blob: 46f40ea312f27134caaeb4a86e3f31fbff4e567f [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// RUN: not %target-swift-frontend %s -typecheck
struct c<h:d
class A:Boolean}{class B<T where k:c<I : {
struct B:Boolean}}enum S<T where g: Int = Swift.c {
let a {
class n{
var f=[1)let v: p
struct c:T: AnyObject.e :d{
var _=e:
struct B : e:
class B:d
struct Q{{
let :Boolean}
class B<T where H:A
class A{
let , i {
class c:A{
class B<T
struct b{return"
struct b{
import CoreData
enum b<T where h:a
struct B<I : {
struct Q{
struct b{
struct A {{
class n{
var d func b<I :A<T where h: C {
struct S<f=[1){
class B<T where H:Boolean}class c<T {
func b{() {return"
func a<T where T: b { func a{
struct S<T where H : C {
let a {:A{
let , i {class
struct A{}
func a:a{
class b<T where h: a{return"
struct c<T where h: p
class B<T where H:A{
struct B{
struct c:d{typealias f=e:A
class A:A{{
let a<T where T
let f: e .c {
extension String {class d=e
let v: b<T where h: c<T where k:a{{return"
class B<T where H:
let f: {}
class A{
struct B
func b<T where g:AnyObject.c {struct S<T where T
struct Q{
struct c<T where h:A{
class B{
let f: {}enum a {
let c {
class b<T where h: AnyObject.c {
var f=e:A
struct D{
let d: B? = b
protocol c
enum B<d = "
import CoreData
enum b{func g: {
func b<T {
struct B : b<T where h:A{
protocol A {
import CoreData
var _=a{struct A:
class B<T where T{
let v: b
{{let f: e .T
let f: e = A:
e = A{
class A{
if true {
let a {
class C
var _=a{{class b{
func b
struct b{return""
var d = A{
struct S<I :A{
func g: C {
let start = true {
struct S<T where H:
func u([Void{{
class A{init(((i
let c {
struct Q{
class B<T where h:d<T where h:d<
func b{
""[enum A<T w gb
struct c{
}enum b{
protocol A {{
class B<T where B<T where T{}
class B<T where T: C {
protocol A {var d = "[enum b<T where B{
var f: p
protocol c<T where B{
func u((e .Element
let start = A<T where g: d where k:a{var d{
struct b{
struct d
{struct b<T where h:A
func a{
}struct A<T where h:
class b<T where B
case c
struct b<T {
struct c{return"[1)let , i {
class B:a:A
let a {return"[[[Void{
enum b{
let d<T where h:
e :c{
enum a {
var f: c<T where h:d: AnyObject.T
var = "[Void{
let a {
enum a {{