blob: fa76424554bdb9118b62b016c83dc4072b21af95 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend %s -emit-silgen
import StdlibUnittest
public struct MyRange<Bound : ForwardIndex> {
var startIndex: Bound
var endIndex: Bound
public protocol ForwardIndex : Equatable {
associatedtype Distance : SignedNumber
func successor() -> Self
public protocol MySequence {
associatedtype Iterator : IteratorProtocol
associatedtype SubSequence = Void
func makeIterator() -> Iterator
var underestimatedCount: Int { get }
func map<T>(
_ transform: (Iterator.Element) -> T
) -> [T]
func filter(
_ isIncluded: (Iterator.Element) -> Bool
) -> [Iterator.Element]
func _customContainsEquatableElement(
_ element: Iterator.Element
) -> Bool?
func _preprocessingPass<R>(
_ preprocess: (Self) -> R
) -> R?
func _copyToContiguousArray()
-> ContiguousArray<Iterator.Element>
func _copyContents(
initializing ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Iterator.Element>
) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Iterator.Element>
extension MySequence {
var underestimatedCount: Int {
return 0
public func map<T>(
_ transform: (Iterator.Element) -> T
) -> [T] {
return []
public func filter(
_ isIncluded: (Iterator.Element) -> Bool
) -> [Iterator.Element] {
return []
public func _customContainsEquatableElement(
_ element: Iterator.Element
) -> Bool? {
return nil
public func _preprocessingPass<R>(
_ preprocess: (Self) -> R
) -> R? {
return nil
public func _copyToContiguousArray()
-> ContiguousArray<Iterator.Element> {
public func _copyContents(
initializing ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Iterator.Element>
) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Iterator.Element> {
public protocol MyIndexable : MySequence {
associatedtype Index : ForwardIndex
var startIndex: Index { get }
var endIndex: Index { get }
associatedtype _Element
subscript(_: Index) -> _Element { get }
public protocol MyCollection : MyIndexable {
associatedtype Iterator : IteratorProtocol = IndexingIterator<Self>
associatedtype SubSequence : MySequence
subscript(_: Index) -> Iterator.Element { get }
subscript(_: MyRange<Index>) -> SubSequence { get }
var first: Iterator.Element? { get }
var isEmpty: Bool { get }
var count: Index.Distance { get }
func _customIndexOfEquatableElement(_ element: Iterator.Element) -> Index??
extension MyCollection {
public var isEmpty: Bool {
return startIndex == endIndex
public func _preprocessingPass<R>(
_ preprocess: (Self) -> R
) -> R? {
return preprocess(self)
public var count: Index.Distance { return 0 }
public func _customIndexOfEquatableElement(_ element: Iterator.Element) -> Index?? {
return nil
public struct IndexingIterator<I : MyIndexable> : IteratorProtocol {
public func next() -> I._Element? {
return nil
protocol Resettable : AnyObject {
func reset()
internal var _allResettables: [Resettable] = []
public class TypeIndexed<Value> : Resettable {
public init(_ value: Value) {
self.defaultValue = value
public subscript(t: Any.Type) -> Value {
get {
return byType[ObjectIdentifier(t)] ?? defaultValue
set {
byType[ObjectIdentifier(t)] = newValue
public func reset() { byType = [:] }
internal var byType: [ObjectIdentifier:Value] = [:]
internal var defaultValue: Value
//===--- LoggingWrappers.swift --------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2016 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
public protocol Wrapper {
associatedtype Base
init(_: Base)
var base: Base {get set}
public protocol LoggingType : Wrapper {
associatedtype Log : AnyObject
extension LoggingType {
public var log: Log.Type {
return Log.self
public var selfType: Any.Type {
return type(of: self)
public class IteratorLog {
public static func dispatchTester<G : IteratorProtocol>(
_ g: G
) -> LoggingIterator<LoggingIterator<G>> {
return LoggingIterator(LoggingIterator(g))
public static var next = TypeIndexed(0)
public struct LoggingIterator<Base: IteratorProtocol>
: IteratorProtocol, LoggingType {
public typealias Log = IteratorLog
public init(_ base: Base) {
self.base = base
public mutating func next() -> Base.Element? {[selfType] += 1
public var base: Base
public class SequenceLog {
public static func dispatchTester<S: MySequence>(
_ s: S
) -> LoggingSequence<LoggingSequence<S>> {
return LoggingSequence(LoggingSequence(s))
public static var iterator = TypeIndexed(0)
public static var underestimatedCount = TypeIndexed(0)
public static var map = TypeIndexed(0)
public static var filter = TypeIndexed(0)
public static var _customContainsEquatableElement = TypeIndexed(0)
public static var _preprocessingPass = TypeIndexed(0)
public static var _copyToContiguousArray = TypeIndexed(0)
public static var _copyContents = TypeIndexed(0)
public protocol LoggingSequenceType : MySequence, LoggingType {
associatedtype Base : MySequence
associatedtype Log : AnyObject = SequenceLog
associatedtype Iterator : IteratorProtocol = LoggingIterator<Base.Iterator>
extension LoggingSequenceType {
public var underestimatedCount: Int {
SequenceLog.underestimatedCount[selfType] += 1
return base.underestimatedCount
extension LoggingSequenceType
where Log == SequenceLog, Iterator == LoggingIterator<Base.Iterator> {
public func makeIterator() -> LoggingIterator<Base.Iterator> {
Log.iterator[selfType] += 1
return LoggingIterator(base.makeIterator())
public func map<T>(
_ transform: (Base.Iterator.Element) -> T
) -> [T] {[selfType] += 1
public func filter(
_ isIncluded: (Base.Iterator.Element) -> Bool
) -> [Base.Iterator.Element] {
Log.filter[selfType] += 1
return base.filter(isIncluded)
public func _customContainsEquatableElement(
_ element: Base.Iterator.Element
) -> Bool? {
Log._customContainsEquatableElement[selfType] += 1
return base._customContainsEquatableElement(element)
/// If `self` is multi-pass (i.e., a `Collection`), invoke
/// `preprocess` on `self` and return its result. Otherwise, return
/// `nil`.
