blob: 1e09b3e1dd68e9b067ae8d597aa8a226d21678b6 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SyntaxFactory.h - Swift Syntax Builder Interface -------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the SyntaxFactory, one of the most important client-facing
// types in lib/Syntax and likely to be very commonly used.
// Effectively a namespace, SyntaxFactory is never instantiated, but is *the*
// one-stop shop for making new Syntax nodes. Putting all of these into a
// collection of static methods provides a single point of API lookup for
// clients' convenience and also allows the library to hide all of the
// constructors for all Syntax nodes, as the SyntaxFactory is friend to all.
#ifndef SWIFT_SYNTAX_SyntaxFactory_H
#define SWIFT_SYNTAX_SyntaxFactory_H
#include "swift/Syntax/DeclSyntax.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/GenericSyntax.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/TokenSyntax.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/TypeSyntax.h"
#include "swift/Syntax/Trivia.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include <vector>
namespace swift {
namespace syntax {
#define SYNTAX(Id, Parent) class Id##Syntax;
#include "swift/Syntax/SyntaxKinds.def"
class DeclSyntax;
class ExprSyntax;
class StmtSyntax;
class UnknownSyntax;
struct TokenSyntax;
/// The Syntax builder - the one-stop shop for making new Syntax nodes.
struct SyntaxFactory {
/// Collect a list of tokens into a piece of "unknown" syntax.
static UnknownSyntax
makeUnknownSyntax(llvm::ArrayRef<RC<TokenSyntax>> Tokens);
#pragma mark - Declarations
#pragma mark - declaration-modifier
/// Make a declaration modifier with the specified elements.
static DeclModifierSyntax
makeDeclModifier(RC<TokenSyntax> Name, RC<TokenSyntax> LeftParen,
RC<TokenSyntax> Argument, RC<TokenSyntax> RightParen);
/// Make a declaration modifier with all missing elements.
static DeclModifierSyntax makeBlankDeclModifier();
/// Make a declaration modifier list with the specified modifiers.
static DeclModifierListSyntax
makeDeclModifierList(const std::vector<DeclModifierSyntax> &Modifiers);
/// Make an empty declaration modifier list.
static DeclModifierListSyntax makeBlankDeclModifierList();
#pragma mark - struct-declaration
/// Make a struct declaration with the specified elements.
static StructDeclSyntax
makeStructDecl(RC<TokenSyntax> StructToken, RC<TokenSyntax> Identifier,
Syntax GenericParameters, Syntax WhereClause,
RC<TokenSyntax> LeftBrace, Syntax DeclMembers,
RC<TokenSyntax> RightBrace);
/// Make a struct declaration with all missing elements.
static StructDeclSyntax makeBlankStructDecl();
/// Make a typealias declaration with the specified elements.
static TypeAliasDeclSyntax
makeTypealiasDecl(RC<TokenSyntax> TypealiasToken, RC<TokenSyntax> Identifier,
GenericParameterClauseSyntax GenericParams,
RC<TokenSyntax> AssignmentToken, TypeSyntax Type);
/// Make a typealias declaration with all missing elements.
static TypeAliasDeclSyntax makeBlankTypealiasDecl();
/// Make an empty list of declaration members.
static DeclMembersSyntax makeBlankDeclMembers();
/// Make a function declaration with the specified elements.
static FunctionDeclSyntax
makeFunctionDecl(TypeAttributesSyntax Attributes,
DeclModifierListSyntax Modifiers,
RC<TokenSyntax> FuncKeyword,
RC<TokenSyntax> Identifier,
llvm::Optional<GenericParameterClauseSyntax> GenericParams,
FunctionSignatureSyntax Signature,
llvm::Optional<GenericWhereClauseSyntax> GenericWhereClause,
llvm::Optional<CodeBlockStmtSyntax> Body);
/// Make a function declaration with all missing elements.
static FunctionDeclSyntax makeBlankFunctionDecl();
#pragma mark - function-parameter
/// Make a function parameter with the given elements.
