: count)
func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<OpaqueValue<Int>> {
return MinimalIterator([])
var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: 0, startIndex: 0, endIndex: _count)
var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: _count, startIndex: 0, endIndex: _count)
func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: i.position + 1, startIndex: 0, endIndex: _count)
subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> OpaqueValue<Int> {
return OpaqueValue(0xffff)
var _count: Int
var _collectionState: _CollectionState
// filter()
var MinimalCollectionWithCustomFilter_timesFilterWasCalled: Int = 0
% for Implementation in [ 'Default', 'Custom' ]:
struct MinimalCollectionWith${Implementation}Filter<Element>
: Collection {
init(_ data: [Element], underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior) {
self._data = MinimalCollection(
elements: data, underestimatedCount: underestimatedCount)
func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
return _data.makeIterator()
var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
return _data.startIndex
var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
return _data.endIndex
func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
return _data.index(after: i)
subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> Element {
return _data[i]
var _data: MinimalCollection<Element>
% if Implementation == 'Custom':
static var timesFilterWasCalled: Int {
get {
return MinimalCollectionWithCustomFilter_timesFilterWasCalled
set {
MinimalCollectionWithCustomFilter_timesFilterWasCalled = newValue
func filter(
_ isIncluded: (Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> [Element] {
MinimalCollectionWithCustomFilter.timesFilterWasCalled += 1
return try _data.filter(isIncluded)
% end
% end
func callStaticCollectionFilter(
_ sequence: MinimalCollectionWithDefaultFilter<OpaqueValue<Int>>,
_ isIncluded: (OpaqueValue<Int>) -> Bool
) -> [OpaqueValue<Int>] {
var result = sequence.filter(isIncluded)
expectType([OpaqueValue<Int>].self, &result)
return result
func callStaticCollectionFilter(
_ sequence: MinimalCollectionWithCustomFilter<OpaqueValue<Int>>,
_ isIncluded: (OpaqueValue<Int>) -> Bool
) -> [OpaqueValue<Int>] {
var result = sequence.filter(isIncluded)
expectType([OpaqueValue<Int>].self, &result)
return result
func callGenericCollectionFilter<S : Collection>(
_ sequence: S,
_ isIncluded: (S.Iterator.Element) -> Bool
) -> [S.Iterator.Element] {
var result = sequence.filter(isIncluded)
expectType(Array<S.Iterator.Element>.self, &result)
return result
% for Implementation in [ 'Default', 'Custom' ]:
% for dispatch in [ 'Static', 'Generic' ]:
CollectionTypeTests.test("filter/Collection/${Implementation}Implementation/${dispatch}") {
for test in filterTests {
for underestimatedCountBehavior in [
] {
let s = MinimalCollectionWith${Implementation}Filter<OpaqueValue<Int>>(,
underestimatedCount: underestimatedCountBehavior)
let closureLifetimeTracker = LifetimeTracked(0)
expectEqual(1, LifetimeTracked.instances)
var timesClosureWasCalled = 0
% if Implementation == 'Custom':
MinimalCollectionWithCustomFilter<OpaqueValue<Int>>.timesFilterWasCalled = 0
% end
var result = call${dispatch}CollectionFilter(s) {
(element) in
timesClosureWasCalled += 1
return test.includeElement(element.value)
expectType([OpaqueValue<Int>].self, &result)
expectEqual(test.expected, { $0.value })
% if Implementation == 'Custom':
expectEqual(1, MinimalCollectionWithCustomFilter<OpaqueValue<Int>>.timesFilterWasCalled)
% end
test.sequence, { $0.value }, "collection should not be consumed")
expectEqual(test.sequence.count, timesClosureWasCalled,
"filter() should be eager and should only call its predicate once per element")
