blob: 85f72a8716047b6c248af46e65d8e7a45e2fc22f [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
func _Algorithm<I : IteratorProtocol, S : Sequence>(i: I, s: S) {
func fn1(_: EnumerateGenerator<I>) {} // expected-error {{'EnumerateGenerator' has been renamed to 'EnumeratedIterator'}} {{15-33=EnumeratedIterator}} {{none}}
func fn2(_: EnumerateSequence<S>) {} // expected-error {{'EnumerateSequence' has been renamed to 'EnumeratedSequence'}} {{15-32=EnumeratedSequence}} {{none}}
_ = EnumeratedIterator(i) // expected-error {{use the 'enumerated()' method on the sequence}} {{none}}
_ = EnumeratedSequence(s) // expected-error {{use the 'enumerated()' method on the sequence}} {{none}}
func _Arrays<T>(e: T) {
// _ = ContiguousArray(count: 1, repeatedValue: e) // xpected-error {{Please use init(repeating:count:) instead}} {{none}}
// _ = ArraySlice(count: 1, repeatedValue: e) // xpected-error {{Please use init(repeating:count:) instead}} {{none}}
// _ = Array(count: 1, repeatedValue: e) // xpected-error {{Please use init(repeating:count:) instead}} {{none}}
// The actual error is: {{argument 'repeatedValue' must precede argument 'count'}}
var a = ContiguousArray<T>()
_ = a.removeAtIndex(0) // expected-error {{'removeAtIndex' has been renamed to 'remove(at:)'}} {{9-22=remove}} {{23-23=at: }} {{none}}
_ = a.replaceRange(0..<1, with: []) // expected-error {{'replaceRange(_:with:)' has been renamed to 'replaceSubrange(_:with:)'}} {{9-21=replaceSubrange}} {{none}}
_ = a.appendContentsOf([]) // expected-error {{'appendContentsOf' has been renamed to 'append(contentsOf:)'}} {{9-25=append}} {{26-26=contentsOf: }} {{none}}
var b = ArraySlice<T>()
_ = b.removeAtIndex(0) // expected-error {{'removeAtIndex' has been renamed to 'remove(at:)'}} {{9-22=remove}} {{23-23=at: }} {{none}}
_ = b.replaceRange(0..<1, with: []) // expected-error {{'replaceRange(_:with:)' has been renamed to 'replaceSubrange(_:with:)'}} {{9-21=replaceSubrange}} {{none}}
_ = b.appendContentsOf([]) // expected-error {{'appendContentsOf' has been renamed to 'append(contentsOf:)'}} {{9-25=append}} {{26-26=contentsOf: }} {{none}}
var c = Array<T>()
_ = c.removeAtIndex(0) // expected-error {{'removeAtIndex' has been renamed to 'remove(at:)'}} {{9-22=remove}} {{23-23=at: }} {{none}}
_ = c.replaceRange(0..<1, with: []) // expected-error {{'replaceRange(_:with:)' has been renamed to 'replaceSubrange(_:with:)'}} {{9-21=replaceSubrange}} {{none}}
_ = c.appendContentsOf([]) // expected-error {{'appendContentsOf' has been renamed to 'append(contentsOf:)'}} {{9-25=append}} {{26-26=contentsOf: }} {{none}}
func _Builtin(o: AnyObject, oo: AnyObject?) {
_ = unsafeAddressOf(o) // expected-error {{Removed in Swift 3. Use Unmanaged.passUnretained(x).toOpaque() instead.}} {{none}}
_ = unsafeAddress(of: o) // expected-error {{Removed in Swift 3. Use Unmanaged.passUnretained(x).toOpaque() instead.}} {{none}}
_ = unsafeUnwrap(oo) // expected-error {{Removed in Swift 3. Please use Optional.unsafelyUnwrapped instead.}} {{none}}
func _CString() {
_ = String.fromCString([]) // expected-error {{'fromCString' is unavailable: Please use String.init?(validatingUTF8:) instead. Note that it no longer accepts NULL as a valid input. Also consider using String(cString:), that will attempt to repair ill-formed code units.}} {{none}}
_ = String.fromCStringRepairingIllFormedUTF8([]) // expected-error {{'fromCStringRepairingIllFormedUTF8' is unavailable: Please use String.init(cString:) instead. Note that it no longer accepts NULL as a valid input. See also String.decodeCString if you need more control.}} {{none}}
func _CTypes<T>(x: Unmanaged<T>) {
func fn(_: COpaquePointer) {} // expected-error {{'COpaquePointer' has been renamed to 'OpaquePointer'}} {{14-28=OpaquePointer}} {{none}}
_ = OpaquePointer(bitPattern: x) // expected-error {{'init(bitPattern:)' is unavailable: use 'Unmanaged.toOpaque()' instead}} {{none}}
func _ClosedRange(x: ClosedRange<Int>) {
_ = x.startIndex // expected-error {{'startIndex' has been renamed to 'lowerBound'}} {{9-19=lowerBound}} {{none}}
_ = x.endIndex // expected-error {{'endIndex' has been renamed to 'upperBound'}} {{9-17=upperBound}} {{none}}
func _Collection() {
func fn(a: Bit) {} // expected-error {{'Bit' is unavailable: Bit enum has been removed. Please use Int instead.}} {{none}}
func fn<T>(b: IndexingGenerator<T>) {} // expected-error {{'IndexingGenerator' has been renamed to 'IndexingIterator'}} {{17-34=IndexingIterator}} {{none}}
func fn<T : CollectionType>(c: T) {} // expected-error {{'CollectionType' has been renamed to 'Collection'}} {{15-29=Collection}} {{none}}
func fn<T>(d: PermutationGenerator<T, T>) {} // expected-error {{'PermutationGenerator' is unavailable: PermutationGenerator has been removed in Swift 3}}
func _Collection<C : Collection>(c: C) {
func fn<T : Collection, U>(_: T, _: U) where T.Generator == U {} // expected-error {{'Generator' has been renamed to 'Iterator'}} {{50-59=Iterator}} {{none}}
_ = c.generate() // expected-error {{'generate()' has been renamed to 'makeIterator()'}} {{9-17=makeIterator}} {{none}}
_ = c.underestimateCount() // expected-error {{'underestimateCount()' has been replaced by 'underestimatedCount'}} {{9-27=underestimatedCount}} {{27-29=}} {{none}}
_ = c.split(1) { _ in return true} // expected-error {{split(maxSplits:omittingEmptySubsequences:whereSeparator:) instead}} {{none}}
func _Collection<C : Collection, E>(c: C, e: E) where C.Iterator.Element: Equatable, C.Iterator.Element == E {
_ = c.split(e) // expected-error {{'split(_:maxSplit:allowEmptySlices:)' is unavailable: Please use split(separator:maxSplits:omittingEmptySubsequences:) instead}} {{none}}
func _CollectionAlgorithms<C : MutableCollection, I>(c: C, i: I) where C : RandomAccessCollection, C.Index == I {
var c = c
_ = c.partition(i..<i) { _, _ in true } // expected-error {{slice the collection using the range, and call partition(by:)}} {{none}}