static FunctionParameterSyntax
makeFunctionParameter(RC<TokenSyntax> ExternalName, RC<TokenSyntax> LocalName,
RC<TokenSyntax> Colon,
llvm::Optional<TypeSyntax> ParameterTypeSyntax,
RC<TokenSyntax> Ellipsis,
RC<TokenSyntax> Equal,
llvm::Optional<ExprSyntax> DefaultValue,
RC<TokenSyntax> TrailingComma);
/// Make a function parameter with all elements marked as missing.
static FunctionParameterSyntax makeBlankFunctionParameter();
#pragma mark - function-parameter-list
/// Make a function parameter list with the given parameters.
static FunctionParameterListSyntax makeFunctionParameterList(
std::vector<FunctionParameterSyntax> Parameters);
/// Make an empty function parameter list.
static FunctionParameterListSyntax makeBlankFunctionParameterList();
#pragma mark - function-signature
/// Make a function signature with the given elements.
static FunctionSignatureSyntax
makeFunctionSignature(RC<TokenSyntax> LeftParen,
FunctionParameterListSyntax ParameterList,
RC<TokenSyntax> RightParen,
RC<TokenSyntax> ThrowsOrRethrows,
RC<TokenSyntax> Arrow,
TypeAttributesSyntax ReturnTypeAttributes,
TypeSyntax ReturnTypeSyntax);
/// Make a blank function signature.
static FunctionSignatureSyntax makeBlankFunctionSignature();
//-/ Make a function declaration with the given elements.
//-/ Make a blank function declaration.
#pragma mark - Statements
/// Make a code block with the specified elements.
static CodeBlockStmtSyntax
makeCodeBlock(RC<TokenSyntax> LeftBraceToken,
StmtListSyntax Elements,
RC<TokenSyntax> RightBraceToken);
/// Make a code block with all missing elements.
static CodeBlockStmtSyntax makeBlankCodeBlock();
/// Make a fallthrough statement with the give `fallthrough` keyword.
static FallthroughStmtSyntax
makeFallthroughStmt(RC<TokenSyntax> FallthroughKeyword);
/// Make a fallthrough statement with the `fallthrough` keyword
/// marked as missing.
static FallthroughStmtSyntax makeBlankFallthroughStmt();
/// Make a break statement with the give `break` keyword and
/// destination label.
static BreakStmtSyntax
makeBreakStmt(RC<TokenSyntax> BreakKeyword, RC<TokenSyntax> Label);
/// Make a break statement with the `break` keyword
/// and destination label marked as missing.
static BreakStmtSyntax makeBlankBreakStmtSyntax();
/// Make a continue statement with the given `continue` keyword and
/// destination label.
static ContinueStmtSyntax
makeContinueStmt(RC<TokenSyntax> ContinueKeyword, RC<TokenSyntax> Label);
/// Make a continue statement with the `continue` keyword
/// and destination label marked as missing.
static ContinueStmtSyntax makeBlankContinueStmtSyntax();
/// Make a return statement with the given `return` keyword and returned
/// expression.
static ReturnStmtSyntax
makeReturnStmt(RC<TokenSyntax> ReturnKeyword, ExprSyntax ReturnedExpression);
/// Make a return statement with the `return` keyword and return expression
/// marked as missing.
static ReturnStmtSyntax makeBlankReturnStmt();
/// Make a statement list from a loosely connected list of statements.
static StmtListSyntax makeStmtList(const std::vector<StmtSyntax> &Statements);
/// Make an empty statement list.
static StmtListSyntax makeBlankStmtList();
#pragma mark - Expressions
/// Make an integer literal with the given '+'/'-' sign and string of digits.
static IntegerLiteralExprSyntax
makeIntegerLiteralExpr(RC<TokenSyntax> Sign, RC<TokenSyntax> Digits);
/// Make an integer literal with the sign and string of digits marked
/// as missing.
static IntegerLiteralExprSyntax makeBlankIntegerLiteralExpr();
/// Make a symbolic reference with the given identifier and optionally a
/// generic argument clause.
static SymbolicReferenceExprSyntax
makeSymbolicReferenceExpr(RC<TokenSyntax> Identifier,
llvm::Optional<GenericArgumentClauseSyntax> GenericArgs);
/// Make a symbolic reference expression with the identifier and
/// generic argument clause marked as missing.