2 * result.count, result.capacity,
"filter() should not reserve capacity"
+ "(it does not know how much the predicate will filter out)")
% end
% end
// map()
var MinimalCollectionWithCustomMap_timesMapWasCalled: Int = 0
% for Implementation in [ 'Default', 'Custom' ]:
struct MinimalCollectionWith${Implementation}Map<Element>
: Collection {
init(_ data: [Element], underestimatedCount: UnderestimatedCountBehavior) {
self._data = MinimalCollection(
elements: data, underestimatedCount: underestimatedCount)
func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<Element> {
return _data.makeIterator()
var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
return _data.startIndex
var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
return _data.endIndex
func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
return _data.index(after: i)
subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> Element {
return _data[i]
var _data: MinimalCollection<Element>
% if Implementation == 'Custom':
static var timesMapWasCalled: Int {
get {
return MinimalCollectionWithCustomMap_timesMapWasCalled
set {
MinimalCollectionWithCustomMap_timesMapWasCalled = newValue
func map<T>(
_ transform: (Element) throws -> T
) rethrows -> [T] {
MinimalCollectionWithCustomMap.timesMapWasCalled += 1
return try
% end
% end
func callStaticCollectionMap<T>(
_ collection: MinimalCollectionWithDefaultMap<OpaqueValue<Int>>,
transform: (OpaqueValue<Int>) -> T
) -> [T] {
var result =
expectType([T].self, &result)
return result
func callStaticCollectionMap<T>(
_ collection: MinimalCollectionWithCustomMap<OpaqueValue<Int>>,
transform: (OpaqueValue<Int>) -> T
) -> [T] {
var result =
expectType([T].self, &result)
return result
func callGenericCollectionMap<C : Collection, T>(
_ collection: C,
transform: (C.Iterator.Element) -> T
) -> [T] {
var result =
expectType([T].self, &result)
return result
% for Implementation in [ 'Default', 'Custom' ]:
% for dispatch in [ 'Static', 'Generic' ]:
) {
for test in mapTests {
for underestimatedCountBehavior in [
] {
let s = MinimalCollectionWith${Implementation}Map<
underestimatedCount: underestimatedCountBehavior)
let closureLifetimeTracker = LifetimeTracked(0)
expectEqual(1, LifetimeTracked.instances)
var timesClosureWasCalled = 0
% if Implementation == 'Custom':
>.timesMapWasCalled = 0
% end
var result = call${dispatch}CollectionMap(s) {
(element: OpaqueValue<Int>) -> OpaqueValue<Int32> in
timesClosureWasCalled += 1
return OpaqueValue(Int32(test.transform(element.value)))
expectType([OpaqueValue<Int32>].self, &result)
expectEqual(test.expected, { $0.value })
% if Implementation == 'Custom':
1, MinimalCollectionWithCustomMap<
% end
expectEqual(test.sequence, { $0.value },
"collection should not be consumed")
expectEqual(test.sequence.count, timesClosureWasCalled,
"map() should be eager and should only call its predicate"
+ "once per element")
% end
% end
// flatMap()
% TLazyFlatMapTest = gyb.parse_template(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "Inputs/flatMap.gyb"))
% LazyFlatMapTest = gyb.execute_template(TLazyFlatMapTest, Test='CollectionTypeTests', Kinds=['Collection', 'BidirectionalCollection'])
// underestimatedCount
CollectionTypeTests.test("underestimatedCount/Collection/DefaultImplementation") {
do {
let s = CollectionWithDefaultUnderestimatedCount(count: 0)
expectEqual(0, callGenericUnderestimatedCount(s))
do {
let s = CollectionWithDefaultUnderestimatedCount(count: 5)
expectEqual(5, callGenericUnderestimatedCount(s))
struct CollectionWithCustomUnderestimatedCount : Collection {
init(underestimatedCount: Int) {
self._underestimatedCount = underestimatedCount
self._collectionState =
_CollectionState(newRootStateForElementCount: 0xffff)