c.sortInPlace { _, _ in true } // expected-error {{'sortInPlace' has been renamed to 'sort(by:)'}} {{5-16=sort}} {{none}}
_ = c.partition { _, _ in true } // expected-error {{call partition(by:)}} {{none}}
func _CollectionAlgorithms<C : MutableCollection, I>(c: C, i: I) where C : RandomAccessCollection, C.Iterator.Element : Comparable, C.Index == I {
var c = c
_ = c.partition() // expected-error {{call partition(by:)}} {{none}}
_ = c.partition(i..<i) // expected-error {{slice the collection using the range, and call partition(by:)}} {{none}}
c.sortInPlace() // expected-error {{'sortInPlace()' has been renamed to 'sort()'}} {{5-16=sort}} {{none}}
func _CollectionAlgorithms<C : Collection, E>(c: C, e: E) where C.Iterator.Element : Equatable, C.Iterator.Element == E {
_ = c.indexOf(e) // expected-error {{'indexOf' has been renamed to 'index(of:)'}} {{9-16=index}} {{17-17=of: }} {{none}}
func _CollectionAlgorithms<C : Collection>(c: C) {
_ = c.indexOf { _ in true } // expected-error {{'indexOf' has been renamed to 'index(where:)'}} {{9-16=index}} {{none}}
func _CollectionAlgorithms<C : Sequence>(c: C) {
_ = c.sort { _, _ in true } // expected-error {{'sort' has been renamed to 'sorted(by:)'}} {{9-13=sorted}} {{none}}
_ = c.sort({ _, _ in true }) // expected-error {{'sort' has been renamed to 'sorted(by:)'}} {{9-13=sorted}} {{14-14=by: }} {{none}}
func _CollectionAlgorithms<C : Sequence>(c: C) where C.Iterator.Element : Comparable {
_ = c.sort() // expected-error {{'sort()' has been renamed to 'sorted()'}} {{9-13=sorted}} {{none}}
func _CollectionAlgorithms<C : MutableCollection>(c: C) {
_ = c.sort { _, _ in true } // expected-error {{'sort' has been renamed to 'sorted(by:)'}} {{9-13=sorted}} {{none}}
_ = c.sort({ _, _ in true }) // expected-error {{'sort' has been renamed to 'sorted(by:)'}} {{9-13=sorted}} {{14-14=by: }} {{none}}
func _CollectionAlgorithms<C : MutableCollection>(c: C) where C.Iterator.Element : Comparable {
_ = c.sort() // expected-error {{'sort()' has been renamed to 'sorted()'}} {{9-13=sorted}} {{none}}
var a: [Int] = [1,2,3]
var _: [Int] = a.sort() // expected-error {{'sort()' has been renamed to 'sorted()'}} {{20-24=sorted}} {{none}}
var _: [Int] = a.sort { _, _ in true } // expected-error {{'sort' has been renamed to 'sorted(by:)'}} {{20-24=sorted}} {{none}}
var _: [Int] = a.sort({ _, _ in true }) // expected-error {{'sort' has been renamed to 'sorted(by:)'}} {{20-24=sorted}} {{25-25=by: }} {{none}}
_ = a.sort() // OK, in `Void`able context, `sort()` is a renamed `sortInPlace()`.
_ = a.sort { _, _ in true } // OK, `Void`able context, `sort(by:)` is a renamed `sortInPlace(_:)`.
func _CollectionOfOne<T>(i: IteratorOverOne<T>) {
func fn(_: GeneratorOfOne<T>) {} // expected-error {{'GeneratorOfOne' has been renamed to 'IteratorOverOne'}} {{14-28=IteratorOverOne}} {{none}}
_ = i.generate() // expected-error {{'generate()' has been renamed to 'makeIterator()'}} {{9-17=makeIterator}} {{none}}
func _CompilerProtocols() {
func fn(_: BooleanType) {} // expected-error {{'BooleanType' has been renamed to 'Bool'}} {{14-25=Bool}} {{none}}
func _EmptyCollection<T>(i: EmptyIterator<T>) {
func fn(_: EmptyGenerator<T>) {} // expected-error {{'EmptyGenerator' has been renamed to 'EmptyIterator'}} {{14-28=EmptyIterator}} {{none}}
_ = i.generate() // expected-error {{'generate()' has been renamed to 'makeIterator()'}} {{9-17=makeIterator}} {{none}}
func _ErrorType() {
func fn(_: ErrorType) {} // expected-error {{'ErrorType' has been renamed to 'Error'}} {{14-23=Error}}
func _ExistentialCollection<T>(i: AnyIterator<T>) {
func fn1<T>(_: AnyGenerator<T>) {} // expected-error {{'AnyGenerator' has been renamed to 'AnyIterator'}} {{18-30=AnyIterator}} {{none}}
func fn2<T : AnyCollectionType>(_: T) {} // expected-error {{'AnyCollectionType' has been renamed to '_AnyCollectionProtocol'}} {{16-33=_AnyCollectionProtocol}} {{none}}
func fn3(_: AnyForwardIndex) {} // expected-error {{'AnyForwardIndex' has been renamed to 'AnyIndex'}} {{15-30=AnyIndex}} {{none}}
func fn4(_: AnyBidirectionalIndex) {} // expected-error {{'AnyBidirectionalIndex' has been renamed to 'AnyIndex'}} {{15-36=AnyIndex}} {{none}}
func fn5(_: AnyRandomAccessIndex) {} // expected-error {{'AnyRandomAccessIndex' has been renamed to 'AnyIndex'}} {{15-35=AnyIndex}} {{none}}
_ = anyGenerator(i) // expected-error {{'anyGenerator' has been replaced by 'AnyIterator.init(_:)'}} {{7-19=AnyIterator}} {{none}}
_ = anyGenerator { } // expected-error {{'anyGenerator' has been replaced by 'AnyIterator.init(_:)'}} {{7-19=AnyIterator}} {{none}}
func _ExistentialCollection<T>(s: AnySequence<T>) {
_ = s.underestimateCount() // expected-error {{'underestimateCount()' has been replaced by 'underestimatedCount'}} {{9-27=underestimatedCount}} {{27-29=}} {{none}}
func _ExistentialCollection<T>(c: AnyCollection<T>) {
_ = c.underestimateCount() // expected-error {{'underestimateCount()' has been replaced by 'underestimatedCount'}} {{9-27=underestimatedCount}} {{27-29=}} {{none}}
func _ExistentialCollection<T>(c: AnyBidirectionalCollection<T>) {
_ = c.underestimateCount() // expected-error {{'underestimateCount()' has been replaced by 'underestimatedCount'}} {{9-27=underestimatedCount}} {{27-29=}} {{none}}
func _ExistentialCollection<T>(c: AnyRandomAccessCollection<T>) {
_ = c.underestimateCount() // expected-error {{'underestimateCount()' has been replaced by 'underestimatedCount'}} {{9-27=underestimatedCount}} {{27-29=}} {{none}}
func _ExistentialCollection<C : _AnyCollectionProtocol>(c: C) {
_ = c.generate() // expected-error {{'generate()' has been renamed to 'makeIterator()'}} {{9-17=makeIterator}} {{none}}
func _Filter() {
func fn<T>(_: LazyFilterGenerator<T>) {} // expected-error {{'LazyFilterGenerator' has been renamed to 'LazyFilterIterator'}} {{17-36=LazyFilterIterator}} {{none}}