public func _preprocessingPass<R>(
_ preprocess: (Self) -> R
) -> R? {
Log._preprocessingPass[selfType] += 1
return base._preprocessingPass { _ in preprocess(self) }
/// Create a native array buffer containing the elements of `self`,
/// in the same order.
public func _copyToContiguousArray()
-> ContiguousArray<Base.Iterator.Element> {
Log._copyToContiguousArray[selfType] += 1
return base._copyToContiguousArray()
/// Copy a Sequence into an array.
public func _copyContents(
initializing ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Base.Iterator.Element>
) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Base.Iterator.Element> {
Log._copyContents[selfType] += 1
return base._copyContents(initializing: ptr)
public struct LoggingSequence<
Base_: MySequence
> : LoggingSequenceType, MySequence {
public typealias Log = SequenceLog
public typealias Base = Base_
public init(_ base: Base_) {
self.base = base
public var base: Base_
public class CollectionLog : SequenceLog {
public class func dispatchTester<C: MyCollection>(
_ c: C
) -> LoggingCollection<LoggingCollection<C>> {
return LoggingCollection(LoggingCollection(c))
static var startIndex = TypeIndexed(0)
static var endIndex = TypeIndexed(0)
static var subscriptIndex = TypeIndexed(0)
static var subscriptRange = TypeIndexed(0)
static var isEmpty = TypeIndexed(0)
static var count = TypeIndexed(0)
static var _customIndexOfEquatableElement = TypeIndexed(0)
static var first = TypeIndexed(0)
public protocol LoggingCollectionType : LoggingSequenceType, MyCollection {
associatedtype Base : MyCollection
associatedtype Index : ForwardIndex = Base.Index
extension LoggingCollectionType
where Index == Base.Index {
public var startIndex: Base.Index {
CollectionLog.startIndex[selfType] += 1
return base.startIndex
public var endIndex: Base.Index {
CollectionLog.endIndex[selfType] += 1
return base.endIndex
public subscript(position: Base.Index) -> Base.Iterator.Element {
CollectionLog.subscriptIndex[selfType] += 1
return base[position]
public subscript(_prext_bounds: MyRange<Base.Index>) -> Base.SubSequence {
CollectionLog.subscriptRange[selfType] += 1
return base[_prext_bounds]
public var isEmpty: Bool {
CollectionLog.isEmpty[selfType] += 1
return base.isEmpty
public var count: Base.Index.Distance {
CollectionLog.count[selfType] += 1
return base.count
public func _customIndexOfEquatableElement(_ element: Base.Iterator.Element) -> Base.Index?? {
CollectionLog._customIndexOfEquatableElement[selfType] += 1
return base._customIndexOfEquatableElement(element)
public var first: Base.Iterator.Element? {
CollectionLog.first[selfType] += 1
return base.first
public struct LoggingCollection<Base_ : MyCollection> : LoggingCollectionType {
public typealias Iterator = LoggingIterator<Base.Iterator>
public typealias Log = CollectionLog
public typealias Base = Base_
public typealias SubSequence = Base.SubSequence
public func makeIterator() -> Iterator {
return Iterator(base.makeIterator())
public init(_ base: Base_) {
self.base = base
public var base: Base_
public func expectCustomizable<
T : Wrapper where
T : LoggingType,
T.Base : Wrapper, T.Base : LoggingType,
T.Log == T.Base.Log
>(_: T, _ counters: TypeIndexed<Int>,
stackTrace: SourceLocStack? = nil,
file: String = #file, line: UInt = #line,
collectMoreInfo: (()->String)? = nil
) {
0, counters[T.self], collectMoreInfo?() ?? "",
stackTrace: stackTrace ?? SourceLocStack(), file: file, line: line)
counters[T.self], counters[T.Base.self], collectMoreInfo?() ?? "",
stackTrace: stackTrace ?? SourceLocStack(), file: file, line: line)
public func expectNotCustomizable<
T : Wrapper where
T : LoggingType,
T.Base : Wrapper, T.Base : LoggingType,
T.Log == T.Base.Log
>(_: T, _ counters: TypeIndexed<Int>,
stackTrace: SourceLocStack? = nil,
file: String = #file, line: UInt = #line,
collectMoreInfo: (()->String)? = nil
) {
0, counters[T.self], collectMoreInfo?() ?? "",
stackTrace: stackTrace ?? SourceLocStack(), file: file, line: line)
0, counters[T.Base.self], collectMoreInfo?() ?? "",
stackTrace: stackTrace ?? SourceLocStack(), file: file, line: line)