func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<OpaqueValue<Int>> {
return MinimalIterator([])
var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: 0, startIndex: 0, endIndex: 0xffff)
var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: 0xffff, startIndex: 0, endIndex: 0xffff)
func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: i.position + 1, startIndex: 0, endIndex: 0xffff)
subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> OpaqueValue<Int> {
return OpaqueValue(0xffff)
var underestimatedCount: Int {
return _underestimatedCount
let _underestimatedCount: Int
var _collectionState: _CollectionState
CollectionTypeTests.test("underestimatedCount/Collection/CustomImplementation") {
do {
let s = CollectionWithCustomUnderestimatedCount(underestimatedCount: 0)
expectEqual(0, callGenericUnderestimatedCount(s))
do {
let s = CollectionWithCustomUnderestimatedCount(underestimatedCount: 5)
expectEqual(5, callGenericUnderestimatedCount(s))
// Collection.makeIterator(), Collection.Iterator
struct MinimalCollectionWithDefaultIterator : Collection {
init(count: Int) {
self._count = count
self._collectionState =
_CollectionState(newRootStateForElementCount: count)
var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: 0, startIndex: 0, endIndex: _count)
var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: _count, startIndex: 0, endIndex: _count)
func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: i.position + 1, startIndex: 0, endIndex: _count)
subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> OpaqueValue<Int> {
return OpaqueValue(i.position + 1)
var _count: Int
var _collectionState: _CollectionState
func callGenericIterator<S : Sequence>(_ sequence: S) -> S.Iterator {
return sequence.makeIterator()
CollectionTypeTests.test("Collection.makeIterator()/DefaultImplementation") {
for count in [ 0, 5 ] {
let collection = MinimalCollectionWithDefaultIterator(count: count)
do {
// Check the return type of the function when called statically.
var iter = collection.makeIterator()
do {
// Check the return type of the function when called generically.
var iter = callGenericIterator(collection)
Array(1..<count+1).map(OpaqueValue.init) as [OpaqueValue<Int>],
) { $0.value == $1.value }
struct MinimalCollectionWithCustomIterator : Collection {
init(count: Int) {
self._count = count
self._collectionState =
_CollectionState(newRootStateForElementCount: count)
static var timesIteratorWasCalled: Int = 0
func makeIterator() -> MinimalIterator<OpaqueValue<Int>> {
MinimalCollectionWithCustomIterator.timesIteratorWasCalled += 1
return MinimalIterator<OpaqueValue<Int>>(
Array(1..<_count+1).map(OpaqueValue.init) as [OpaqueValue<Int>]
var startIndex: MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: 0, startIndex: 0, endIndex: _count)
var endIndex: MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: _count, startIndex: 0, endIndex: _count)
func index(after i: MinimalIndex) -> MinimalIndex {
return MinimalIndex(
collectionState: _collectionState,
position: i.position + 1, startIndex: 0, endIndex: _count)
subscript(i: MinimalIndex) -> OpaqueValue<Int> {
return OpaqueValue(i.position + 1)
var _count: Int
var _collectionState: _CollectionState
CollectionTypeTests.test("Collection.makeIterator()/CustomImplementation") {
for count in [ 0, 5 ] {
let collection = MinimalCollectionWithCustomIterator(count: count)
do {
// Check the return type of the function when called statically.
MinimalCollectionWithCustomIterator.timesIteratorWasCalled = 0
var iter = collection.makeIterator()
expectEqual(1, MinimalCollectionWithCustomIterator.timesIteratorWasCalled)
do {
MinimalCollectionWithCustomIterator.timesIteratorWasCalled = 0
// Check the return type of the function when called generically.