func _Filter<I : IteratorProtocol>(i: I) {
_ = LazyFilterIterator(i) { _ in true } // expected-error {{'init(_:whereElementsSatisfy:)' is unavailable: use '.lazy.filter' on the sequence}}
func _Filter<S : Sequence>(s: S) {
_ = LazyFilterSequence(s) { _ in true } // expected-error {{'init(_:whereElementsSatisfy:)' is unavailable: use '.lazy.filter' on the sequence}}
func _Filter<S>(s: LazyFilterSequence<S>) {
_ = s.generate() // expected-error {{'generate()' has been renamed to 'makeIterator()'}} {{9-17=makeIterator}} {{none}}
func _Filter<C : Collection>(c: C) {
_ = LazyFilterCollection(c) { _ in true} // expected-error {{'init(_:whereElementsSatisfy:)' is unavailable: use '.lazy.filter' on the collection}}
func _Filter<C>(c: LazyFilterCollection<C>) {
_ = c.generate() // expected-error {{'generate()' has been renamed to 'makeIterator()'}} {{9-17=makeIterator}} {{none}}
func _FixedPoint() {
var i: Int = 0
var u: UInt = 0
i++ // expected-error {{'++' is unavailable: it has been removed in Swift 3}} {{4-6= += 1}} {{none}}
++i // expected-error {{'++' is unavailable: it has been removed in Swift 3}} {{3-5=}} {{6-6= += 1}} {{none}}
i-- // expected-error {{'--' is unavailable: it has been removed in Swift 3}} {{4-6= -= 1}} {{none}}
--i // expected-error {{'--' is unavailable: it has been removed in Swift 3}} {{3-5=}} {{6-6= -= 1}} {{none}}
u++ // expected-error {{'++' is unavailable: it has been removed in Swift 3}} {{4-6= += 1}} {{none}}
++u // expected-error {{'++' is unavailable: it has been removed in Swift 3}} {{3-5=}} {{6-6= += 1}} {{none}}
u-- // expected-error {{'--' is unavailable: it has been removed in Swift 3}} {{4-6= -= 1}} {{none}}
--u // expected-error {{'--' is unavailable: it has been removed in Swift 3}} {{3-5=}} {{6-6= -= 1}} {{none}}
func fn1<T: IntegerType>(i: T) {} // expected-error {{'IntegerType' has been renamed to 'Integer'}} {{15-26=Integer}} {{none}}
func fn2<T: SignedIntegerType>(i: T) {} // expected-error {{'SignedIntegerType' has been renamed to 'SignedInteger'}} {{15-32=SignedInteger}} {{none}}
func fn3<T: UnsignedIntegerType>(i: T) {} // expected-error {{'UnsignedIntegerType' has been renamed to 'UnsignedInteger'}} {{15-34=UnsignedInteger}} {{none}}
func _Flatten() {
func fn<T>(i: FlattenGenerator<T>) {} // expected-error {{'FlattenGenerator' has been renamed to 'FlattenIterator'}} {{17-33=FlattenIterator}} {{none}}
func _Flatten<T>(s: FlattenSequence<T>) {
_ = s.generate() // expected-error {{'generate()' has been renamed to 'makeIterator()'}} {{9-17=makeIterator}} {{none}}
func _Flatten<T>(c: FlattenCollection<T>) {
_ = c.underestimateCount() // expected-error {{'underestimateCount()' has been replaced by 'underestimatedCount'}} {{9-27=underestimatedCount}} {{27-29=}} {{none}}
func _Flatten<T>(c: FlattenBidirectionalCollection<T>) {
_ = c.underestimateCount() // expected-error {{'underestimateCount()' has been replaced by 'underestimatedCount'}} {{9-27=underestimatedCount}} {{27-29=}} {{none}}
func _FloatingPoint() {
func fn<F : FloatingPointType>(f: F) {} // expected-error {{'FloatingPointType' has been renamed to 'FloatingPoint'}} {{15-32=FloatingPoint}} {{none}}
func _FloatingPoint<F : BinaryFloatingPoint>(f: F) {
_ = f.isSignaling // expected-error {{'isSignaling' has been renamed to 'isSignalingNaN'}} {{9-20=isSignalingNaN}} {{none}}
func _FloatingPointTypes() {
var x: Float = 1, y: Float = 1
// FIXME: isSignMinus -> sign is OK? different type.
_ = x.isSignMinus // expected-error {{'isSignMinus' has been renamed to 'sign'}} {{9-20=sign}} {{none}}
_ = x % y // expected-error {{'%' is unavailable: Use truncatingRemainder instead}} {{none}}
x %= y // expected-error {{'%=' is unavailable: Use formTruncatingRemainder instead}} {{none}}
++x // expected-error {{'++' is unavailable: it has been removed in Swift 3}} {{3-5=}} {{6-6= += 1}} {{none}}
--x // expected-error {{'--' is unavailable: it has been removed in Swift 3}} {{3-5=}} {{6-6= -= 1}} {{none}}
x++ // expected-error {{'++' is unavailable: it has been removed in Swift 3}} {{4-6= += 1}} {{none}}
x-- // expected-error {{'--' is unavailable: it has been removed in Swift 3}} {{4-6= -= 1}} {{none}}
func _HashedCollection<T>(x: Set<T>, i: Set<T>.Index, e: T) {
var x = x
_ = x.removeAtIndex(i) // expected-error {{'removeAtIndex' has been renamed to 'remove(at:)'}} {{9-22=remove}} {{23-23=at: }} {{none}}
_ = x.generate() // expected-error {{'generate()' has been renamed to 'makeIterator()'}} {{9-17=makeIterator}} {{none}}
_ = x.indexOf(e) // expected-error {{'indexOf' has been renamed to 'index(of:)'}} {{9-16=index}} {{17-17=of: }} {{none}}
func _HashedCollection<K, V>(x: Dictionary<K, V>, i: Dictionary<K, V>.Index, k: K) {
var x = x
_ = x.removeAtIndex(i) // expected-error {{'removeAtIndex' has been renamed to 'remove(at:)'}} {{9-22=remove}} {{23-23=at: }} {{none}}
_ = x.indexForKey(k) // expected-error {{'indexForKey' has been renamed to 'index(forKey:)'}} {{9-20=index}} {{21-21=forKey: }} {{none}}
_ = x.removeValueForKey(k) // expected-error {{'removeValueForKey' has been renamed to 'removeValue(forKey:)'}} {{9-26=removeValue}} {{27-27=forKey: }} {{none}}
_ = x.generate() // expected-error {{'generate()' has been renamed to 'makeIterator()'}} {{9-17=makeIterator}} {{none}}
func _ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<T>(x: ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<T>) {
_ = ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<T>() // expected-error {{'init()' is unavailable: Please use nil literal instead.}} {{none}}
_ = ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<T>.map(x)() { _ in true } // expected-error {{'map' is unavailable: Has been removed in Swift 3.}}
_ = ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<T>.flatMap(x)() { _ in true } // expected-error {{'flatMap' is unavailable: Has been removed in Swift 3.}}
// FIXME: No way to call map and flatMap as method?