static SymbolicReferenceExprSyntax makeBlankSymbolicReferenceExpr();
/// Make a function call argument with all elements marked as missing.
static FunctionCallArgumentSyntax makeBlankFunctionCallArgument();
/// Make a function call argument based on an expression with the
/// given elements.
static FunctionCallArgumentSyntax
makeFunctionCallArgument(RC<TokenSyntax> Label, RC<TokenSyntax> Colon,
ExprSyntax ExpressionArgument,
RC<TokenSyntax> TrailingComma);
/// Make a function call argument list with the given arguments.
static FunctionCallArgumentListSyntax
std::vector<FunctionCallArgumentSyntax> Arguments);
/// Make a function call argument list with no arguments.
static FunctionCallArgumentListSyntax makeBlankFunctionCallArgumentList();
/// Make a function call expression with the given elements.
static FunctionCallExprSyntax
makeFunctionCallExpr(ExprSyntax CalledExpr, RC<TokenSyntax> LeftParen,
FunctionCallArgumentListSyntax Arguments,
RC<TokenSyntax> RightParen);
/// Make a function call expression with all elements marked as missing.
static FunctionCallExprSyntax makeBlankFunctionCallExpr();
#pragma mark - Tokens
/// Make a 'static' keyword with the specified leading and trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeStaticKeyword(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a 'public' keyword with the specified leading and trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makePublicKeyword(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a 'func' keyword with the specified leading and trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeFuncKeyword(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a 'fallthrough' keyword with the specified leading and
/// trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeFallthroughKeyword(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make an at-sign '@' token with the specified leading and
/// trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeAtSignToken(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a 'break' keyword with the specified leading and
/// trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeBreakKeyword(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a 'continue' keyword with the specified leading and
/// trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeContinueKeyword(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a 'return' keyword with the specified leading and
/// trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeReturnKeyword(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a left angle '<' token with the specified leading and
/// trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeLeftAngleToken(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a right angle '>' token with the specified leading and
/// trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeRightAngleToken(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a left parenthesis '(' token with the specified leading and
/// trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeLeftParenToken(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a right parenthesis ')' token with the specified leading and
/// trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeRightParenToken(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a left brace '{' token with the specified leading and
/// trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeLeftBraceToken(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a right brace '}' token with the specified leading and
/// trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeRightBraceToken(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a left square bracket '[' token with the specified leading and
/// trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax>
makeLeftSquareBracketToken(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a right square bracket ']' token with the specified leading and
/// trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax>
makeRightSquareBracketToken(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a postfix question '?' token with the specified trailing trivia.
/// The leading trivia is assumed to be of zero width.
static RC<TokenSyntax>
makeQuestionPostfixToken(const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make an exclamation '!' token with the specified trailing trivia.
/// The leading trivia is assumed to be of zero width.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeExclaimPostfixToken(const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make an identifier token with the specified leading and trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeIdentifier(OwnedString Name,
const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a comma ',' token with the specified leading and trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeCommaToken(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a colon ':' token with the specified leading and trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeColonToken(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a dot '.' token with the specified leading and trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeDotToken(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a 'struct' keyword with the specified leading and trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeStructKeyword(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a 'where' keyword with the specified leading and trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeWhereKeyword(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a 'inout' keyword with the specified leading and trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeInoutKeyword(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a 'throws' keyword with the specified leading and trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeThrowsKeyword(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a 'rethrows' keyword with the specified leading and
/// trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeRethrowsKeyword(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a 'typealias' keyword with the specified leading and
/// trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeTypealiasKeyword(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make an equal '=' token with the specified leading and
/// trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeEqualToken(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make an arrow '->' token with the specified leading and trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeArrow(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make an equality '==' binary operator with the specified leading and
/// trailing trivia.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeEqualityOperator(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make the terminal identifier token `Type`
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeTypeToken(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make the terminal identifier token `Protocol`
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeProtocolToken(const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a token representing the digits of an integer literal.
