blob: 016fcc5b1e03c44c8371494825352889695ab9f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: rm -rf %t && mkdir -p %t
// This limit was chosen because multi-threaded compilation broke here on OS X
// at one point.
// RUN: for i in {1..1100}; do echo "public func foo$i() {}" > %t/$i.swift; echo "CHECK: foo$i" >> %t/check.txt; done
// RUN: (cd %t && %target-build-swift -force-single-frontend-invocation -emit-library ./*.swift -o ./libWMO)
// RUN: nm %t/libWMO | %FileCheck %t/check.txt
// RUN: (cd %t && %target-build-swift -force-single-frontend-invocation -num-threads 1 -emit-library ./*.swift -o ./libWMOThreaded)
// RUN: nm %t/libWMOThreaded | %FileCheck %t/check.txt
// This is very slow due to process overhead. It's also doing one file at a time
// because we don't have a good way for lit tests to claim more than one thread.
// But it's still important to check.
// RUN: (cd %t && %target-build-swift -emit-library ./*.swift -o ./libMultiFile)
// RUN: nm %t/libMultiFile | %FileCheck %t/check.txt
// REQUIRES: long_test
// REQUIRES: executable_test