// _ = (x as ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional).map { _ in true } // xpected-error {{}} {{none}}
// _ = (x as ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional).flatMap { _ in true } // xpected-error {{}} {{none}}
func _Index<T : _Incrementable>(i: T) {
var i = i
--i // expected-error {{'--' is unavailable: it has been removed in Swift 3}} {{3-5=}} {{6-6= = i.predecessor()}} {{none}}
i-- // expected-error {{'--' is unavailable: it has been removed in Swift 3}} {{4-6= = i.predecessor()}} {{none}}
++i // expected-error {{'++' is unavailable: it has been removed in Swift 3}} {{3-5=}} {{6-6= = i.successor()}} {{none}}
i++ // expected-error {{'++' is unavailable: it has been removed in Swift 3}} {{4-6= = i.successor()}} {{none}}
func _Index() {
func fn1<T : ForwardIndexType>(_: T) {} // expected-error {{'ForwardIndexType' has been renamed to 'Comparable'}} {{16-32=Comparable}} {{none}}
func fn2<T : BidirectionalIndexType>(_: T) {} // expected-error {{'BidirectionalIndexType' has been renamed to 'Comparable'}} {{16-38=Comparable}} {{none}}
func fn3<T : RandomAccessIndexType>(_: T) {} // expected-error {{'RandomAccessIndexType' has been renamed to 'Strideable'}} {{16-37=Strideable}} {{none}}
func _InputStream() {
_ = readLine(stripNewline: true) // expected-error {{'readLine(stripNewline:)' has been renamed to 'readLine(strippingNewline:)'}} {{7-15=readLine}} {{16-28=strippingNewline}} {{none}}
_ = readLine() // ok
func _IntegerArithmetic() {
func fn1<T : IntegerArithmeticType>(_: T) {} // expected-error {{'IntegerArithmeticType' has been renamed to 'IntegerArithmetic'}} {{16-37=IntegerArithmetic}} {{none}}
func fn2<T : SignedNumberType>(_: T) {} // expected-error {{'SignedNumberType' has been renamed to 'SignedNumber'}} {{16-32=SignedNumber}} {{none}}
func _Join() {
func fn<T>(_: JoinGenerator<T>) {} // expected-error {{'JoinGenerator' has been renamed to 'JoinedIterator'}} {{17-30=JoinedIterator}} {{none}}
func _Join<T>(s: JoinedSequence<T>) {
_ = s.generate() // expected-error {{'generate()' has been renamed to 'makeIterator()'}} {{9-17=makeIterator}} {{none}}
func _Join<S : Sequence>(s: S) where S.Iterator.Element : Sequence {
_ = s.joinWithSeparator(s) // expected-error {{'joinWithSeparator' has been renamed to 'joined(separator:)'}} {{9-26=joined}} {{27-27=separator: }} {{none}}
func _LazyCollection() {
func fn<T : LazyCollectionType>(_: T) {} // expected-error {{'LazyCollectionType' has been renamed to 'LazyCollectionProtocol'}} {{15-33=LazyCollectionProtocol}} {{none}}
func _LazySequence() {
func fn<T : LazySequenceType>(_: T) {} // expected-error {{'LazySequenceType' has been renamed to 'LazySequenceProtocol'}} {{15-31=LazySequenceProtocol}} {{none}}
func _LazySequence<S : LazySequenceProtocol>(s: S) {
_ = s.array // expected-error {{'array' is unavailable: Please use Array initializer instead.}} {{none}}
func _LifetimeManager<T>(x: T) {
var x = x
_ = withUnsafeMutablePointer(&x) { _ in } // expected-error {{'withUnsafeMutablePointer' has been renamed to 'withUnsafeMutablePointer(to:_:)'}} {{7-31=withUnsafeMutablePointer}} {{32-32=to: }} {{none}}
_ = withUnsafeMutablePointers(&x, &x) { _, _ in } // expected-error {{'withUnsafeMutablePointers' is unavailable: use nested withUnsafeMutablePointer(to:_:) instead}} {{none}}
_ = withUnsafeMutablePointers(&x, &x, &x) { _, _, _ in } // expected-error {{'withUnsafeMutablePointers' is unavailable: use nested withUnsafeMutablePointer(to:_:) instead}} {{none}}
_ = withUnsafePointer(&x) { _ in } // expected-error {{'withUnsafePointer' has been renamed to 'withUnsafePointer(to:_:)'}} {7-24=withUnsafePointer}} {{25-25=to: }} {{none}}
_ = withUnsafePointers(&x, &x) { _, _ in } // expected-error {{'withUnsafePointers' is unavailable: use nested withUnsafePointer(to:_:) instead}} {{none}}
_ = withUnsafePointers(&x, &x, &x) { _, _, _ in } // expected-error {{'withUnsafePointers' is unavailable: use nested withUnsafePointer(to:_:) instead}} {{none}}
func _ManagedBuffer<H, E>(x: ManagedBufferPointer<H, E>, h: H, bc: AnyClass) {
_ = x.allocatedElementCount // expected-error {{'allocatedElementCount' has been renamed to 'capacity'}} {{9-30=capacity}} {{none}}
_ = ManagedBuffer<H, E>.create(1) { _ in h } // expected-error {{'create(_:initialValue:)' has been renamed to 'create(minimumCapacity:makingHeaderWith:)'}} {{27-33=create}} {{34-34=minimumCapacity: }} {{none}}
_ = ManagedBuffer<H, E>.create(1, initialValue: { _ in h }) // expected-error {{'create(_:initialValue:)' has been renamed to 'create(minimumCapacity:makingHeaderWith:)'}} {{27-33=create}} {{34-34=minimumCapacity: }} {{37-49=makingHeaderWith}} {{none}}
_ = ManagedBufferPointer<H, E>(bufferClass: bc, minimumCapacity: 1, initialValue: { _, _ in h }) // expected-error {{'init(bufferClass:minimumCapacity:initialValue:)' has been renamed to 'init(bufferClass:minimumCapacity:makingHeaderWith:)'}} {{71-83=makingHeaderWith}} {{none}}
_ = ManagedBufferPointer<H, E>(bufferClass: bc, minimumCapacity: 1) { _, _ in h } // OK
func fn(_: ManagedProtoBuffer<H, E>) {} // expected-error {{'ManagedProtoBuffer' has been renamed to 'ManagedBuffer'}} {{14-32=ManagedBuffer}} {{none}}
func _Map() {
func fn<B, E>(_: LazyMapGenerator<B, E>) {} // expected-error {{'LazyMapGenerator' has been renamed to 'LazyMapIterator'}} {{20-36=LazyMapIterator}} {{none}}
func _Map<S : Sequence>(s: S) {
_ = LazyMapSequence(s) { _ in true } // expected-error {{'init(_:transform:)' is unavailable: use '' on the sequence}} {{none}}
func _Map<C : Collection>(c: C) {
_ = LazyMapCollection(c) { _ in true } // expected-error {{'init(_:transform:)' is unavailable: use '' on the collection}} {{none}}
func _MemoryLayout<T>(t: T) {
_ = sizeof(T.self) // expected-error {{'sizeof' is unavailable: use MemoryLayout<T>.size instead.}} {{7-14=MemoryLayout<}} {{15-21=>.size}} {{none}}
_ = alignof(T.self) // expected-error {{'alignof' is unavailable: use MemoryLayout<T>.alignment instead.}} {{7-15=MemoryLayout<}} {{16-22=>.alignment}} {{none}}
