blob: 33383ca210ac84d6bcb65534d22a7af33eb49c14 [file] [log] [blame]
# utils/ - Utilities for Swift build scripts -*- python -*-
# This source file is part of the open source project
# Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
# Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
# See for license information
# See for the list of Swift project authors
from __future__ import print_function
# Python 2
import ConfigParser
except ImportError:
# Python 3
import configparser as ConfigParser
import os
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'swift_build_support'))
# E402 means module level import not at top of file
from swift_build_support import diagnostics # noqa (E402)
HOME = os.environ.get("HOME", "/")
def _get_default_source_root():
result = ""
# Are we in a Swift checkout? Start from this file and check its parent
# directories.
# $SWIFT_SOURCE_ROOT/swift/utils/
(swift_path, parent_dirname) = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(__file__))
if parent_dirname != "utils":
return result
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(swift_path, 'CMakeLists.txt')):
return result
result = os.path.dirname(swift_path)
# Are we in an LLVM checkout? Start from the Swift checkout and check /its/
# parent directories.
# $SWIFT_SOURCE_ROOT/llvm/tools/swift/utils/
(llvm_path, parent_dirname) = os.path.split(result)
if parent_dirname != "tools":
return result
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(llvm_path, 'CMakeLists.txt')):
return result
result = os.path.dirname(llvm_path)
return result
# Set SWIFT_SOURCE_ROOT in your environment to control where the sources
# are found.
SWIFT_SOURCE_ROOT = os.environ.get(
"SWIFT_SOURCE_ROOT", _get_default_source_root())
# Set SWIFT_BUILD_ROOT to a directory that will contain a subdirectory
# for each build configuration
SWIFT_BUILD_ROOT = os.environ.get(
"SWIFT_BUILD_ROOT", os.path.join(SWIFT_SOURCE_ROOT, "build"))
def _get_default_swift_repo_name():
result = ""
# Are we in a Swift checkout? Start from this file and check its parent
# directories.
(swift_path, parent_dirname) = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(__file__))
if parent_dirname != "utils":
return result
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(swift_path, 'CMakeLists.txt')):
return result
(_, swift_repo_name) = os.path.split(swift_path)
return swift_repo_name
# Set SWIFT_REPO_NAME in your environment to control the name of the swift
# directory name that is used.
SWIFT_REPO_NAME = os.environ.get(
"SWIFT_REPO_NAME", _get_default_swift_repo_name())
def _load_preset_files_impl(preset_file_names, substitutions={}):
config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser(substitutions, allow_no_value=True)
if == []:
"preset file not found (tried " + str(preset_file_names) + ")")
return config
_PRESET_PREFIX = "preset: "
def _get_preset_options_impl(config, substitutions, preset_name):
section_name = _PRESET_PREFIX + preset_name
if section_name not in config.sections():
return (None, None, None)
build_script_opts = []
build_script_impl_opts = []
missing_opts = []
dash_dash_seen = False
for o in config.options(section_name):
a = config.get(section_name, o)
except ConfigParser.InterpolationMissingOptionError as e:
# e.reference contains the correctly formatted option
if not a:
a = ""
if o in substitutions:
opt = None
if o == "mixin-preset":
# Split on newlines and filter out empty lines.
mixins = filter(None, [m.strip() for m in a.splitlines()])
for mixin in mixins:
base_missing_opts) = \
_get_preset_options_impl(config, substitutions, mixin)
build_script_opts += base_build_script_opts
build_script_impl_opts += base_build_script_impl_opts
missing_opts += base_missing_opts
elif o == "dash-dash":
dash_dash_seen = True
elif a == "":
opt = "--" + o
opt = "--" + o + "=" + a
if opt:
if not dash_dash_seen:
return (build_script_opts, build_script_impl_opts, missing_opts)
def get_preset_options(substitutions, preset_file_names, preset_name):
config = _load_preset_files_impl(preset_file_names, substitutions)
(build_script_opts, build_script_impl_opts, missing_opts) = \
_get_preset_options_impl(config, substitutions, preset_name)
if not build_script_opts and not build_script_impl_opts:
diagnostics.fatal("preset '" + preset_name + "' not found")
if missing_opts:
diagnostics.fatal("missing option(s) for preset '" + preset_name +
"': " + ", ".join(missing_opts))
# Migrate 'swift-sdks' parameter to 'stdlib-deployment-targets'
swift_sdks_opts = [opt for opt in build_script_impl_opts
if opt.startswith("--swift-sdks")]
swift_sdks_opt = swift_sdks_opts[-1]
except IndexError:
swift_sdks_opt = None
if swift_sdks_opt is not None:
sdks_to_configure = swift_sdks_opt.split("=")[1].split(";")
tgts = []
# Expand SDKs in to their deployment targets
from swift_build_support.targets import StdlibDeploymentTarget
for sdk in sdks_to_configure:
if sdk == "OSX":
tgts += StdlibDeploymentTarget.OSX.targets
elif sdk == "IOS":
tgts += StdlibDeploymentTarget.iOS.targets
elif sdk == "IOS_SIMULATOR":
tgts += StdlibDeploymentTarget.iOSSimulator.targets
elif sdk == "TVOS":
tgts += StdlibDeploymentTarget.AppleTV.targets
elif sdk == "TVOS_SIMULATOR":
tgts += StdlibDeploymentTarget.AppleTVSimulator.targets
elif sdk == "WATCHOS":
tgts += StdlibDeploymentTarget.AppleWatch.targets
elif sdk == "WATCHOS_SIMULATOR":
tgts += StdlibDeploymentTarget.AppleWatchSimulator.targets
build_script_opts.append("--stdlib-deployment-targets=" +
" ".join([ for tgt in tgts]))
# Filter the swift-sdks parameter
build_script_impl_opts = [opt for opt in build_script_impl_opts
if not opt.startswith("--swift-sdks")]
return build_script_opts + ["--"] + build_script_impl_opts
def get_all_preset_names(preset_file_names):
config = _load_preset_files_impl(preset_file_names)
return [name[len(_PRESET_PREFIX):] for name in config.sections()
if name.startswith(_PRESET_PREFIX)]