/// Note: This is not a stand-in for the expression, which can contain
/// a minus sign.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makeIntegerLiteralToken(OwnedString Digits,
const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
#pragma mark - Operators
/// Make a prefix operator with the given text.
static RC<TokenSyntax> makePrefixOperator(OwnedString Name,
const Trivia &LeadingTrivia);
#pragma mark - Types
#pragma mark - type-attribute
/// Make a type attribute with the specified elements.
static TypeAttributeSyntax
makeTypeAttribute(RC<TokenSyntax> AtSignToken,
RC<TokenSyntax> Identifier,
RC<TokenSyntax> LeftParen,
BalancedTokensSyntax BalancedTokens,
RC<TokenSyntax> RightParen);
/// Make a type attribute with all elements marked as missing.
static TypeAttributeSyntax makeBlankTypeAttribute();
#pragma mark - type-attributes
/// Make a set of type attributes with all elements marked as missing.
static TypeAttributesSyntax makeBlankTypeAttributes();
#pragma mark - balanced-tokens
/// Make a list of balanced tokens.
static BalancedTokensSyntax
makeBalancedTokens(RawSyntax::LayoutList Tokens);
/// Make an empty list of balanced tokens.
static BalancedTokensSyntax makeBlankBalancedTokens();
#pragma mark - type-identifier
/// Make a non-generic type identifier with some name.
static TypeIdentifierSyntax
makeTypeIdentifier(OwnedString Name, const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a generic type identifier.
static TypeIdentifierSyntax
makeTypeIdentifier(RC<TokenSyntax> Identifier,
GenericArgumentClauseSyntax GenericArgs);
/// Make a bare "Any" type.
static TypeIdentifierSyntax makeAnyTypeIdentifier();
/// Make a bare "Self" type.
static TypeIdentifierSyntax makeSelfTypeIdentifier();
#pragma mark - tuple-type
/// Make a bare "()" void tuple type
static TupleTypeSyntax makeVoidTupleType();
/// Make a tuple type from a type element list and the provided left/right
/// paren tokens.
static TupleTypeSyntax
makeTupleType(RC<TokenSyntax> LParen,
TupleTypeElementListSyntax Elements,
RC<TokenSyntax> RParen);
/// Make a tuple type element of the form 'Name: ElementType'
static TupleTypeElementSyntax
makeTupleTypeElement(RC<TokenSyntax> Name, RC<TokenSyntax> Colon,
TypeSyntax ElementType,
llvm::Optional<RC<TokenSyntax>> MaybeComma = llvm::None);
/// Make a tuple type element without a label.
static TupleTypeElementSyntax
makeTupleTypeElement(TypeSyntax ElementType,
llvm::Optional<RC<TokenSyntax>> MaybeComma = llvm::None);
/// Make a tuple type element list.
static TupleTypeElementListSyntax
makeTupleTypeElementList(std::vector<TupleTypeElementSyntax> ElementTypes);
#pragma mark - optional-type
/// Make an optional type, such as `Int?`
static OptionalTypeSyntax
makeOptionalType(TypeSyntax BaseType, const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make an optional type with all elements marked as missing.
static OptionalTypeSyntax makeBlankOptionalType();
#pragma mark - implicitly-unwrapped-optional-type
/// Make an implicitly unwrapped optional type, such as `Int!`
static ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalTypeSyntax
makeImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalType(TypeSyntax BaseType,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
static ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalTypeSyntax
#pragma mark - metatype-type
/// Make a metatype type, as in `T.Type`
/// `Type` is a terminal token here, not a placeholder for something else.
static MetatypeTypeSyntax makeMetatypeType(TypeSyntax BaseType,
RC<TokenSyntax> DotToken,
RC<TokenSyntax> TypeToken);
/// Make a metatype type with all elements marked as missing.
static MetatypeTypeSyntax makeBlankMetatypeType();
#pragma mark - array-type
/// Make a sugared Array type, as in `[MyType]`.
static ArrayTypeSyntax makeArrayType(RC<TokenSyntax> LeftSquareBracket,
TypeSyntax ElementType,
RC<TokenSyntax> RightSquareBracket);
/// Make an array type with all elements marked as missing.