_ = strideof(T.self) // expected-error {{'strideof' is unavailable: use MemoryLayout<T>.stride instead.}} {{7-16=MemoryLayout<}} {{17-23=>.stride}} {{none}}
_ = sizeofValue(t) // expected-error {{'sizeofValue' has been replaced by 'MemoryLayout.size(ofValue:)'}} {{7-18=MemoryLayout.size}} {{19-19=ofValue: }} {{none}}
_ = alignofValue(t) // expected-error {{'alignofValue' has been replaced by 'MemoryLayout.alignment(ofValue:)'}} {{7-19=MemoryLayout.alignment}} {{20-20=ofValue: }} {{none}}
_ = strideofValue(t) // expected-error {{'strideofValue' has been replaced by 'MemoryLayout.stride(ofValue:)'}} {{7-20=MemoryLayout.stride}} {{21-21=ofValue: }} {{none}}
func _Mirror() {
func fn<M : MirrorPathType>(_: M) {} // expected-error {{'MirrorPathType' has been renamed to 'MirrorPath'}} {{15-29=MirrorPath}} {{none}}
func _MutableCollection() {
func fn1<C : MutableCollectionType>(_: C) {} // expected-error {{'MutableCollectionType' has been renamed to 'MutableCollection'}} {{16-37=MutableCollection}} {{none}}
func fn2<C : MutableSliceable>(_: C) {} // expected-error {{'MutableSliceable' is unavailable: Please use 'Collection where SubSequence : MutableCollection'}} {{none}}
func _OptionSet() {
func fn<O : OptionSetType>(_: O) {} // expected-error {{'OptionSetType' has been renamed to 'OptionSet'}} {{15-28=OptionSet}} {{none}}
func _Optional<T>(x: T) {
_ = Optional<T>.None // expected-error {{'None' has been renamed to 'none'}} {{19-23=none}} {{none}}
_ = Optional<T>.Some(x) // expected-error {{'Some' has been renamed to 'some'}} {{19-23=some}} {{none}}
func _TextOutputStream() {
func fn<S : OutputStreamType>(_: S) {} // expected-error {{'OutputStreamType' has been renamed to 'TextOutputStream'}} {{15-31=TextOutputStream}} {{none}}
func _TextOutputStream<S : TextOutputStreamable, O : TextOutputStream>(s: S, o: O) {
var o = o
s.writeTo(&o) // expected-error {{'writeTo' has been renamed to 'write(to:)'}} {{5-12=write}} {{13-13=to: }} {{none}}
func _Policy() {
func fn<O : BitwiseOperationsType>(_: O) {} // expected-error {{'BitwiseOperationsType' has been renamed to 'BitwiseOperations'}} {{15-36=BitwiseOperations}} {{none}}
func _Print<T, O : TextOutputStream>(x: T, out: O) {
var out = out
print(x, toStream: &out) // expected-error {{'print(_:separator:terminator:toStream:)' has been renamed to 'print(_:separator:terminator:to:)'}} {{3-8=print}} {{12-20=to}} {{none}}
print(x, x, separator: "/", toStream: &out) // expected-error {{'print(_:separator:terminator:toStream:)' has been renamed to 'print(_:separator:terminator:to:)'}} {{3-8=print}} {{31-39=to}} {{none}}
print(terminator: "|", toStream: &out) // expected-error {{'print(_:separator:terminator:toStream:)' has been renamed to 'print(_:separator:terminator:to:)'}} {{3-8=print}} {{26-34=to}} {{none}}
print(x, separator: "*", terminator: "$", toStream: &out) // expected-error {{'print(_:separator:terminator:toStream:)' has been renamed to 'print(_:separator:terminator:to:)'}} {{3-8=print}} {{45-53=to}} {{none}}
debugPrint(x, toStream: &out) // expected-error {{'debugPrint(_:separator:terminator:toStream:)' has been renamed to 'debugPrint(_:separator:terminator:to:)'}} {{3-13=debugPrint}} {{17-25=to}} {{none}}
func _Print<T>(x: T) {
print(x, appendNewline: true) // expected-error {{'print(_:appendNewline:)' is unavailable: Please use 'terminator: ""' instead of 'appendNewline: false': 'print((...), terminator: "")'}} {{none}}
debugPrint(x, appendNewline: true) // expected-error {{'debugPrint(_:appendNewline:)' is unavailable: Please use 'terminator: ""' instead of 'appendNewline: false': 'debugPrint((...), terminator: "")'}} {{none}}
func _Print<T, O : TextOutputStream>(x: T, o: O) {
// FIXME: Not working due to <rdar://22101775>
//var o = o
//print(x, &o) // xpected-error {{}} {{none}}
//debugPrint(x, &o) // xpected-error {{}} {{none}}
//print(x, &o, appendNewline: true) // xpected-error {{}} {{none}}
//debugPrint(x, &o, appendNewline: true) // xpected-error {{}} {{none}}
func _Range() {
func fn1<B>(_: RangeGenerator<B>) {} // expected-error {{'RangeGenerator' has been renamed to 'IndexingIterator'}} {{18-32=IndexingIterator}} {{none}}
func fn2<I : IntervalType>(_: I) {} // expected-error {{'IntervalType' is unavailable: IntervalType has been removed in Swift 3. Use ranges instead.}} {{none}}
func fn3<B>(_: HalfOpenInterval<B>) {} // expected-error {{'HalfOpenInterval' has been renamed to 'Range'}} {{18-34=Range}} {{none}}
func fn4<B>(_: ClosedInterval<B>) {} // expected-error {{'ClosedInterval' has been renamed to 'ClosedRange'}} {{18-32=ClosedRange}} {{none}}
func _Range<T>(r: Range<T>) {
_ = r.startIndex // expected-error {{'startIndex' has been renamed to 'lowerBound'}} {{9-19=lowerBound}} {{none}}
_ = r.endIndex // expected-error {{'endIndex' has been renamed to 'upperBound'}} {{9-17=upperBound}} {{none}}
func _Range<T>(r: ClosedRange<T>) {
_ = r.clamp(r) // expected-error {{'clamp' is unavailable: Call clamped(to:) and swap the argument and the receiver. For example, x.clamp(y) becomes y.clamped(to: x) in Swift 3.}} {{none}}
func _Range<T>(r: CountableClosedRange<T>) {
_ = r.clamp(r) // expected-error {{'clamp' is unavailable: Call clamped(to:) and swap the argument and the receiver. For example, x.clamp(y) becomes y.clamped(to: x) in Swift 3.}} {{none}}
func _RangeReplaceableCollection() {
func fn<I : RangeReplaceableCollectionType>(_: I) {} // expected-error {{'RangeReplaceableCollectionType' has been renamed to 'RangeReplaceableCollection'}} {{15-45=RangeReplaceableCollection}} {{none}}
func _RangeReplaceableCollection<C : RangeReplaceableCollection>(c: C, i: C.Index) {
var c = c
c.replaceRange(i..<i, with: []) // expected-error {{'replaceRange(_:with:)' has been renamed to 'replaceSubrange(_:with:)'}} {{5-17=replaceSubrange}} {{none}}
_ = c.removeAtIndex(i) // expected-error {{'removeAtIndex' has been renamed to 'remove(at:)'}} {{9-22=remove}} {{23-23=at: }} {{none}}
