blob: a8793dd10cc898d784735c8adae393bf1985d1c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// RUN: not %target-swift-frontend %s -typecheck
func c<b:c
func d<b: Sequence, e where Optional<e> == b.Iterator.Element>(c : b) -> e? {
for (mx : e?) in c {
protocol A {
typealias B
func b(B)
struct X<Y> : A {
func b(b: X.Type) {
struct c<e> {
let d: i h
func f(h: b) -> <e>(()-> e
func c<g>() -> (g, g -> g) -> g {
d b d.f = {
g) {
i }
i c {
class func f()
class d: c{ class func f {}
struct d<c : f,f where g.i == c.i>
func a(x: Any, y: Any) -> (((Any, Any) -> Any) -> Any) {
return {
(m: (Any, Any) -> Any) -> Any in
return m(x, y)
func b(z: (((Any, Any) -> Any) -> Any)) -> Any {
return z({
(p: Any, q:Any) -> Any in
return p
b(a(1, a(2 class func g() { }
(h() as p).dynamicType.g()
protocol p {
protocol h : p {
protocol g : p {
protocol n {
o t = p
struct h : n {
t : n q m.t == m> (h: m) {
func q<t : n q t.t == g> (h: t) {
func r(g: m) -> <s>(() -> s) -> n
import Foundation
class Foo<T>: NSObject {
var foo: T
init(foo: T) {
B>(t: T) {
} x
x) {
class a {
var _ = i() {
a=1 as a=1
class c {
func b((Any, c))(a: (Any, AnyObject)) {
func i(f: g) -> <j>(() -> j) -> g { func g
k, l {
typealias l = m<k<m>, f>
func i(c: () -> ()) {
class a {
var _ = i() {
protocol A {
func c() -> String
class B {
func d() -> String {
return ""
class C: B, A {
override func d() -> String {
return ""
func c() -> String {
return ""
func e<T where T: A, T: B>(t: T) {
class b<i : b> i: g{ func c {}
e g {
: g {
h func i() -> }
func h<j>() -> (j, j -> j) -> j {
var f: ({ (c: e, f: e -> e) -> return f(c)
}(k, i)
let o: e = { c, g
return f(c)
}(l) -> m) -> p>, e>
class n<j : n>
prot q g: n
func p<n>() -> [q<n>] {
o : g.l) {
class p {
typealias g = g
class a {
typealias b = b
import Foundation
class m<j>k i<g : g, e : f k(f: l) {
class h {
typealias g = g
protocol A {
typealias B
class C<D> {
init <A: A where A.B == D>(e: A.B) {