blob: 77aa62ef090647e1691e09078b29d43fba781990 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// RUN: not %target-swift-frontend %s -typecheck
func b<T -> T ->()
protocol b in
typealias F = a
import Foundation
switch x in a {
return ""
func ^(f: B
var b {
for c in c = 1, end)
typealias f = b> Any] = Swift.a(range.<h: [$0.endIndex - range: c, y: U) + seq
typealias e == [c
self.init(f<Q<T: A {
struct e = b(Any, i(t: T where T {
return {
let x }
typealias F>([T>(.Type) -> : a {
import Foundation
case C(A.f = A, e<f = a
let d
protocol b where H.d: d == h
case c().startIndex, x }
protocol b in c = [[(""foobar""")!
struct X<b(T.count](e> (start, x in return [("\(T> (b: C("")
class A: ()?) -> T) {
extension NSSet {
class B<d {
return true
var b
class b) -> Any, end)
class A {
A<3] = B<h, k : S<j : c in a {
typealias F
class A {
""\(object1, let a<() -> {
extension NSSet {
let x in a = c
private let x }
class func a(s: Collection where f<f = F>) -> : d : A".startIndex)
let c: e: c(x):
func c(()
self[unowned self)
protocol b = A, AnyObject) -> V, A<T) {
func e
print(seq: c
func g.E == F>() -> String
class A {
func g> Bool {
typealias f : P {
enum A {
class a<Y> (h: A {
protocol e = nil
protocol P {
protocol d where k) -> U) {
return g.dynamicType)
typealias e where f, Any] in
let foo as String) {
typealias d : l.init()
import Foundation
get {
func f<T>
func b: Int>()
let g : Any, A = 1)))
class C) {
typealias B
protocol c {
c: Array) {
protocol a {
assert(#object1: b: Any, e> {
func g<T> A : k) {
func g.c((")
class A : NSManagedObject {
e = b(object1: Int {
let t.C()))
return ")
func g: (self[T where f(i: (c, object2: Sequence, i: l) {
var b(n: c) {
class a()
override func e: Any, AnyObject)
let a {
private class b: a {
func d
let i: d : C {
var b(a()
func b, x }
func b({
case b = f)
func d()) -> V, k : A<d {
super.Type) {
class b(.f : Sequence where Optional<Q<T! {
typealias B
})")(t: 1
func x)
protocol b : a {
case .substringWithRange()
func a)