c.removeRange(i..<i) // expected-error {{'removeRange' has been renamed to 'removeSubrange'}} {{5-16=removeSubrange}} {{none}}
c.appendContentsOf([]) // expected-error {{'appendContentsOf' has been renamed to 'append(contentsOf:)'}} {{5-21=append}} {{22-22=contentsOf: }} {{none}}
c.insertContentsOf(c, at: i) // expected-error {{'insertContentsOf(_:at:)' has been renamed to 'insert(contentsOf:at:)'}} {{5-21=insert}} {{22-22=contentsOf: }} {{none}}
func _Reflection(x: ObjectIdentifier) {
_ = x.uintValue // expected-error {{'uintValue' is unavailable: use the 'UInt(_:)' initializer}} {{none}}
func _Repeat() {
func fn<E>(_: Repeat<E>) {} // expected-error {{'Repeat' has been renamed to 'Repeated'}} {{17-23=Repeated}} {{none}}
func _Repeat<E>(e: E) {
_ = Repeated(count: 0, repeatedValue: e) // expected-error {{'init(count:repeatedValue:)' is unavailable: Please use repeatElement(_:count:) function instead}} {{none}}
func _Reverse<C : BidirectionalCollection>(c: C) {
_ = ReverseCollection(c) // expected-error {{'ReverseCollection' has been renamed to 'ReversedCollection'}} {{7-24=ReversedCollection}} {{none}}
_ = ReversedCollection(c) // expected-error {{'init' has been replaced by instance method 'BidirectionalCollection.reversed()'}} {{7-25=c.reversed}} {{26-27=}} {{none}}
_ = c.reverse() // expected-error {{'reverse()' has been renamed to 'reversed()'}} {{9-16=reversed}} {{none}}
func _Reverse<C : RandomAccessCollection>(c: C) {
_ = ReverseRandomAccessCollection(c) // expected-error {{'ReverseRandomAccessCollection' has been renamed to 'ReversedRandomAccessCollection'}} {{7-36=ReversedRandomAccessCollection}} {{none}}
_ = ReversedRandomAccessCollection(c) // expected-error {{'init' has been replaced by instance method 'RandomAccessCollection.reversed()'}} {{7-37=c.reversed}} {{38-39=}} {{none}}
_ = c.reverse() // expected-error {{'reverse()' has been renamed to 'reversed()'}} {{9-16=reversed}} {{none}}
func _Reverse<C : LazyCollectionProtocol>(c: C) where C : BidirectionalCollection, C.Elements : BidirectionalCollection {
_ = c.reverse() // expected-error {{'reverse()' has been renamed to 'reversed()'}} {{9-16=reversed}} {{none}}
func _Reverse<C : LazyCollectionProtocol>(c: C) where C : RandomAccessCollection, C.Elements : RandomAccessCollection {
_ = c.reverse() // expected-error {{'reverse()' has been renamed to 'reversed()'}} {{9-16=reversed}} {{none}}
func _Sequence() {
func fn1<G : GeneratorType>(_: G) {} // expected-error {{'GeneratorType' has been renamed to 'IteratorProtocol'}} {{16-29=IteratorProtocol}} {{none}}
func fn2<S : SequenceType>(_: S) {} // expected-error {{'SequenceType' has been renamed to 'Sequence'}} {{16-28=Sequence}} {{none}}
func fn3<I : IteratorProtocol>(_: GeneratorSequence<I>) {} // expected-error {{'GeneratorSequence' has been renamed to 'IteratorSequence'}} {{37-54=IteratorSequence}} {{none}}
func _Sequence<S : Sequence>(s: S) {
_ = s.generate() // expected-error {{'generate()' has been renamed to 'makeIterator()'}} {{9-17=makeIterator}} {{none}}
_ = s.underestimateCount() // expected-error {{'underestimateCount()' has been replaced by 'underestimatedCount'}} {{9-27=underestimatedCount}} {{27-29=}} {{none}}
_ = s.split(1, allowEmptySlices: true) { _ in true } // expected-error {{'split(_:allowEmptySlices:isSeparator:)' is unavailable: call 'split(maxSplits:omittingEmptySubsequences:whereSeparator:)' and invert the 'allowEmptySlices' argument}} {{none}}
func _Sequence<S : Sequence>(s: S, e: S.Iterator.Element) where S.Iterator.Element : Equatable {
_ = s.split(e, maxSplit: 1, allowEmptySlices: true) // expected-error {{'split(_:maxSplit:allowEmptySlices:)' is unavailable: call 'split(separator:maxSplits:omittingEmptySubsequences:)' and invert the 'allowEmptySlices' argument}} {{none}}
func _SequenceAlgorithms<S : Sequence>(x: S) {
_ = x.enumerate() // expected-error {{'enumerate()' has been renamed to 'enumerated()'}} {{9-18=enumerated}} {{none}}
_ = x.minElement { _, _ in true } // expected-error {{'minElement' has been renamed to 'min(by:)'}} {{9-19=min}} {{none}}
_ = x.maxElement { _, _ in true } // expected-error {{'maxElement' has been renamed to 'max(by:)'}} {{9-19=max}} {{none}}
_ = x.reverse() // expected-error {{'reverse()' has been renamed to 'reversed()'}} {{9-16=reversed}} {{none}}
_ = x.startsWith([]) { _ in true } // expected-error {{'startsWith(_:isEquivalent:)' has been renamed to 'starts(with:by:)'}} {{9-19=starts}} {{20-20=with: }} {{none}}
_ = x.elementsEqual([], isEquivalent: { _, _ in true }) // expected-error {{'elementsEqual(_:isEquivalent:)' has been renamed to 'elementsEqual(_:by:)'}} {{9-22=elementsEqual}} {{27-39=by}} {{none}}
_ = x.elementsEqual([]) { _, _ in true } // OK
_ = x.lexicographicalCompare([]) { _, _ in true } // expected-error {{'lexicographicalCompare(_:isOrderedBefore:)' has been renamed to 'lexicographicallyPrecedes(_:by:)'}} {{9-31=lexicographicallyPrecedes}}{{none}}
_ = x.contains({ _ in true }) // expected-error {{'contains' has been renamed to 'contains(where:)'}} {{9-17=contains}} {{18-18=where: }} {{none}}
_ = x.contains { _ in true } // OK
_ = x.reduce(1, combine: { _, _ in 1 }) // expected-error {{'reduce(_:combine:)' has been renamed to 'reduce(_:_:)'}} {{9-15=reduce}} {{19-28=}} {{none}}
_ = x.reduce(1) { _, _ in 1 } // OK
func _SequenceAlgorithms<S : Sequence>(x: S) where S.Iterator.Element : Comparable {
_ = x.minElement() // expected-error {{'minElement()' has been renamed to 'min()'}} {{9-19=min}} {{none}}
_ = x.maxElement() // expected-error {{'maxElement()' has been renamed to 'max()'}} {{9-19=max}} {{none}}
_ = x.startsWith([]) // expected-error {{'startsWith' has been renamed to 'starts(with:)'}} {{9-19=starts}} {{20-20=with: }} {{none}}
_ = x.lexicographicalCompare([]) // expected-error {{'lexicographicalCompare' has been renamed to 'lexicographicallyPrecedes'}} {{9-31=lexicographicallyPrecedes}}{{none}}
func _SetAlgebra() {
func fn<S : SetAlgebraType>(_: S) {} // expected-error {{'SetAlgebraType' has been renamed to 'SetAlgebra'}} {{15-29=SetAlgebra}} {{none}}
