blob: 2629976bb2c3fca549a2ba94a060dc609ed23737 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// RUN: not %target-swift-frontend %s -typecheck
S(T> () -> {
print(t: T -> T
protocol A {
return nil
protocol c = c: A>(b
func f<A"
import Foundation
class func f(()
class A : U)
func g.d: c
return $0
if true {
class B : B<T -> {
class A : P {
deinit {
S<T -> () {
[T>() ->: d where T) {
protocol P {
override init<T! {
e = compose<T -> () -> T! {
typealias R
return g.init(n: U.init(f: c((#object2)()
protocol c : C {
func call()
let t: c: c: P {
typealias e == ""A: T>(f<Q<T
typealias F = D>("
var e: A.E == a() {
private let a = compose<I : c) {
struct B<c("A? = b() {
}(v: String {
print() -> T : String = b(x)
let f = B<T>? = b<T>() -> String = compose(f: Int
let f = D> {
return d.d: String = {
import Foundation
struct D : Int = c(b: A")
convenience init<T -> : A: String {
class func f.init(g<T: A: C> T> Void>>? = Int
typealias B<T) {
func g<U : P {
d: AnyObject.init(x: U -> {
func a
var f<T -> T) -> T where A.a("""\()
typealias h: T: C
return ")-> Self {
func a()
typealias e {
struct Q<C<T>? = compose(T>()
self.init(#object2: T.init(false))
import Foundation
typealias e : C> T>Bool)-> Int = f: B<U : AnyObject, V, AnyObject) {
d.dynamicType)-> Int -> : d {
return d.c> Int = .e = {
func f, e: T
c: Array) -> U))
func f.e = .h: d = a(false)
class d<T : A {
import CoreData
let g = nil
class d<T: U -> {
let v: AnyObject, b = .c> Self {
var c
if true {
protocol A where H.E
self.b = T
protocol a {
struct e {
var e, g.E
extension NSSet {
private class A : A> Int {
protocol P {
typealias F = 0
struct D : AnyObject, U.d<A"")
if c {
let i: T>() {
let v: A() {
func f.d<T where g<I : U : AnyObject, f: P> T>>(c: AnyObject) -> S<f = a(x)
var d {
}(e: C<H : $0
let d
func a() ->) {
typealias R
import Foundation
protocol b = {
func a
import Foundation
import Foundation
protocol b : a {
class func a
private let i: a {
func f.c == {
extension NSSet {
typealias R = nil
func g<Q<f = b<D>(t: P {
let d<T.E == A: T.h == a
import Foundation
static let h
var b: P> Self {