var iter = callGenericIterator(collection)
expectEqual(1, MinimalCollectionWithCustomIterator.timesIteratorWasCalled)
Array(1..<count+1).map(OpaqueValue.init) as [OpaqueValue<Int>],
resiliencyChecks: .none) { $0.value == $1.value }
// subscript(_: Range<Index>), Collection.SubSequence
CollectionTypeTests.test("subscript(_: Range<Index>)/Dispatch") {
let tester = CollectionLog.dispatchTester([OpaqueValue(1)])
_ = tester[tester.startIndex..<tester.endIndex]
let log = tester.log
let log2 = tester.log.subscriptRange
expectCustomizable(tester, tester.log.subscriptRange)
CollectionTypeTests.test("subscript(_: Range<Index>)/writeback") {
// This code used to crash in materializeForSet. The issue only reproduced
// in non-generic code. rdar://22109071
var collection = MinimalMutableRandomAccessCollection(
elements: [ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4 ])
var i = collection.startIndex
var j = collection.index(i, offsetBy: 5)
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4 ], collection)
CollectionTypeTests.test("subscript(_: Range<Index>)/defaultImplementation/sliceTooLarge")
.crashOutputMatches("Cannot replace a slice of a MutableCollection with a slice of a larger size")
.code {
var x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
x.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { buffer in
buffer[2..<4] = buffer[4..<8]
CollectionTypeTests.test("subscript(_: Range<Index>)/defaultImplementation/sliceTooSmall")
.crashOutputMatches("Cannot replace a slice of a MutableCollection with a slice of a smaller size")
.code {
var x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
x.withUnsafeMutableBufferPointer { buffer in
buffer[2..<6] = buffer[6..<8]
// isEmpty
CollectionTypeTests.test("isEmpty/dispatch") {
let tester = CollectionLog.dispatchTester([OpaqueValue(1)])
_ = tester.isEmpty
expectCustomizable(tester, tester.log.isEmpty)
// first
CollectionTypeTests.test("first/dispatch") {
let tester = CollectionLog.dispatchTester([OpaqueValue(1)])
_ = tester.first
expectCustomizable(tester, tester.log.first)
// count
CollectionTypeTests.test("count/dispatch") {
let tester = CollectionLog.dispatchTester([OpaqueValue(1)])
_ = tester.count
expectCustomizable(tester, tester.log.count)
// index(of:)
CollectionTypeTests.test("index(of:)/WhereElementIsEquatable/dispatch") {
let tester = CollectionLog.dispatchTester([MinimalEquatableValue(1)])
_ = tester.index(of: MinimalEquatableValue(1))
expectCustomizable(tester, tester.log._customIndexOfEquatableElement)
// FIXME: underscores are a workaround for:
// <rdar://problem/20582358> Commenting out one line determines whether a
// completely different line type-checks
func callGenericFind_<
C : Collection
>(_ collection: C, _ element: C.Iterator.Element) -> C.Index?
where C.Iterator.Element : Equatable {
return collection.index(of: element)
func callStaticFind_(
_ set: Set<MinimalHashableValue>,
_ element: MinimalHashableValue
) -> Set<MinimalHashableValue>.Index? {
return set.index(of: element)
% for dispatch in [ 'Static', 'Generic' ]:
// FIXME: implement the same optimization for Dictionary.
// FIXME: move to the file where other Set tests live.
CollectionTypeTests.test("Set<T>.find/CustomImplementation/${dispatch}") {
for test in findTests {
let s = Set<MinimalHashableValue>( { MinimalHashableValue($0.value) })
MinimalHashableValue.timesEqualEqualWasCalled = 0
MinimalHashableValue.timesHashValueWasCalled = 0
.map { _ in MinimalHashableValue(test.element.value) },
call${dispatch}Find_(s, MinimalHashableValue(test.element.value))
.map { s[$0] },
stackTrace: SourceLocStack().with(test.loc))
if test.sequence.isEmpty {
0, MinimalHashableValue.timesEqualEqualWasCalled,
stackTrace: SourceLocStack().with(test.loc))
0, MinimalHashableValue.timesHashValueWasCalled,
stackTrace: SourceLocStack().with(test.loc))
} else {
0, MinimalHashableValue.timesHashValueWasCalled,
stackTrace: SourceLocStack().with(test.loc))