func _SetAlgebra<S : SetAlgebra>(s: S) {
var s = s
_ = s.intersect(s) // expected-error {{'intersect' has been renamed to 'intersection(_:)'}} {{9-18=intersection}} {{none}}
_ = s.exclusiveOr(s) // expected-error {{'exclusiveOr' has been renamed to 'symmetricDifference(_:)'}} {{9-20=symmetricDifference}} {{none}}
s.unionInPlace(s) // expected-error {{'unionInPlace' has been renamed to 'formUnion(_:)'}} {{5-17=formUnion}} {{none}}
s.intersectInPlace(s) // expected-error {{'intersectInPlace' has been renamed to 'formIntersection(_:)'}} {{5-21=formIntersection}} {{none}}
s.exclusiveOrInPlace(s) // expected-error {{'exclusiveOrInPlace' has been renamed to 'formSymmetricDifference(_:)'}} {{5-23=formSymmetricDifference}} {{none}}
_ = s.isSubsetOf(s) // expected-error {{'isSubsetOf' has been renamed to 'isSubset(of:)'}} {{9-19=isSubset}} {{20-20=of: }} {{none}}
_ = s.isDisjointWith(s) // expected-error {{'isDisjointWith' has been renamed to 'isDisjoint(with:)'}} {{9-23=isDisjoint}} {{24-24=with: }} {{none}}
s.subtractInPlace(s) // expected-error {{'subtractInPlace' has been renamed to 'subtract(_:)'}} {{5-20=subtract}} {{none}}
_ = s.isStrictSupersetOf(s) // expected-error {{'isStrictSupersetOf' has been renamed to 'isStrictSuperset(of:)'}} {{9-27=isStrictSuperset}} {{28-28=of: }} {{none}}
_ = s.isStrictSubsetOf(s) // expected-error {{'isStrictSubsetOf' has been renamed to 'isStrictSubset(of:)'}} {{9-25=isStrictSubset}} {{26-26=of: }} {{none}}
func _StaticString(x: StaticString) {
_ = x.byteSize // expected-error {{'byteSize' has been renamed to 'utf8CodeUnitCount'}} {{9-17=utf8CodeUnitCount}} {{none}}
_ = x.stringValue // expected-error {{'stringValue' is unavailable: use the 'String(_:)' initializer}} {{none}}
func _Stride<T : Strideable>(x: T, d: T.Stride) {
func fn1<T>(_: StrideToGenerator<T>) {} // expected-error {{'StrideToGenerator' has been renamed to 'StrideToIterator'}} {{18-35=StrideToIterator}} {{none}}
func fn2<T>(_: StrideThroughGenerator<T>) {} // expected-error {{'StrideThroughGenerator' has been renamed to 'StrideThroughIterator'}} {{18-40=StrideThroughIterator}} {{none}}
_ = x.stride(to: x, by: d) // expected-error {{'stride(to:by:)' is unavailable: Use stride(from:to:by:) free function instead}} {{none}}
_ = x.stride(through: x, by: d) // expected-error {{'stride(through:by:)' is unavailable: Use stride(from:through:by:) free function instead}}
func _String<S, C>(x: String, s: S, c: C, i: String.Index)
where S : Sequence, S.Iterator.Element == Character, C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == Character {
var x = x
x.appendContentsOf(x) // expected-error {{'appendContentsOf' has been renamed to 'append(_:)'}} {{5-21=append}} {{none}}
x.appendContentsOf(s) // expected-error {{'appendContentsOf' has been renamed to 'append(contentsOf:)'}} {{5-21=append}} {{22-22=contentsOf: }} {{none}}
x.insertContentsOf(c, at: i) // expected-error {{'insertContentsOf(_:at:)' has been renamed to 'insert(contentsOf:at:)'}} {{5-21=insert}} {{22-22=contentsOf: }} {{none}}
x.replaceRange(i..<i, with: c) // expected-error {{'replaceRange(_:with:)' has been renamed to 'replaceSubrange'}} {{5-17=replaceSubrange}} {{none}}
x.replaceRange(i..<i, with: x) // expected-error {{'replaceRange(_:with:)' has been renamed to 'replaceSubrange'}} {{5-17=replaceSubrange}} {{none}}
_ = x.removeAtIndex(i) // expected-error {{'removeAtIndex' has been renamed to 'remove(at:)'}} {{9-22=remove}} {{23-23=at: }} {{none}}
x.removeRange(i..<i) // expected-error {{'removeRange' has been renamed to 'removeSubrange'}} {{5-16=removeSubrange}} {{none}}
_ = x.lowercaseString // expected-error {{'lowercaseString' has been renamed to 'lowercased()'}} {{9-24=lowercased()}} {{none}}
_ = x.uppercaseString // expected-error {{'uppercaseString' has been renamed to 'uppercased()'}} {{9-24=uppercased()}} {{none}}
// FIXME: SR-1649 <rdar://problem/26563343>; We should suggest to add '()'
func _String<S : Sequence>(s: S, sep: String) where S.Iterator.Element == String {
_ = s.joinWithSeparator(sep) // expected-error {{'joinWithSeparator' has been renamed to 'joined(separator:)'}} {{9-26=joined}} {{27-27=separator: }} {{none}}
func _StringCharacterView<S, C>(x: String.CharacterView, s: S, c: C, i: String.CharacterView.Index)
where S : Sequence, S.Iterator.Element == Character, C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == Character {
var x = x
x.replaceRange(i..<i, with: c) // expected-error {{'replaceRange(_:with:)' has been renamed to 'replaceSubrange'}} {{5-17=replaceSubrange}} {{none}}
x.appendContentsOf(s) // expected-error {{'appendContentsOf' has been renamed to 'append(contentsOf:)'}} {{5-21=append}} {{22-22=contentsOf: }} {{none}}
func _StringAppend(s: inout String, u: UnicodeScalar) {
s.append(u) // expected-error {{'append' is unavailable: Replaced by append(_: String)}} {{none}}
func _StringLegacy(c: Character, u: UnicodeScalar) {
_ = String(count: 1, repeatedValue: c) // expected-error {{'init(count:repeatedValue:)' is unavailable: Renamed to init(repeating:count:) and reordered parameters}} {{none}}
_ = String(count: 1, repeatedValue: u) // expected-error {{'init(count:repeatedValue:)' is unavailable: Renamed to init(repeating:count:) and reordered parameters}} {{none}}
_ = String(repeating: c, count: 1) // expected-error {{'init(repeating:count:)' is unavailable: Replaced by init(repeating: String, count: Int)}} {{none}}
_ = String(repeating: u, count: 1) // expected-error {{'init(repeating:count:)' is unavailable: Replaced by init(repeating: String, count: Int)}} {{none}}
func _Unicode<C : UnicodeCodec>(s: UnicodeScalar, c: C.Type, out: (C.CodeUnit) -> Void) {
func fn<T : UnicodeCodecType>(_: T) {} // expected-error {{'UnicodeCodecType' has been renamed to 'UnicodeCodec'}} {{15-31=UnicodeCodec}} {{none}}
c.encode(s, output: out) // expected-error {{encode(_:output:)' has been renamed to 'encode(_:into:)}} {{5-11=encode}} {{15-21=into}} {{none}}
c.encode(s) { _ in } // OK