static ArrayTypeSyntax makeBlankArrayType();
#pragma mark - dictionary-type
/// Make a Dictionary type, as in `[Key : Value]`.
static DictionaryTypeSyntax
makeDictionaryType(RC<TokenSyntax> LeftSquareBracket, TypeSyntax KeyType,
RC<TokenSyntax> Colon, TypeSyntax ValueType,
RC<TokenSyntax> RightSquareBracket);
/// Make an a dictionary type with all elements marked as missing.
static DictionaryTypeSyntax makeBlankDictionaryType();
#pragma mark - function-type-argument
/// Make a function argument type syntax with the specified elements.
static FunctionTypeArgumentSyntax
makeFunctionTypeArgument(RC<TokenSyntax> ExternalParameterName,
RC<TokenSyntax> LocalParameterName,
TypeAttributesSyntax TypeAttributes,
RC<TokenSyntax> InoutKeyword,
RC<TokenSyntax> ColonToken,
TypeSyntax ParameterTypeSyntax);
/// Make a simple function type argument syntax with the given label and
/// simple type name.
static FunctionTypeArgumentSyntax
makeFunctionTypeArgument(RC<TokenSyntax> LocalParameterName,
RC<TokenSyntax> ColonToken,
TypeSyntax ParameterType);
/// Make a simple function type argument syntax with the given simple
/// type name.
static FunctionTypeArgumentSyntax
makeFunctionTypeArgument(TypeSyntax TypeArgument);
/// Make a function argument type syntax with all elements marked as missing.
static FunctionTypeArgumentSyntax makeBlankFunctionArgumentType();
#pragma mark - function-type
/// Make a function type, for example, `(Int, Int) throws -> Int`
static FunctionTypeSyntax
makeFunctionType(TypeAttributesSyntax TypeAttributes,
RC<TokenSyntax> LeftParen,
FunctionParameterListSyntax ArgumentList,
RC<TokenSyntax> RightParen, RC<TokenSyntax> ThrowsOrRethrows,
RC<TokenSyntax> Arrow, TypeSyntax ReturnType);
/// Make a function type with all elements marked as missing.
static FunctionTypeSyntax makeBlankFunctionType();
#pragma mark - tuple-type-element-list
/// Make a list of type arguments with all elements marked as missing.
static TupleTypeElementListSyntax makeBlankTupleTypeElementList();
#pragma mark - Generics
/// Make an empty generic parameter clause.
static GenericParameterClauseSyntax
/// Make an empty generic argument clause.
static GenericArgumentClauseSyntax makeBlankGenericArgumentClause();
/// Make an empty generic where clause.
static GenericWhereClauseSyntax makeBlankGenericWhereClause();
/// Make a same-type requirement with the specified elements.
/// Any elements are allowed to be marked as missing.
static SameTypeRequirementSyntax
makeSameTypeRequirement(TypeIdentifierSyntax LeftTypeIdentifier,
RC<TokenSyntax> EqualityToken, TypeSyntax RightType);
/// Make a list of generic requirements with the given loosely collected
/// requirements/
static GenericRequirementListSyntax makeGenericRequirementList(
std::vector<GenericRequirementSyntax> &Requirements);
/// Make an empty list of generic requirements.
static GenericRequirementListSyntax makeBlankGenericRequirementList();
/// Make a same-type requirement with all elements marked as missing.
static SameTypeRequirementSyntax makeBlankSameTypeRequirement();
/// Make an empty same-type-requirement with all missing elements.
static SameTypeRequirementSyntax makeSameTypeRequirement();
/// Make a generic parameter with the specified name and trivia.
static GenericParameterSyntax
makeGenericParameter(OwnedString TypeName, const Trivia &LeadingTrivia,
const Trivia &TrailingTrivia);
/// Make a generic parameter with all elements marked as missing.
static GenericParameterSyntax makeBlankGenericParameter();
} // end namespace syntax
} // end namespace swift
#endif // SWIFT_SYNTAX_SyntaxFactory_H