if test.expected != nil {
0, MinimalHashableValue.timesEqualEqualWasCalled,
stackTrace: SourceLocStack().with(test.loc))
% end
extension Collection where
Iterator.Element : Equatable,
// FIXME: the following constraints should go away after
// <rdar://problem/20715697> Collection.SubSlice should constrain its
// Element type
SubSequence : Collection,
SubSequence.SubSequence == SubSequence,
SubSequence.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element,
SubSequence.Index == Index {
func _test_indicesOf(_ element: Iterator.Element) -> [Index] {
var result: [Index] = []
var tail = self[startIndex..<endIndex]
while let foundIndex = tail.index(of: element) {
tail = tail[index(after: foundIndex)..<endIndex]
return result
CollectionTypeTests.test("index(of:)/ContinueSearch") {
do {
let c = MinimalCollection(elements: [] as [MinimalEquatableValue])
do {
let c = MinimalCollection(
elements: [1, 2, 1, 3, 1].map(MinimalEquatableValue.init))
let foundIndices = c._test_indicesOf(MinimalEquatableValue(1))
let actual = { c.distance(from: c.startIndex, to: $0) }
[ 0, 2, 4 ],
// Collection.split()
CollectionTypeTests.test("Collection/split/dispatch") {
var tester = CollectionLog.dispatchTester([OpaqueValue(1)])
_ = tester.split { $0.value == 1 }
expectCustomizable(tester, tester.log.split)
// prefix(through:)
CollectionTypeTests.test("Collection/prefix(through:)/dispatch") {
var tester = CollectionLog.dispatchTester([1, 2, 3].map(OpaqueValue.init))
_ = tester.prefix(through: 1)
expectCustomizable(tester, tester.log.prefixThrough)
// prefix(upTo:)
CollectionTypeTests.test("Collection/prefix(upTo:)/dispatch") {
var tester = CollectionLog.dispatchTester([OpaqueValue(1)])
_ = tester.prefix(upTo: 1)
expectCustomizable(tester, tester.log.prefixUpTo)
// suffix(from:)
CollectionTypeTests.test("Collection/suffix(from:)/dispatch") {
var tester = CollectionLog.dispatchTester([1, 2, 3].map(OpaqueValue.init))
_ = tester.suffix(from: 1)
expectCustomizable(tester, tester.log.suffixFrom)
// MutableCollection
// partition(by:)
CollectionTypeTests.test("partition(by:)/dispatch") {
var tester = MutableCollectionLog.dispatchTester([OpaqueValue(1)])
_ = tester.partition(by: { _ in true })
expectCustomizable(tester, tester.log.partitionBy)
// _withUnsafeMutableBufferPointerIfSupported()
CollectionTypeTests.test("_withUnsafeMutableBufferPointerIfSupported/dispatch") {
var tester = MutableCollectionLog.dispatchTester([OpaqueValue(1)])
_ = tester._withUnsafeMutableBufferPointerIfSupported { _ in () }
expectCustomizable(tester, tester.log._withUnsafeMutableBufferPointerIfSupported)
// Associated Type Inference
// This section verifies that only the absolutely minimal protocol requirements
// are required to declare each kind of collection. All remaining requirements
// and associated types should be either inferred from the declared properties
// and methods or inherited as defaults via protocol extension.
struct FatalIndex : Comparable { }
func <(lhs: FatalIndex, rhs: FatalIndex) -> Bool { fatalError() }
func ==(lhs: FatalIndex, rhs: FatalIndex) -> Bool { fatalError() }
% for Traversal in TRAVERSALS:
% Collection = collectionForTraversal(Traversal)
% Self = 'Fatal' + Collection
% Slice = sliceTypeName(Traversal, False, False)
% Indices = defaultIndicesForTraversal(Traversal)
struct ${Self}<T> : ${Collection} {
var startIndex: FatalIndex { fatalError() }
var endIndex: FatalIndex { fatalError() }
subscript(i: FatalIndex) -> T { fatalError() }
func index(after i: FatalIndex) -> FatalIndex { fatalError() }
% if Traversal in ['Bidirectional', 'RandomAccess']:
func index(before i: FatalIndex) -> FatalIndex { fatalError() }
% end
CollectionTypeTests.test("AssociatedTypes/${Collection}") {
typealias C = ${Self}<Void>
collectionType: C.self,
iteratorType: IndexingIterator<C>.self,
subSequenceType: ${Slice}<C>.self,
indexType: FatalIndex.self,
indexDistanceType: Int.self,
indicesType: ${Indices}<C>.self)
% end