UTF8.encode(s, output: { _ in }) // expected-error {{'encode(_:output:)' has been renamed to 'encode(_:into:)'}} {{8-14=encode}} {{18-24=into}} {{none}}
UTF16.encode(s, output: { _ in }) // expected-error {{'encode(_:output:)' has been renamed to 'encode(_:into:)'}} {{9-15=encode}} {{19-25=into}} {{none}}
UTF32.encode(s, output: { _ in }) // expected-error {{'encode(_:output:)' has been renamed to 'encode(_:into:)'}} {{9-15=encode}} {{19-25=into}} {{none}}
func _Unicode<I : IteratorProtocol, E : UnicodeCodec>(i: I, e: E.Type) where I.Element == E.CodeUnit {
_ = transcode(e, e, i, { _ in }, stopOnError: true) // expected-error {{'transcode(_:_:_:_:stopOnError:)' is unavailable: use 'transcode(_:from:to:stoppingOnError:into:)'}} {{none}}
_ = UTF16.measure(e, input: i, repairIllFormedSequences: true) // expected-error {{'measure(_:input:repairIllFormedSequences:)' is unavailable: use 'transcodedLength(of:decodedAs:repairingIllFormedSequences:)'}} {{none}}
func _UnicodeScalar(s: UnicodeScalar) {
_ = UnicodeScalar() // expected-error {{'init()' is unavailable: use 'UnicodeScalar(0)'}} {{none}}
_ = s.escape(asASCII: true) // expected-error {{'escape(asASCII:)' has been renamed to 'escaped(asASCII:)'}} {{9-15=escaped}} {{none}}
func _Unmanaged<T>(x: Unmanaged<T>, p: OpaquePointer) {
_ = Unmanaged<T>.fromOpaque(p) // expected-error {{'fromOpaque' is unavailable: use 'fromOpaque(_: UnsafeRawPointer)' instead}} {{none}}
let _: OpaquePointer = x.toOpaque() // expected-error {{'toOpaque()' is unavailable: use 'toOpaque() -> UnsafeRawPointer' instead}} {{none}}
func _UnsafeBufferPointer() {
func fn<T>(x: UnsafeBufferPointerGenerator<T>) {} // expected-error {{'UnsafeBufferPointerGenerator' has been renamed to 'UnsafeBufferPointerIterator'}} {{17-45=UnsafeBufferPointerIterator}} {{none}}
func _UnsafePointer<T>(x: UnsafePointer<T>) {
_ = UnsafePointer<T>.Memory.self // expected-error {{'Memory' has been renamed to 'Pointee'}} {{24-30=Pointee}} {{none}}
_ = UnsafePointer<T>() // expected-error {{'init()' is unavailable: use 'nil' literal}} {{none}}
_ = x.memory // expected-error {{'memory' has been renamed to 'pointee'}} {{9-15=pointee}} {{none}}
func _UnsafePointer<T>(x: UnsafeMutablePointer<T>, e: T) {
var x = x
_ = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.Memory.self // expected-error {{'Memory' has been renamed to 'Pointee'}} {{31-37=Pointee}} {{none}}
_ = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>() // expected-error {{'init()' is unavailable: use 'nil' literal}} {{none}}
_ = x.memory // expected-error {{'memory' has been renamed to 'pointee'}} {{9-15=pointee}} {{none}}
_ = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.alloc(1) // expected-error {{'alloc' has been renamed to 'allocate(capacity:)'}} {{31-36=allocate}} {{37-37=capacity: }} {{none}}
x.dealloc(1) // expected-error {{'dealloc' has been renamed to 'deallocate(capacity:)'}} {{5-12=deallocate}} {{13-13=capacity: }} {{none}}
x.memory = e // expected-error {{'memory' has been renamed to 'pointee'}} {{5-11=pointee}} {{none}}
x.initialize(e) // expected-error {{'initialize' has been renamed to 'initialize(to:)'}} {{5-15=initialize}} {{16-16=to: }} {{none}}
x.destroy() // expected-error {{'destroy()' has been renamed to 'deinitialize(count:)'}} {{5-12=deinitialize}} {{none}}
x.destroy(1) // expected-error {{'destroy' has been renamed to 'deinitialize(count:)'}} {{5-12=deinitialize}} {{13-13=count: }} {{none}}
x.initialize(with: e) // expected-error {{'initialize(with:count:)' has been renamed to 'initialize(to:count:)'}} {{5-15=initialize}} {{16-20=to}} {{none}}
let ptr1 = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>(allocatingCapacity: 1) // expected-error {{'init(allocatingCapacity:)' is unavailable: use 'UnsafeMutablePointer.allocate(capacity:)'}} {{none}}
ptr1.initialize(with: e, count: 1) // expected-error {{'initialize(with:count:)' has been renamed to 'initialize(to:count:)'}} {{8-18=initialize}} {{19-23=to}} {{none}}
let ptr2 = UnsafeMutablePointer<T>.allocate(capacity: 1)
ptr2.initializeFrom(ptr1, count: 1) // expected-error {{'initializeFrom(_:count:)' has been renamed to 'initialize(from:count:)'}} {{8-22=initialize}} {{23-23=from: }} {{none}}
ptr1.assignFrom(ptr2, count: 1) // expected-error {{'assignFrom(_:count:)' has been renamed to 'assign(from:count:)'}} {{8-18=assign}} {{19-19=from: }} {{none}}
ptr2.assignBackwardFrom(ptr1, count: 1) // expected-error {{'assignBackwardFrom(_:count:)' has been renamed to 'assign(from:count:)'}} {{8-26=assign}} {{27-27=from: }} {{none}}
ptr1.moveAssignFrom(ptr2, count: 1) // expected-error {{'moveAssignFrom(_:count:)' has been renamed to 'moveAssign(from:count:)'}} {{8-22=moveAssign}} {{23-23=from: }} {{none}}
ptr2.moveInitializeFrom(ptr1, count: 1) // expected-error {{'moveInitializeFrom(_:count:)' has been renamed to 'moveInitialize(from:count:)'}} {{8-26=moveInitialize}} {{27-27=from: }} {{none}}
ptr1.moveInitializeBackwardFrom(ptr1, count: 1) // expected-error {{'moveInitializeBackwardFrom(_:count:)' has been renamed to 'moveInitialize(from:count:)'}} {{8-34=moveInitialize}} {{35-35=from: }} {{none}}
ptr1.deallocateCapacity(1) // expected-error {{'deallocateCapacity' has been renamed to 'deallocate(capacity:)'}} {{8-26=deallocate}} {{27-27=capacity: }} {{none}}
ptr2.deallocate(capacity: 1)
func _UnsafePointer<T, C : Collection>(x: UnsafeMutablePointer<T>, c: C) where C.Iterator.Element == T {
x.initializeFrom(c) // expected-error {{'initializeFrom' has been renamed to 'initialize(from:)'}}
func _VarArgs() {
func fn1(_: CVarArgType) {} // expected-error {{'CVarArgType' has been renamed to 'CVarArg'}} {{15-26=CVarArg}}{{none}}
func fn2(_: VaListBuilder) {} // expected-error {{'VaListBuilder' is unavailable}} {{none}}
func _Zip<S1 : Sequence, S2: Sequence>(s1: S1, s2: S2) {
_ = Zip2Sequence(s1, s2) // expected-error {{use zip(_:_:) free function instead}} {{none}}
_ = Zip2Sequence<S1, S2>.Generator.self // expected-error {{'Generator' has been renamed to 'Iterator'}} {{28-37=Iterator}} {{none}}