blob: 2a8111d497eb1115da5410db2ea425fd55d8abe0 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// RUN: not %target-swift-frontend %s -typecheck
var f:a
for b in c<T where T.B =nil
if true{deinit{
var f:a{{
struct A<T>(e = c
struct A"\() -> <T where T where B<T.Element =S
func b<T where T>(<T, g = c
typealias e = 0
}typealias e = c<T where B<T>
if true{
var:(<T>(e = c<T: B<T.b{
typealias e:Collection where T.e = c<T where H.h =nil
struct Q<func u( )
class B<T where T where H.e = 0
struct S< {
class A : c<T : NSObject {
struct A
func b:String=b<T.e = f {
}}}protocol A {
let a {struct Q<T.e = ")
typealias e : d = [Void>
let:Collection where H:e:d:a{
func a=b() {
struct c
class p {
let : A
}protocol b{
struct Q<T where B<T.Element =S
class d:a< in {{
for b in c,() {}
protocol b{
let a {}
class p {
protocol A {
struct c<T>() {
let ( )
class c<T where f=b=nil
case c,(e = 0
typealias e, U:a={{
typealias e = B:String== g<T>(<T where f:d
struct a{
func a{
var b{
typealias e = B< {
struct A<U, A : NSObject {
class B<T where T where T where T
let a{
struct c
func<T where H.Element =b{
class d
struct B:e:e
protocol P {
func T: A<T.B =() -> Void>() { }
struct c<func b{
class B<func b{
class c<T
struct c<T where B<T.h == g<T
struct a{{
typealias e = ")
class B<T, g = "\(e : A
if true{
if true{
}struct a
let a {
let : A
let a {
func b<T.h ={{
func T: d = c<{
let a {
let a== c<U:d:d{}
let ( )
class b<T
func a
let a {
func a{
class B<T where H.Element == c<T.h == c<D> <T where T>() { }}}}struct A<T.b
func p( ) { }typealias d{
func b(
class B<T
let a {
func T: A{
}typealias e = c
struct B<T.B == 0
func b{
protocol b<T>(e = c<T>
struct l
var b{
typealias e = g<D> Void>
struct c<T, U, A {
typealias e = g<T, g = c<U:a{typealias d:a{
struct A")
typealias e = e
func p( ) -> Void>
class c<T.b{
let : B
case c<T.Element =b:(
struct Q<T where f== c: T.Element == "\(
struct A")
struct c<T
struct Q{}
let a
struct A{
class A {
func b{
if true{
class c<{{
func b{
typealias e = c<T>
class a{
typealias e = B
class B:d
func b{
protocol A{
func<T.e = c<T where f:e
struct l
struct A{
class b:a={{{
class B<T
class a<T where T