blob: 742a75bb02b07fe30af1e9d832131487d6ca9d2f [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -O -Xllvm -sil-disable-pass="Function Signature Optimization" -emit-sil %s | %FileCheck %s
// We want to check two things here:
// - Correctness
// - That certain "is" checks are eliminated based on static analysis at compile-time
// In ideal world, all those testNN functions should be simplified down to a single basic block
// which returns either true or false, i.e. all type checks should folded statically.
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import Foundation
class ObjCX : NSObject {}
struct CX: _ObjectiveCBridgeable {
func _bridgeToObjectiveC() -> ObjCX {
return ObjCX()
static func _forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(_ source: ObjCX, result: inout CX?) {}
static func _conditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(_ source: ObjCX, result: inout CX?) -> Bool {
return false
static func _unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(_ source: ObjCX?)
-> CX {
var result: CX?
_forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(source!, result: &result)
return result!
// Check casts to types which are _ObjectiveCBridgeable
func cast0(_ o: AnyObject) -> Bool {
return o is CX
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [noinline] @_T017cast_folding_objc5test0SbyF
// CHECK: bb0
// Check that cast is not eliminated even though cast0 is a conversion
// from a class to struct, because it casts to a struct implementing
// the _BridgedToObjectiveC protocol
// CHECK: checked_cast
// CHECK: return
func test0() -> Bool {
return cast0(NSNumber(value:1))
// Check that this cast does not get eliminated, because
// the compiler does not statically know if this object
// is NSNumber can be converted into Int.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @_T017cast_folding_objc35testMayBeBridgedCastFromObjCtoSwiftSis9AnyObject_pF
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr
// CHECK: return
public func testMayBeBridgedCastFromObjCtoSwift(_ o: AnyObject) -> Int {
return o as! Int
// Check that this cast does not get eliminated, because
// the compiler does not statically know if this object
// is NSString can be converted into String.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @_T017cast_folding_objc41testConditionalBridgedCastFromObjCtoSwiftSSSgs9AnyObject_pF
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr
// CHECK: return
public func testConditionalBridgedCastFromObjCtoSwift(_ o: AnyObject) -> String? {
return o as? String
public func castObjCToSwift<T>(_ t: T) -> Int {
return t as! Int
// Check that compiler understands that this cast always fails
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @_T017cast_folding_objc37testFailingBridgedCastFromObjCtoSwiftSiSo8NSStringCF
// CHECK: builtin "int_trap"
// CHECK-NEXT: unreachable
public func testFailingBridgedCastFromObjCtoSwift(_ ns: NSString) -> Int {
return castObjCToSwift(ns)
// Check that compiler understands that this cast always fails
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @_T017cast_folding_objc37testFailingBridgedCastFromSwiftToObjCSiSSF
// CHECK: builtin "int_trap"
// CHECK-NEXT: unreachable
public func testFailingBridgedCastFromSwiftToObjC(_ s: String) -> NSInteger {
return s as! NSInteger
public func testCastNSObjectToAnyClass(_ o: NSObject) -> AnyClass {
return o as! AnyClass
public func testCastNSObjectToClassObject(_ o: NSObject) -> NSObject.Type {
return o as! NSObject.Type
public func testCastNSObjectToAnyType(_ o: NSObject) -> Any.Type {
return o as! Any.Type
public func testCastNSObjectToEveryType<T>(_ o: NSObject) -> T.Type {
return o as! T.Type
public func testCastNSObjectToNonClassType(_ o: NSObject) -> Int.Type {
return o as! Int.Type
public func testCastAnyObjectToAnyClass(_ o: AnyObject) -> AnyClass {
return o as! AnyClass
public func testCastAnyObjectToClassObject(_ o: AnyObject) -> AnyObject.Type {
return o as! AnyObject.Type
public func testCastAnyObjectToAnyType(_ o: AnyObject) -> Any.Type {
return o as! Any.Type
public func testCastAnyObjectToEveryType<T>(_ o: AnyObject) -> T.Type {
return o as! T.Type
public func testCastAnyObjectToNonClassType(_ o: AnyObject) -> Int.Type {
return o as! Int.Type
public func testCastAnyToAny2Class(_ o: Any) -> AnyClass {
return o as! AnyClass
public func testCastAnyToClassObject(_ o: Any) -> AnyObject.Type {
return o as! AnyObject.Type
public func testCastAnyToAny2Type(_ o: Any) -> Any.Type {
return o as! Any.Type
public func testCastAnyToEveryType<T>(_ o: Any) -> T.Type {
return o as! T.Type
public func testCastAnyToNonClassType(_ o: Any) -> Int.Type {
return o as! Int.Type
public func testCastEveryToAnyClass<T>(_ o: T) -> AnyClass {
return o as! AnyClass
public func testCastEveryToClassObject<T>(_ o: T) -> AnyObject.Type {
return o as! AnyObject.Type
public func testCastEveryToAnyType<T>(_ o: T) -> Any.Type {
return o as! Any.Type
public func testCastEveryToEvery2Type<T, U>(_ o: U) -> T.Type {
return o as! T.Type
public func testCastEveryToNonClassType<T>(_ o: T) -> Int.Type {
return o as! Int.Type
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @{{.*}}testCastNSObjectToEveryType{{.*}}
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @{{.*}}testCastNSObjectToNonClassType
// CHECK: builtin "int_trap"
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @{{.*}}testCastAnyObjectToEveryType{{.*}}
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @{{.*}}testCastAnyObjectToNonClassType
// CHECK-NOT: builtin "int_trap"
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @{{.*}}testCastAnyToAny2Class{{.*}}
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @{{.*}}testCastAnyToClassObject{{.*}}
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @{{.*}}testCastAnyToAny2Type{{.*}}
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @{{.*}}testCastAnyToEveryType{{.*}}
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @{{.*}}testCastAnyToNonClassType
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @{{.*}}testCastEveryToAnyClass{{.*}}
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @{{.*}}testCastEveryToClassObject{{.*}}
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @{{.*}}testCastEveryToAnyType{{.*}}
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @{{.*}}testCastEveryToEvery2Type{{.*}}
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @{{.*}}testCastEveryToNonClassType
// CHECK: unconditional_checked_cast_addr
// Check that compiler understands that this cast always succeeds.
// Since it is can be statically proven that NSString is bridgeable to String,
// _forceBridgeFromObjectiveC from String should be invoked instead of
// a more general, but less effective swift_bridgeNonVerbatimFromObjectiveC, which
// also performs conformance checks at runtime.
public func testBridgedCastFromObjCtoSwift(_ ns: NSString) -> String {
return ns as String
// Check that compiler understands that this cast always succeeds
// CHECK-LABEL: sil [noinline] @_T017cast_folding_objc30testBridgedCastFromSwiftToObjCSo8NSStringCSSF
// CHECK-NOT: {{ cast}}
// CHECK: function_ref @_T0SS10FoundationE19_bridgeToObjectiveC{{[_0-9a-zA-Z]*}}F
// CHECK: apply
// CHECK: return
public func testBridgedCastFromSwiftToObjC(_ s: String) -> NSString {
return s as NSString